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Anonymous writes...

Are we going to keep seeing the "Hello Megan!" catchphrase in Young Justice? I mean it's a nice catchphrase but if we're going to see it in each episode... Hahah. Well.

Thank you.

Greg responds...

Tune in and find out for yourself.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Matthew writes...

Not a question. I just saw "Drop Zone" and it was great. I especially liked the fact you showed Bane using his wits. Too often he's portrayed as dumb muscle. This was closer to what Chuck Dixon was probably thinking of.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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becky writes...

just watched "Drop Zone" wich was epic, btw. i was just wondering about the timestamps- i noticed that the first two were dated in June, although the team wasn't even formed till July, 4th. Was this just an animation error, or some time-travel thing? I just got really confused...

Greg responds...

By now, you've hopefully seen the corrections posted here at ASK GREG. (If not, check the Young Justice archives.) I'm happy to say that the timestamps were all corrected for the next time the episode airs.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

After last week's somewhat lackluster episode of "Young Justice," I'm happy to be able to say... NOW THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!

The team seems to have come together, and it was cool to see them handle their first mission. I also loved how they determined who should lead. Usually once the leader is selected, he remains the leader for the duration of the series. But Aqualad as a placeholder until Robin is ready to lead is a pretty inspired take.

The character dynamics were fun. Seeing Miss Martian swoon over Superboy, who was being a jerk to her last episode was sadly quite true to life (seriously, do women like being mistreated?), but it was nice to see that Superboy has lightened up quite a bit, and is treating her much better now. He also seems to be developing a sense of humor. Looks like there is hope for him.

Now, to discuss the villains. I thought the timing of this episode was great, since it was only a few days ago that Bane (played by Tom Hardy) was announced as a villain in "The Dark Knight Rises." I also enjoyed this take on him. Smart, cunning, and utterly ruthless. This is a guy who I can see being as smart as Batman, and it was nice to see that take on him since, outside the comics, Bane has never been depicted as all that bright. I also loved Danny Trejo as his voice, perfect casting there.

I've never heard of Sportsmaster before tonight. His name is beyond hokey, but I liked him as an emissary of the Light. I'm sure we'll see more of him. Speaking of the Light, it was nice to get confirmation that Mr. Twister was working for them last week.

And finally, the Cult of the Kobra, who I have heard of. I liked them in this episode, they were fun. Although they felt like an imitation of Marvel's Hydra, but to be fair, they always felt like that. I suppose I could make a joke about GI Joe's nemesis, Cobra, but I won't. Still, as far as comics go, Hydra was always the original ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world. Oops, guess I did make that joke.

All joking aside, I enjoyed Kobra, and his scheme. Mixing the Venom with the Blockbuster serum produced some pretty creepy results. I was surprised to see that much muscle and tissue ripping through torn skin on a cartoon. But I also enjoyed how understated, and calm Kobra himself was (and that was always how I thought Cobra's Emperor, Serpentor, should have been played, but that's another series and era).

The animation remains gorgeous, and I hope it stays that way.

I give this one a solid A. Loved it.

Greg responds...

Well, I'm glad we weren't "lackluster" two episodes in a row.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Not that you probably have the time to do it even if you wanted to but... I heard the Peter David will be writing some episodes of Young Justice. Should the opportunity present itself, would you like to write a story in his version of YJ like he is writing in yours?

Greg responds...

Uh... just to be clear... you're asking if -- in some strange hypothetical universe -- Peter were to begin writing issues of his old YJ comic again, would I like to write an issue if I had time?

Comics don't really work that way, but sure! Why not?!

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

how old are flash, batman and superman?

Greg responds...

Barry is 35. Clark is 33. Bruce is 32.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Bazell writes...

I am under the impression that you guys created your aqualad for the show and DC followed suit by introducing a version of the character into it's main Universe. This is correct?
I'm curious about the level of communication between the major parties in the seperate character developments. Did you clearly delineate your origin and characterization to the comics team so that they could purposfully create a different character will only intentional overlap, or was there no sharing (beyond the basic look and powers) so that each team could create their own character without undue influence of the other (kind of like the way you have described avoiding much of the 90s Spider-Man show to avoid influence upon creation of Spectacular Spider-Man)

Greg responds...

Yes, that's basically correct, though there was input from both divisions going both directions. There was plenty of communication. No plan on our part for them to take it in a different direction. They picked and chose from among what we created to create their version. And they gave us some good suggestions as well.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg one of the stronger internet rumors going around about Young Justice is that one of the main characters is gonna die. This speculation comes from that comic-con video about young justice. Now I seem to be the only person in the world who seems to think that this meant that your show wasnt afraid of killing off characters when necessary. (already in the first episode Mr. Freeze kills a ton of civilians(well I'm assuming they died because you said that your trying to anchor some of the science in the real world))

So I was wondering are we free to keep on speculating about the death of a team member or was this a misinterpretation of informaton given?

Greg responds...

You're always free to speculate. How could I stop you if I wanted to?

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg,
I was watching YJ on Sunday and I was curious as to what brought Mr. Twister (a robot version)to be the villain of the week? Considering the original human only faced Robin Aqualad and Kid Flash once and decades ago.

Greg responds...

There are a LOT of reasons, but one was that we thought it would be interesting for our Team to face an updated version of the original Teen Titan's very first opponent. A shout-out, if you will.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Ozaline writes...

How could the bioship have blocked the YJers from Twister's line of site, in episode 3? It's invisible and we see the ground underneath the ship from Twister's perspective and we see Twister through the ship from the YJers perspective. It seems to me that it could have acted as a shield but it shouldn't have cloaked the children who were not inside it.

Greg responds...

It's NOT invisible. It's camouflaged. There's a difference.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Paul writes...

I heard that there won't be any more two-parters in season 1 of Young Justice. Did you and Brandon Vietti decide to make the series premiere the only two-parter of the season or did Cartoon Network tell you that you could only have 1 two-parter in the first season?

Greg responds...

That was our decision - though I'll admit it was at least partially based on the knowledge that networks in general don't love two-parters that much.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Wilco writes...

A year ago I rediscovered the Gargoyles, by accident. I'm from germany and the last time I saw Gargoyles was back in 1998, so I was like "WTH?" when I switched through all those stupid TV channels here in germany and all of a sudden I stumbled over Gargoyles. I was about 8 years old, the last time I did see the show (and never actually understood the storyline), Gargoyles was just sooo cool back then. I love watching those Disney Afternoon tv series (Darkwing Duck, Talespin and stuff), but completely forgot about the Gargoyles. Thanks to the internet I found out, that they re-air Gargoyles in germany: Every sunday two episodes, since 2008! And they still air it and don't seem to take Gargoyles off-air for another year. I think you must be very proud of Gargoyles. Anyways after I discovered Gargoyles again I watched the complete show and what can I say? It's a true masterpiece but the last 12 episodes were strange. The Gargoyle Chronicles are aired with the intro of the second season here in germany, but I'm aware of them now. :D This time around I finally understood the timeline and everything. Brilliant! I couldn't resist and ordered the three TPB of Gargoyles/Bad Guys. Again: Brilliant, but just too short. I imported both DVDs and received them a week ago. Thank's god there are region free dvd players around! I like watching some movies in the original language and that's what I'm trying to do with Gargoyles, even though the german dub is fantastic, too.
I follow this "ask Greg" section since a few months and was reading a lot about Young Justice then. I thought I'd give it a try and thanks to the internet (forgive me) I was being able to see the pilot of Young Justice. What can I say: Another great show! Problem is here in germany we barely know of any of these superheroes, because all these comics aren't being sold here. I know Batman, Robin, Superman, Spiderman and that's pretty much it. So I was like "hell, I don't know anything" when all those superheroes appeared at the end of the pilot. And then my question is:
Do you know when and if Young Justice is coming to other countries? Germany to be precise?
I asked the german Cartoon Network channel, but they say they don't have plans to air Young Justice right now, but that may change in the future...
Just wanted to ask if you know a bit more.
Forgive me my grammatically weirdness and keep up your great work!!

Greg responds...

Thanks for writing Wilco. I'm afraid I have no info on YJ's international distribution. They don't inform me of such things.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

First off, I have been enjoying the show so far, an kudos to all involved.
While I've seen a very positive reaction to the show online, I've seen several bloggers take issue with the way Miss Martian has been portrayed so far.

Not trying to stir the pot, but do you have anything to say to those who feel she is too much of a stereotypical "girlie girl" or that she was belittled by the boys and hit on by Wally?

Greg responds...

She was certainly hit on by Wally, but I don't agree that she was belittled by the boys. And I don't know what to make of the 'sterotypical girlie girl' comment. She is who she is. Obviously, I'm happy with her characterization.

I'm assuming from the date of your question, that you and "several bloggers" have only seen her -- except for a few seconds in episode two -- in episode three. I'd think by now -- as of episode seven -- you've all had time to get to know her a bit better. But either way, stay tuned. I think she's a great character. Hopefully, you'll all think so too.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Bleh writes...

I was just wondering if Dwayne Mcduffie would be writing some episodes of Young Justice? I'm a really big fan of his work, For example Justice League Crisis on Two Earths, and I would love too see him write for the show.

Greg responds...

I realize you posted this back in January. But as some of you may know, Dwayne McDuffie passed away this past Monday, February 21, 2011 from complications from heart surgery.

Dwayne was a great guy and an extremely talented writer. I too was a fan. It's a huge loss to comics, to animation and of course to all his friends and family.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Robert writes...

Are their going to be a lot of breaks between new episodes airing because of some work being done over seas?
They only list the first five episodes.

Greg responds...

We were preempted this week because CN is airing their "Hall of Game" awards show special. Had nothing to do with production, overseas or otherwise. We'll be back next week. Down the road, who knows? But we're not anticipating a break because of production.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Daryle writes...

I've seen episode 3 of Young Justice, "Welcome to Happy Harbor." Is the resolution Miss Martian applied to the bad guy really OK? She checked first that the target failed her scan, but there could be other reasons a failure could happen. Heck, her supervisor for the episode, Red Tornado, would have failed the scan. Did she even consider those possibilities? Note that the lead hidden bad guy's first statement to his assistant highlighted the extreme punishment. (I hope I'm not too vague from trying to minimize spoilers.)

Greg responds...

I get WHAT you're referring to, but I'm not sure what exactly your question is.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Cody Walker writes...

I'm a huge fan of the Young Justice cartoon and I was curious if I could interview you for my website http://www.popgunchaos.com ? Basically I would like to discuss YJ, but also Gargoyles and other parts of your career as well. Thanks for your time and consideration.

My e-mail is rayner23@yahoo.com

Greg responds...

Thanks, Cody, but all YJ interview requests need to go through Winson Seto at Warner Bros. I'll forward your info to him.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Red writes...

Is Guardian from the pilot Speedy's uncle like he is in the comics?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Echogurl15 writes...

1. Are you taking suggestions from fans on things to put in the show or do you have everything planned out?

2. What are some examples of the teenage heroes that are on the list you choose from?

Greg responds...

1. At this point, everything's not only planned, it's executed. But in any case, NO. Not allowed to take suggestions per Warner Bros. legal department.

2. "Some examples" (strictly in alphabetical order): Aqualad, Artemis, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, Red Arrow, Robin, Speedy, Superboy, to name a few...

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

Hey Greg, just need to ask a few questions about Young Justice which is perfect by the way.
1.I noticed in the third episode that Kid Flash was constantly trying to flirt with Miss Martian, but Robin kept bring him down every chance he got.Was this deliberate because he obviously knew of Miss Martian crush on Superboy or was it just a conicedence.

Greg responds...

I'm not clear on what two things would be the "coincidence" in this case...?

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Will Superboy ever lighten up? His grouchiness can get old real quick...

Greg responds...

So can questions asking me to spoil future events on the series...

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Brendan writes...

Okay, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I was just wondering, do toyline tie-ins play any part in storylines or story elements you guys come up with? I'm just curious because I know some of the producers from the Brave and the Bold cartoon have mentioned that the toy company had a hand in pushing certain stories and characters like the Starro two-parter.

Greg responds...

Not so far. We had discussions with Mattel way at the beginning of development -- and they absolutely had some worthwhile suggestions -- but they pretty much liked where we were going with the series, and they've had no influence on story.

Since then, we've been feeding them designs, and Kevin Hopps and I have been writing copy for the back of their packaging. We're actually pretty excited about the collaboration.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Algernon writes...

"Welcome to Happy Harbor" Review



It’s here, it’s finally here! The first all new Young Justice episode in almost two months! So how does it hold up? Pretty good, I’d say. Admittedly this episode doesn’t have quite the same level of intrigue and jaw dropping moments as Independence Day or Fireworks but that’s okay. This story is more about getting to know the kids a bit and giving the character stuff more room to breath. And the character stuff is very well done here. We get to see the original four from the pilot interacting with each other, as well as the two newest additions to the main cast.

I particularly enjoyed Red Tornado, Jeff Bennet gives the character a very deadpan delivery that ironically brings Tornado to life. And thanks to the episode’s tag, it looks like we’re going to be learning a lot more about this guy in the future.

Of course it’s M’gann who’s the real star of this story. She starts out very insecure and unsure of her place on this team, if not this planet. But by the end of the episode she seems be a lot more confident though I’m guessing she still has a way to go.

Not that our retuning characters don’t get plenty of nice moments. Kaldur is once again the voice of reason, Superboy shows about all the social graces of somebody who grew up in a tube and Wally is… well Wally. And I loved watching Robin heckling Wally’s pitiful attempts at flirting.

On the antagonist side of things, Mr. Twister is an okay villain but something about him didn’t entirely click for me. I couldn’t even tell that was supposed to be John Delancie doing the voice. Still, considering he turned out to be merely a henchmen for the real villain, maybe that’s the point. Given his interest in Red Tornado as well as being able to duplicate Red’s powers with the Mr. Twister armour, I’ve a pretty good idea who this “Professor” character really is.

All and all, it was a welcome re-introduction to this universe and I can’t wait to see the team’s first official mission next week.

Greg responds...

Yeah, the Professor is T.O. Morrow (revealed in the credits).

Glad you liked it. A breather of sorts before their first mission in episode 4.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Smallvillefan writes...

I have some Youn justice questions

1.-Why Superman acted that way towards superboy?. If someone could understant superboy's predicament better than anyone is Clark.He is an orphan himself.He lose jor-el and Jonathan Kent.He losed two parents.I was a bit disapointed on him acting that way I espected more of big blue.

2.-Are you surprised how popular artemis despite the fact taht she hasn't officialy apperead in the show beyond the intro?.

Greg responds...

1. Personally, I think you're seeing things in a very black and white manner -- when this show is all about shades of grey. (Incidentally, I'm not using this question to confirm or deny anything at all about Superman's background on Earth-16.)

2. I didn't know she was popular before her intro. How does one measure that?

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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KING1212 writes...

............FinalAvalanche writes...
How was Miss Martian able to perfectly transform into Red Tornado when she said that it was difficult for her to transform into men?

ok let me anwser this one for you HE IS A ROBOT!!!!!!! PAY ATTENTION and stop asking stupid questions... OK now here is my question for greg..was it hard picking your cast for who would voice your characters???

Greg responds...

Hey King,

I really don't need YOU to be rude to folks here at ASK GREG. Not helping.

As for the casting, I've gone into this in detail before. So though your question isn't stupid by any means, it still bogs down the site, as you could have gotten the answer from the archives.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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