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Nemesis Prime writes...

The Light has 7 members who are now all revealed. However in Drop-Zone when the Light was seen there was 9 screens. Were a few Injustice League members sitting in on the report? As the episode was about Kobra Venom and when they made their appearance they were using Kobra Venom for the plant monster.

Or was it just a case of the Light having multiple screens on?

Greg responds...

Uh... sure. (Cuz, there's like no way it could have been an animation error, right?)

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Kevin writes...

I have three questions.
1. You said that the Flash family do not get their super speed from the speed force but in the comics it is stated that it exists in every universe. Since Young Justice exists in Earth 16 wouldn't the speed force exist there as well being part of the DC multiverse? I got this from the Flash Rebirth.
2.Why are there three green lanterns on earth? Officially there should be only one or two lanterns to a sector why is Guy Gardner there?
3.How did Professor Ivo get captured? Will this be revealed in the show or in the comic book?
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Again, the denizens of Earth-16 have never heard of the Speed-Force. If it makes you happy to think it exists anyway, I'm fine with that.

2. So you know the rules for the Green Lantern Corps in Universe-16, huh?

3. Neither, actually. The League caught him. And since the League is the focus of neither the show or the book, we won't be showing it. (I got a lot of flack from fans just for doing a Batman/Robin adventure in issue #11, because the rest of the Team only cameo'd in it. Imagine the flack I'd get if I showed a JL adventure with NO teens in it.) Someday, I'd love to do a comic book entitled "EARTH-16" that would give me the freedom to cover all sorts of stories set in this universe, but of course, it's not up to me.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Sammy1792 writes...

'Humanity' was phenomenal!

I know you've written a few Young Justice episodes so far, do you have characters you particularly (emphasis on particularly) enjoy writing for (ex. Dialogue)? Or ones you find difficult to write for?

Greg responds...

I can honestly say after two seasons that there's no one I dislike writing for.

And I don't generally have favorites, cuz they're all great and fun to write for.

But I have to admit that there's one character who is particularly a gas to write. He's introduced in the first episode of Season Two, so I'm not going to say whom it is now. But if you ask me again after 201 has aired, I'll let you know.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Garfield writes...

Young Justice is my current obsession! (It feeds my inner comic geek. :)) I can't wait for more episodes!

1.) I believe you've confirmed that Beast Boy will be appearing in Young Justice. Can you disclose his age?

2.) How old is KIller Frost?

3.) How old is Edward Nygma?

4.) In Robin's profile on Cartoon Network they call him "Immature". This confuses me slightly; he's certainly mischievous, but on the other hand he is, arguably, the most intelligent, has the most experience, gets along well with adults, even Batman (Mr. Know it All) respects his opinion. So, is he dubbed "immature" because of his rather impish nature? Or something else I've failed notice?


Greg responds...

1. I've confirmed nothing of the sort.

2. Twenty-seven.

3. Thirty.

4. I won't take responsibility for promotional materials.

Although I DID write the bios on the back of the Mattel Young Justice Action Figures!!

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Tessa writes...

Love the show. Brilliant writing, plot/character development, animation - probably the number one animated show on TV right now in my opinion.

I also really appreciate that you've made the characters very realistic and relatable - love that you're not ignoring their sexuality and are exploring what that means for the team (i.e. Miss Martian and Superboy). Such a fundamental part of growing up and I always get annoyed when other animated shows pretend that teenagers don't have to deal with those issues. Artemis' line in Humanity about feeling naked and not in a fun way cracked me up. Definitely fit her character (and age) - really glad S&P didn't ask you guys to chuck that one.

On a different note, if Young Justice ended up staying on air for many, many seasons (10, 20, or you know, forever - you have some very dedicated fans, let's make it happen) do you think you'd ever consider exploring what these characters would be like when they finally branch out on their own (i.e. Robin becoming Nightwing, etc...)? Or do you think that would take away from the fundamental aspect(s) of Young Justice? Basically, I'm just curious what kind of reality you see this show existing in. Is it something a la Family Guy/Simpsons (where none of the characters ever really age) or (given enough air time) would we eventually see their pre-established evolution (or any variance you came up with)?

Sorry for the ramble. Thanks for your time and for creating such a kick-butt show!

Greg responds...

Time will pass on the series realistically, with characters aging appropriately. BUT...

Keep in mind that the entire first season takes place over a single six month period. (Despite the fact that it will take way longer than that to air.) And Season Two likewise takes place over a six month period.

Timestamps can be used to track how much time has passed in the world of the series. But obviously, you aren't going to see our characters age significantly between, say episode 118 and 119.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Gareth writes...

Love the work you're doing on Young Justice so far. Really enjoying the detail the animators are putting into the animation (i.e persistent mud on heroes) and your usage of macguffin plot items to damn good effect (Helmet of Fate in Revelations). Seriously, kudos to you for having the heroes actually use the gamebreaking artefact they have stored away in their trophy room. Heaven knows there're enough shows in circulation now which wouldn't dare do the same.


Was the recent reference by Red Volcano to "Meatbags" a HK-47 Star Wars reference or simply a general anti-human robot thing?

Greg responds...

I don't know what HK-47 is, so I'm guesing no.

I've seen and enjoyed Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back many times. I probably saw Return of the Jedi twice, maybe three times. I've seen Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones once each. I never did get around to seeing Revenge of the Sith.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Wallie writes...

Is there any possibility and/or talk of a Young Justice live action movie? (If this has already been asked, I apologize - I searched the archives and did not get any hits.)

Greg responds...

Possibility? I suppose. I mean, anything's possible, right? Talk? None that I'm aware of, unless this counts.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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ComicDude writes...

How old is Rocket? (Awesome Cameo, BTW. Gotta love the Dakota-verse)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Char23 writes...

1.) How old is Wendy Harris?

2.) How old is Marvin White?

3.) How old is Karen Beecher?

4.) How old is Snapper Carr?


Greg responds...

1. Sixteen.

2. Sixteen.

3. Fifteen.

4. Twenty-two.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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JSAlover writes...

Love Young Justice!

1. Are the following alias' and real names accurate for Earth-16?:
Wildcat - Ted Grant
Sandman - Wesley Dodds
Green Lantern - Alan Scott

2. How old is Topo and what exactly is his species?

Thanks so much!

Greg responds...

1. Yeah.

2. Topo is thirteen, and he's an Atlantean. For more on that and him, see issues #14 and 15 of the Young Justice companion comic.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Weezsupes writes...

First, amazing job and cant wait for the rest of the season and future ones!
1. It was hinted at the end of the recent episode that Zatanna would love to join if her dad didnt ground her for life! (which it shoes he will) but will she be returning as a main character or just another guest on the show!
2. Awhile back, it was mentioned that we would finally get to see an animated version of Wonder Girl, but due to legal reasons wouldnt appear until further in the season or the 2nd(i hope this season). Any hints/clues as to when or if we will see her? (though i would be happy just to see a WonderGirl but i would guess it will be Donna as you have Robin as Dick.)
3. If the above two are current or appear on the show will that affect the relationships between the current ones? ie Robin & Zatana(though not officially a couple there was plenty of flirting going on) Superboy & Miss Martian (even though he dated Cassie not Donna)

Greg responds...


2. WHO "mentioned" this? Not me. When asked, I've said SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.


Response recorded on January 31, 2012

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conner writes...

1.I saw the Young Justice Invasion poster and its are hard to make out the characters but I think I've got them are these the characters on the poster? Miss Martian, Artemis, Robin, Zatanna, Blue Beetle, Kid Flash.
2.How old is Zatanna?

Greg responds...

1. You're right about some, wrong about others. But, really, don't obsess about it too much. It's a piece of promotional art. It's NOT canon. Not even the logo is final.


NOW, CONGRATULATE ME! I've gotten the queue down to under 300 questions!!! Whew!

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Sebastian Orr writes...

Do you know who is the snitch in young justice?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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kieko writes...

IF we see batgirl in this series will it be bette or barbara

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Marisa writes...

Young Justice is my favorite show, and I watch it every week with my dad. I love all of the characters, especially Robin. Thank you for making such a great show. I just have some questions: is there a reason why Wally West lives in Central City rather than Blue Valley, his comic book hometown? For some reason this has been bugging me. Also, does this mean that Wally was president of the Central City Flash Fan Club?

Anyway, my favorite character in the entire show has got to be Captain Marvel. I just laugh hysterically every time he does something. How can the team not notice that he acts like a ten year old boy? It's very, very obvious. Does CM have some sort of natural charisma about him that block people's perceptions?

I can't wait until the teens find out that Captain Marvel is really younger than them!

Greg responds...

We just put all the Flash characters in Central City to bring more coherence to the idea.

As for Captain Marvel, what's obvious to you wouldn't likely even occur as a possibility to most. Why would it? You see an adult with those powers and the wisdom of Solomon, and why would it EVER even occur to you that he might actually be a ten-year-old kid? Because he's sincere and friendly? Because he's solicitous and occasionally naive? Those aren't qualities limited to kids.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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chi fong writes...

i was wondering where zatanna lives and if she will join the team. i love the relationship between robin and zatanna. how many new charecters will be added?i hope you will not add any new charecters from teen titans. i praise your work and absolutly adore this show.

Greg responds...

Zatanna lives in New York with her father. Whether or not she joins the Team is a SPOILER REQUEST.

Many new characters are added all the time.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Jessica Diamond writes...

Besides the Pilot Episodes (Independence Day and Fireworks), the Episodes/Missions he wasn't a part of (Downtime, Targets, and Terrors), and the Loss at the Cave (Homefront), Kid Flash's souvenir collection seems to have something from every episode except Bereft, which is where Superboy started his pet collecting.
1) Did Wally get a souvenir and we just haven't seen it?
2a) If he did, what is it, please?
2b) If he didn't, why didn't he get one?
3) Did Wally get the arrow back for his collection after Homefront or was it destroyed?
4) If it was destroyed, did Artemis replace it with an identical one or is the spot permanently empty?

Greg responds...

1, 2a, 2b.) Rewatch the episode. I think it's quite clear on these points.

3. What was left of it, yeah.

4. See answer to 3.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why did you choose Taipei for the episode "Targets"?

Greg responds...

Seemed cool.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg,
I enjoyed every Young Justice episode.
Can you tell me if Superboy will be in season 2 ?
best regards

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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YJFAN596 writes...

Hi. I just have a couple of questions about Young Justice which is an amzaing show. My questions are about Robin,Kid Flash,Aqualad,Artemis,Miss Martian and Superboy
1. How tall is each member of the team?
2. When is each team members birthday?(day/month)

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. All I care about is there relative height to each other.


Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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TheMerman87 writes...

Hey Greg, dude Young Justices is so unbelievably rad bro. I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying the show and getting to know all of the characters of the D.C. Universe. I have been a complete Marvel fan for a long time and your show has totally made me "See the Light"... pun intended... I have a question about one of the characters that is become one of my top favorites, Zatanna. I really dig that her spells are verbal commands spoken backwards. Its nerdy I know, but for some reason I really enjoy reading them backwards and getting a better sense of what the spell is and what it is supposed to do. This is a lot easier in comic form. Not so much in t.v. form. My question is what are the actual verbal spells that Zatanna cast on Young Justice.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Can we please have summaries or a synopsis for some of the upcoming episodes for Young Justice?
Does Green Arrow care about Artemis or just keeps her around for the good of the team?

Greg responds...

You'll get 'em as Cartoon Network releases 'em. I don't control that. And if you're asking me to SPOIL... I think you know my answer.

Yes, he cares about her.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Janelle writes...

Hi greg. loved this weeks episode, I had a feeling red wasn't evil. I liked the introduction of zatanna too, though i'd don't know how i like her and robin as a couple. also, I absolutley LOVE captian marvel, he's so goofy but at the same time i can see him as part of the team. geting into my questions...
1. how angry did the mentors when they found out about the teams "kidnapping" of zatanna and them traking down red? will it affect the leagues trust towards them in anyway?
2. did kid flash's arm heal through out the episode or does he have a strong pain tolerance? i ask since he moved it quite abit despite the injury, unless it was never hurt and he was just overreacting?
3.can black canary or any of the "den mothers" track the bio-ship with the computer thing? if so, then why didn't she check to see where they were when they didn't return?
4. was there ever a mole on the team, or was sportsmaster talking about red?
non-"humanity" related questions
1. where did the injustice league get sent to? belle-reve, arkham?
2.in alpha male, why wasn't miss martian angry like the others were about kaldur kepping the mole secret?
3.because red arrow was fighting alongside green and canary, has he mended his relation ship with them somewhat?
deviating from the questions, what i really liked about "revelation" was how the mentors and non-main character supers got some attention.
4. will there be more episodes like that, that show the justice league fighting villans?
5. off topic, will we get to see mentor,student(ex. batman and robin) interaction in their civilian identities like in downtime?
6. will robin's uncle be seen in the show?( the one from volume six)
7. why wont batman let robin tell the team his identity?
8. when the show first came out, a report online said the 22 episode was going to be about how robin became a hero, is this true or was it a speculation?
9. does the league know captain marvel's real identity?
thank you so much for the series, the last three episodes have been awsome and well worth the wait. have to say though, why is the superboyXmissmartian pairing stressed so much in the show? not that i dislike the two, i actually reallly like superboy( he grew on me in terrors)and the pairing itself isn't to bad, but it feels to focused on. like in alpha-male, i didn't like how there was that subplot where she was angry at him for being overprotective. it felt kinda intrusive, since this was about aqualad becoming a stronger leader and the team moving past their anger towards him. if the issue of conner's overprotection had it's own episode or was a reacurring subplot, i wouldnt mind it as much. also, for the record, i don't dislike megan, i just like artemis more.
homefront was probably my favorite, since it focused on artemis and robin, my two favorites? seeing them grow as teammates was nice as was them becoming classmates and her not knowing it. what i really like is how this episode proves that artemis ISN'T the mole.
thank you so much for this wonderful series.

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure feelings were mixed. It's hard to argue with results... particularly when those results literally saved the human race.

2. It was in a cast.

3. No. Not easily.


1. Ultra-Humanite, Black Adam, Atomic Skull and Poison Ivy were sent to Belle Reve. Joker was sent to Arkham.

2. She had other concerns and/or SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

3. Yes.

4. Here and there.

5. Yes, but more in the comic book.


7. Do the math. If Robin's identity becomes known then it becomes difficult to not deduce Batman's I.D.

8. It was a misinterpretation of something I said.


Superboy and Miss Martian is one of many threads we run through episodes. Sometimes the threads are stronger, sometimes not. Obviously, here at the beginning of their relationship there's more ground to cover. And as you pointed out, "Homefront" had very little of the relationship, yet it was still there.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Cassidy01 writes...

Loved Humanity!!

1. Is Artemis' hair naturally blonde or does she dye it? (Just curious.)

Thank you for your time! :)

Greg responds...

1. It's blonde.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Let me start by saying that I know nothing about Red Tornado. I know nothing about Red Torpedo. I know nothing about Red Inferno. I know nothing about Red Volcano. I know nothing about T.O. Morrow. As ignorant as I am of the DC mythos, I am even more ignorant in the mythology of Red Tornado. Up until now, he was that robot that got blown up in an episode of "Justice League Unlimited."

This was an awesome episode. It was a crash course in all of this without ever feeling like an info-dump. From a writing stand point, it felt less like exposition and more like an organic part of the story. That sort of thing is hard to do, but it really worked. Two episodes built up to this, and the pay off was stunning. It takes great writing to make me care about a glorified toaster oven, but this episode did it.

I also liked Zatanna. I liked her a lot. I'm assuming that was Lacey Chabert doing her voice. The cast list attached to the end of the episode was obviously for an episode set down the line, so I don't know. But if it was, it was nice to hear her again. Both her and Vanessa Marshall as Black Canary. I'm hoping we hear more "Spectacular Spider-Man" alumni later on.

Zatanna was a lot of fun, and I liked her chemistry with Robin. I was actually a little disappointed when the episode ended with her seemingly not joining the team. I would like to see more of her and I think she fits right in. I can think of one character I wouldn't mind swapping out in exchange, but that's neither here not there.

I thought Red Volcano made a pretty menacing villain. That scene where he was tearing T.O. Morrow apart was pretty brutal, although I had guessed that Morrow was a robot based on how young he appeared as opposed to how long ago those flashbacks took place. I got an Ultron-vibe from Volcano, and if he is anything like Ultron... or the Coyote robots, I doubt he's gone for good.

I thought the flashbacks to the Justice Society were fun, and added a lot of history to make this world feel more real. I also couldn't help but be reminded of Watchmen" while watching that. And was that the Alan Scott Green Lantern? Cool.

If there is one nit I had about this episode, I don't think Wally's plan to talk to Ivo in the hopes of finding Morrow was a dumb idea at all. In fact, the idea made so much sense, logically, I'm rather surprised Batman didn't think of it. Someone tell Wally to think of dumb ideas to solve more problems, we'll have world peace and an end to hunger and crime in no time.

The script for this episode was personally penned by Greg Weisman. Now, a few years ago, he was writing a "Red Tornado" mini-series for DC, which got shelved. I wonder how much of that found its way into this episode. Because if the two were anything alike, that makes the comic's cancellation even more of a shame.

Overall, I'm not sure which episode of the season is my favorite so far. But it's a tie between "Humanity" and "Targets." Great episode. Like I said last week, the extra credit is being turned in.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Green Lantern's Night Lightt writes...

Hi again. Sorry for wasting your time questioning whether Uncle Dudley's full name is Dudley H. Dudley because it's already in the "Alpha Male" credits in your Greg Rambles post.

I have some other questions if you wouldn't mind, but understand if you can't answer them if you consider them spoiler requests.

1. How long has Aquaman known Queen Mera for & how long have they been married?
2. How long has Queen Mera been a teacher at the Conservatory of Sorcery for?
3. How old is Wolf & Mr. Tawny?
4. If Captain Marvel is technically just a kid then how could be accepted & relied upon by the League. He did say that Batman was tough on him, but that's about it.

Thanks once again.

Greg responds...

1. I haven't worked that out specifically.

2. Ditto.

3. I'd have to research how long wolves and tigers live and at what rate they age. I haven't yet. They're both physical adults. Neither are "old".


Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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conner writes...

1.Does Martian Manhunter know Miss Martian and Superboy are dating?
2.Does Superman know Miss Martian and Superboy are dating?

Greg responds...

1. If he doesn't, he will soon.

2. If he doesn't, he will soon.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1: Why does Miss Martians eyes glow White, Red, or Green when she uses her powers?

2: Does Aqualad attend some kind of school? Or does he not go to one?

3: What was Zatanna saying when she was doing her spells?

4: Will we see Rocket agian?

5: Great Show!

Greg responds...

1. They don't usually glow red, as far as I know. (I can think of one exception, but I don't even think it's aired yet.) And they don't really ever glow white, though I can understand that sometimes the glow is so bright and the green is so light that it can come across as white. Usually, they glow green.



4. By now, you already have.

5. Thanks!

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Ceylan writes...

It says in the comics that Ivo and Sportsmaster are 'friends'. So why doesn't he recognize Artemis when the Team is at Belle Reve?

Greg responds...

Actually, in the comics it says that Ivo and Artemis' father are 'friends'. It doesn't mention Sportsmaster.

But in answer to your question, there are three options...

A. Who says he didn't recognize her?

B. He may not have ever met Artemis.

C. It may have been so long that he didn't recognize her.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Cameron writes...

It´s me again XD
Question. At the end of apisode 11 'Terrors' when MM and Sboy kissed,
1. How could Icicle Jr. recognized them? I mean, I know he knows Speedy (even though he is not in the team) but how did he recognized Miss Martian and Superboy?
2. Does Jr. know about the team?
And if so, 3. Does he know who are the members of it?
Hope thise are not spoilers Greg^^
Thanks for your time :)

Greg responds...

1. He didn't recognize them specifically. He just (finally) put two and two together.

2. He might.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. Will Zatanna join the Justice League?

2. Where do Mal Duncan, Karen Beecher, Wendy Harris, Marvin White, Bette Kane, and Barbara Gordon fit in in the TV series?

Greg responds...


2. I honestly don't understand the question. Mal, Karen, Wendy and Marvin go to Happy Harbor High. Bette and Barbara go to Gotham Academy. But you knew that, right?

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Green Lantern's Night Light writes...

Hi Greg.

I have a few questions:
1. Does capitalising "Season One" mean you consider this an official title or is it just your own personalisation?
2. Who presicely lives in Central City?
3. Did at any time Joe Chill live in Gotham City?
4. Is Uncle Dudley's full name Dudley H. Dudley?

Thank you for your time and keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

1. I do it for clarity and emphasis.

2. Millions of people. The one's we've met are Wally, Mary and Rudy West, Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen and Jay and Joan Garrick.

3. Well, yeah.

4. Yep.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Echoing the previous question on how much I liked issue 9 and ep. 15! My question is this: was Robin's little thing for Zatanna another case of "teen crush at first sight" or did he know something about her beforehand? Because he didn't exactly waste any time... I thought it was cute, though. "Batman: The Animated Series" had an episode that showed Zatara teaching Batman escape artistry, so I wondered if maybe Batman or Zatara had talked to him about her before. I have no idea if that's comics canon or just something the showrunners thought would be cool, though.

I'm also amused by the fact that Conner and M'gann took 11 episodes to get together, Kaldur was let down, and Wally and Artemis are... I don't even know, but Robin sees girl, Robin talks to girl, and by the end of the episode it seemed like Zatanna was at least open to the possibility! In general, it just seems like he has better luck with girls than Wally and Kaldur.

Anyway, I'm loving the show and will be very said if Zatara really does ground Zatanna forever, or Red Tornado never appears again.

Greg responds...

They hadn't met before, if that's what you're asking. I'm sure he knew that she EXISTED, but I think he was just crushing on her.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Tupka writes...

Long time reader, first time asker. It's been a great week. I don't know which had me more thrilled, issue 9 or Humanity.

1) Probably asked before by now, but I couldn't find it in unanswered: Can you "translate" Zatanna's spells? I only got the second one, which appears to be "Time to try out a new look". Does Zatara speak backwards too?
2) I noticed the gender swap on Red Inferno and Red Torpedo in Homefront, though I gave it no second thought. However, now with the reveal of the "human" identities in Humanity, was the swap deliberate so you could use the golden age hero James Lockhart/Red Torpedo?
3) In issue #9, you used the name "Nathaniel Adams" as opposed to "Nathaniel Adam". I noticed you used the name before in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode "Powerless!"; the "Adams" version was, IIRC, introduced in Justice League Unlimited. Did DC ask you to use this name, or do you prefer it over "Adam"?

Greg responds...


1a. Yes.

2. ASKED AND ANSWERED, but yes. Except, I'm not the one who did the gender swap. When I wrote the original Red Tornado mini-series, Inferno was female and Torpedo was male because Torpedo has ALWAYS been male. Of course, they didn't publish my version. So whomever wrote the version they DID publish is the one who did the gender swap. I just went back to the original.

3. I actually do prefer "Adams" over "Adam". I'm sure in this great big world, there's someone out there with the last name "Adam," but even back in the 80s when I first started writing Captain Atom with Cary Bates, I always thought that the last name "Adam" felt artificial. "Adams" always felt more natural to me.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

After watching "Humanity" I have two questions.

1) What was/is your vision for Zatanna's personality? She seemed shy at first, but as the episode progressed she became more playful and outgoing. Is the demure schoolgirl routine an act for dad? Or does she still lack some self-confidence?

2) You have said that at least some members of the Justice League know Captain Marvel's true identity. That being the case, why is he with the Justice League as opposed to the kids?

Greg responds...

1. I really shouldn't answer this, because I should let the episodes stand on their own, but I guess I'm in the mood. The 'demure schoolgirl routine' is, to some extent, an act for her dad. I don't really think she lacks self-confidence, though I think she's fairly objective about her own magical abilities at this stage, and doesn't want them overstated. I also think she was less shy when she was first introduced than she was... bored.

2. Have I said that? Really? Well, in any case, SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Katara Kane writes...

Hey Greg! First of all, I love Young Justice! I have their DVDs and their poster. Plus I have every episode on my tape and I watch it over, and over, and over, and over till the next Friday. Just have a few questions if that's okay.
P.S:I understand if these are spoilers.
1. Why doesn't Kaldur go to school?
2. Exactly how old is Zatanna?
3. What is the relationship between Robin and Barbra? (But I understand if it's a spoiler, just wondering how she'd act if he liked Zatanna)
4. So in Homefront, Artemis' sister left because of their dad what exactly did he do, I mean, come on, it's already noted that Cheshire is her sister and that he trained her and Artemis to be assasins, but why did she leave if she's already one in the future?

Greg responds...

1. He completed his standard schooling, and dropped out of the Conservatory of Sorcery to become Aquaman's protege.

2. <sigh> 14.


4. The short answer is that he was emotionally and verbally abusive.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Carter writes...

I've been wanting to know for a while--how did the collaboration with Geoff Johns regarding Aqualad come? Who "pulled more weight" regarding his creation (his backstory, wardrobe, etc.)?

In the theme song, there are several holograms showing the Team in action. They've been seen in promos in stuff, too. Are we going to see those particular clips in any episodes?

Do your kids get special screenings the day before, or whenever an episode's completed?

What are your top 5 moments from the series so far?

Greg responds...

1. Our Aqualad, i.e. Kaldur'ahm, was completely created and designed BEFORE Geoff started in his new (now not-so-new) position at DC. So our version of his backstory and wardrobe, etc., all pre-existed Geoff's involvement. The version that he went on to put into DC's main universe, i.e. Jackson Hyde, was completely HIS adaptation of Kaldur (with help from an artist whose name I'm unfortunately blanking on at this moment). And we had NO involvement with that version at all, beyond providing Kaldur as inspiration and providing EXPLANATION of how his Water-Bearers work. The only element we really collaborated on was the identity of both versions' father.

2. I don't think so. I think most were from footage created either for promotional purposes or specifically for our main title. Of course, there's clips from every individual episode in that episode's main title.

3. LOL. Originally, I would show them the episodes on a DVD the day it aired. But more recently, we went through and finished out the first season - mostly because my daughter is going off to college in the fall, and I wanted her to have a chance to see it all. Given CN's hiatus-prone way of airing us, it seemed prudent. ;)

4. My mind just doesn't work that way.

Great questions, btw.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Tacos writes...

How come wonder woman wasn't in episode 14 but the rest of the league was?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Night Wonder writes...

Hi Greg, I love Young Justice! Humanity was a good episode, still not better than Revelation though. Anyway, I have to say that I really loved that Zatanna was a teen and I have a couple of questions about it:

1- Did you or whoever the idea was decided to make her a teen so there could be a hint of something that might happen between her and a member of the Team, Robin the obvious case?
2-How old is Zatanna? And what's the probability that she appears again? High, poor, none?
3-Same about Barbara Gordon. Probability that she re-appears? High, poor, none?
4-I know Robin doesn't have a love interest in Season 1, what about season 2?
5-In episode failsafe, there will be an alien invation. Can you tell me from what planet or galaxy?
About the voice talents of the show.
6-How much is true about Kari Wahlgren voicing Hawkgirl in the future? If she will I can't wait to hear it!
7-Who would you or Jamie Thomason (casting and Voice Director) consider to voice Hal Jordan and Wonder Woman?
8-About Wonder Woman. Why didn't she appear in 'Revelaton'?
9-By any chance, since Khary Payton voices Aqualad and Tara Strong did Dr. Roquette in 'Infiltrator', would Greg Cipes, Hynden Walch and Scott Menville voice some character in the serie too? I don't lose anything asking that.

10-According to designation numbers Wonder Woman would be 03, Wally is B03 and Zatanna is A03. What does the 'B' and the 'A' mean? I'm more curious about Zatanna's case.

I think that's all. Thanks for your time. I hope you don't have problems with this questions.

Greg responds...

1. That wasn't the reason, just a side benefit. The main reason was that we had a generational father-daughter dynamic that was built into the DC Universe that we wanted to exploit and explore. Most of our adult/teen relationships aren't strictly parental. This one was.

2. Once again, she's FOURTEEN!! And by now, hopefully, you saw that she did appear again.

3. Again, by now you've seen that she's reappeared.

4. You KNOW he doesn't? That's impressive. In any case, SPOILER REQUEST - NO COMMENT.

5. By now, you've seen it. But seriously, think about this question. Given the length of the queue here, was there any point in asking it? I mean the episode was airing ONE WEEK after Humanity. Was there EVER a chance that I'd get to this question before you saw for yourself? And if I had - if by some miracle, I managed to answer your question during that one week period, my answer would have been "SPOILER REQUEST - NO COMMENT". So why clutter the queue?

TIME OUT - I've lurked occasionally on a few sites, and I see I get the occasional criticism for being rude here at ASK GREG. I also get just as many if not more defenders, who sympathize with my plight. But I want to make it clear that I don't want to be rude. That "rude" is NOT the tone I'm going for. Occasionally, I drop what we refer to here as a "Smart-Ass Response". And there's no doubt that I occasionally find myself exasperated by the questions when I've REPEATEDLY requested that (a) that posters check the archives before posting, (b) that they check the queue for the questions posted ahead of them before posting and (c) that they not ask for spoilers. And despite these fairly simple requests, I get constant appeals for Spoilers and constantly repeated questions. I mean, how many times has someone asked Zatanna's age? It's certainly easy enough to type "14" but it's frustrating. And I do get frustrated. But the tone I'm going for is exasperated, not rude. Of course, the internet is notorious for not quite making one's intended tone clear. So to anyone who feels I've been rude, I apologize. Okay, TIME IN.

6. There's no Hawkgirl on Earth-16. If you're talking about Hawkwoman - SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.



9. YOU don't lose anything, but I lose time that could be spent answering other questions, see? SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

10. B is the designation for the Team. As for A - ASKED AND ANSWERED. (I'm pretty sure B is ASKED AND ANSWERED TOO, BUT MAYBE NOT.)

I thought your first question was great. The other nine... not so much. Please follow the simple guidelines in the future.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Lian writes...

Reading the comic book series, I saw that in one issue, Miss Martian talks about how there are three different "races" of Martians; Green, Red and White. I know that the white martians are treated badly, but why not the Red Martians? Or is this a spoiler, its fine if it is but I was just curious.

Greg responds...

The Red Martians are a higher caste than the Green. They're considered royalty.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Char23 writes...

Hi - 'Humanity' was fantastic! Can't wait for the next episode! :)

Perhaps I extrapolated the information wrong, but judging by 'Humanity' I don't think Red Tornado was the mole - intentionally or otherwise. Is Red Tornado the mole? I apologize if this is a spoiler request - if so, feel free to ignore me.

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Are the Zataras homo magi or humans that can use magic?

Greg responds...

Earth-16 has never heard of homo magi, which doesn't mean they don't exist. (Nor does it mean that they do exist.)

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Kirk writes...

I can't tell if you were serious or not in your answer to my last question, so I'll ask again. Will Young Justice be released on Blu-ray Disc?

Blu-ray Disc is is the high definition version of DVD. Most all movies on released on Blu-ray in addition to DVD, and some TV shows are as well. A few seasons of the Justice League animated series have been released on Blu-ray, and they look and sound even better in HD. I'm hoping that Young Justice will get the same treatment.

Greg responds...

I just don't know. I don't have a Blu-ray player, myself, so (a) I guess I haven't focused on it much and (b) they never tell me this stuff anyway.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Zergrinch writes...

Hi Greg:

Fifteen episodes in, and I am anticipating the series even more than I anticipated the previous JLU shows. I really love the tight continuity interwoven in the series, and am seriously tempted to look into your previous animated works. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I have never followed Gargoyles!

Anyway, my questions focus on foreign-sounding words used in "Revelations".

1. Like Zatanna, Zatara's spells are english words pronounced backwards. I believe he had four spells in the episode. I've managed to decipher two (I think, but corrections are appreciated!) but am curious to know what the others are:

a. Locating Injustice League HQ - Etacol retnecipe fo yrecros
b. Making the vines combust - Erif [something] larutannu erutan
c. Putting a force field around a plant - Reirrab [something]
d. Blasting Woten - Ekat Natow nwod

2. Wotan's spells, I'm told, are in latin. One of them (blasting Dr. Fate) was "Fulminous Venite". Would you be at liberty to reveal what he said the other two times (energizing Ivy's 'baby,' and breaking Fate's chains?

Thank you!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Pheonix writes...

Dear Greg,
I grew up watching gargoyles and now I absolutely LOVE young justice. I could praise your work for hours but I figure you have better things to do with your time then read about how awesome you are (I am sure you already know.) Thank you for taking time to answer our questions, you are the best!
1) the show seems very focused on trust it seems like the team was even formed based off of the idea that there mentors did not "trust" them. During "alpha male" they talk about trust within the team. Which raises the question, why do they not care that robin does not trust them with his secret ID? Yes I know, that they know batman won't let him but the first two episodes and the most recent one (Humanity) seem to show that they tend to not always take the league members orders seriously, especially if they don't like them. so why do they respect this specific order?
I understand that this could be a spoiler please don't think I am fishing I know that I am treading in spoiler waters here but I am in no way trying to spoil something I know you guys work so hard on! I know I said I would not waste your time with my love of the show, but I have seen so much negative about Artemis and Aqualad that I wanted to let you know that I absolutely love both of them, they are my favorite characters even though I love them all!! =D
thank you for your time!!

Greg responds...

1. Aqualad is extremely respectful of authority. And I think Kid Flash likes being the only one who knows. Artemis has her own secrets, so wouldn't be one to push Robin, and Superboy only recently took a human identity himself, so I don't think he spends too much time thinking about Robin's real name. That just leaves Miss Martian... but I just don't see her taking this as a slight.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

Batman: The Brave and the Bold feedback and one question on Powerless:

Greg, Powerless was a great and funny episode, especially Aquaman's hero song and jokes. I really don't get why do people hated this version of Captain Atom though. Best line from Captain Atom was "Boom! You're dead!" Major Force was a superb villian and it's great to see the Justice League International again. I also liked the part where Aquaman was cooking.

What was your reaction when you saw Aquaman wearing Black Canary's outfit?

Greg responds...

Actually, I haven't seen the episode yet. So don't spoil it for me!

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Person writes...

How old is Klarion the Witch Boy in young justice?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I loved the Robin/Zatanna courtship in "Humanity!" He indicated interest and tried not to be too forward until she showed that she liked it. Much better than Wally's relentless hitting on M'gann or even Conner's cluelessness (and they'll grow out of it).

Greg responds...

It was fun to write!

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Curious writes...

Hi, just wanted you to know that:

I appreciate how the episodes both stand alone and were written so that plot points are intricately woven together.

I appreciate how the episodes focus on various characters in shifts so we can explore different aspects of their personalities.

I am excited by character development, the strength of each script, and the animation is very well done.

I love the fact that I look forward to learning or seeing both the villains and the heroes.

I am astounded by the amount of work that you and your team puts in Young Justice. Thanks for making such a great show. It has been a long time since I've seen a show that has me anticipating and looking forward to each and every new episode. I loved Gargoyles as a kid, enjoyed Spiderman, W.I.T.C.H. and various other projects you've worked on.

1)How closely do you work with the various directors of the episodes?

2)Since you've put so much into the show, do you still make a lot of the calls regarding the visual elements of the show?

3)When scripting the episodes, is the overall ending for the season known for you guys?

I know that you look over scripts and that you and Brandon created the show, but I suppose I'm just curious about how much influence you have in other aspects of the show, such as the animation.

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Very. Brandon and I attend all board handouts, and give notes on storyboards and work with the directors on the designs, etc.

2. Yes. Both Brandon and I are involved with and approve literally every design - from major characters like Superboy to tiny props like soda cans.

3. Yes.

4. Brandon and I both look over the scripts. I edit them, but both of us are involved in every aspect of production from start to finish.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Q writes...

In 'Humanity', which was an amazing episode by the way, I noticed Wally didn't hit on Zatanna even once. Is this because he saw Robin liked her, wasn't attracted to her, or finally realized that he likes Artemis?

Greg responds...

There may have been an element of backing off for Robin's sake, but mostly I think Wally figured she was too young for him to hit on.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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