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Anonymous fan writes...

I am a big fan of Young Justice and the Young justice comics related to the show. I was among the fans thats was crushed when it was cancled and even though its unlikely i still hope for more seasons. Anyway, on to the questions:
1.) in the comics i have noticed Artemis has blue eyes but in the show she has brown eyes. I was wondering if there is a reason.
2.) did Artemis character come off of DC Mia Dearden the 2nd speedy?
They both have the same arrow mark on their chest.

Greg responds...

1. Production inconsistencies.

2. No. She came off Artemis, the daughter of Sportsmaster and the Huntress. As for her costume, it's an amalgam of different characters, but the biggest influences were probably Arrowette and Green Arrow himself.

Response recorded on July 13, 2016

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ND writes...


why does the Brain sound so stupid? I'm a native french-speaker and I would never do something as ridiculous as suddenly adding words in french when I speak english! (well, maybe once, as a joke, but doing it all the time makes no sense at all). I love your show but this I really don't understand.

Have a great day! :)

Greg responds...

He's unhappy speaking English at all.

Response recorded on July 11, 2016

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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg.
I just rewatched Alienated and I googled Malina Island to see it was real. The only thing I found was a privately owned island in New York called Rat Island, whose owner is considerating renaming Malina Island.
1) Did you know about this?
2) If yes, did you predict that the island named was going to be changed by 2016 (Season 2 "year")?
3) Did Tornado moved out of the Cave after Legacy?
4) Did Black Canary stopped training the Team after Legacy?
5) Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. Nope.

3. He moved out. When would be a Spoiler.

4. No.

5. You're welcome.

Response recorded on July 08, 2016

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Keith writes...

1. Does the League's style of operations change much depending on who's leading? Or is there a fairly set bunch of rules and the leader simply acts as an coordinator?

2. Are there some Leaguers who don't put themselves up for leadership positions? For example, I can't imagine Captain Marvel gets considered because of his age, and the Green Lanterns might be too busy.

Greg responds...

1. There are actually very few "rules". And certainly, each leader has his or her own style. But in the end, nothing changes too much, because the goals are pretty straightforward.

2. There's a request for those who feel up to the job to submit their own names. Then there's a vote.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Have you read the DC Comics event "Convergence" yet? The final issue (#8) indirectly suggests that the "Young Justice" animated TV series, which is your version of the Earth-16 universe, can now come back and now your stories set in that universe can still continue...

Greg responds...

I never read it.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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CONvergence 2016

I leave tomorrow for CONvergence 2016 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Okay, really Bloomington, MN, but close enough.) CONvergence is one of my favorite cons. And I have the honor of being their first fan-funded guest. Here's my schedule for the long weekend:

GUEST RECEPTION 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Atrium 4

"Why Gargoyles is Still Relevant" 12:30pm - 01:30pm
Atrium 6 w/Christopher Jones, Patrick Fisher, Alana Profit, Chandra Reyer.

RADIO PLAY AUDITIONS 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Plaza 3 w/Christopher Jones.

"Physics of Time Travel" 03:30pm - 04:30pm
Edina w/Renate Fiora (m), Dan Berliner, Melanie Galloway, Jim Kakalios.

"Fancy Bastard Pie Competition" 08:30pm - 09:30pm
Garden Court - Southwest w/GPS.

FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016
SIGNING 11:00am - 12:00pm
Autograph Table B.

RADIO PLAY AUDITIONS 12:30pm - 01:30pm
Plaza 3 w/Christopher Jones, Khary Payton.

"Writing by Ear" 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Bloomington w/Patrick Marsh (m), Emma Bull, Aimee Kuzenski, Jim McDoniel.

"Don't Call Them Sidekicks: The Enduring Power of Teenage Superheroes" 03:30pm - 04:30pm
Bloomington w/ Christopher Jones, Jessa Markert, Khary Payton, Sylus Rademacher.

"Drawing with the Masters" 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Plaza 2 w/Christopher Jones, Ruth Thompson.

"Why Diversity Needs to be Deeper than Marketing" 08:30pm - 09:30pm
Edina w/ Trisha Lynn (m), Kate Norlander, Jonathan Palmer, Dirk Ykema.

"Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome Live Podcast" 10:00pm - 11:00pm
Edina w/Windy Bowlsby, Melissa Kaercher.

"Building Worlds for Fiction" 09:30am - 10:30am
Plaza 1 w/Michael Carus (m), J.M. Lee, Melissa Olson, Lynne M. Thomas.

"Why We Need Representation in Superheroes" 11:00am - 12:00pm
Edina w/ Christopher Jones, Bri Lopez Donovan, Khary Payton, Lynne M. Thomas.

RADIO PLAY REHEARSAL 12:30pm - 01:30pm
Atrium 6 w/ Christopher Jones, Jim Kakalios, Khary Payton and a cast of tens.

RADIO PLAY PERFORMANCE 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Atrium 6 w/ Christopher Jones, Jim Kakalios, Khary Payton and a cast of tens.

"Superficially Strong Female Characters" 05:00pm - 06:00pm
Edina w/ Crystal Huff (m), Kathryn Sullivan, Chrysoula Tzavelas, Joan Marie Verba.

"One on One with Christopher Jones" 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Edina (m) w/Christopher Jones.

ANIMATION BLUE 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Atrium 6 w/Christopher Jones, Lyda Morehouse, Khary Payton, Jenna Powers, Edmund Tsabard.

SUNDAY, JULY 03, 2016
YOUNG JUSTICE 09:30am - 10:30am
Atrium 6 w/Christopher Jones, Khary Payton.

SIGNING 11:00am - 12:00pm
Autograph Table B.

RAIN OF THE GHOSTS 12:30pm - 01:30pm

READING 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Rm 2201.

ONE ON ONE 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Atrium 6 w/Melissa Kaercher.

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Here's a podcast and a half I did...

Here's the interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXwsojrctzM

...aaand here's the separate chunk of the interview all about how people can support YJ Season 3.


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Jerry writes...

Hi Greg,

Thank you so much for the most wonderful show ever, I'm a huge fan of Young Justice.
Maybe it's kind of weird to ask or even to answer but I'd like to know if Wally and Artemis were the first for each other?

Greg responds...

First what?

Response recorded on June 27, 2016

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Rayne writes...

In "Terrors" we learn that Mr. Freeze petitioned to be declared legally sane so that he would be sent o Belle Reve. Did the Light have something to do with that petition being granted?

Greg responds...

Maybe. Not necessarily. It doesn't matter much to me.

Response recorded on June 27, 2016

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Stannis the Grammar Nazi writes...

The word "wrought" is used on YJ quite a few times. More than I've heard on other media. Is there any reason why you like it? I thought it was a bit archaic. Especially when it is used to mean "created by means other than manually".

Greg responds...

I like a little archaic and arcane language on occasion. Still, I'd have to see which episodes it appeared in to even know if it was me who put it in.

Response recorded on June 27, 2016

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Annonymus writes...

Hi Greg, I was just wondering, how do you react to negative criticism on a show you worked on before like all those people who heavily criticized something you that you and your team liked, like the Joker in Young Justice for example? Would you stick to the creative choice despite how the majority of the audience did not approve or would you make changes to that criticism even if you thought it was fine the way it was.

I know I'm not obligated to advice the creator what to change or not not to change, I am merely asking how the creative team would react in this situation, because I too am learning in production management and how to plan construction for a form of entertainment media.

It would really help,

Greg responds...

I have to stick to my guns. In part because of the long lagtime between production and airing. And in part because I need to maintain my passion for a project. If I'm taking notes from everyone who can make a suggestion on the internet, I'll (a) never get anything done and (b) quickly lose my passion for the project.

If I had listened to all the YJ criticism that came down the pike early on, I would have, for example, cut Miss Martian, Superboy and Kid Flash from the series. I would have made the season one Robin Tim Drake and not Dick Grayson, which means we would never have gotten Nightwing in Season Two. I would have lost Dick's laughter and his wordplay. Aqualad would be another white guy and not the son of Black Manta. Etc. Etc. Etc.

People don't know what we have planned, and they react. Often negatively - especially on the internet - to things that they will eventually love if we and they are patient.

Response recorded on June 24, 2016

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Garrett writes...

If you had all the time in the world to work on the second seasons of your TV Series such as:


Max Steel

Young Justice

and The Spectacular Spiderman,

What exactly (from the specifics to not-so-specific) would you change/alter them?

Greg responds...

Change or alter? Nothing. Even errors and missed opportunities are errors and missed opportunities I can live with.

Response recorded on June 23, 2016

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Dragomir writes...

1) How strong and invulnerable is Vandal Savage compared to other super powered characters in Young Justice? Is he on Mammoth's/Superboy's/Blockbuster's level or weaker, like Bane's? His displays of strength during his attempts to delay Kid Flash's heart delivery mission were pretty impressive.

2) Did Vandal Savage know Mongul personally and that's why he listened to him on Rimbor? Or was he just a random stranger to him who knew what to say to set him off?

Greg responds...

1. He is pretty impressive. But his main ability is constant healing and repair. He can push his considerable muscles beyond the breaking point, because they will heal up.

2. For the time being, I'll let you judge that for yourself. Beyond that: No Spoilers.

Response recorded on June 23, 2016

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Allaine writes...

Why is Speedy "Speedy" and not something more obviously archery-related?

Greg responds...

Why is Robin "Robin" and not something more obviously bat-related?

Back in the day, things weren't quite so rigid.

Response recorded on June 22, 2016

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therewithasmile writes...

Hi there, big fan of your show. I'd been hearing so much praise but I was never big on the superhero scene. Finally got roped in when my boyfriend sat me down to watch it, and I marathoned it in two nights. Fantastic work and completely enthralling.
Before I ask my questions I must add in that I am big on the shipping side of things, so I have "shipping goggles" on, so to speak. I really like Conner and M'gann's relationship: it's grown to something wonderfully complex in season 2, and a pretty realistic one at that. I'm interested in knowing your thoughts on creating this relationship, both as a study and as a learning experience as someone who aspires to be a writer one day. And so here are my questions.
1. As I noticed, their relationship always seemed pretty integral to the plot (as opposed to, say, Wally and Artemis) both in season 1, and definitely in season 2. Was the show conceived to portray such a relationship, or did it grow to fruition after deciding on their character arcs?
2. In that same vein, was the subplot of season 2 concerning M'gann and her continuous (ab)use of her powers there from the beginning of development and, by extension, act as a means to develop their relationship?
3. Was it always planned for M'gann and Conner to split? What I mean is, as soon as you knew you were getting a second season, were they already doomed to fail?
4. At the end of the events in episode 11, if it weren't for Conner being there would M'gann be compromised and still be frozen in the ice?
5. I know Superboy and Wondergirl are a couple in the comicverse. As Cassie is obviously an item with Tim, it may be moot now. But during development, was it ever considered that Conner and Cassie would follow their comicbook selves and move toward a relationship?
Thank you again, for both creating the show and entertaining my heavy "shipping" questions. I'm always interested to hear what you think / your process was when developing this relationship.

Greg responds...

1. The whole thing is pretty organic in its creation. It's a chicken and the egg thing. We built it all together.

2. Maybe not all the specifics, but we knew we were going to demonstrate how powerful she was in Season One (in "Bereft" and "Failsafe," for example) and that it would become a problem down the road.

3. Well, doomed to have already failed, I suppose. Long term, who knows? (Well, Brandon and I know, but we're not telling.)

4. It depends what you mean by compromised. I think Conner gave Megan the jolt she needed to free herself, but she might have managed it on her own.

5. No. Keep in mind that initially, Cassie was one of the few characters who were off-limits to us. So when we started there was literally no way she could be paired with Conner. By the time we received permission to use her it was too late to put her into Season One. We wanted her in Season Two, but that made her considerably younger than where Conner's headspace would be in Season Two.

Response recorded on June 22, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

In "Misplaced" the being called Sabbac was mentioned. Was this Timothy Karnes (or Barnes) or Ishmael Gregor?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on June 22, 2016

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rudlak07 writes...

Thanks for reading my question, Mr Weisman I'm a HUGE fan of Young Justice! It shouldn't be of any trouble.
If Aquaman knew that Kaldur's biological father was Black Manta and had kept this a secret,
1) How did Aquaman know?
2) How did Kaldur find out and use this to go undercover? Surely Manta would've thought this suspicious
3) Also, did Manta know Kaldur was his son?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on June 21, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. What is the name of the school that Billy Batson attended during Team Year 0?

2. What is the name of the school that Billy Batson attended during Team Year 2?

3. What is the name of the school that Billy Batson attendees during Team Year 6?

Greg responds...

1. Don't know.

2. Don't know.

3. Don't know.

Response recorded on June 03, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why was Catherine Cobert specifically chosen to be the Justice League's public affairs officer?

2. If Icon is of extraterrestrial origin, then what is the name of the species that he specifically hails from?

3. What specific reason did the Justice League decide not to go public with their alliance at first?

4. Considering Vandal Savage said it was simply "business as usual," how many years has the partnership between The Light and Darkseid really been going on?

5. When Aquaman was finally brought into the loop about Aqualad's true loyalties (assuming it happened off-screen), how did he feel about Aqualad going through such a dangerous undercover assignment?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Can't remember off the top of my head, and I don't have that info here at my Nickelodeon office.

3. They thought the League would be more effective if people didn't know about it and couldn't anticipate having more than one hero show up to address a problem.

4. No spoilers.

5. Mixed.

Response recorded on May 26, 2016

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ND writes...

Can Paula Crock leave her home alone? There are apparently steps in front, which is not practical for someone in a wheelchair. So is there an access ramp somewhere?

Have a great day!

Greg responds...

Yes. But it was a pain to get the landlord to install it.

Response recorded on May 26, 2016

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Mat Boot writes...

What is population size on mars? Is Mars population size same size or smaller than the human population size on earth?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 26, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Is Dick the only Robin to have (use) a signature laugh?

Greg responds...

Robin/Tim doesn't. Anything else would be a spoiler.

Response recorded on May 25, 2016

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Batman'sNewSidekick writes...

Does young justice crimes only happen on the weekends. Lol or is just when they get to save the world on weekendweaned holidays lol. Love ya show I want it back.

Greg responds...

Track the calendar and see for yourself: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline

Response recorded on May 25, 2016

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Kyle Kenyatta writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman

If I heard correctly, I understand that when you and your collaborators first broke the story for Young Justice, you had a "two-year" plan for the series, though you also had plans for as many as five seasons, in total. Considering that, I have two questions. First, did you ever expect to get a pickup for season 3? It seems to me that, if not, you went through an awful amount of trouble (I.e. Purposefully and masterfully introducing elements evocative of an eventual Apokolips storyline, among other things) to tease storylines that you were fairly certain would never be explored on the show. Of course, given your propensity for thorough world building, I could definitely see how you would make such a creative choice. Second, if you had gotten a season three pickup, would you have liked to continue the concurrent comic line (there were definitely more stories that could've been told in comic format, including what went on during the five year gap, how Ocean Master became disgraced, the Marvel family story that you had planned, etc.)?

Greg responds...

Your assumptions are off.

We didn't ever specifically have a "two-year plan" or a "five-year plan" in quotation marks. We had a long term plan for multiple seasons. However, it makes obvious sense that during Season One we had a better idea what we wanted to do for Season Two then, say, Season Nine. The closer you are to what you're actually doing, the more clarity you have.

We never knew if we'd get a pick-up for Season Two until we got it. We didn't know we weren't going to get a pick-up for Season Three until we were eventually told it wasn't coming. The plan was always to end each season with open-ended closure and hope for the best. That's what we did at the end of both seasons. It worked out for Season Two. Hasn't worked out yet for Season Three. But we haven't given up hope. (#KeepBingingYJ!)

And, yes, we would have liked to have been allowed to continue the companion comic with or without a Season Three. We haven't given up hope on that either. (#BuyYJcomicsonComixology or iTunes!)

Response recorded on May 23, 2016

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Jack Johnson writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman

I consider your and your collaborators' take on Young Justice to be a masterpiece, not just in terms of action but in terms of planning and structure. And that leads me to ask the question of how, exactly, did you go about mounting that type of beautifully complex operation? I mean how were you able to develop all of those intertwining stories for literally hundreds of characters and feed them all into the larger agenda? Did you start by breaking a general story for where you wanted the series to go and which characters you wanted to take it there? Or did you start with the main characters and work your way out from there?

Greg responds...

I suppose we did start with general story. And characters, including general directions for each major character.

Then it's about index cards on a bulletin board. You move them around until you've got a cohesive set of stories, creating an arc or tapestry for the entire season.

Response recorded on May 23, 2016

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