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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I just noticed something I had missed the first time watching Independence Day- When the four boys finally leave the sublevels of Cadmus due to the unexpected hole in the ceiling, Dick commented on it, shot his grappling gun and zipped out. What I had missed was Wally grabbing his belt and catching a ride out. It was a wonderful little expression of close friends operating on an non verbal level. Wonderful!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 18, 2011

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Jo writes...

First, I absolutely adore Young Justice. I just do. Because you probably can't tell me if this happens: I really hope there are more "words from Robin". Because, they're great. I'm just sayin'.

Second, I have questions. Two, actually.

1. Because there are two Green Lanterns on the Justice League in YJ, I can imagine that there would be a few communication problems, so, what are they called?? Are they referred to by their first names, even in the field? (or whatever the correct term would be...)
2. This is...kind of a strange question. Does Superboy even know how to use the tv? Because, M'Gann asked if she needed to turn something on for him...and...yeah.


Greg responds...

1. It's a fair question. And their first names are used often. But it's all on a case by case basis.

2. He knows. He didn't want it on. He liked the white noise.

Response recorded on August 18, 2011

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anonymous writes...

hello. another YOUNG JUSTICE fan here, i REALLY Really love the show btw. so, we've seen 9 episodes now, & it's on reruns... just wanted to know when new episodes were gonna air again?
thank you for taking your time to read this and respond(hopefully).

Greg responds...

September 16, I believe.

Response recorded on August 18, 2011

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SP writes...

Er... Isn't Captain Marvel technically only 10 years old? Why isn't he in YJ instead of the JL?

Greg responds...

Keep watching.

Response recorded on August 17, 2011

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derp writes...

are you aware of this?


Greg responds...

Uh... I guess I am now.

Response recorded on August 17, 2011

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Becky writes...

So I've been looking at the Justice League lineup, and it's pretty obvious so far we're gonna get at least some interaction with the big name heroes, if we haven't already. But are we going to see some more of the more obscure guys like Captain Atom, Zatara, and Captain Marvel too? (And on that train of thought; is it Hawkwoman or Hawkgirl who's in the league?)

Greg responds...


And, yes, eventually, we'll get more interaction from all the characters you named - either in the tv series or the companion comic or both.

Response recorded on August 17, 2011

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Rob writes...


Not a question, just a few comments that I've been meaning to write since I first started reading this message board.

First of all Thank You! Thank you for making programming that is appropriate for children and still fun for adults. Thank you for Gargoyles, possibly the greatest cartoon of all time. I am 26 and I still record the late night showings on my DVR and watch them as a reminder to be noble even when it is not to my immediate benefit.

Thank you for hosting this site. It is incredible to me that you still answer Gargoyles, Spectacular Spiderman, as well as YJ questions. I know you must get frustrated with all the fishing questions, but it means more to me than I can express that you have given a forum to keep interest in Gargoyles and SS alive, even though the shows have been canceled.

I am so glad to learn that you are finding success with YJ. I've been excited to read about the toy line and the plans for the "Invasion" miniseries. If there is anyone who deserves this kind of success, it is you. Especially after the heartbreaking losses of your previous projects. I have also enjoyed some of the interviews regarding YJ that I have seen on Comicbookmovie.com and I hope that perhaps your success with YJ will give you a platform to pursue new projects in the future (or maybe old projects... I know... but a guy can dream).

A final thank you for all of the above, but particularly for all of your effort to keep producing quality programming even though I know your efforts in the past have not been met with near the acclaim they (and you) deserve.

Keep fighting the good fight and I know that your long time fans (me included) will continue to support you in your future ventures.

Most Sincerely,


Greg responds...

I wouldn't exactly call my previous projects "heartbreaking losses". That puts the whole thing in too negative a cast. In general, those were very successful projects - that simply ended before I could tell all the stories I wanted to tell. Doesn't that sound nicer?

And acclaim isn't really the goal. It's nice and all (most but not all of the time), but it's the work itself that gets me up in the morning. I can take or leave the acclaim. And the acclaim I have is plenty, believe me.

But thank you so much for the kind words and sympathy.

Response recorded on August 17, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

i keep reading that young justice is set in a 'young dc universe' that's only really had superheroes for about ten years - so why are there so many golden age superheroes cropping up? it's not like a criticism, i love doctor fate and the justice society, i was just really surprised to see them after i kept reading about the superheroes-as-recent-phenomenon angle. great, great show, btw

Greg responds...

The idea is that, yes, there were heroes back in the 1940s, but that most retired, died, went underground, etc., long ago and that there was a fallow period without super-heroes until Superman showed.

Response recorded on August 17, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hi there, I've just been reading about CN's new DC Nation programming block that they're introducing and a couple of sites are saying that the block will be launched with a 10 episode spin-off miniseries of Young Justice called Invasion. I realise that more than likely you won't be able to (or indeed WANT to) go into any details about it, but I was wondering if it's something that you're directly involved in? I ask because I can't see how anyone else can fit a TEN episode arc into the tight-knit chronology that you've got going on in YJ. It also occurred to me that Invasion might just be the last ten episodes of the main show marketed as something different by CN (wouldn't be the first time). Anyway - the show is incredible, one of the best superhero shows ever, as far as I'm concerned.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 17, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Is the Young Justice: Inavsion 10-episode mini-series a part of your Young Justice tv/comic series?

P.S. Your show is awesome!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 17, 2011

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