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Christopher Chance writes...

Earlier you had said the reason Batman told Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake) to keep their identities a secret from the Team is so that a plausible deduction of his identity would not be made.

If that's the case, would the original members of the Team (plus Kid Flash/Bart Allen and Beast Boy) outside of the "Bat-Family"-16 be able to make a guess at Batman's identity if they haven't already since they know who Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake) are?

--Christopher Chance

Greg responds...

Certain individuals have been let in on the identities of Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne. No deductions necessary.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Kshitij writes...

Hey Greg big fan of young justice. in season 1 wally cannot vibrate his molecules did he learn to do so by season 2.

Greg responds...

No. It's not a question of learning. He's just not that fast.

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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cabes writes...

hi greg!! first i just wanna say, i love young justice and i really hope it can come back one day! i kind of cried when i heard about the netflix thing.
soo, a few questions?!

1. does dick still have romani heritage in earth sixteen canon? I apologize if that's already been asked.
2. how did arsenal stay fifteen (i believe) for eight years? was there some
kind of anti-aging technology in play when he was on ice?
3. i don't actually have a third question. wait, yes i do. is there a chance the yj original trio will make some sort of appearence, since they're all on the team now? that's a spoiler, though isn't it..

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. He was frozen.

3. I honestly don't know what you're asking here. But in any case, it would clearly be a spoiler.

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did the guardians of universe knew of Alan Scott's power ring?

3. Did Alan Scott ever found out about the guardians of the universe?

4. When did the malfunctioning power ring landed on earth?

5. Did the guardians of the universe ever consider taking away Alan Scott's power ring?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. There is no question 2.

3. Yes.

4. No Spoilers.

5. No Spoilers. (By the way, this is the DEFINITION of an idea masquerading as a question. Please, EVERYONE, do not post ideas masquerading as questions. In the future, they will be deleted, along with any legit questions on the same post. I only let this one stand to make this point.)

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Hi. A little while ago I requested a character oriented slant for a hypothetical third season of Young Justice. I want to rescind my request. As I sit here working on my YA novel, I realized that no writer can work that way. He/she can only tell the story she wants to tell and hope other people like it.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Blue diamond writes...

What is joker's real name and when did he became Red hood

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. And in any case, NO SPOILERS.

2. You're assuming facts not in evidence. And in any case, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Dane writes...

1. In "Misplaced" was Icicle Jr. still seventeen or had he already become an adult?
2. What did Icicle Jr. do during the time that the adults and children were separated into two dimensions?

Greg responds...

1. Is Icicle Jr. in Misplaced? But in any case, throughout season one, he's 16 or 17.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Victor writes...

Hello Mr Weissman,

So first of all I would like to congratulate you and thank you for Young Justice. Whilst I am saddened you weren't able to do more with the series, I think what you produced was a great run and a rich, fascinating world which I am sure we would all have loved to see more of. I'll try to avoid ranting against the Powers That Be here, and just say thanks for giving it to us.

Now I have some extremely dorky questions about the background;

1: How much do Kryptonians weigh? You've said their strength and toughness comes from their density, but the fact Superboy can be shot by a tank with no result but to make him angrier seems to suggest he ought to weigh several tons, which would have caused him a few problems. It's possible he's made of some supertough material, but he also pins down an enormous monster in season 2 just by lying on top of its arm, so it looks like it's just his weight that's holding it down, which again would indicate he's REALLY heavy and Flash is presumably tailing him and putting reinforced chairs down whenever he has to sit somewhere :)

2: What kind of working relationship does the League have with mortal law enforcement/intelligence agencies? Have they told Interpol, Europol, the CIA and so forth about the Light (even if they don't want to start accusing Lex Luthor because it might get them sued if they don't have enough proof)?

3: Atlantis isn't part of the UN as per 'Usual Suspects' and even in season 2 little enough is known about it by air-breathers that Godfrey can ask if they're actually aliens. What kind of contact DOES Atlantis have with the surface world besides Aquaman and his sidekicks?

4: Does the Justice League own the rights to its logos and does it get royalties from all the superhero logos people presumably put on t-shirts, lunchboxes and so on on Earth 16?

5: Batman describes Bialya as a 'rogue state', but it seems to have some pretty high end military hardware (predator drones which are far more manouvrable than the real ones) and, frankly, I'd question the decision to let Queen Bee on the Light's board of directors if she ran a pariah state. So what is Bialya's standing in the international community, and specifically its relationship with the USA?

Greg responds...

1. I'd ask them, but it seems indelicate.

2. I'm sure they've got reciprocal intelligence sharing.

3. Little, at this point.

4. There's a lot of pirating, but yes.

5. It's standing varies from state to state. It's standing with the U.S. is not good.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Jacob writes...

Recently you implied that if people binge Young Justice it could get revived. While I want that is it possible? A lot of the writers and animators have broken up and are doing other things ex. Kevin is a writer for Star Wars Rebels. I'm not trying to be a cynic its just a huge hurdle that no one seems to be discussing.

Greg responds...

Not every single person who EVER worked on the series would be back, certainly, but we'd get the cast back. And Brandon Vietti, Phil Bourassa and myself have all made it clear we'd come back, and I believe we're the three individuals who are truly essential to the show beyond the cast. Kevin isn't on Rebels anymore, but he does have other work. I don't know whether we'd get him back specifically, though I would hope so. But I can guarantee you that the writing would still be top-notch.

To be clear, this is all theoretical. The show isn't back. We simply are hopeful and optimistic.

Response recorded on October 07, 2016

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Justin writes...

In your opinion what makes Superman such a great character?

Greg responds...

Truth, Justice and the American Way. (Though what I consider the American Way and what others consider the American Way may differ.)

Response recorded on October 07, 2016

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Thomas writes...

1: Have any of the Justice League gotten into a scuffle: As in the general hero meet and great of fighting with fists and blasts?

2: Do any of the Justice League have statues or museums in honor of them

3: Can Superboy vote?

4: Are the Justice League involved in politics (Do they endorse political candidates or take sides in issues like LGBT marriage or guns?)

Greg responds...

1. If I'm understanding you right, then no.

2. Besides the Hall of Justice?

3. Which season are we talking about?

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 07, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Did Dick ever have romantic feelings for Artemis?

Greg responds...

Not particularly.

Response recorded on October 06, 2016

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SuperMartian89 writes...

I've seen a running theme of father issues: Superboy & Superman (although they resolved that as brothers instead), Artemis & Sportscaster, Aqualad & Black Manta, a little bit of Zatanna & Zatara.
Was it accidental or intentional?

Greg responds...

I dunno, honestly.

Many of these issues were built into the comics we were adapting.

Or some of it may come from my own fears as a father.

But there are mother issues too. Artemis & Paula. M'gann & Marie. Etc.

Response recorded on October 03, 2016

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JDalCanton writes...

Hello, thank you for your time:

1. What does Icicle Sr's costume look like?

2. Is Killer Frost a scientist or a person in the wrong place and wrong time?

3. Who is Icicle Jr's mother?

Greg responds...

1. We've never designed it, so I don't know.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on September 30, 2016

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1) Who originally designed the inhibitors collars? Star labs? Wayne Industry? Lex corp?
2)Are the collars used in other prisons aside from Belle Reve, like say Arkham?
3 What year were they first invented?
4) Is there a limit to how many powers the collars can inhibit? With Megan we see her collar took her three main powers. Shapeshifting, telepathy and telekinesis. For someone like Superman, who, as far as I'm aware, has at least four non related abilities( Strength, speed, flight and heat visions) can the collar inhibit all abilities or can someone just have too many powers for it to be able to cover?
5) The collars are set to negate the wearers specific power. How does this work? Is there a list of say standard powers like strength, speed, heat vision etc, and the collars are merely configured to whatever one is needed? I have to imagine that there must be at least some cases where an individual has a power unique enough that it hasn't been commonly seen or categorized. For the ice villains, they're mostly vague enough that you can just say "negate cryokinesis" but for someone with a more obscure ability, like say "can turn there body into smoke", do they have to look for some kind of common classification in order for it to work, e.g. "negate molecule manipulation"?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on September 30, 2016

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Paul writes...

1) I remember reading ages ago that you had a Zatanna arc, a Marvel Family arc and a Red Tornado arc planned for season 2, all of which had to be shelved because there wasn't enough room for them. Am I right in thinking that you wanted to include these stories - and would have included them - had season 2 been 26 episodes rather than 20?

2) Why didn't you have the Team meet Sgt. Marvel and Lt. Marvel in season 1? They weren't off-limits to you like Troia was (unless they were and you haven't said) and it strikes me that having the Team meet Mary and Freddy might have been a fitting climax to Captain Marvel's season 1 arc. Obviously you had a story in mind since you were going to do a Marvel Family adventure in the comic before you were asked to bring the comic into the season 2 era. So yeah, just wondering why you opted to leave Mary and Freddy out of season 1?

Greg responds...

1. Most likely, yes. Either there or in our companion comic series.

2. We opted to leave a TON of characters out of Season One. What would you have taken out of that season to make room for them? (Don't answer that. I don't actually want to know.) We made the season (in both seasons) that we wanted to make, taking our best shot, given the number of episodes in the order. As I've said before, we wanted to put both Troia and Sgt. Marvel in Season Two, but there wasn't time to get them designed.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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Toni writes...

Hi Greg, a simple yes, no, or maybe would suffice for this question. Is there a closeted (or possibly outed) gay/lesbian couple in the Young Justice team?

Greg responds...

I won't give you a yes, no or a maybe. Just a NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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Miss Mack writes...

Hello there Greg!
1. I just wanted to know if the young justice team in the show ever came up with a team name for themselves? The show itself Is called young Justice but Dick, kaldur etc refer to it only as the team. So did they just call it a team or give themselves the NAME young justice?
2. It has come to my knowledge that the YJ comic and tv show are drastically different. Is there any kind of reason you didn't want to follow the comics specifically or just had a better story?
3. Not sure if this counts as a spoiler but did Bart KNOW and had met anyone if his timeline that was apaprt of the old yj team or the justice league itself or did he just hear stories from civilians? How did he come to know his family heritage and who his grandfather was?

Greg responds...

1. They're the Team. Honestly, I'm surprised people keep asking this question. (Not just you. I get this all the time. Especially on Twitter.) There are 46 episodes and 26 comic book issues out there and in NONE of them do the characters ever refer to the Team by any other name. Why would one think there's any other name? And why would you need any other name for a COVERT unit?

2. It depends WHICH YJ comic you're referring to. The 90s YJ comic was part of the continuity of that day. We weren't adapting any one comic or any one continuity. We were doing an adaptation of the ENTIRE DC Universe's 75 years of continuity through the prism of its young heroes. On the other hand, if you're referring to the Young Justice companion comic that we did while the show was on the air, then ALL the stories in that book are in continuity and canon to the series.

3. No spoilers. Though clearly, he knew Nathaniel Tryon, at minimum.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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Chris Adams writes...

Hi, Greg! Back in 2012, in response to a question about Queen Bee's real name, you asked: "What makes you think her name isn't Bee?"

From what I can tell by poking around with Arabic phonology and Google Translate, it wouldn't make much sense for her personal name to be "Bee" - that sound in Arabic, usually Romanised as "bi", means "my" in English, apparently. I am, of course, assuming that Bialyans on Earth-16 speak Arabic, given the country's geographical location and some of the established placenames.

But of course, she could easily be named something like Nihla, which means "bee". "Malikat Alnnahl" is "Queen Bee" in Arabic, and you can (I think) see where "nihla" becomes "nahl" in that phrase, with the "al" prefix meaning "of" that should be familiar to all of us from Ra's al Ghul, "Demon's Head" or "Head of the Demon", as well as lots and lots of placenames. I assume the extra N comes from how you conjoin syllables in Arabic, but that's purely a guess.

Hopefully you found that interesting. Anyway: without asking you to confirm or deny anything specific, like "Yes, her name is Nihla", would you say it's fair to assume that "Bee" is more of an English *translation* of her personal name, rather than a transliteration of the sound of her personal name into Roman characters?

Greg responds...

I found it very interesting. And your explanation seems likely. But I couldn't commit to anything one way or another, without doing my own research.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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El Garrote writes...

In the episode "Homefront" and "Infiltrated" Robin/Dick Grayson uses a WayneTech override code "RG4". Does the RG stand for Richard Grayson? Also do the other members of the Bat Family have similar override codes (e.g. AP# BW# TD#)?

Greg responds...

Yes, "RG" stands for Richard Grayson. Other codes for other individuals logically exist, though I won't go into specifics.

Response recorded on September 28, 2016

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Valerie Sullivan writes...

Hello! I was just wondering, in the episode Revelation (season 1 episode 14) of Young Justice, why did Batman wait nearly eleven hours before combating the giant plant?
Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a lovely day!

Greg responds...

That doesn't sound right.

Response recorded on September 28, 2016

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Andres writes...

On YA was it someone specific or collaboration to use or create a new Aqualad and make him the team leader?

Greg responds...

By "YA," I assume you mean YJ.

In any case, the creation of Kaldur'ahm was a team effort between Phil Bourassa, Brandon Vietti and myself. As for making him the leader of the Team, it just felt right.

Response recorded on September 28, 2016

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Becca writes...

1. Is Nguyen Lian's middle name or is it a part of her last name? (Nguyen-Harper).
2. Does Jade ever go by Jade Harper?

As always, thank you for doing this!

Greg responds...

1. It's part of her hyphenated last name.

2. No. Long ago, she went by Jade Crock. But not in years.

Response recorded on September 27, 2016

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anom writes...

hey greg :)
i wanted to know:
if Miss Martian did have a cloak to make her invisible, why did she get seen in so many episodes?

Greg responds...

She doesn't have a cloak to make her invisible; she's using her natural camouflage power (and psychically controlling her bio-suit so that it will also use its camouflage power). And it's CAMOUFLAGE, not invisibility. So she's hard but not impossible to see, especially when she's moving.

Response recorded on September 22, 2016

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B writes...

This is the Farano Enterprises that ND was asking what they specialize in and you thought he or she might be talking about Xanatos Enterprises: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Farano_Enterprises

What does Farano specialize in?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Since I didn't write that issue of the comic, I don't know where Art & Franco got the idea for Farano. It IS in continuity. But I've never given it any thought.

Thanks for clearing up my confusion.

Response recorded on September 22, 2016

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Rodrigo writes...

How does martian's camouflage works.
Camouflage: Is a power that Martians can master, a specific usage of their shape-shifting abilities. It allows them to blend into the background by bending thelight around them. That's how martian's Camouflage it works?.

Greg responds...

They are NOT bending the light around them. They are matching the colors of their bodies to the colors of the background. It's difficult and imperfect. But it's fairly effective if they are standing still. Less effective while they are in motion.

Response recorded on September 22, 2016

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Quasim writes...

Hello, Greg! I love Young Justice, and I have done everything that I could think of to support and promote it. It is an understatement to say that I really want a third season, and I know so many other fans who want the same. I know you need funding in order to make another season, so may I suggest that the fans of Young Justice send their receipts to you? The receipts showing that they have bought the Young Justice seasons, merchandise, video games, etc? It would persuade more fans to buy Young Justice merchandise and will hopefully put the amazing show more in demand. Maybe you or I could make a website where we show/post all our receipts? Or an email you have access to? If you answer yes I will share this over social media websites in the hopes to get Young Justice more marketing. Please consider my request, thank you Greg.

Greg responds...

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but there's literally no point in sending me receipts.

You see, I'm not the one to whom fans need to prove their purchasing power. That would be Time-Warner. And Time-Warner doesn't need the receipts either, because they'll get the actual money from the purchases.

And I REALLY don't see how posting other people's receipts (which, btw, often contain confidential info) would get other fans to buy more. I just don't see the connection there at all.

Response recorded on September 22, 2016

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Rodrigo writes...

Hi greg :)
1.In young justice Martians have density shifting so they can move through solid objects but, can they increase their density to become more durable and difficult the damage?.
2.You said than Martians are stronger than humans but how much.is their strength similar or equal to Captain marvel's strength or aquaman's strength?.

Greg responds...

1. In theory, by reducing their volume. It's an advanced technique.

2. I'm not big on these kinds of comparisons. So much is situational.

Response recorded on September 22, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

In Young Justice/Earth 16, when specifically, did Wonder Woman come back to Themyscira after World War 2?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 22, 2016

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Howl writes...

Did you ever have any plans for Artemis Crock for your planned run on Green Arrow back in the 80s when you were at DC?

Greg responds...

Nope. I think Roy Thomas created the character a year or two after I submitted my G.A. proposal.

Response recorded on September 21, 2016

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Julie writes...

Hi Greg! This isn't so much a question as it is a statement (I don't have any questions that don't fall into "spoiler" territory and I live in eternal hope that there will be more Young Justice to come, so I wouldn't dream of bothering you with spoilery-questions).

I just wanted to say -- I watched Young Justice devotedly from it's premiere through second season finale, and -- although almost three years have passed since "Endgame" premiered, YJ is still one of my utmost favorite shows. Your characterization and inclusion of some of my most-loved DC characters excited me then, and still excites me now. YJ-canon is, actually, my favorite (and IMO the most logical) canon for the DC Universe.

No matter how many times I rewatch it (repeatedly and often, as I own the bluray), it still captivates and draws in new viewers. Just this previous month I got my boss and his daughter hooked! I'm hoping Cartoon Network (or, well, any network or streaming service with the ability to produce new seasons) notices that after nearly three years without new episodes, the fandom is still devoted and growing. Here's to hoping they get their act together and let you make a third season (sooner, rather than later).

Anywhos, that became a bit long-winded, but I wanted to thank you for gifting us with this wonderful series and wish you well. I hope you had a fantastic holiday! :)

Greg responds...

Thanks, Julie. I do think there's a decent chance of it coming back.

Response recorded on September 21, 2016

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Jason R. Carter writes...

Did Earth-16 Robin ever think that the opposite of deterred should be "terred", then change his mind as soon as he heard himself say it?

Greg responds...

Uh... sure. If that makes you happy.

Response recorded on September 21, 2016

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TJ BarneyBoy writes...

Biologically speaking, how old are Ra's and Savage.

Greg responds...

51 and 44.

Response recorded on September 20, 2016

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Jackie writes...

So it was recently announced that Samurai Jack is getting new episodes after more than ten years. Does this signal a general interest on the part of CN in reviving shows that were popular with older viewers? Is there hope for Young Justice?

Greg responds...

I think there's a lot of hope for YJ, but not on CN.

I could be wrong, however.

Response recorded on September 16, 2016

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Hey gang,

Heading off to yet another convention. This time it's...

Long Beach Convention Center
300 East Ocean Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90802

I'm there this Saturday and Sunday. Here's my schedule:

09:30am - 03:00pm - I'll be at my table, which is "ANIMATION ISLAND 13". (Well, the con opens at 9:30am, but I'll be driving down that morning to Long Beach from Los Angeles, so I'll get there as close to 9:30am as I can manage it.) I'll be signing and selling copies of my novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM for $10 each. If you buy both, you get a free RAIN OF THE GHOSTS art print, illustrated by Christopher Jones. I'll also be selling CD sets of the RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay for $30 This is an unabridged four hour production with 20 actors (including Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, Ed Asner, Vanessa Marshall, Jim Cummings, Steve Blum, Thom Adcox and more), a full original musical score (by the composers of YOUNG JUSTICE and THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN) and sound effects. It's like a four hour movie in your head! Buy the CD set and you also receive a free print. If you ONLY want the print, it's $20. Plus I'll also be selling original Christopher Jones art prints of YOUNG JUSTICE and GARGOYLES for $20 each. Finally, I'll be selling copies of my animation scripts (from series including GARGOYLES, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, YOUNG JUSTICE, STAR WARS REBELS and many others) for $20 each. All transactions are cash only. Signatures - if you bring something of your own for me to sign - are FREE!

03:00pm - 04:00pm - The Star Wars Perspectives
Join Greg Weisman (Star Wars Rebels), Craig Miller (Director of Fan Relations for Lucasfilm from 1977-1980), Brian Miller (Star Wars artist), and Mike Mayhew (Star Wars comic book artist) as they discuss the different aspects of Star Wars that they have been involved in. Unique perspectives and experiences are brought to the table in this can't-miss panel! Moderated by Blair Marnell, Q&A to follow.

04:00pm - 07:00pm - I'll be back, signing & selling, at my ANIMATION ISLAND 13 table.

10:00am - 01:00pm - Signing & Selling at ANIMATION ISLAND 13.

01:00pm - 02:00pm - Young Justice: Panels to Pixels
Greg Weisman, Peter David, Todd Nauck and Kevin Hopps discuss everything Young Justice from the comics to the animation. Moderated by Ken Rolow, Q&A to follow!

02:00pm - 05:00pm - Signing & Selling at ANIMATION ISLAND 13.

Hope to see you there!

Bookmark Link

Oakley writes...

Why did Miss Martian show Garfield her true form?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 15, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

So, okay, here's one for you.

Most of the Light's plans make sense. They follow a consistent pattern: one or two surface ruses to draw attention, and one lower-level plan to advance Vandal Savage's philosophy that humans need to evolve and take their place on the cosmic stage. Even the entire season 1 plot seemed engineered to put Earth in the galactic crosshairs, so as to give humanity the chance to grow from overcoming the Reach. And THAT seemed engineered to make Earth interesting to Darkseid.

The one thing that I DON'T get, however, was one tiny little plan.

How on earth did the Light, humanity, or indeed ANYONE but Count Vertigo benefit from killing Queen Perdita?

If Savage's plans had been successful, Vertigo would become King. ... What good does that do Savage? Or the Light? How is that worth using four ice villains to freeze the planet?

So, basically, if it's not a spoiler to answer... Why would Vandal Savage get involved in that one?

Greg responds...

This seems obvious to me. If Vertigo is king of and works for the light, then Vlatava, like Bialya, becomes a Light proxy. Why wouldn't Savage and the rest want complete control of another entire country?

Response recorded on September 15, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Do atlanteans wear underwear?

Greg responds...

Let's let them have their privacy, shall we?

Response recorded on September 14, 2016

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Harlan of Ash and Foam writes...

Rewatched the beginnings of Young Justice season one and I had a question about Denial.

Given how much time travel factored into the second season's overarching story, was there ever any point where Abra Kadabra was significant in some fashion? Considering how important the future became, it is a little odd that Abra Kadabra has futuristic technology so casually.

Greg responds...

No one in Season One knew that Abra actually CAME from the future. Except Abra, of course.

Response recorded on September 14, 2016

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Dragomir writes...

Greetings Greg, what are the origins of Psimon's psychic powers? As well as his awesomely bizarre appearance what with his transparent skull and creepy visage? I'm honestly curious as to whether he's Metahuman, an experiment gone wrong, alien, or supernatural in nature etc

Thanks for your time :D

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on September 13, 2016

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infernap writes...

Hey, Greg.

I'm sure that you've heard of the new JLA show that was confirmed recently by Cartoon Network Canada for next year. My questions are:

1. How crash would you be if they asked you to work on the show (like as an adviser)?

2. How crash would you be if they decided to set it on Earth-16?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

Greg responds...

1. Eh. I always like getting paid. But I'm invested in the YJ version of the DCU. I'm not unwilling to explore another continuity. Could be fun. But I'm not dying for it.

2. It wouldn't. Brandon and I would like to maintain control of Earth-16.

Response recorded on September 12, 2016

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Jade writes...

I absolutely love Young Justice! !! But I was curious if Artemis is supposed to look asian? Because both Jade and Artemis look American to me.

Greg responds...

I don't know what "look American" means. Did you mean "caucasian"?

In any case, Jade and Artemis are both the daughters of a caucasian father and a Caucasian/Vietnamese mix mother.

Response recorded on September 09, 2016

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Joel Walker writes...

Hello Greg.
I don't know if you'll ever get around to reading this but i just want you to know that i highly respect your work in animation. Young Justice was amazing and got me through some tough weeks at high school. whenever i was down in the dumps i'd just smash on a episode of the old YJ and it would give me a nice "Homey" feeling. i especially enjoyed the Wally/Artemis spitfire.
I think i type in "Young Justice" into google once a day to see if any news has come up about it, and i try as much as i can to help the show out. buying DVD and following on Facebook etc.
Do you think that WB studios or Cartoon Network studios even mention young justice anymore in their meetings, as to bring it back for season 3. or do you think it's in the past and they are not interested anymore.
it was an amazing 2 years with the show and i try and watch both season at least once a year. thank you very much for the show.
yours sincerely, a humble fan.

Greg responds...

I think there's a decent chance of the show coming back. Not a guarantee, mind you, but a solid decent chance. I don't say that lightly either.

Response recorded on September 09, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg. First off, thanks for answering my Oberon and Dr. Fate question (And for using a superhero analogy, to).
I just had a few questions regarding magic in Young Justice (Sorry for any spoiler-questions):
1. Do supernatural creatures (Like vampires)exist, or is what we see what we get in regards to magical beings?
2. Do you regard Young Justice's magic as following the same "rules" as Gargoyles's, or did you right it differently?
3. Is magic known to the public or government, or is its knowledge restricted to practitioners and associates?
Thanks again!

Greg responds...

1. What you see is what you get until or unless you see something more. Which is a fancy way of saying: NO SPOILERS.

2. More or less.

3. Everyone knows about magic. Whether they believe is another story.

Response recorded on September 08, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

As of Revelations was Rocket attending high school in Dakota City?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 31, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does the Green Lantern Corps know about the existence of New Genesisians and Apokoliptans?

2. Do the Guardians of the Universe?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on August 31, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Out of universe, why was Paul Sloane chosen for the role of Conner in Hello Megan?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on August 30, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. On Earth 16 is Guy Gardner Irish?

2. Were his parents Irish immigrants?

Greg responds...

I haven't studied this.

Response recorded on August 30, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. As of Young Justice issue #10 who is the owner of the Daily Planet?

2. As of Young Justice issue #10 is Perry White the editor of the Daily Planet?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on August 29, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Has Orin ever had sex with anyone besides Mera?

Greg responds...

Why would I answer that?

Response recorded on August 29, 2016

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