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no.1 batfan writes...

What prison(s) were the Injustice League sent to? I think it's pretty safe to say that Joker was sent to Arkham, but other than him I'm not sure.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

YJ Questions on Zatara:

1. What nationally is Zatara?

2. In Revelation, how come he wasn't wearing his top hat? Did he had to get the hat washed?

Greg responds...

1. He was born in Italy, but is a naturalized American citizen.

2. Maybe he wasn't in the mood.

Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Lil writes...

1.Can you give us a description of the Young Justice episodes that are in the can?

Greg responds...

I could, sure. I won't though.

Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is vandal savage cain from the bible, how was earth 16 ww2 different from ours, were bruce waynes parents involved with the jsa, and was alan scott a member of the green lantern corps?

Greg responds...

1. I guess it depends on how you interpret things.

2. Mostly it wasn't, but...

3. Not to my knowledge.

4. No. He found his ring, which was damaged and malfunctioning. Still a powerful weapon and force for good that turned him into Green Lantern, but it never hooked him up with the Corps.

Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Superguy79 writes...

Hey in regards to Young Justice i was just wondering if the public knew about Superboy? cheers.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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ZP writes...

First off, thank you for taking the time to read my question.

Second, I just want to say that you guys are doing a phenomenal job with Young Justice. I'm loving every second of it and I'm a huge fan of Gargoyles (My sister used to watch it when I was a little kid. I never remembered much, but I did remember Goliath and Elisa). Anyway, you've all done a great job with character designs, plot, animation, all in all, everything! The one thing that I'm loving about your show is the continuity and you've handled it extremely well, something that some cartoons nowadays are lacking.

Robin is by far my favorite character. I just love his laugh and playing around with English grammar. I'll admit, I was a little worried when I read that he was voiced by Jesse McCartney, but after hearing him, I really like it! I've noticed when I was looking through the archive of questions that some people have been giving you a rough time for Megan's catchphrase. Even though I find it a tad annoying, it's not enough for me to hate it. In fact, I think it's cute and really suits her personality. So good on you for sticking it to the haters! I've just got a couple of questions.

1. With Barbara Gordon's cameo and since she was Dick's girlfriend in the DC mainstream, will Robin have a love interest and is it Barbara? I'd ask if she'll become Batgirl, but I have an idea of what you'd say to that.

2. I was really caught off guard by episode 14 when Blue Devil, Guy Gardner, Plasticman, Rocket and Icon came in. Does this mean we will be seeing many other DC heroes that were not introduced as part of the Justice League? Where have they been this entire time and why were they not part of the League? Will they be?

3. Sadly, the only thing in your wonderful show that has disappointed me is the Joker, one of the most iconic villains. He looked like the Joker, but he just didn't feel like him. I'm not going to shout at you for how you portrayed him, but I'm curious as to why you chose to portray him the way you and your team did. Why wasn't he voiced by Mark Hamill?

4. Since Superboy has taken in Wolf, will he be taking in more strays as the series progresses? Why does the Sphere not accompany them on missions like Wolf does?

5. Relationships don't last forever, so will Superboy and Miss Martian break up at some point (not that I want them to)? They are teenagers after all and dealing with, as you put it, "romance issues, sex pounding in your head and all sorts of hormones."

7. Where was the rest of the Team during "Terrors?"

8. It was stated in your interview with World's Finest that Young Justice: Invasion would focus on an alien invasion. Is the invading force Braniac?

9. Since Red Arrow and Cheshire were romantically involved in the DC mainstream, will they be a romance pairing in the show (as inferred from "Targets")?

I would have several other questions, but the response you'll likely provide would be SPOILER or NO COMMENT, so I figured I'll just save you the trouble on those ones. ^_^

Greg responds...


2. Stay tuned. (And just because one debuts as a 'hero' doesn't make it automatic that one's granted membership in the League.)

3. I just can't really understand the thought process behind this question. Why not ask me why I'm not using Cesar Romero as the Joker? (I mean - beyond the fact that he's dead.) We're starting fresh with a fresh interpretation. And frankly, when Brent Spiner was done recording Joker, we were all thrilled.



6. You had no question 6.

7. See issues 16 and 17 of the Young Justice Comics.



Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is Robin considered a celebrity? He seems well-known amongst the general population. I noticed a little girl holding a stuffed Robin doll and the villians are more familiar with his name.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Alex writes...

I have a few questions about "Revelations".

a. We were treated to cameos of superheroes like Icon, Plastic Man, Guy Gardner, Blue Devil, etc. Are all these superheroes also part of the Justice League or are they just allies?

b. I wasn't much of a fan of Young Justice's Joker although he could grow on me in the future. That being said, why did you shy away from Mark Hammill's classic Joker? Did you think it didn't fit with the series?

c. Why was Black Adam so toned-down? Shouldn't Black Adam be able to take on the whole Young Justice team on his own?

d. Where was Red Arrow in all this chaos? I know he isn't part of YJ or JLA, but you did mention that he's focusing completely on hero-work. The whole world was in crisis, why didn't he participate?

e. If Dr. Fate is so strong, why doesn't Batman and the rest of the JLA find Nabu a suitable host? Surely, Dr. Fate would be an incredible asett to the team and shouldn't be wasted sitting on Kid Flash's shelf.

Thanks for responding!

Greg responds...


b. No, we didn't.

c. Why should he? Look, as I've noted on the hero-side, we've brought everyone's power levels back closer to what they were when they originally debuted. That means we've toned Captain Marvel's powers way down. And if Marvel is less powerful than he's sometimes been presented, why wouldn't the same be true of Black Adam.

d. He did. Look again.


Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Will The Shade ever appear on Young Justice? He used to be my favorite character on Justice League.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

OK, just for fun -- If you had created the Light for a series set in the Marvel Universe, and you could use any villains you wanted, which 7 would you pick?

Greg responds...

It's a great question. But my mind doesn't work that way.

I'd have to sit down and do research. It took days and days for Brandon and I to narrow down the Light to seven specific villains. And I just don't have time to do that for a hypothetical.

Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Random Fan writes...

Ok, I once read somewhere that next season called invasion will be relaunched with the DCnU. does that mean that characters that no longer exist in the mainline comics (like Wally West) will no longer be canon in Earth-16 Young Justice?

also, this may seem like a stupid question but, does Wally know Batman's secret ID to or just Robin's?

Greg responds...

1. YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION will be part of the DC NATION block on Cartoon Network. It is simply the next 'chapter' of Young Justice and is set on Earth-16, which is not influenced by the changes in the mainstream DC Universe, if for no other reason than those changes were announced TOO LATE for us to include them whether or not we might or might not have wanted to.


Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Derek writes...

I love anytime you guys throw fairly obscure characters into YJ, as I'm sure many others do. However, I adored the Blue Devil cameo in "Revelation"--his early comics were so funny and so much fun, and I think he's vastly overrated and has a very cool backstory. He had a similar silent cameo in JLU as well, but seeing him even without lines is cool.

Whose idea was it to throw him in? And actually, on a more general note, where do most of the ideas for using the lesser-known characters you come from? Is it usually more collaborative from the entire writers' room, or do people occasionally throw in their favorites every now and then (especially in bigger fight scenes like "Revelation" where you could feasibly fit in any superhero you want)?

Again, thanks for being awesome!

Greg responds...

You think Blue Devil's "vastly overrated"?

It was my idea to throw him in, and I tend to be the one to pull in new characters (that is new-to-the-show pre-existing characters from the comics), though (a) that's not exclusively true and (b) I have help with research from John Wells.

And we can't just throw in any super-hero we want, because any super-hero we want needs to get designed by Phil Bourassa, and there are only so many hours in the day, you know?

Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Brendan writes...

Oh my goodness, so sorry (and feel free to not answer since I forgot to include it on the last one), but was the Injustice League's base modelled after the Legion of Doom's old HQ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Brendan writes...

Hi Greg! Loving the show so far, and just a few questions.

* Where was Wonder Woman in "Revelation"?
* And in the same episode, were the additional heroes helping out the League (Blue Devil, Icon, Plastic Man, ECT) meant to be members of the JLA's reserve roster or something? Or were they just random heroes?
* Was the use of Rocket and Icon meant as a nod to the late Dwayne McDuffie? Either way, I just wanna thank you so much for including them, as I know he'd be proud to see his work living on in some form.

Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

1. Busy.


3. Dwayne was still alive when we began work on the episode. They weren't a specific tribute to him. Though of course, I was and am a huge fan of Dwayne's work.

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Buttercup writes...

Hi Greg!
First off, I absolutely LOVE Young Justice. Me and my little sister are addicted to it. It's possibly the best animated show ever, and there's only 14 episodes out! I just have one question, really:
In Bialya, when the patrol leader shouted in Arabic when Robin appeared, he said "Her Majesty wants him alive!". Does this mean that they only wanted Robin, specifically, or did they just want the team in general?

Greg responds...


Come on, folks, check the queue ahead of you. You're just slowing the whole process down for everyone when you repeat a question already asked!

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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loudgirl writes...

is Artemis and Kid Flash's "relationship" going to be explored?

Greg responds...

<sigh> NO COMMENT.

(But seriously, what do you think?)

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Luke B. writes...

Dear Greg,

I was so thrilled when I saw the Brain and M. Mallah show up in "Alpha Male", but was bummed when I realized Mallah wasn't speaking. I optimistically chalked it up to him being too angry for words and not wanting to give away any plans. But then Ultra Humanite didn't speak in "Revelation", either. Can these characters talk in Earth-16?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Triela E. writes...

Thank you for being Klarion back in episode 14! I was wondering if he would come back, and I hope we'll see him fight Doctor Fate again. :)

1) How old is Klarion? He said "Order went out in the 19th century", so I'm curious if he is a teenager on Earth, or much older than that. Well, how old is he on his dimension and how old is he on Earth?

2) How tall is Klarion, and how much does he weight? (If you don't know, don't care about this one...you can just put NO COMMENT, I'll understand) The reason why I asked is because he looks very very skinny, too skinny.

3) Does Klarion have to eat/sleep? Or is he just immune to those things since he's in another dimension?

4) Does Klarion have any ounce of good in him, or is he just all evil?

5) How does someone become Lord of Chaos, or Lord of Order? Are they just like that, or what exactly?

I know that's a lot of questions, but if you could answer a few I would be very appreciative!!! Thank you for the wonderful show! :)

Greg responds...

1. Klarion in our series is a Lord of Chaos. He is Chaos personified. He has no age.

1a. He has no dimension per se, where he has a concrete age. He's a concept.

1b. Ageless.

2. Yeah, no comment. I assume its variable anyway.

3. He feeds off chaos.

4. He's neither good nor evil in a classic sense. He's chaotic.

5. He just is.

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

So, how much time does Robin spend recording himself laughing for all his tech? Or does he just have a set recording?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Anthony Piom writes...

Hi Greg,
Thank you so much for making Young Justice, I look forward to watching it every week! I love how every episode is consistent in quality and there is never any filler. Every episode effects the next in some form.

One question I have is if Sphere will ever be allowed to accompany Superboy on missions. Why does he allow Wolf to but not Sphere, Sphere was able to save Superboy in "Bereft".

Greg responds...

Stay tuned.

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I read this on the Young Justice Wiki:

1 - "Savage bears a scar that resembles the signature mark of the Hunters from Gargoyles, another of Greg Weisman's production."

2 - "Queen Bee is voiced by Marina Sirtis, best known for her work as Demona, from Gargoyles, another of Greg Weisman's production. Queen Bee dons a veil around her shoulders, reminiscing Demona's wings when furled. She also wears a gold armband similar to the one that Demona used on her left arm, and a golden diadem that resembles Demona's headpiece."

was this a conscious nod to Gargoyles? who's idea was it?

Greg responds...

Neither were, actually. Phil Bourassa designed both characters, and if he was inspired by Gargoyles - a show he didn't work on - I'd be very surprised.

These are coincidences. Fun coincidences, I suppose, but just coincidences.

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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spence writes...

From here on out, could you post on your Rambles the scripts for foreign languages dialogs and incantations? I would ask every time an episode with such airs, but with the amount of questions slowing down the queue, it would take weeks until we get the scripts after I request them.

Thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

That makes sense... but, no. I just don't have time. I allocate a bit of time to answer a few questions on the days I have time. And I make sure to do the credits, but I can't keep track of the rest. Sorry.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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smartaxe writes...

I just finished watching Revelation and I gotta say, YJ is outdoing itself with each new episode. I especially loved your take on the Joker. Very Clockwork Orange. All those cameos were terrific as well, and as a big Plastic Man fan, I was psyched to see that he's bouncing around on Earth-16.

1. I gather that you tend to create pretty detailed plans and backstories for your characters. I was just wondering how much you think about one-scene-only guys like Plas and Blue Devil? Do you have their histories mapped out, even superficially? Or is it just a matter of "Icon and Rocket are awesome, let's throw them in!"

2. Would you ever consider posting or publishing the timeline you've created for the show?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. I have their histories broadly scoped out, without a lot of detail.

2. I'd consider it.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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thisguyisnotcool writes...

Hey Greg big fan of SpecSpider Man and YJ, you and Brandon are doing a great job!
Anywho the questions
1.What are the birthdates of the Young Justice 6 + Red Arrow?
2.How long have Iris and Barry been married?
3.How long has Mercy been Lex's bodyguard?
4. How did you determine the personalities of each of the characters?(It be cool if you really went in depth with this)
5.Who was a Green Lantern first Guy or John?
6. What is Wally's best field in Science?
7.Are Wally's powers really hard to control or master?
8.Besides being an Acrobat, did Robin learn anything else in the Circus?
9.How long have Rocket and Icon been heroes?
10.Who is the hardest character to write on the show?
11.What subject do each of the kids excel at?
12. Is Robin the most famous sidekick?(being first and all)
13. How come Black Adam, Atomic Skull, and Ultra-Huminite didn't say anything in the episode 14?
Some weird stuff!
1. Fans on the Internet found out that on August 16 "Targets" would air on September 16,some more number 16 weird, eh.
2. In episode 109 Robin noticed it was September and asked "what happen to March." This episode aired in March and we didn't see the next on until September
Thanks for answering my questions and hope you have fun working on the show!

Greg responds...

1. I haven't nailed all of them down specifically. Mostly, I just know what years they were born.

2. I haven't nailed that down specifically.

3. Ditto.

4. Generally, we look at the source material and try to hone down to the most basic core element of his or her personality. Then we build back up/extrapolate from here.

5. Hal.

6. Biology, but he's good at chemistry, physics, etc. too.

7. You try it.

8. Sure.

9. Since May.

10. No one character is hard to write. What's hard is HOW MANY there are to juggle. (Director Tim Divar just said: "Sphere." But he may have been joking.)

11. Conner - History. Megan - English. Wally - Biology. Dick - Math. Artemis - Spanish. Kaldur - Combat Sorcery.

12. Yes.

13. The honest truth is we couldn't AFFORD to have everyone speak. (Actors, strangely, expect payment when they do voices. Who knew?)

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi Greg.

Revelation is one of the best episodes so far. Nice to see all of those cameos, and the development of the villains' plans kicking into high gear.
A few questions:
Do heroes outside of the League have their own special designations for getting into Mount Justice and the Satellite?
Captain Atom seemed to strain himself to take in all of that atomic energy. Can his shell be seriously damaged by absorbing too much energy at one time?
I like how Wally's collection of souvenirs is a smaller version of the JL Watchtower's Trophy Room. Can we expect the collection to continue to grow throughout the rest of this season and into the second?

Thanks again for an amazing episode. I haven't looked forward to an animated show like this since Spectacular Spider-Man. Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

1. No. Cuz they can't.

2. Captain Atom does NOT have a shell; he has armored skin. If he absorbs too much energy too quickly, it becomes fuel to thrust him forward in time.

3. There's no Trophy Room in the Watchtower. But, yes, Wally's collection will continue to grow.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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