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Gwen writes...

All right, before I ask my question, I just want to say that Young Justice is one of the most well-written and well-animated shows I've seen in a very long time, and I adore the fact that it is able to take itself seriously and that it develops such compelling characters without heaps of backstory (though, granted, I have yet to read the companion comics). That praise sounded a lot more eloquent in my head. Oh, well.
Anyway, I just wanted to ask something about the episode titles. I've noticed that the majority of the titles are only one word, except for "Independence Day," "Welcome to Happy Harbor," and the last two planned for season one, "Usual Suspects" and "Auld Acquaintance." (I count Alpha-Male and Drop-Zone as one word titles because they have hyphens.)
I just wanted to ask, are the episodes with two words in the title going to be especially important ones, like Independence Day (the pilot) and Welcome to Happy Harbor (the, uh, "second pilot," in which the team itself works together for the first time). I may just be stumbling around in the dark here, and I know it's an odd question, but I was just curious.
Thanks again so, so much for creating such an amazing show! I go running out of class every Friday to catch it, haha.

Greg responds...

It doesn't work that way. My tendency has always been for one word titles (or two words if you count the word "The"). But I'll take a better title over a short one any day, and the multiword titles you named just seemed like the best choice for their specific episodes. (FYI, Drop-Zone is hyphenated, but Alpha Male is two words.)

Response recorded on January 17, 2012

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Ifired writes...

First of all: Man this show is awesome. Good work!
2nd: I just noticed something in episode 13: Why does M'Gann say that SuperBoy needs to stop acting like a character from a 70's sitcom when she does the same thing?

Greg responds...

Takes one to know one?

Response recorded on January 16, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Greetings Mr. Weisman, I've been deeply enjoying your Young Justice Series, one of my fave shows on TV at the moment (love what ya did with alot of the characters and story elements, Kobra venom is SCARY STUFF). I'd like to ask you...

1) Do Starfire, Redhood AKA Jason Todd, Beastboy, Cyborg, Deathstroke, and Blackfire all exist in Earth/Universe 16?

2) How did you decide which villains to use for the Injustice League & the Inner Circle of the Light? I must confess I was more impressed by the Injustice League's roster, which seemed rather well balanced in terms of skill sets, than the Light's roster, which pretty much consists of schemers, mad scientists, and greedy dictators/rich guys. I was kinda hoping the Light's council would consist of the arch villains of each of the Justice League's founding members, ya know, like Joker for Batman (poor Mr. J got screwed over lol), Lex for Superman (happy to see him again >8D), Cheetah for Wonderwoman, Sinestro for Green Lantern, etc, etc. I mean, I get Lex & Ghul, but the rest of the Light's lineup seems to consist of lesser villains most people outside the DC comic fanbase wouldn't recognize, or who wouldn't be construed as top tier villains who'd make even the heroes nervous to see working in concert (especially the Brain XD). So yeah, what made you decide to delegate which villains to the "fall guys" team & the others to the "masterminds" team?

Thanks for your time and keep up the awesome work on the show, you rule :D

Greg responds...


2. Lots of considerations went into the formation of both groups.

We came up with the Light first, from a list of easily 100+ DC villains. Most of the choices were fairly obvious to us, but we did try to create balance. But it was not about powers with them. You're notion of a major villain from each founding Leaguer's rogue's gallery had absolutely NOTHING to do with our process at all. So the fact that you fell in love with that notion and were disappointed when it didn't turn out to be true is something I just can't control - or even concern myself with. But I wouldn't characterize any of them as "lesser villains".

For the Injustice League, we went back to the same list and grabbed a nice range of heavy-hitters with a nice range of powers, particularly abilities that fit with their scheme and would create believable proxies to fool the League into ignoring the Light. Totally different mindset in building this second set of villains.

Response recorded on January 16, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In Welcome to Happy Harbor, at the end, we see T.0. Morrow. Did he create Red Tornado, Torpedo, or Inferno?
Speaking of T.0. Morrow,
Is he in any way relating to Cadmus?
And speaking of Cadmus,
Is Amanda Waller and Hugo Strange still part of Cadmus? And how does Strange become the new warden at Belle Reve?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, all three, plus Red Volcano.

2. No.

3. What do you mean "still"? On OUR show what gives you the idea they were EVER involved with Cadmus? (They weren't.)

4. You saw how Strange became warden. What do you want me to add?

Just a general hint to our viewers: I think you'll all be happier, if you stop bringing expectations to the series based on outside sources, especially other previous cartoon series' exclusive continuity - and especially, especially when that continuity diverged from the source material. Since we haven't even seen most of those episodes, any common ground comes from common sources, great (or not-so-great) minds thinking alike and/or pure coincidence.

Response recorded on January 16, 2012

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Maki P writes...

Hi Greg!
I got a few questions about Captain Marvel:
1. I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but: Does any member of the League *cough*Batman*cough* knows Billy's real age?
2. Is Mr. Tawny coming back? And if he does will he wear a plaid shirt?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

At the end of Revelation, we see The Light. Could you list the people from left to right from the Light. Is the guy next to the Queen of Bialya Owlman?

Greg responds...

I don't have the image in front of me, but I'll list the people and hopefully you can match the face to the name.

Vandal Savage
Ra's al Ghul
Lex Luthor
Queen Bee

Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Please excuse me if I am wrong..my comic book knowledge is limited. Is the superhero who saves that helicopter in Revelation Mr. Terrific? Who is he?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) Did Black Manta leave Kaldur to Aquaman, who promised he would take care of him, when he was a baby?
2) Did Lawrence sent Artemis to James Craddock (also known as the Gentleman Ghost in comics) so that he can torture her to shoot a target with her arrow, and if she dosen't, then he shot Paula's legs putting her in a wheel chair? Was Belle Reve that place Paula spent 6 yrs in? Just asking if you could borrow the scene from X-Men: First Class
3) How old is Klarion?
4) Is Vandal Savage 50,000 years old?
5) So in "Infiltrator", Ra's al Ghul congratulated Sensei that he and the Light have a spy under the team, which was mentioned by Sportsmaster in "Targets" saying that he had "very" inside source, so is it possible that Red Tornado is the mole?
6) Wonder Girl's going to appear till episode 19, right?, as a team member?
7) Would we see Artemis with a little flirtation with Icicle, Jr. in "Coldhearted" possibly?
8) How old is Icicle, Sr.?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No.

2a. Maybe. Probably. Haven't thought about it.


4. Plus a few years, yes.





Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Cameron writes...

Greg, YJ is the coolest show on tv this days, thanks so much for it ;)
I wanna ask about Icicle Jr.
1. Is hi able to touch people without freezing them when hi is iced up?
2. The collars in Belle Rive, placate his powers and he looked like a normal guy, his skin was normal. But when the collars were stoped his skin looked blue, jagged and pointed again. Can he turn normal skined without usin the collar? or he is jagged and pointed skined full time?
3. Does he and Artemis know in the serie?
4. Whats the deal between he and Dr. Ojo?
Thanks for your time!! Awesome Show :D

Greg responds...

1. Well, he's cold. I guess it depends how long he's touching them. He's not an ice-Midas, if that's what you're asking.

2. He can be normal.

3. See issue #13 of the YJ comic.

4. Some bad blood.

Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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no.1 batfan writes...

What prison(s) were the Injustice League sent to? I think it's pretty safe to say that Joker was sent to Arkham, but other than him I'm not sure.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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