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Anonymous writes...

Someone already asked how old is Hawkman, so I'll ask:

How old is Hawkwoman?
How old is Felix Faust?
How old is Blackbriar Thorn?
How old is Wizard?

Also, what happened to the opening sequence in Misplaced?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Season One:

1. Hawkwoman is 28.

2. I didn't set an age for Felix Faust, but he's older than a normal human lifespan.

3. Ditto for Blackbriar Thorn.

4. Ditto for Wizard.

5. Our main title has been truncated to make room for those fun DC shorts as part of DC Nation. (And before you ask, it does NOT upset me. I think creating a destination around DC Nation more than makes up for the loss of our main title.)

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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Gracie writes...

Hi! I love Young Justice, and I'm glad it's finally back. I don't even mind waking up earlier on Saturdays than I normally would. I think it's especially wonderful how you can see Superboy's development through the little things he does, like smiling at the little kid with the Superman shirt. It's subtle, but it's noticeable enough to be very effective, and I think it's good that the extent of his development isn't all in the things he says.

I have a couple of questions, too.

It might be more obvious to someone who's read more comics than I have, but on Earth-16, is Black Canary Dinah Drake or Dinah Lance?

Also, I noticed that in Misplaced, the opening was shortened even more. That made me kind of sad, and I figure it wasn't your choice, but Cartoon Network's. Maybe because of the DC Nation shorts? I was wondering if you think it'll be a permanent thing, but I understand if you have no idea either.

Thanks! :D

Greg responds...

This Canary is Dinah Lance, the daughter of Larry Lance and Dinah Drake Lance.

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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hey :) :)
first off i want to thank you for all the great episodes of young justice. they are all so fantastic :)

i just have one quick question, right now how fast can kid flash run?

Greg responds...

Fast, but not nearly as fast as the Flash.

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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B writes...

I'm not asking if the backstory with Zatanna's mother is the same in Young Justice as it is in DC Comics, just asking if you're aware of what it is in DC Comics (i.e. that she's dead and was a witch named Sindella).

Greg responds...

Yes, I'm aware.

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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Anon writes...

In "Misplaced" when in Paris the timezone said CEST, but Daylight Savings Time ends in France in October, not November. So shouldn't the timezone have been CET? Or do the nations on Earth-16 observe Daylight Savings at the same time?

Greg responds...

I did very careful research on the timezones and the dates and when they switched over. I'm not denying there's a possibility I messed up. I have before and I will again. But it seems VERY unlikely to me that I made an error, given how careful I was being. So are you sure about ALL your facts?

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! I just watched "Misplaced" and it was amazing!
When I first read the Synopsis I though of the Justice League Unlimited episode "Kid Stuff", but your take is so much more interesting; I particularly liked the twist in the middle with the dual realities.
Second, thanks for finally answering the question on the League knowledge of Billy's dual identity (I knew Batman knew!) and I admit I Was looking forward to the Team to find out Billy's real age, hopefully they will star treating him better.
Third: Poor Zatanna, I think it's worse when you have to mourn someone that isn't actually dead.
Fourth, I like Riddler look, pretty nice, and pretty low key compare to other versions, although I Will miss the Bowler Hat. And the Light has Starro now, gives me goosebumps.
And Finally the date: November 5th! That's my birthday! Lots of things seem to happen in my birthday (remember, remember, the 5th of November).
Anyway, thanks for an amazing episode, and I can't wait for what's next (I've read the synopses, You Are Amazing!)

Greg responds...

Thanks! (Of course, I had a lot of help.)

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Greg, I would first like to say you are doing a fantastic job on Young Justice, but I have a couple questions:
1) You have stated before that the Riddler is not in Arkham Asylum as he is not insane, is this your opinion on the character in general, or just the Earth-16 incarnation?
2) Why did you decide to start with such an enormous threat as The Light for the first season of YJ, where a single one if the leaders could easily be the big threat of the season on their own? This isn't a critque, just curiousity.

Greg responds...

1. I can only speak for the Earth-16 version, but obviously the opinions that Brandon and I held about the characters walking in, influenced how we chose to depict them.

2. We have a story to tell.

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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lamberto. writes...

more of a comment. brilliant twist halfway through YJ's "misplaced"!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 28, 2012

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Golden rose writes...

#1. First of all, misplaced is great. There are many parts of this that I absolutely adore. You never end to amaze me, the quality of the show is awesome. I'm truly grareful for this show.
#2. This is a question about Disordered. I know its a little late so im sorry. When Robin had his therapy session, Canary didn't say anything. Thought what was she thinking?
#3. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this show! Its the one show on tv that I actually like.

Greg responds...

1. Thanks.

2. I think I'll leave that to your interpretation.

3. Thanks again!

Response recorded on April 28, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

I was going to ask if the team knew Captain Marvel was really a 10 year old kid, but it seems last episode answered my question. It's like you guys are psychic. But here's a question that's been on my mind for a while, did Riddler's escape his own doing or was his escape the actual goal of the attempted breakout?

Greg responds...

One of the (more important prioritized) goals.

Response recorded on April 28, 2012

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The world premiere of YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION (i.e. EPISODE 201, "Happy New Year") airs tomorrow morning, Saturday, April 28 and repeats on Sunday morning, April 29.

If you've been enjoying the series up to this point, you do NOT want to miss the start of the Invasion. Big doings. Bigger revelations. New characters. New voice actors, including Mae Whitman ("Arrested Development", "Avatar, the Last Airbender") as Wonder Girl, Michael Trucco ("Battlestar Galactica") as Adam Strange and Tim Curry (too many credits to name) as G. Gordon Godfrey. Seriously, on YJ:I, things start hot and never cool off! Don't miss a minute.

PLEASE NOTE: On some (but maybe not all cable services) the show HAS officially been retitled "YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION", so be prepared to set your DVRs accordingly. Check local listings for times, etc.

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Thomas writes...

has the Big Bang actually occured yet? You know, Dakota's big gas explosion that created hundreds of super heroes or villains? Seeing as Dakota is appearing....its a good question

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 25, 2012

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Chelsea writes...

Dear Greg, why does Harm speak in third person?

Thanks, Chelsea

Greg responds...

He's kind of a freak.

Response recorded on April 25, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Has lex luthor or bruce wayne ever been mayors of their cities and does lex have an criminal record?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. His record is clean.

Response recorded on April 25, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

First I want to say that I love Young Justice but I have few questions
1. Will there be any completly original heroes and/or villians
2. Will there be any character that have only been animated and not in the comics, for example See-More from the Teen Titans series
3. What exactly are rocket's powers
4. Is the team a strictly sidekick team or can idividual teen heroes join
5. We have seen the covert, snow, and regular suits for the team are there any other suits

Greg responds...

1. Terror Twins, anyone?

2. There are certainly characters that originated in cartoons. Can't be sure if they've all made it into the comics or not.

3. Flight and force fields.

4. There are no rules in that sense.

5. There's the 70s disco versions.

Response recorded on April 25, 2012

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Apple Montag writes...

I'm not exactly sure if this is a spoiler question, but here it goes:
Dick appears to be slowly transitioning into the role of leader of the group, stepping up to lead the team when Aqualad was felled to the "invaders", reassuring Zatanna when she doubted her abilities in "Misplaced", encouraging a fearful Artemis during the bout against Red Volcano. My question is this:

1) The look that Robin gives Aqualad when he vehemently denies that any of his team members are traitors - is that suspicion or shock over his naiveté?

On an unrelated note,

2) In "Misplaced", when Billy utters the name of immortal Shazam, does the plane teleport into another dimension, or is it merely destroyed?

Greg responds...

1. It's the seeds of doubt.

2. Neither, at that moment. He is transported to the adult dimension. The plane stayed right where it was, i.e. moving through the air of the kid dimension.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Jake R. writes...

Hey Greg, I have to admit seeing Billy's uncle a little worried/scared was the best part of Misplaced for me. After seeing him act a little cold towards Billy on Alpha Male, but show that he really cared for Billy, honestly, satisfied me. 1. By the way, why did you guys make Billy "not homeless" anymore? Thanks for your time and keep up the good work.

Greg responds...

I don't know where you got the idea that Dudley was cold to Billy in "Alpha Male". I certainly didn't get that at all.

1. Urchins in the old fashioned sense don't exist. You have to go someplace pretty dark to have a homeless kid on his or her own in today's world. Billy doesn't seem THAT dark to us.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Klarion can be kill only his cat kill

Greg responds...

I... uh...

Chaos can't be killed.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Chad Lowe took over Rob Lowe as Captain Marvel?

Greg responds...

Rob was no longer available, and Chad - with Rob's blessing - kindly stepped in.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Paraphrased Antiyonder's appeal from the Comment Room:

"The Young Justice Wiki (http://youngjustice.wikia.com) incorporates info from Ask Greg, such as the often repeated age questions. So if you're (just talking to folks in general who tend to do so) going to ask for an age, look at the character articles on the wiki to see if it's there."

Greg responds...

Good plan.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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mai writes...

A question about Atlantis:
Have you wondered that in a land with names like Orin, Orm, Mera, Tula, Kaldur'ahm, and Sha'lain'a, the name Garth sticks out like a sore thumb? Unlike any of the former names, it sounds so un-Greek (or un-Atlantean).

PS: I really like this incarnation of Garth. I hope to see more of him in future episodes.

Greg responds...

I don't know what does or doesn't qualify as Atlantean except what I learned MUST qualify based on the sources. Does Garth sound more or less "Atlantean" than Ronal or Blubber or Lori? I guess that's up to the ear of the beholder.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Neosmith writes...

This is an addition to my previous post - I accidentally missed my first paragraph when I copied and pasted it:

To begin, I wanted to say that I really like "Young Justice" and what amazes me about the show in particular is how heavily serialized it is as an animated program. That is to say, very few US animated series attempt the same level of continuity and on-going storytelling. So, my questions here will mostly be about the serialized nature of the show.

Greg responds...

Uh. Okay. Thanks.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Neosmith writes...

First of all, I’ve noticed that the approach as a whole is to make standalone/arc episodes. In other episodes, nearly every single episode so far has a self-contained storyline that additionally builds on the longer running plotlines.

Why did you choose to approach the series in such a way in particular? Was there perhaps talk that the series might become too complex for audiences to follow?

During the show’s development stages, was there ever consideration of making the show a more standalone show in general? Or of making more two-part episodes that tackle a single standalone/arc plotline?

Or conversely, having multiple ongoing plots unfold over the course of one episode without resolution, leading to a cliffhanger ending and necessitating more episodes to bring everything to an end (I think it’s referred to as the ‘flexi-narrative’ structure)?

Has there ever been any pressure (from the network, DC or outside forces) to de-serialize the show and make more standalone episodes that don't connect to the main arc of the season at all?

Do you ever feel that having only 22-minutes to tell a story hurts the quality of an episode, or forces you to rush through material?

Do you know pretty much every major plot beat of the season when you started writing the episodes or are certain key plot points figured out along the way?

Have you ever been in a situation where you decided to take the main story in a bit of different direction and so had to go back you to earlier episodes and re-write them to make sure everything fits together seamlessly?

Given that the first season so far has begun many different plot points, can we expect all of them to be resolved by the end of the first season or will certain threads carry over to next season and beyond? In other words, are the arcs self-contained or will they span multiple seasons?

Greg responds...

In the future, please NUMBER your questions.

1. I think it's the best of both worlds to have coherent stand-alone adventures (great yarns) that still forward an overall arc. That way anyone can enter at any time and pick up what's going on.

1a. I pitch my shows as "Episodic but Sequential" because that's how I prefer to work. No one's forcing me to do it this way.

2. No.

2a. No.

3. No.

4. No.

5. Not to rush, but we almost always feel like we're leaving out things that would add richness to stories and characters. I'd love to do hour episodes, which is NOT the same as doing two-parters.

6. We work it all out in advance.

7. Occasionally, we go back and adjust little details here and there.

8. Almost everything is on-going. But I hope episode 26 left everyone with an appropriate amount of open-ended closure. Also some things will be addressed in our companion comic-book.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Lavariel writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

Thank you for all the wonderful work you've done from Gargoyles, to Spiderman, to Young Justice. Been a fan for years.

1) From your experience, what was more enjoyable to work with? Working on a show that was completely yours to control - Gargoyles - from character development, plot, and storyline? Or Spiderman and Young Justice where the basics has already laid out?

2) Was there more pressure to succeed working on Gargoyles because it was original and the creativity was your to control? Or was there more pressure to work on an adaption on Spiderman and Young Justice because the bar has already been set?

Greg responds...

1. They're different. Gargoyles is my baby. But in terms of the actual work, I don't think I had any more or less fun working on SpecSpidey, W.I.T.C.H. or YJ.

2. I think the pressure rises with each series, but I blame the internet more than anything inherent in the series. (I blame the internet for a lot, which is not to say I could go back to living without it.)

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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anonymous writes...

I have a few questions pertaining to Roy Harper.
1. Since he's 18, is he a high school senior? Or a college student?
2. What languages can he speak?
3. You metioned earlier that out of the orginal sidekicks, Roy was closest to Kaldur. What is his relationship with Robin and Kid Flash like?
4. This is more of a confirmation, actually: Artemis can speak Vietnamese, French and knows high school Spanish. Correct?

Greg responds...

1. He graduated high school and is now taking a year off.

2. English, obviously. Otherwise, I'm not sure.

3. Cordial and friendly. Even fraternal.


Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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