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Mugabi writes...

Hey Greg!
1) When you said there would be major character deaths, does that include JLA members too?
2) Will there be any other members joining Young Justice?
3) If #2 is correct what will be the first episode to include a new member?
4) In the comics Martian's have super strength. Do M'gann and J'onn have super strength in YJ?
5) Does Aqualad know Black Manta is his father?
6) How old is Wonder Woman?

Greg responds...

1. I don't think I ever said that. I think what I said was that no one was safe and that death was something the characters would have to deal with. But to your question, death could potentially take anyone, and the JL is not immune.



4. Relative to a normal human, yes. Less than a Kryptonian or an Atlantean or an Amazon, but more than a typical human. Of course, it also depends on what form him or her is in and thus the current level of his or her density.

5. No.


Response recorded on May 17, 2011

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-XX writes...

If Artemis is Artemis Crock does that mean Sportsmaster is Lawrence Crock?

Greg responds...

As opposed to...?

Response recorded on May 17, 2011

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Daniel writes...

Hello Greg. Just wanted to thank you for the interesting depiction of Aquaman's world in Downtime. I've never found it terribly exciting in other shows, but it looked gorgeous and seemed to be more than a generic monarchy culture like I'm used to seeing.

Also, the switch to English was clever. Thanks for the laugh!

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on May 17, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

This is a hard episode for me to review. I've always been much more of a Marvel guy than a DC guy; and as far as Marvel goes, Prince Namor has always been a character who hasn't interested me one iota. So, while I'm pretty ignorant of DC, I'm especially ignorant of Aquaman's corner of the DC Universe. I felt like I'd be having major geekgasms if I knew who any of these people were. But, with that out of the way, I did enjoy the episode quite a bit.

I loved the cold opening with Clayface. The design made him look positively terrifying, made worse by the shot of the entire team unconscious at his feet. Of course, Batman shows up and quickly puts an end to that. I've always loved Batman, and while we don't see him in action often in this show, when we do, it's always sweet.

I loved Aqualad's story in this episode, but I felt like there should have been a little more build up to him being unfocused, with his head in Atlantis. Because in just about every prior episode where he took charge, he was nothing but focused. Yes, I understood that the team's defeat at the hands of Clayface, who they should be able to defeat on a good day was that build up. But I feel like just a little something in the previous episode or two, before it leads to this defeat would have been nice.

That all said, this episode finally gave Aqualad the fleshing out he needed, and revealed many more facets of the character beyond being the straight man on the team. I enjoyed his friendship with Garth and Tula. I always enjoy his relationship with his king... and I enjoyed seeing him battle Black Manta.

Speaking of Black Manta, I thought he was really cool. I loved his look, he came off as a real threat. And I loved his... "fatherly" concern over Aqualad. Although, I kind of wish Greg and Brandon didn't reveal at various conventions that he is Aqualad's father. On the other hand, it's cool being in on a secret that no one else knows. Given that connection, I am sure we'll see Black Manta again. I had also previously theorized that Black Manta was a member of the Light, and I was proven wrong, he works for them like Sportsmaster does. And he was answering to, as Weisman revealed in his credits, the mysterious L-5.

On that note, I think L-5 may be the first member of the Light we've seen in the flesh. He does share a voice actor with Prince Orm, who I am told in the comics was Ocean Master. And now that Queen Mera is with child, hmm... shades of Uncle Scar, anyone? I hope we start seeing more members in the flesh pretty soon.

I have a feeling I should know what that giant starfish thing is, but I don't. Aw well, I know that the Light wants it, and that's an intriguing enough hook.

Artemis looks like she's finally been confirmed as Artemis Crock. But in a series that is all about secrets and lies, and with all the trouble the creators have gone to to keep her identity a secret, I think that might be as true as her being Green Arrow's niece. Batman going through all the trouble of getting her into a fancy prep school tells me he wants to keep an eye on her. And I'm sure there is a reason her mother is in a wheelchair... considering how well Cheshire seems to know her, maybe her mother was involved with the League of Shadows.

The Superboy and Miss Martian scene came off as pretty creepy. I mean, why was he just sitting there staring at snow on television? And then it almost seems like he's in a trance after that, and what happens when he gets covered in food, he sits back down and continues watching. Something is up here, I don't think this was just an innocent little scene. He was seeing something on TV that non-Kryptonians can't.

Speaking of TV, did someone say "Hello Megan" on TV at Artemis' apartment? Looks like an explanation for Miss Martian's really annoying catch-phrase. I'll admit it, I'm one of the people who can't stand it, but if she learned all about interacting with humans from watching sitcoms, I guess I can buy how she would come to think that's normal behavior on Earth to emulate.

And finally, I loved Dick's moment with Bruce playing Basketball. Nice to see that despite being Robin's general, Bruce Wayne is still, for all intents and purposes, Dick Grayson's father.

Good episode. Looking forward to the next one.

Greg responds...

And hopefully the one after that...

Response recorded on May 17, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Down time was one of my top favorite episiodes. I mean, you manged to make every single Atlantean awesome, even Lagoon Boy was cool for his 5 seconds on screen. I loved the way you handled Garth, Kaldur, and Tula, very cool. I hope we see more Garth in the future. And that member of the Light Black Manta was talking to intrigues me; his head almost looks like he's wearing a crown. Please send my appreciation to the cast and crew!

Greg responds...

I will. Thanks.

Response recorded on May 16, 2011

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W.C.Reaf writes...

Hey Greg

I just wanted to say that I loved the subtle little change to the voice credits in "Downtime" with almost the entire cast listed with their real names instead of codenames. I thought it was great and added to the theme of the episode showing the team's time off.

Are you planning on doing more stuff like that?

Greg responds...

We've been doing it from day one. The credits will always reflect the episode. (Thanks for noticing, by the way.)

Response recorded on May 16, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Can the members of the Light be discerned by their voice actors? Especially if one known character has the same voice actor as one of the members?

Without getting into too many details, can you say anything about the selection of characters to be part of the Light? Were you looking for a broad overview of the different corners of the DC universe?

Thank you for the entertaining show!

Greg responds...

1. Depends if said actor is playing multiple characters for us.


Response recorded on May 16, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Silly little question- Do you ever feel the urge, (or give into the urge), to slip something into a script purely because you know something about the actor? Like writing a song into a scene because you know the actor sings, (but maybe not telling them that they're going to be doing Sondheim or Gilbert & Sullivan till after they agree to sing 'some ditty'), or make them speak a foreign language because someone is fluent (but perhaps has a horrid accent)? Someone has a great cackle? Find a reason to have it come up. Someone is afraid of canaries? Put on on the character's shoulder for the whole episode. etc The only example I can think of now would be to have M'gan spout a long series of made up equations to see if Danica McKellar's head explodes in the face of nonsensical math. (Or replace of a series of made up equations with her own theorem at the last moment and wait for her to notice.)

Or does "Jalapeno!" qualify as such evil?

Greg responds...

Jalapena definitely qualifies.

Thailog qualifies in general. (How can I write for Keith David and never give him the chance to laugh?!)

I would have loved to do musical episodes of Gargoyles and/or Spectacular Spider-Man, but in the former I couldn't think of a smart way to make it work (pre-Joss Whedon's "Once More With Feeling") and in the latter, we didn't get enough episodes...

But it was fun doing the two musical episodes of W.I.T.C.H.

Response recorded on May 16, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Oops- one other comment on Downtime- The "Hello Megan" was not annoying in this one. It seems to have shifted from a conscious verbal tic to an unconscious one.

Greg responds...

Uh... cool?

Response recorded on May 16, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Why does it seem that Aqualad is the only Atlantean with gills?

Greg responds...

He's not. The episode was set in the city of Poseidonis, where most of the population doesn't have visible gills. In Kaldur's hometown, most folk have visible gills.

Response recorded on May 16, 2011

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