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Tupka writes...

In Revelation, Wotan mentions he prepared for Doctor Fate's return. Has he fought Doctor Fate before?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Chris England writes...

Will the Team get to go to the Watchtower?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Crystal Diamond writes...

Howdy Mr. Weisman,
I tried checking around your archive, but didn't find this question or a couple of others. For starters, I LOVE Young Justice, you guys are doing an awesome job with it! So, my interrogation is this.
1- In the episode Bereft, Miss Martian restoring Superboy's memories show a clip of her in her human form a the local Happy Harbor High School cheerleading practice attire, but they hadn't went to high school yet. At first I thought it was probably an airing mishap of the episodes, but then on the episode Targets when they went to school, the Sphere was present. I'm confused. I also noticed a farm present when Miss Martian and Superboy's minds connected, could this farm be Smallville? I thought Superboy didn't know Superman's identity since in Targets the suggestion of the name Kent made them think of Dr. Fate and not Clark Kent. I confused again...

2- I noticed the dates of the missions have been promptly kept up with and I was wondering does this mean there will an episode in the future showing the team celebrating the holidays?

3- I noticed since Wolf hit the scenes, we haven't seen the Sphere. Do they get along?

4- Miss Martian is in cheerleading, does that mean Superboy will be participating in any extra-school activities or sports?

5- What's the martian bioship's weight capacity?

6- With 10 episodes left of season 1, will be seeing any headway (instead of glares+ignoring) in the Superman + Superboy relation status before season 2?

Thanks SO much for your time. If you can answer any one of these I will be so very happy! ^_^

Greg responds...

1a. She was NOT wearing Happy Harbor cheerleading attire.

1b. You saw a farm or you saw a corn field (like the corn field from 105)?

2. By now, hopefully, you've seen our Halloween episode.

3. Yes.


5. I don't know.


Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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fan21 writes...

1a is Zatanna going to join the team 1b are there going to be more people joing the team
2 is there going to be a Young Justice video Game

Greg responds...



2. I hope so.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

A few questions on Red Tornado's family...I knew next to nothing about the characters until they showed up on Young Justice so I turned to Wikipedia and Comicvine and have a few question. It seems Red Torpedo and Firebrand were Golden Age Quality Comics properties that got bought in total by DC. The reappeared in the 80s but set in their original WWII and shortly after time period.
1. Do you have rough ideas of their heroic days in the YJ universe?
If so...
2. Red Torpedo seemed to have founded some scientist paradise floating city after his heroing days. In the cartoon continuity did he die instead?
3. The original Firebrand was a rich man without superpowers. When he was brought back in the 80's he was injured (or killed?) and his sister who had or was soon to have superpowers discovered his secret and took over the identity. In the YJ version is she the original Firebrand, or is she also in some way sister to the first one with a similar backstory?
4. Assuming wiki is correct- she also had cocustody of her late ex fiance's daughter (mother of Atom Smasher) and later was killed, along with her husband by a supervillain. In the YJ continuity did she have the daughter and/or husband?
5. I missed it while watching the episode, but comments refer to the flashback of her death set at the 1939 World's Fair. Was she a pre-WWII hero in the YJ continuity instead of a WWII era one as in the orignal comics?
6. Last question- a plain old in reference to the episode question: Did the JLA make any sort of announcement about their deaths fighting Red Volcano? Or any sort of Public or private memorial? There were no bodies to bury, but they did deserve honors. And, though elderly, there would seem to be folks around who would still remember the 'beloved' Firebrand.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. See issues 14 and 15 of the Young Justice companion comic.

3. Red Inferno was the second Firebrand. As to her connection to the first: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.


5. Actually, there was some understandable confusion there. Her "death" took place at the SITE of the 1939 World's Fair - which was also the headquarters of the All-Star Squadron - but it actually happened in 1945.


Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. Where were Hal Jordan and Wonder Woman in Revelations,and why didn't the Flash appear with the rest of the Justice League when they confronted the Injustice League?
2. Do all magic users speak the same language when they use magic or does is vary from person to person.
3. How strong is Superman?

Greg responds...

1a. Busy.

1b. Are you sure he didn't appear? I don't have the episode in front of me to check, but I really thought he did.

2. It varies.

3. Strong.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Britt writes...

What was in the bowl that Green Arrow gave Wally?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

just quick questions I thought I might ask ^^
1.When you guy are making the story of Young Justice do you already have the entire story done episode to episode or do you just have the major plot points and some extra stuff?
2. Do you get annoyed with all of the questions towards Young Justice.
3. (im half expecting no comment) Why did you choose to make Miss Martian a green martian instead of white like she is in the comics?
4. In episode 15 of young justice does Zatanna actually say something backwards?

Greg responds...

1. Uh... all of the above.

2. Not all of them, no. Just the ones that ask for spoilers or repeat questions already asked and answered.


4. Yes.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Nemesis Prime writes...

The Light has 7 members who are now all revealed. However in Drop-Zone when the Light was seen there was 9 screens. Were a few Injustice League members sitting in on the report? As the episode was about Kobra Venom and when they made their appearance they were using Kobra Venom for the plant monster.

Or was it just a case of the Light having multiple screens on?

Greg responds...

Uh... sure. (Cuz, there's like no way it could have been an animation error, right?)

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Kevin writes...

I have three questions.
1. You said that the Flash family do not get their super speed from the speed force but in the comics it is stated that it exists in every universe. Since Young Justice exists in Earth 16 wouldn't the speed force exist there as well being part of the DC multiverse? I got this from the Flash Rebirth.
2.Why are there three green lanterns on earth? Officially there should be only one or two lanterns to a sector why is Guy Gardner there?
3.How did Professor Ivo get captured? Will this be revealed in the show or in the comic book?
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Again, the denizens of Earth-16 have never heard of the Speed-Force. If it makes you happy to think it exists anyway, I'm fine with that.

2. So you know the rules for the Green Lantern Corps in Universe-16, huh?

3. Neither, actually. The League caught him. And since the League is the focus of neither the show or the book, we won't be showing it. (I got a lot of flack from fans just for doing a Batman/Robin adventure in issue #11, because the rest of the Team only cameo'd in it. Imagine the flack I'd get if I showed a JL adventure with NO teens in it.) Someday, I'd love to do a comic book entitled "EARTH-16" that would give me the freedom to cover all sorts of stories set in this universe, but of course, it's not up to me.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Sammy1792 writes...

'Humanity' was phenomenal!

I know you've written a few Young Justice episodes so far, do you have characters you particularly (emphasis on particularly) enjoy writing for (ex. Dialogue)? Or ones you find difficult to write for?

Greg responds...

I can honestly say after two seasons that there's no one I dislike writing for.

And I don't generally have favorites, cuz they're all great and fun to write for.

But I have to admit that there's one character who is particularly a gas to write. He's introduced in the first episode of Season Two, so I'm not going to say whom it is now. But if you ask me again after 201 has aired, I'll let you know.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Garfield writes...

Young Justice is my current obsession! (It feeds my inner comic geek. :)) I can't wait for more episodes!

1.) I believe you've confirmed that Beast Boy will be appearing in Young Justice. Can you disclose his age?

2.) How old is KIller Frost?

3.) How old is Edward Nygma?

4.) In Robin's profile on Cartoon Network they call him "Immature". This confuses me slightly; he's certainly mischievous, but on the other hand he is, arguably, the most intelligent, has the most experience, gets along well with adults, even Batman (Mr. Know it All) respects his opinion. So, is he dubbed "immature" because of his rather impish nature? Or something else I've failed notice?


Greg responds...

1. I've confirmed nothing of the sort.

2. Twenty-seven.

3. Thirty.

4. I won't take responsibility for promotional materials.

Although I DID write the bios on the back of the Mattel Young Justice Action Figures!!

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Tessa writes...

Love the show. Brilliant writing, plot/character development, animation - probably the number one animated show on TV right now in my opinion.

I also really appreciate that you've made the characters very realistic and relatable - love that you're not ignoring their sexuality and are exploring what that means for the team (i.e. Miss Martian and Superboy). Such a fundamental part of growing up and I always get annoyed when other animated shows pretend that teenagers don't have to deal with those issues. Artemis' line in Humanity about feeling naked and not in a fun way cracked me up. Definitely fit her character (and age) - really glad S&P didn't ask you guys to chuck that one.

On a different note, if Young Justice ended up staying on air for many, many seasons (10, 20, or you know, forever - you have some very dedicated fans, let's make it happen) do you think you'd ever consider exploring what these characters would be like when they finally branch out on their own (i.e. Robin becoming Nightwing, etc...)? Or do you think that would take away from the fundamental aspect(s) of Young Justice? Basically, I'm just curious what kind of reality you see this show existing in. Is it something a la Family Guy/Simpsons (where none of the characters ever really age) or (given enough air time) would we eventually see their pre-established evolution (or any variance you came up with)?

Sorry for the ramble. Thanks for your time and for creating such a kick-butt show!

Greg responds...

Time will pass on the series realistically, with characters aging appropriately. BUT...

Keep in mind that the entire first season takes place over a single six month period. (Despite the fact that it will take way longer than that to air.) And Season Two likewise takes place over a six month period.

Timestamps can be used to track how much time has passed in the world of the series. But obviously, you aren't going to see our characters age significantly between, say episode 118 and 119.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Gareth writes...

Love the work you're doing on Young Justice so far. Really enjoying the detail the animators are putting into the animation (i.e persistent mud on heroes) and your usage of macguffin plot items to damn good effect (Helmet of Fate in Revelations). Seriously, kudos to you for having the heroes actually use the gamebreaking artefact they have stored away in their trophy room. Heaven knows there're enough shows in circulation now which wouldn't dare do the same.


Was the recent reference by Red Volcano to "Meatbags" a HK-47 Star Wars reference or simply a general anti-human robot thing?

Greg responds...

I don't know what HK-47 is, so I'm guesing no.

I've seen and enjoyed Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back many times. I probably saw Return of the Jedi twice, maybe three times. I've seen Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones once each. I never did get around to seeing Revenge of the Sith.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Wallie writes...

Is there any possibility and/or talk of a Young Justice live action movie? (If this has already been asked, I apologize - I searched the archives and did not get any hits.)

Greg responds...

Possibility? I suppose. I mean, anything's possible, right? Talk? None that I'm aware of, unless this counts.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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ComicDude writes...

How old is Rocket? (Awesome Cameo, BTW. Gotta love the Dakota-verse)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Char23 writes...

1.) How old is Wendy Harris?

2.) How old is Marvin White?

3.) How old is Karen Beecher?

4.) How old is Snapper Carr?


Greg responds...

1. Sixteen.

2. Sixteen.

3. Fifteen.

4. Twenty-two.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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JSAlover writes...

Love Young Justice!

1. Are the following alias' and real names accurate for Earth-16?:
Wildcat - Ted Grant
Sandman - Wesley Dodds
Green Lantern - Alan Scott

2. How old is Topo and what exactly is his species?

Thanks so much!

Greg responds...

1. Yeah.

2. Topo is thirteen, and he's an Atlantean. For more on that and him, see issues #14 and 15 of the Young Justice companion comic.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Weezsupes writes...

First, amazing job and cant wait for the rest of the season and future ones!
1. It was hinted at the end of the recent episode that Zatanna would love to join if her dad didnt ground her for life! (which it shoes he will) but will she be returning as a main character or just another guest on the show!
2. Awhile back, it was mentioned that we would finally get to see an animated version of Wonder Girl, but due to legal reasons wouldnt appear until further in the season or the 2nd(i hope this season). Any hints/clues as to when or if we will see her? (though i would be happy just to see a WonderGirl but i would guess it will be Donna as you have Robin as Dick.)
3. If the above two are current or appear on the show will that affect the relationships between the current ones? ie Robin & Zatana(though not officially a couple there was plenty of flirting going on) Superboy & Miss Martian (even though he dated Cassie not Donna)

Greg responds...


2. WHO "mentioned" this? Not me. When asked, I've said SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.


Response recorded on January 31, 2012

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conner writes...

1.I saw the Young Justice Invasion poster and its are hard to make out the characters but I think I've got them are these the characters on the poster? Miss Martian, Artemis, Robin, Zatanna, Blue Beetle, Kid Flash.
2.How old is Zatanna?

Greg responds...

1. You're right about some, wrong about others. But, really, don't obsess about it too much. It's a piece of promotional art. It's NOT canon. Not even the logo is final.


NOW, CONGRATULATE ME! I've gotten the queue down to under 300 questions!!! Whew!

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Sebastian Orr writes...

Do you know who is the snitch in young justice?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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kieko writes...

IF we see batgirl in this series will it be bette or barbara

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Marisa writes...

Young Justice is my favorite show, and I watch it every week with my dad. I love all of the characters, especially Robin. Thank you for making such a great show. I just have some questions: is there a reason why Wally West lives in Central City rather than Blue Valley, his comic book hometown? For some reason this has been bugging me. Also, does this mean that Wally was president of the Central City Flash Fan Club?

Anyway, my favorite character in the entire show has got to be Captain Marvel. I just laugh hysterically every time he does something. How can the team not notice that he acts like a ten year old boy? It's very, very obvious. Does CM have some sort of natural charisma about him that block people's perceptions?

I can't wait until the teens find out that Captain Marvel is really younger than them!

Greg responds...

We just put all the Flash characters in Central City to bring more coherence to the idea.

As for Captain Marvel, what's obvious to you wouldn't likely even occur as a possibility to most. Why would it? You see an adult with those powers and the wisdom of Solomon, and why would it EVER even occur to you that he might actually be a ten-year-old kid? Because he's sincere and friendly? Because he's solicitous and occasionally naive? Those aren't qualities limited to kids.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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chi fong writes...

i was wondering where zatanna lives and if she will join the team. i love the relationship between robin and zatanna. how many new charecters will be added?i hope you will not add any new charecters from teen titans. i praise your work and absolutly adore this show.

Greg responds...

Zatanna lives in New York with her father. Whether or not she joins the Team is a SPOILER REQUEST.

Many new characters are added all the time.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Jessica Diamond writes...

Besides the Pilot Episodes (Independence Day and Fireworks), the Episodes/Missions he wasn't a part of (Downtime, Targets, and Terrors), and the Loss at the Cave (Homefront), Kid Flash's souvenir collection seems to have something from every episode except Bereft, which is where Superboy started his pet collecting.
1) Did Wally get a souvenir and we just haven't seen it?
2a) If he did, what is it, please?
2b) If he didn't, why didn't he get one?
3) Did Wally get the arrow back for his collection after Homefront or was it destroyed?
4) If it was destroyed, did Artemis replace it with an identical one or is the spot permanently empty?

Greg responds...

1, 2a, 2b.) Rewatch the episode. I think it's quite clear on these points.

3. What was left of it, yeah.

4. See answer to 3.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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