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CarrieCurry writes...

Is Kaldur from the show the same Kaldur/Jackson from the comics (not Young Justice tie in)? I ask because (according to the tie in comic) there are many contradictions with others. It's more curiosity than anything. :0
2. Is the majority of the story lines original or do you pull them from comics? Or a mix of both? Curiosity, again, lol. I realized Teen Titan pulled most of their ideas from the comic books. (which I'm not saying is bad, I loved TT and I love YJ)

This is totally unrelated, but I'm upset about that picture being released of the character in Season 2 D: (of the toy or whatever) I know you had nothing to do with it, but it was all over my tumblr and I was like ._. SPOILER MUCH. WARNING NEXT TIME. Just makes me sad...ItotallydigMegan'shairthough.

Greg responds...


2. A mix.

Response recorded on March 03, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) Was The Atom mentioned in "Failsafe" the same person who was a member of the JSA?
2) In #13 of the tie-in comic, Artemis and Icicle Jr. acted like they hadn't seen each other in a long time. How long was it?
3) How long ago was Greta killed by Harm?
4) Where were the following villains incarcerated at once they were captured:
C-Whisper A'Daire
D-"Ugly" Mannheim

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Years.

3. Not very.

4a. Not incarcerated.

4b. Arkham.

4c. Good question. Probably Belle Reve. Maybe just in a normal Federal Prison.

4d. Ditto.

4e. Probably Belle Reve.

Response recorded on March 03, 2012

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Anon writes...

1) In what ways is Kobra Venom an enhancement of the Blockbuster formula?
2) Why did Mammoth and Shimmer join the Cult of the Kobra?
3) How old is Lord Kobra?

Greg responds...

1. It presumably does not effect the mind.


3. Thirty-seven.

Response recorded on March 03, 2012

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ASK GREG is back, MARCH 3, 2012.

So I've finally gotten through the queue. I could definitely feel myself getting cranky again by the end here, so I'm going to take a short break.

Young Justice resumes airing on Saturday, March 3, 2012, and we'll reopen ASK GREG's question/posting function on the same day.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE follow these simple guidelines BEFORE posting.

1. DO NOT REQUEST SPOILERS!! All requests for spoilers will be met with "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." Prefacing your spoiler request question by saying, "I hope this doesn't trigger a spoiler alert" or the like doesn't help. THINK BEFORE YOU POST. If you're asking me for information about what is TO COME on a show, it's a SPOILER. And I flat out will not answer. So all you're doing is clogging the queue.

2. CHECK THE ARCHIVES to make sure your question hasn't already been answered. Any question already answered will receive an "ASKED AND ANSWERED" response. Again, this only serves to clog the queue.

3. CHECK the UNANSWERED QUESTION queue before posting your question. I may not have answered it yet, but if you can see that someone's already asked the question, then there's no point in asking it again. All you'll receive is another "ASKED AND ANSWERED" response. Really, the amount of times I was asked Zatanna's age was just preposterous. If I'm taking the time to answer your questions, the least you can do is LOOK to see if your question was already asked before posting and clogging the queue.

4. CONSIDER asking your question from knowledgeable fans BEFORE posting it. For example, the folks at http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/ are very familiar with my work and can usually answer stuff much faster than I can.

5. If you are asking multiple questions in one post, please NUMBER your questions. And if you're asking more than, say... ten... then create a separate post.

6. But please, do NOT flood the queue. Show restraint.

7. Please do not submit any original ideas, notions, concepts, or drawings of original characters. No stories, no fanfic, no teleplays, nothing.

8. No original ideas masquerading as questions. Asking me what Demona did during World War II is fine. Asking me if Demona tried to assassinate Hitler during World War II is an idea masquerading as a question and is not all right. I'm sure you can all see the distinction.

9. No requests for employment. If you want to ask generally about how one might break into the business, I'll try to give my perspective, but this is not an appropriate forum for personal pleas for work.

If these guidelines are followed the results benefit us all:

a. The queue doesn't bog down. I'll get to questions faster.

b. I'll be happier, which means I'm more likely to expand on the questions I can answer, instead of being so fed up that I speed through those too, just to bring down the size of the queue.

I know I must sound like a curmudgeon here. AND THAT'S ONLY BECAUSE THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I AM! (ASK ANYONE!) But you can help reduce my curmudgeonliness by following these guidelines.

Thank you

See you in a week(ish).

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Kikki writes...

I know that you said wally knows robins secret ID but I was wondering if he also knew batman's by extension. If not, I'm amazed that wally stopped himself from doing a Google search on his friend. Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions. :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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rob writes...

why robib is 13 instead of 15 or 16 sameage as the rest of the team

Greg responds...

I assume you're asking why we CHOSE to make him 13, right?

If so, the short answer is, we liked the contrast between having the youngest be the guy with the most experience.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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ann writes...

1. Why are they showing Targets again after a two-week hiatus instead of a new episode?
2. Most cartoons always show characters wearing the same clothes/hairstyle all the time.. is that the case with Young Justice or will there be costume changes? I'd like to see Artemis with her hair down more :)

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. I'm not consulted on scheduling.

2. We've already shown our characters in multiple costumes and outfits, etc.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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juniorpio writes...

Hi Mr. Greg
How many years have a Zatanna?
2 has any chance of wonder girl worth putting the team? If yes donna or cassie
3 could tell me the abilities of Green Arrow? Besides being Archer, of course lol

Greg responds...



3. Basically, what you see is what you get. He's trained in hand-to-hand, but his main skill is archery and various trick arrows.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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ND writes...

I feel that most of the characters have gotten an episode to show off their abilities, but we haven't really seen Wally really get a chance to show off his powers. Denial was a Wally oriented episode but it was in a sense more about Doctor Fate then about Kid Flash. Will we get a episode where Wally really gets to show off his abilities?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Benjamin Ronning writes...

After seeing Killer Frost in "Independence Day" and "Terrors" would it be safe to assume that a version of Firestorm is active on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

No, it would not be safe to assume anyone exists that you haven't seen.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, I'm curious to know if kid flash will ever be able to vibrate his molecules through objects in this series

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In 'Targets', Marvin White's eyes were brown. However, in 'Secrets' Marvin's eyes were blue. So, for the record, what color are Marvin's eyes?

Greg responds...

His eyes are brown. But he was wearing blue contact lenses to play Batman on Halloween. (Yeah, that's the ticket!)

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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I'mGeekyLikeABoss writes...

1.) What is Wally's IQ?

2.) What is Robin's IQ?

3.) Who is the most intelligent: Wally or Robin?

4.) Who is the tallest: Robin or Zatanna?

I've seen two incidences of 'shyness' and I was wondering if those could be considered facets of the characters personality or just a natural reaction to meeting new people.

5.) Upon meeting the team, Zatanna seemed shy. Would you say that is personality trait of hers?

6.) On her first day of Gotham Academy, Artemis was tugging on her skirt and awkwardly introducing herself - would you say that shy (in social situations) is a personality trait of hers?


Greg responds...

1. I don't know. He's smart.

2. I don't know. He's smart.

3. They're smart about different things. But it's not a competition.

4. They're pretty close, but Zatanna is slightly taller.

5. No. I think you misinterpreted her reaction.

6. A bit, maybe. I think she just felt uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I was just wondering if there will be an upcoming episode that focuses on Wally West/ Kid Flash. If you can't say that's fine :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Tupka writes...

Some questions on voice actors:
* You mentioned the guard Wilcox in Terrors was voiced by James Remar. The guards Cooper (the frozen one in Waller's office), Hart ("I have a family") and Hauser (the fat one) also had lines, who did them?
* Not a question: congrats to you, Brandon and Jamie Thomason (and others?) on the casting. It's a diverse cast of character actors, people new to animation, anime voices and cartoon voices. I like most of them (I was hesitant about Brent Spiner, but the more I rewatch it, the more I like it. Still not happy about KMR as John Stewart though)
* When you have "utility voice actors", how do you decide who has which part? In Failsafe, Jeff Bennet and KMR each had three roles (but Nolan North and Khary Payton only one), did you simply ask them "do a gruff general" or "do a hardened marine" and see which the best was? Or do they have better agents?
** How far do you plan these things ahead, for example, did Dee Baker audition for Serifan and Desaad in Disordered, or did you ask him because he already did Wolf (and he's just that good)?
* In Bereft, Roger Craig Smith voices Orm, and per previous answers here, L-5/Ocean Master, a Manta minion and an Atlantean soldier uncredited. Since actors get paid more if they do more than three roles (and you're not going to spend 244 dollars on a one-line soldier), can we take this as evidence Orm and Ocean Master are the same, like in the comics, or will you NO COMMENT your way out of this?
** I realize that, by the time you get to answer this, we'll probably know.

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember.

2. Okay. Thanks?

3. It depends on a number of factors, but the primary one is SEPARATION. An actor has to be able to make a new character (no matter how minor) distinct from the characters he or she is already playing. Of course, it has NOTHING to do with their agents.

4. We don't hold auditions for guest characters.

5. Check out issues #14 and #15 of the comic.

6. Know what?

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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brytt writes...

was the man with the paper in bibobs diner in the comic perry white?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

I've got three important questions to ask you. I'm apologize should these questions expose a spoiler alert or break the guidelines.

a. The episode "Homefront" introduced the brief appearances of Bette Kane and Barbara Gordon. In Earth-16, do they already have secret identities? If they do not, do you personally believe that they eventually will?

b. There was a animated television cartoon series I used to watch which lasted from 2004 to 2008 called "The Batman." In the third season of this show (2005), Batgirl(Barbara Gordon) was established as Batman's first (but not official) partner. When the fourth season of the show (2006) started, Robin (Dick Grayson) was introduced (since another cartoon show, Teen Titans, was cancelled) as Batman's second (but official) partner. That show's version of Robin was depicted to be younger than Batgirl. This leads to my question: Since Earth- 16's Barbara Gordon appears to be depicted as older (though we don't know her age) than Earth-16's Dick Grayson, was such a decision (by you and your team) actually inspired from watching "The Batman"?

c. Since we know there is a Barbara Gordon on the show, I'm sure we can easily presume that we will eventually see her adoptive father/biological uncle, Commissioner James Gordon (better known as "Jim" by Batman). This leads to my questions: Will he have any particular role on the show/comic (should he appear)? Any possible idea on what he might look like (Same as the comics or slightly younger?)? Any potential voice actors for his character (Looking forward to it!)?

Thanks for reading my questions. Hope to hear your responses. Keep up the good work on Young Justice! You and your team are doing fantastic!

PS. There is actually one extra multi-part question I need to ask you, and it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Your response to this question means a lot not just to me, but to other fans who may ask or have already asked. Since there was no episode this week (because it was a Thanksgiving holiday), when can we expect to see the last remaining eight episodes of Season One? The reason I am asking is because the last time new episodes appeared it took about six months. Will we have to wait another six months (I hope to God that's not the case!), or will the episodes resume in December? If you (or someone on your team)are able to answer at least this question as soon as possible, I'm sure all the fans of the Young Justice show will get some closure.

Greg responds...


b. No. And there the same age in our show, so your assumption is incorrect.

c. Jim Gordon is Barbara's father. Period. As to your question: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

d. Episode 119 airs on March 3, 2012 as part of DC NATION.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, forgive me if this has been previously established, but, where was Nathaniel Adams born?

Greg responds...

I haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Lemonade1234567 writes...

I checked archives, searched, everything, but I couldn't find this question. I've heard that Wally West was abused by his parents in other comics. Is this the case in your series Young Justice? It hasn't shown in the series yet.

Greg responds...

No, it's not true for Earth-16.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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GeekGrrl writes...

Hey! I am a huge fan of your work, not just on YJ, but going back to Gargoyles. This is something that's been on my mind for a while, and i apologize truly, deeply and sincerely if you've already answered my questions and/or they're too spoiler-y to be answered.

1) Why did Bruce Wayne decide to adopt Dick Grayson? Was the only reason the fact that it mirrored his own childhood trauma?
2)Did he adopt Dick with the intent of training him as a sidekick, or did Dick find out he was Batman and the idea of a sidekick came after that?
3)What was the reaction of the Gotham public to Bruce Wayne adopting a child?
4)How did the rest of the League react to Robin? GA, Flash and Aquaman eventually got their own protege, but what about the others? Was there anyone who called him out taking a child into battle?

Greg responds...



3. Haven't thought about it.


Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is Detective Jim Daniels in Secrets a character from the comics, or was he created for the show? I don't recall the NYPD ever got much screentime in DC, apart from Manhunter's Detective Lucius Best and Sgt. Sylvia Kandrey.

Greg responds...

Jim Daniels is a character from the comics. He was a friend of Man-Bat.

John Wells did the research to dig him up for us.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I have a quick question to ask about Young Justice, but I am worried that it may not be answered in the event that it could cause a spoiler alert, or violate your guidelines. So far, we have seen only Hal Jordan and John Stewart of the Green Lantern Corps. Since I noticed that the history of Earth-16 is different when compared to what is normally seen and known in the mainstream universe of the comics (ie. Same characters. like Superboy, but with different chronological appearances and completely original storylines specifically created for the show), in your opinion, will we be possibly be seeing other members of the Green Lantern Corps, as well as the other corps (Sinestro Corps, Red Lantern Corps, Blue Lantern Corps, Indigo Tribe, Star Sapphires, and Agent Orange) anytime soon?

Greg responds...

Well, we've seen Guy Gardner already too.

Everything else you're asking is CLEARLY a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

So your worries were well founded. In fact, I can't help wondering how you could have possibly thought this WOULDN'T be a spoiler request.

It seems to me you blatantly ignored the guidelines. And I just can't figure out why. And not just for you, but for most of the people who have posted here.

Why continue to ask for spoilers, when you all KNOW I'm not going to give them?

Can you all really not help yourselves?

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

Do Freddy Freeman and Mary Batson exist on Earth-16? and if so do they/will they have powers? Also, will we be seeing the rock of eternity at any point?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

Whats your favorite episode so far?

Greg responds...

My mind doesn't really work that way. They're like my kids. I like 'em all.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Mohammed Yahya writes...

Dear Greg, Why is Black Canary voiced by Vanessa Marshal instead of a younger actress like Grey Delisle? And Why is Joker voiced by Brent Spiner? The reason for Mark Hamill retiring as the Joker is because he's getting to old for it, So why pick a man 62 years of age instead of someone younger like John Dimaggio, KMR, or James Patrick Stewart?

Greg responds...

I don't know exactly how old Grey or Vanessa is, but they're both beautiful, talented women about the same age.

I think Grey's wonderful, of course, but for our interpretation of Canary, we felt Vanessa was the right call.

And that's basically the same reasoning behind our choosing Brent. He felt right for our interpretation of the character. Mark Hamill's age (or Brent's for that matter) wasn't even a consideration. I'm a great fan of both John and Kevin's Jokers, but neither seemed right for OUR version of the character.

By the way, I get that you're not thrilled with our choices - and that's certainly your prerogative - but maybe you should reread your post.

Because IT'S DAMN RUDE AND OBNOXIOUS - not to mention filled with incorrect - if not insulting - assumptions!

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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