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GA FAN writes...

First off congrats on the new series...
Secondly, I would like to comment on the Green Arrow featurette... It was brilliant, it perfectly showed Green Arrow for what he is... Human (probably the most human of any costumed hero, no powers, not an expert martial artist, or worlds greatest detective, just a guy trying to make a difference) I sincerely thank you for your interpretation. If you were the writer on GA/BC it probably wouldnt have needed a reboot, you seem to really get him, and his relationship to Dinah.
Okay, first question... will the Shorts DVD in November have a longer version on it?

2) Are you personally a fan of either Green Arrow or Black Canary...?

3) How much experience do you have with Green Arrow and Black Canary?

4) I am looking forward to Young Justice, and from reports (here and on other sites)GA & BC seem to have somewhat prominent roles in the young teams mentoring process... Is it too early for you to confirm or deny these reports? If you can please do...

5) and finally, is there a possibility of a sequel to the Green Arrow featurette?
or you writing a featurette for another DC character for future Direct to video release?

Thank you for your time... and best of luck with the new series... me and my kids will be watching...

Greg responds...

I think I've answered all these before AND recently, but briefly...

1. People keep asking me. I didn't know there were two versions.

2. Black Canary is probably my all-time favorite comic book character. Green Arrow's definitely in my top ten.

3. I wrote half of a never-published Black Canary mini-series in the mid-eighties. Both characters appear in Young Justice. And then there's this short.

4. I'll confirm this, because we've already stated that both are in the show. Green Arrow is a mentor to Artemis. Black Canary trains the Team.

5. Not up to me. But I'd love to do either or both.

Response recorded on November 06, 2010

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