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Ozaline writes...

How could the bioship have blocked the YJers from Twister's line of site, in episode 3? It's invisible and we see the ground underneath the ship from Twister's perspective and we see Twister through the ship from the YJers perspective. It seems to me that it could have acted as a shield but it shouldn't have cloaked the children who were not inside it.

Greg responds...

It's NOT invisible. It's camouflaged. There's a difference.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Paul writes...

I heard that there won't be any more two-parters in season 1 of Young Justice. Did you and Brandon Vietti decide to make the series premiere the only two-parter of the season or did Cartoon Network tell you that you could only have 1 two-parter in the first season?

Greg responds...

That was our decision - though I'll admit it was at least partially based on the knowledge that networks in general don't love two-parters that much.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Wilco writes...

A year ago I rediscovered the Gargoyles, by accident. I'm from germany and the last time I saw Gargoyles was back in 1998, so I was like "WTH?" when I switched through all those stupid TV channels here in germany and all of a sudden I stumbled over Gargoyles. I was about 8 years old, the last time I did see the show (and never actually understood the storyline), Gargoyles was just sooo cool back then. I love watching those Disney Afternoon tv series (Darkwing Duck, Talespin and stuff), but completely forgot about the Gargoyles. Thanks to the internet I found out, that they re-air Gargoyles in germany: Every sunday two episodes, since 2008! And they still air it and don't seem to take Gargoyles off-air for another year. I think you must be very proud of Gargoyles. Anyways after I discovered Gargoyles again I watched the complete show and what can I say? It's a true masterpiece but the last 12 episodes were strange. The Gargoyle Chronicles are aired with the intro of the second season here in germany, but I'm aware of them now. :D This time around I finally understood the timeline and everything. Brilliant! I couldn't resist and ordered the three TPB of Gargoyles/Bad Guys. Again: Brilliant, but just too short. I imported both DVDs and received them a week ago. Thank's god there are region free dvd players around! I like watching some movies in the original language and that's what I'm trying to do with Gargoyles, even though the german dub is fantastic, too.
I follow this "ask Greg" section since a few months and was reading a lot about Young Justice then. I thought I'd give it a try and thanks to the internet (forgive me) I was being able to see the pilot of Young Justice. What can I say: Another great show! Problem is here in germany we barely know of any of these superheroes, because all these comics aren't being sold here. I know Batman, Robin, Superman, Spiderman and that's pretty much it. So I was like "hell, I don't know anything" when all those superheroes appeared at the end of the pilot. And then my question is:
Do you know when and if Young Justice is coming to other countries? Germany to be precise?
I asked the german Cartoon Network channel, but they say they don't have plans to air Young Justice right now, but that may change in the future...
Just wanted to ask if you know a bit more.
Forgive me my grammatically weirdness and keep up your great work!!

Greg responds...

Thanks for writing Wilco. I'm afraid I have no info on YJ's international distribution. They don't inform me of such things.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

First off, I have been enjoying the show so far, an kudos to all involved.
While I've seen a very positive reaction to the show online, I've seen several bloggers take issue with the way Miss Martian has been portrayed so far.

Not trying to stir the pot, but do you have anything to say to those who feel she is too much of a stereotypical "girlie girl" or that she was belittled by the boys and hit on by Wally?

Greg responds...

She was certainly hit on by Wally, but I don't agree that she was belittled by the boys. And I don't know what to make of the 'sterotypical girlie girl' comment. She is who she is. Obviously, I'm happy with her characterization.

I'm assuming from the date of your question, that you and "several bloggers" have only seen her -- except for a few seconds in episode two -- in episode three. I'd think by now -- as of episode seven -- you've all had time to get to know her a bit better. But either way, stay tuned. I think she's a great character. Hopefully, you'll all think so too.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Bleh writes...

I was just wondering if Dwayne Mcduffie would be writing some episodes of Young Justice? I'm a really big fan of his work, For example Justice League Crisis on Two Earths, and I would love too see him write for the show.

Greg responds...

I realize you posted this back in January. But as some of you may know, Dwayne McDuffie passed away this past Monday, February 21, 2011 from complications from heart surgery.

Dwayne was a great guy and an extremely talented writer. I too was a fan. It's a huge loss to comics, to animation and of course to all his friends and family.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Robert writes...

Are their going to be a lot of breaks between new episodes airing because of some work being done over seas?
They only list the first five episodes.

Greg responds...

We were preempted this week because CN is airing their "Hall of Game" awards show special. Had nothing to do with production, overseas or otherwise. We'll be back next week. Down the road, who knows? But we're not anticipating a break because of production.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Daryle writes...

I've seen episode 3 of Young Justice, "Welcome to Happy Harbor." Is the resolution Miss Martian applied to the bad guy really OK? She checked first that the target failed her scan, but there could be other reasons a failure could happen. Heck, her supervisor for the episode, Red Tornado, would have failed the scan. Did she even consider those possibilities? Note that the lead hidden bad guy's first statement to his assistant highlighted the extreme punishment. (I hope I'm not too vague from trying to minimize spoilers.)

Greg responds...

I get WHAT you're referring to, but I'm not sure what exactly your question is.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Cody Walker writes...

I'm a huge fan of the Young Justice cartoon and I was curious if I could interview you for my website http://www.popgunchaos.com ? Basically I would like to discuss YJ, but also Gargoyles and other parts of your career as well. Thanks for your time and consideration.

My e-mail is rayner23@yahoo.com

Greg responds...

Thanks, Cody, but all YJ interview requests need to go through Winson Seto at Warner Bros. I'll forward your info to him.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Red writes...

Is Guardian from the pilot Speedy's uncle like he is in the comics?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Echogurl15 writes...

1. Are you taking suggestions from fans on things to put in the show or do you have everything planned out?

2. What are some examples of the teenage heroes that are on the list you choose from?

Greg responds...

1. At this point, everything's not only planned, it's executed. But in any case, NO. Not allowed to take suggestions per Warner Bros. legal department.

2. "Some examples" (strictly in alphabetical order): Aqualad, Artemis, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, Red Arrow, Robin, Speedy, Superboy, to name a few...

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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