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Arthur Jr. writes...

Hey Greg, I have seen the recent episodes of "Young Justice" and that I have seen who the members of "The Light" (Project Cadmus' Board of Directors) are. L-1 is Vandal Savage, L-2 is Ra's al Ghul, L-3 is Lex Luthor, L-4 is one of the Bialyan Queen Bees, L-5 is Ocean Master (there hasn't been a mentioning if he and Orm are the same thing yet), L-6 is Brain, and L-7 is Klarion the Witch Boy. The episode "Revelations" had them using the Injustice League as their proxies where you and Jamie Thomason had casted Alyssa Milano as Poison Ivy and Brent Spiner as Joker. Brent did a good job with his rendition of Joker.

Back with the Bialyan Queen Bee that Marina Sirtis voices, there were two Bialyan Queen Bees in DC Comics. The first one was an enemy of Justice League International until she was assassinated by Colonel Rumaan Harjavti's brother Sumaan. The second one is the sister of the previous Bialyan Queen Bee named Beatriz who status is unknown after Captain Marvel's Extreme Justice team brought an end to her activities. So which of these Bialyan Queen Bees did you place as L-4?

I was pleased with how you shown the Forever People, Desaad, and Intergang in "Disordered." When it came to Intergang, the only members identified were Bruno Mannheim (the son of Moxie "Boss" Mannheim) and Whisper A'Daire (who used to work for Ra's al Ghul's League of Assassins) while the rest seemed to be Intergang foot soldiers. When it came to Desaad, there was a reference about Desaad's master probably indicating that Darkseid and the other New Gods of Apokolips might appear at some point.

Greg responds...

The first Queen Bee of Bialya.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Mikayla writes...

Hey, Greg. Loved "Disclosure" last Friday. I've never seen or read anything with the Forever People in it, so this was my first experience with them, and I'm happy to report that it was a good one.

I found the therapy sessions to be interesting, as well. I actually do have a question about some of the things Robin said. Obviously, this was a very crucial moment in his development as a character. 1. Were his concerns about taking over the Batman mantle supposed to be an allusion to the kind of Batman Dick became in the comics? Or was it more of a Nightwing reference? 2. Was Black Canary the only one Dick felt comfortable opening up to? If given the chance, would he have confided in Alfred and Bruce?

Greg responds...

1. Neither.

2. Maybe Alfred, but I don't think he's ready to tell Bruce yet. Not because Bruce is an ogre or anything, but because sometimes kids are afraid of disappointing their parents.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg,
I wanted to share some news with you of when I emailed Disney which is disneyinfo@disneyhelp.com to ask them if they are going to release Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 and Season 3 both on DVD in 2012 and they replied to me by email of "There are tentative plans to release the rest of the Gargoyles Series in 2012, but no details are available at this time."

Greg responds...

Thanks for sharing. I hope this comes about.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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LupusLover writes...

1)I love the missions they have as a team but to be honest my favorite parts are of them during their free time(And when they're in their civilian clothes). Is there going to be an episode entirely focused on them as civilians in a town or city?
2)I assume Artemis lives in a run down part of Gotham. Am I correct?

Greg responds...


2. Yes. For more on this, see our companion YJ comics.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Will the DC reboot effect YJ in any way?

Greg responds...

No. We were well underway before the reboot was announced. For us, it was too late to change anything.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Um writes...

1. How aware is the general public of the individual members of the team, besides the original four (Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Speedy)?

2. Is Captain Marvel supposed to be a secret-even-to-him member of the team?

Greg responds...

1. Not at all aware, except for the specific individuals who may have spotted them in action.

2. I don't understand the question, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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... writes...

1) How close are Green Arrow and Artemis? Because in Homefront, when everyone is waking up from Red Tornado's attack, Superman is waking Artemis up and Green Arrow's off to the side somewhere. Is she even really his sidekick, or is she just given the costume by the JLA so she can be on the team?

2) Is nobody at all concerned that this team of relatively untrained teenagers is being put on missions the JLA can't handle?

Greg responds...

1. Basically, I'm going to tell you to stay tuned and/or check out our companion comic books for the answer to this.

2. No one said the League couldn't "handle" these missions. What's been said is that the League is very high profile, and for them to gather covert intelligence can sometimes be difficult due to their celebrity.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) How close were Robin and Speedy, pre-pilot? I don't know how likely it is that they had the same kind of relationship they did in the comics, seeing the age difference.
2) Why is Wonder Girl such a hard character to get onto any show, legally?

Greg responds...

1. I tend to agree.

2. I don't know. But she's no longer off-limits, so it's moot.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Maki P writes...

DC HERO asked if you could include the Music Meister in YJ and your answer was " It's been done". Does that mean we will be seeing him in the future? And will it be this season?

Greg responds...

When I said, "It's been done," I was referring to Batman: The Brave and the Bold.


Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

How much does the public in the Young Justice universe know about Atlantis and the Martian civilization?

Greg responds...

Very little.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, just a few comments/question I wanted to share

First of all I'd like to say just how much I've been enjoying young justice, it's well planned out and I can't wait to see how the show will play out.

Second; I know you answered the languages all of the six main characters can speak, but what about Zatanna, red arrow, batman, red tornado and black canary?

And also, I know next week episode 18 is to air, but the next two weeks are not airing. Will the new episodes be up the following week or is that TBD?

Thanks for your time :)

Greg responds...

First, thanks.

Second... I won't pretend I've thought all this out. Some of it seems pretty obvious though:
Zatanna - English, Italian, high school French...
Batman - I imagine he's very much multi-lingual.
Red Tornado - I would assume he's programmed with a ton of languages.
As for Red Arrow and Black Canary, I'd have to give it some thought.

And episode 19 premieres March 3rd, 2012 on Cartoon Network.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Total Miss Martian Fan! writes...

Greg, It's me again! I love young justice but confused on Disordered.
1. Miss Martian is clearly a white martian if she is can she at least be a good looking white martian? I mean seriously I have seen the white martians and I am not fond of them.
2. When Superboy said he was "at peace" does that just means he wants to live up to Superman's expectations but can't so he was happy?
3. Honestly I love that you put Superboy and Miss M together because they were so perfect so now Artemis is out of the way and she clearly likes Wally

4. Does Cheshire still love Artemis since that is her sister?

Greg responds...


2. No. It meant that for a brief period, he felt he was taking on the role of Superman, and that made him happy. (More or less.)

3. No actual question here...


Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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LupusLover writes...

Sorry if some of these might have been asked but...
1)Red Tornado was seen in both 'Failsafe' and 'Disordered' but in 'Humanity' he said he would stay to care for T.O. Morrow. Why is he back at the cave?
2)Will the viewers get a little inside look on all the Justice League members lives/past?
3)In 'Disordered' Black Canary said her first Canary Cry was in the first grade. Did you make that part up or was it mentioned in another show or comic?

Greg responds...

1. He never said he would "stay" to care for Morrow. He said he would care for him. And what he meant was that he'd see that Morrow received good care.

2. Here and there.

3. I think we made it up for our version of Canary, but it's very possible I once read that somewhere, and it just stuck in my head.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Mike writes...

So, I just watched the episode Disordered. Why is it that Dick came to the realization he came to in the episode 5 years earlier than in the comics? I believe he was 18 when he left Batman and became Nightwing, and it was around that time he finally realized that he didn't have to be exactly like Batman. I just think that because of the brevity of the time (two episodes -- really 3 scenes) it lessened the impact that realization could've been made into.

Greg responds...

I think we're talking apples and oranges. Of course, we're not in continuity at all with the comics, so that's neither here nor there. We're just trying to be true to OUR version of the character. He's not leaving Batman or becoming Nightwing here. He's just had a painful epiphany, which seemed very appropriate to us given the circumstances. If you think that epiphany came to soon, well, you're absolutely entitled to that opinion. But obviously we disagree over here. C'est la vie.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Moon writes...

If Miss Martian is 48 years old (biologically) and she's dating Superboy, is she a pedophile?

Greg responds...

She's a biological adolescent, just like he is.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

Just caught the new YJ Episode, and I must commend you and Brandon. You successfully made the Forever People cool. I mean, personally, they were always kind of a silly concept, but I like how you did them. Also like Desaad, also well done. And forgive me some gloating but I CALLED IT. Sphere was the Super-Cycle! Also, loved the confessions about last weeks episode, very cool. Robin's and M'Gann's intrigue me the most truthfully, very interested to see where those lead. Please keep it up, and I can't wait for next week's episode.

Greg responds...

Thanks! By now, hopefully, you saw "next week's episode" and in just a few more weeks, the "week after's episode" will premiere.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Another question about "Disordered". What were the Forever People saying before they started speaking English?

Greg responds...

BEAR: Hero Danjar! [We have arrived on Earth!]

SERIFAN: Zon! Nos kemnos! Danjar tharan, thanka, tabore… [Yes! Just as I imagined it! Earth’s beautiful, flora and fauna…] But when can we see some ‘Cowboys’?!

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I love the Young Justice series and just had a few questions.

1. If Cheshire is Artemis' sister, why is her last name Nguyen and not Crock?

2. Do the characters who were named after pre-existing characters (e.g. Bette Kane, Mal Duncan, Barbara Gordon etc...) have the same origins/powers as their original counterparts?

3. Are Artemis' parents still together?

Thanks a ton!!

Greg responds...

1. She took her mother's maiden name, because she has issues with her father.

2. Assumes facts not in evidence.

3. Nope.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. What all can Miss Martian cook?
2. How old is Zatanna?
3. What does Miss Martian think about Red Arrow?

Greg responds...

1. Lots of stuff.


3. She doesn't really know him very well, does she?

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

I haven't seen "Young Justice" before today, since I don't have cable, but I discovered that my local library has a copy of the first four episodes on DVD, and so checked it out.

I thought that the series was well-animated, and liked those place/time captions at the bottom. (They reminded me of "The X-Files".) I was also pleased to note that, even though I'm not a DC Comics expert (the only member of the team I knew anything about outside the context of the cartoon was Robin), I was able to understand what was going on in spite of that, and who the characters were.

I also liked the way you distinguished Aqualad from his two initial teammates, Robin and Kid Flash, by having Robin and Kid Flash talk in an everyday style, while Aqualad has a more dignified speech pattern. (Kind of like the difference between the trio's speech patterns and Goliath's.)

A few thoughts on specific episodes.

INDEPENDENCE DAY/FIREWORKS: The opening amused me. Four different super-hero-and-protege pairs, with different styles and atmospheres, and they're all fighting cold-themed super-villains! (I'm glad that Batman said they should look into why four cold-themed super-villains were all on the loose on the same day, though I don't know if that question's been answered yet in the series.)

I also got a kick out of the Hall of Justice scene, where somebody thinks that Speedy is Kid Flash's name (no wonder Speedy changes his name to Red Arrow!), followed by the Justice League telling the proteges that most people don't get to see this much of the Hall of Justice - and then we see the tourists looking in through the window!

Those creatures roaming about Cadmus Labs were positively creepy, especially the imp-like ones that perched on people's shoulders and mind-controlled them. Though it was a big surprise when they turned out to be a lot more friendly than they looked, and just wanted their freedom.

WELCOME TO HAPPY HARBOR: Kid Flash's comment on Miss Martian shape-shifting into his form was great.

I suspected that Superboy felt so uneasy about Miss Martian using telepathy on him because of his background, even before the characters said that.

I remember your comment about how you often felt unsettled when those fights in "Gargoyles" destroyed historical artifacts; I got that feeling myself when the team's fight with Twister demolished what looked like a historic old house.

The revelation that: a) Twister had a human pilot inside, and b) the "human pilot" was really a robot, definitely startled me. Two of the biggest surprises in those four episodes. (Almost like "The Edge" and "Leader of the Pack" merged.)

DROP ZONE: Aqualad telling off Robin for acting as if he was still working with Batman, who knows Robin's methods and vice versa, when the rest of the team don't have that kind of understanding of him, was great. (No wonder he winds up team leader - though I laughed when Robin said that Aqualad's the best pick for that job - and thus the best pick for explaining to Batman why the mission wound up far less covert than it was supposed to be!) Got a smile, also, out of Batman's talk to the team at the end, going from reprimanding them for their mistakes to congratulating them.

The Light make a great "big bad" for the series, all the more so because of their title. The word "light" so often has positive connotations that it's creepy to see it used for the main antagonists.

A great start. I hope that the library gets more episodes on DVD soon.

Greg responds...

Me too!!

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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martin muse-amiel writes...

Hi, Mr.Weisman
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to view and/or answer my questions. I love your work on previous works such as spiderman and gargoyles. I hope you have a good day and an awesome holiday.

1.Are you going to explore more of Kaldur's personality and family history?
2.Are we going to see Kaldur interact with other people besides the team?
3.Are you aware of this: http://iamkaldur.tumblr.com/

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Sure.

3. Nope.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Which states are gotham city, metropolis, coast city, fawcett city, keystone city, central city, bludhaven, and hub city located?

Greg responds...

I'd rather not be pinned down on this stuff.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Jess writes...

Hey I'm relatively new to reading American comics. I really enjoyed your work on Spectacular Spider-man, been a long time fan of the DC animated Universe so I was happy to see you'd be working on Young Justice. So far it's been a pleasure. I especially enjoyed Failsafe. I noticed the trend of the number 16 (16 member Justice League, 16 week old Superboy, 16 earth years is M'gann's age and so on) was that to hint at this episode or will this trend continue? Either way, well done. I didn't actually like Superboy and M'gann together at first but their relationship is blossoming beautifully now they are together, I suppose it was mostly Superboy's anger but it's nice to see him them happy and treated as equals. I think they are a wonderful message for kids in how to treat each other as equals in a relationship. I hope the revelation of M'gann's true powers don't cause too much trouble for them. Though I doubt it. Her catchphrase is adorable, happy to see Wally adopt it. I was surprised that Wally and Artemis didn't share a moment at the end of the episode until I realised it would probably ruin the tension and emotion of the revelation a the end of the episode.

Sorry this sort of turned into a Young Justice Appreciation post instead of a question.

Greg responds...

That's okay. We here on the staff of ASK GREG appreciate appreciation.

As for your query about the number 16, it goes deeper than that, since the whole series is set on Earth-16.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Where does Black Canary live?

Greg responds...

Star City.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Zachary Bishop writes...

In "Failsafe" some of the Leaguers were shown with face masks in space, was that so they could still talk to each other, or was it because those heroes (Superman, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel and Martian Manhunter) can't breathe in space?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What can you tell us about season 2 of Young Justice?
How many new team members will there be?
How many people will die?

Greg responds...

1. I can tell you LOTS!!! (But of course, I'm not gonna.)

2. More than one.

3. You mean among the fandom?

Or put another way:


Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Artemis writes...

On the team how many members will die or leave by the end of the season?

Greg responds...


And with this NON-answer, I've finally broken the 200 questions-in-the-queue threshold! YAY, ME!!

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. In the comics, Bette Kane and Barbara Gordon are Flamebird and Batgirl respectively. Will they their respective identities in Young Justice?

2. What is the premise of episode 19?

Greg responds...


2. SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. But since this has already been reported: #19 Misplaced"
When every adult on the planet disappears, only the Team, Zatanna, and Billy Batson are left to defeat the five most powerful sorcerers on Earth.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Can you give some spoilers regarding characters in future episodes? Is the Question, Killer Croc, or Hush at all planned to join the series?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Matthew writes...

Not a question but here's a positive review of Young Justice.


Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Onesweetsuprise writes...

I heard somebody asked Dwayne McDuffie this question about Ben 10, so I'll ask you 'cause I'm curious.

If you could have Young Justice crossover with any other TV series, what would it be?

Note: By any TV series, I really mean ANY. X)

Greg responds...

My mind just doesn't work that way, really. But I guess... hmmm.... we've already kinda crossed over with Super-Friends, so...

I'll say Scooby-Doo.

After all, we've got meddling kids and a big dog and a neat vehicle to go around and solve mysteries. It's a perfect fit.

I mean wouldn't you just love to see Fred, Daphne, Shaggy, Velma and Scooby as reimagined by Phil Bourassa?

(Actually, I'm cheating. This is totally Brandon's idea.)

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is there more to the marvel family on earth-16, or is it just captain marvel and black adam? And are you going to delve into Cap's origin with shazam?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Are Terra and Jinx and Kydd Wyckyd ever going to appear on Young Justice?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is Deathstroke going to join the teams rouge gallery, or will he be excluded because of his part in the teen titans?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In Revelation, why was Black Adam so toned down? Because he's been able to go toe-to-toe with both Superman and Captain marvel, and hes successfully fought off groups of the Justice League, Justice Society, and the Teen Titans on his own

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Nathan writes...

1. Why did the Light need Kobra Venom when they had the Blockbuster formula?
2. How many founding members did the Justice Society have and who were they?
3. Is the Light an original creation, an existing DC group, or a combination of both?

Greg responds...

1. One was an enhancement on the other.

2. Six: Flash, Green Lantern, Atom, Doctor Fate, Sandman and Hourman.

3. Combo.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Vertigo9 writes...

I love Young Justice, it is my favourite cartoon show and one of my favourite tv shows since Spectacular Spiderman was canceled. I have a couple of questions regarding if u have access to certain characters.
1 Do you have access to use Swamp thing?
2 Do you have access to use Timothy Hunter?
3 Do you have access to use Dream, Death, and the rest of the endless?
4 Do you have access to use Lucifer?
5 Do you have access to use Animal Man?
Thanks for answering the questions.

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I'm not willing to answer any of this. It isn't politic for me to get into these issues with the fans. And if I answer for some characters, then by implication the ones I don't answer for are de facto "answered".

So generally, I'll say what I've stated before. When we started development on the series, there were less than ten characters that we expressed an INTEREST in using that we were told were off-limits. Since then, some of those are NO LONGER off-limits. And the ones that still are can be counted on one hand.

But ALL OF THIS only applies to characters we ASKED about. I have no idea whether characters we DIDN'T ask about are off-limits or not.

(I wasn't about to annoy everyone by making them check every single character in the DCU legally to find out whether or not they were off limits if we had no intention of using them ever.)

But rest assured, we were ALWAYS designed to be a series that explored the depth and breadth of the DC Universe. You won't have a shortage of characters. That, I guarantee.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Ice writes...

Well, first, sorry for a typo in a question I recently sent you about Castle Wyvern. I meant haunted, not hunted.

Also, I want to mention the Young Justice episode "Failsafe". I actually missed the episode the week before, so at first I was really confused. I thought at first maybe an alien invasion started in that episode out of nowhere and this was part two. After Batman died, it was hard to take it seriously, as in, I knew at that point that I was wrong and that this episode was going to end up being similar to "Future Tense". There were a few points for a second I actually questioned it though. Such as when Martian Manhunter came in, I easily bought the whole idea that the beams were just teleporting people. Again, I feel this might be just a result of missing the previous episode, assuming I just missed something big (Such as when I unfortunately missed the episode where apparently Red Tornado was forced into betraying the team by his programming, I don't know much about what happened there, only info I have on that is from what the characters said in following episodes.) I'm not for certain when I came back to the idea that the episode was going to have a "Future Tense" sort of ending, I think it probably was the point when Manhunter said he was wrong about the beams, since, if the beams really did kill the people they hit, obviously Manhunter would've been dead. It was a pretty good episode though as always.

I suppose the only question I really have is if comparisons(I was reading through unanswered questions earlier and I saw another person making the comparison) between "Failsafe" and "Future Tense" bug you? Or just comparisons between Gargoyles and any other work you've done since. (As in "Oh, that character is just like *whoever* from Gargoyles" or "Oh, this is just like that one episode of Gargoyles" I suppose.)

Greg responds...

I take all that with a grain of salt.

Obviously, when I was working on Failsafe, I was aware of what we had done back in the day on Future Tense. But the truth is that Brandon came up with the springboard for Failsafe, and he and I worked together with writer Nicole Dubuc to just make this episode the best IT could be.

After that, I realize some comparisons are inevitable, but ultimately the episode either stands on its own or it doesn't. I think it does. Others might disagree. That's what makes it a horse race, as they say.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Jason R. Carter writes...

1. What is Earth-16 Clark Kent like to the outside world? Judging by how relatively disheveled he looked in "Schooled", he seems the clumsy nerd from the Donner movies.

2. Besides you voicing Snapper Carr and Nicole Dubuc voicing Iris West-Allen, will any of the other writers be voicing characters on Young Justice?

3. If Earth-16 Ma and Pa Kent were really Jor-El and Lara, what stopped them from using their powers like Superman does?

Greg responds...

1. He seemed quite sheveled to me. I don't know why you even say that. He had a hat for heaven's sake.

2. No. Nicole and I are both in SAG. The rest of the writing staff is not. (Least not as far as I know.)

3. That was an APRIL FOOL'S DAY joke!

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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scarab fan writes...

Is Blue Beetle ever going to join this show? And if so is Will Friedle going to continue his voice?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

How old is Captain Atom? and what kind of powers does he have in this show?

Greg responds...

Captain Atom is 70 years old (though he doesn't look a day over 28).

Cap is connected to the quantum field via his silver skin, which allows him to access clean (NOT RADIOACTIVE) energy and fire off bolts of energy. That same energy can also be used to power his flight and even to enhance his strength. His skin also makes him largely invulnerable. And he can even survive in deep space without a pressure suit of any kind, as long as he has oxygen. (He still needs to breathe.)

Cap can also ABSORB energy and redirect it back to the quantum field. But there's a limit as to how much energy he can absorb and how quickly. If he takes in too much energy at once, the excess will be used as fuel for a one-way trip into the future. The more he absorbs the further into the future he'll jump.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Where can I buy the young justice comics online?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on February 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I did a search for "speed force" and didn't find anything that answered my question so I hope this isn't a duplicate.

Someone asked you why you "got rid of the speed force on Earth 16" and you replied that you didn't get rid of it on Earth 16 because it was never there.

My question is, why? Why did you decide that you didn't want the speed force on Earth 16? I like the speed force. It doesn't necessarily bother me that there won't be an episode about the speed force on Young Justice, but it does kinda bother me that there CAN'T be an episode about the speed force.

Greg responds...

I'll admit I don't understand the Speed-Force. It comes after my time, so to speak, but I'll ask again, if there's a speed-force, does that also mean there's also a strength-force or an archery-force, etc.? What makes the concept necessary and not just unnecessarily complicated? I've not personally read the materials where it first appeared, so I have NO OPINION of them, but no one's ever been able to explain it to me OUT OF CONTEXT in a way that didn't cause me to make a 'yucky' face.

And AGAIN, I'll restate what I've stated many times since, which is that no one on Earth-16 has HEARD of the Speed-Force. If you want to believe it's there, but they just don't know about it, more power to you.

And again, you may have checked the archives for this. But did you check the UNANSWERED QUESTIONS queue? Because I know I've dealt with this multiple times before, so your search to make sure this wasn't "a duplicate" leaves a little to be desired.

Response recorded on February 08, 2012

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Leigh O. writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. Let me start by saying that I have followed Young Justice since the premier in November, and I think this is one of the best adaptions of the DC Universe by far. This week's episode (Failsafe) kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. Your take on each and every one of these classic characters is amazing, and I cannot wait to see what happens with the rest of the season, as well as Season 2.

Now, I have been searching the archives for a while and have not come upon this topic at all, so if I missed it, I apologize for asking a question that's all ready been answered. In Batman: Brave and the Bold, there was an episode that featured a villain by the name of Crazy Quilt. In the episode, this particular character held a grudge against Robin (Dick Grayson) because while he was still working as Batman's partner, it was the Boy Wonder who accidentally caused Crazy Quilt to go blind. This was my first time hearing of this character, so after the episode ended, I looked him up and found that this episode was extremely accurate to the character's comic book history.

So my question is what is your take on Crazy Quilt? As one of the few DC villains to actually hate Robin more than his mentor, is there a possibility of him appearing at some point?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 08, 2012

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I was wondering, you don't have to tell if you don't want to, but will the mole ever be revealed this season. I've looked through the archives, but I couldn't find my question in particular

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 08, 2012

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Andreas G writes...

Irealized I posted this in the commonets section as well so I apologize. Sorry Greg!

So, after the reveals of Red Tornado's family in "Humanity" I just wanted to know...

1. Any chance of Tomorrow Woman appearing in the series or as her secret identity Clara Kendall? She's both a Justice League member and one of Red Tornado's siblings. Plus both of her creators, Professor Ivo and T.O. Morrow have been featured on the show.

And not a question but thank you so much for your work Greg. I loved watching Gargoyles, and Young Justice has been amazing, and I'm sure it'll continue to be so.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

will Robin ever become Nightwing, or have Nightwing references on Young Justice?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 08, 2012

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Total Miss Martian Fan! writes...

Hi Greg!
I am so excited about Young Justice I just wanted to say good job on the characters and especially Miss Martian and Superboy. I have a few questions:

1. In Failsafe of Young Justice could Miss Martian possibly be more powerful than the Phoenix Force?
2. Will Artemis and Wally ever find out that Miss Martian and Superboy are dating?
3. In Homefront we saw a flash back that had Artemis and a girl that looked like Cheshire and in Targets Cheshire said: "Archery girl I like her" If that is someone Artemis knows does Cheshire really care about her?
4. In Failsafe (Favorite episode) when Martian Man Hunter was saying: "her mind is by far stronger than mine could the team hear what he was saying?
5. (Last question Greg)At the end of Failsafe when Miss Martian was crying in Capt. Marvel's Arms why did Superboy look sad and was holding his arm tightly?
Thank you so much Greg for putting time into answering my questions and you are doing a real good job you and the staff of course I don't watch TV alot but Young Justice gives me something to look forward too. Real Good Job.
P.S. do you consider doing a season 3?

Greg responds...

1. Apples and oranges.

2. Artemis found out in episode 118.

3. When Cheshire referred to "Archery Girl" she was talking about Artemis. And Artemis' sister in the flashback was Cheshire. Otherwise, I'm not sure I understand the question.

4. In theory, Superboy could. But I don't think he was listening.

5. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on February 08, 2012

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Kit Walker writes...

I looked high and low, and did not see this question asked or answered anywhere on Ask Greg. Forgive me if I did manage to miss something.

Anyhow, you're very much on record as not being pleased with Grant Morrison's take on General Eiling (which I just learned I had been pronouncing wrong since I was a kid - I puzzled it out as I-ling while reading Morrison's JLA when I was nine...I'm 21 now). I was wondering how you felt about John Ostrander's addition to the character's history. Spoilers for "Suicide Squad: Raise The Flag' mini-series follow.

In that series, it is revealed that Rick Flag, Jr. was not the son of the original Suicide Squad's leader but instead was soldier that General Eiling brainwashed into being a weapon at Eiling's command. It was Eiling who placed him in charge of the second Suicide Squad and forced Waller to put him with the third (the most familiar version, with the villains). He was also more than willing to leave Flag to his own devices until activating he was in a position to be effectively used. I have not been able to track down your run on Captain Atom, so I don't rightly know how you handled the character and I am curious to see how that portrayal fit with your vision of the character. Hopefully, presuming you haven't read the mini, I summarized it well enough.

Greg responds...

Look, none of this is quite fair. Personally, I haven't read Morrison's take on Eiling, nor have I read Ostrander's.

The fact that I reacted negatively (once upon a time) to someone's synopsis of Morrison's version only proves... that like anyone, I can be guilty of judging something without looking at it myself, something that I abhor when folks do it to me.

So I'm just not going to respond to your question, because that's what it's inviting me to do. And I'm trying to be a better person. Or at least less of a hypocrite.

Response recorded on February 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Who are the characters that are featured in the Season Two teaser poster for Young Justice?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying - because I like to torture you all - but it doesn't matter - because it's just a promotional piece. It's not canon.

Response recorded on February 07, 2012

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