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Anonymous writes...

Why were the green lanterns off world during coldhearted?

Greg responds...

They have an entire sector to protect.

Response recorded on May 10, 2012

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Tutt writes...

I have a question about "Coldhearted". Batman said that both Green Lanterns were off world. (I'm assuming he means Hal and John.) What about Guy Gardner? He's a Green Lantern and we saw him in "Revelations". I guess I'm just trying to figure out why Batman didn't count Guy as a Green Lantern.

anyways, I LOVE the show and hate that I have to wait a week between shows and a month between comics. Keep up the awesome work! Oh and thanks for giving Wonder Woman the power of flight. :) She should have it and it bothers me when people take that power away from her.

Greg responds...

Guy's not a member of the League, and Batman has no jurisdiction over him or consistent way to track his whereabouts, especially if Guy's offworld.

Response recorded on May 10, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

"Coldhearted" was awesome! I actually thought Perdita died for a moment, and I was just as surprised as Vertigo when the curtain was pulled.


1. Why did Vandal Savage distract KF himself? Is there any reason(s) he didn't send someone else to do it?
2. Does Vertigo know Savage is the leader of The Light? And does he know the identities of any of its other members?

Greg responds...

1. Why not?

2. Savage is NOT the leader of the Light. But Vertigo knows Savage is a member of the Light. Beyond that, I'm not going to comment.

Response recorded on May 10, 2012

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Jason R. Carter writes...

Just what *does* Brick pay for suits his size?

Greg responds...

Ask Brick.

Response recorded on May 10, 2012

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Ms. Spoiler writes...

Hey Greg me again I had a few questions about ColdHearted:
1. Why did Artemis smile after M'gann kissed Wally on the forehead?
2. What was the woman's name that gave Wally the pack with, the Queen's heart?
3. Was Robin trying to make a move on Zatanna when he was giving her cake?

Greg responds...

1. I think it speaks for itself.

2. Dr. Mattie Harcourt.

3. Well, he's into her. I don't think his specific intent is all that clear in HIS head even.

Response recorded on May 10, 2012

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J. Smith writes...

In "Misplaced" we see a plane deprived of its pilot by her turning 18 in flight.

Was it ever actively considered how a similar fate would have befallen any children traveling by air at the time? Or other times where supervillain actions should probably result in high numbers of civilian casualties?

Greg responds...

Yes, it was considered.

And with THAT, I've gotten the queue down to a mere ELEVEN HUNDRED QUESTIONS! <Whew!>

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Superboy writes...

What are the powers of the light members?

Greg responds...

What you see is what you get - until or unless you see one of them do something more.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In YJ are there any police officers who do not carry guns?

Greg responds...

Any? I suppose it's possible.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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a fan would like to know... writes...

Hey. I am a huge fan of Young Justice and I have a few questions. I'm sorry if they violate the guidelines in anyway. I had a question about the other Robins fom the comics, but you've already marked them as Spoilers, so I won't ask.

1. Has Robin ever considered Barbara as more than a friend? I know you've said that he has a crush on Zatanna, but it's possible to like two people at the same time, right? Does he know that Barbara likes him?

Greg responds...


1a. Yes, it's possible.


Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Yo writes...

1. You've said that the relationship between Bruce and Dick is going to be a better one than that which has been portrayed in recent canon. Is that based on how you think the relationship should be or did you change it because of Dick's age?

2. Is there a mentor/sidekick relationship that you feel has the best dynamic?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure you're quoting me correctly - not exactly anyway. But I think they have a solid relationship, and Brandon and I both felt that worked on the series.

2. Nope. I like 'em all.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...


"Young Justice" goes single focus this week with an episode centering square on our favorite obnoxious speedster, Wally West. As far as character development goes, I think Wally especially needed an episode like this. I wasn't disappointed. I think we can all relate on one level, no matter how old we get, we all want our birthdays to be special, even if we say we don't. Did Wally's go well? Sure... in the end. It looks like he's finally maturing. More on that in a bit.

Artemis is my favorite character on The Team, and I loved that moment where she decided to spill the beans to Wally about Miss Martian and Superboy being an item. That she chose to deflate him like this was so mean, and yet you can't feel too bad for him because he really had it coming. I like to think Wally choosing not to dwell on it is another mark that he's maturing. This episode was all about him learning how to prioritize.

I thought his cross country run was fun to watch. Now, I am sure some people will complain that he can't move at the speed of light, or however fast the character can run in the comics, but I don't like my heroes and villains to be overpowered, it removes the tension if, say, Superman is strong enough to move planets, or the Hulk can prevent the entire continent of Australia from ripping in half. I saw one person ask why the closest available heart for a patient in Seattle was all the way in Boston, but I would hope most would remember that hearts with matching blood types for complex transplants don't grow on trees.

Let's talk about the villains for a moment. Vandal Savage was fun to watch for his brief scene, slowing down Wally. This guy is just a beast. He really lives up to his name, and I enjoyed hearing Miguel Ferrer's voice again. I also thought it was fun that this didn't seem to be his plan, so much as he was doing a favor for Count Vertigo. Actually, I wonder if this was Savage returning a favor, since Vertigo acted as his proxy in the Injustice League back in "Revelation." I would say that I hope we see more of Vandal, but I know we are going to.

But the true villain of the piece had to be Count Vertigo. I'm not too familiar with Vertigo, but he was a great villain in this episode. It was just diabolical in its simplicity. Have The Light distract both the Justice League and The Team, slow down Kid Flash, and let Queen Perdita die so he can become king. And, I'm going to be honest, considering just how dark this series has gotten, and how successful the villains have been... I actually believed he won. I thought the episode would end wit The Light declaring their triumph that they have an ally of theirs on the throne of Vlatava. So, I was as surprised as Vertigo was when the curtain was pulled back.

I suppose the only question left is, how did The Light pull off freezing half of the country? They have control of Belle Reve, so it's conceivable they could sneak the ice villains in and out. Is that what they did, or were they using advanced tech from Apokolips? Well, I guess we'll find out soon.

The animation in this episode was just stunning, particularly the snow effects. I hope for a Blu-ray release.

Greg responds...

Psst. It was the five ice guys.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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DangerousWolfen writes...

1. I think Wally got the best mission in Cold Hearted. Right?

2. How old is Queen Perdita?

3. I take it Flash is faster than Wally?

Greg responds...

1. I think by the end, he thought so.


3. Way.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Drz writes...

Hi Greg,

I really enjoyed the latest episode of Young Justice, 1st off praise to the writing because i really liked how Wally was handled on the episode, now as for the question: This seemed link up to the Green Arrow short you did, is it meant as a continuation of that story?

Greg responds...

Yes and no. The short isn't canon, but the Earth-16 version of those events will eventually appear in our companion comic.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Daniel writes...

To whom it may concern,

I'm absolutely loving the show so far and can't wait for the impending series 1 finale. I just had a few minor, nitpicky questions!

1) In Targets, when Cheshire impersonates the tea girl at the ceremony, was there a real server she mugged and replaced offscreen or something?

2) I guess similar to the first, in the most recent episode, "Coldhearted", why weren't there any doctors or police officers waiting in front of the Seattle hospital for Kid Flash like there were in Boston? Were they taken out offscreen by Vertigo's henchmen?

3) I know you've talked about plotting for the comics and the TV series, but without spoiling anything, if a character who has not yet appeared in the show was designed by Chris Jones in the comic book, does that mean they won't be appearing in the show period (as of now) or that they simply might have a different design? Because I saw an interview where he said he was given free reign on a few characters like Talia al Ghul and Ubu (and I think the previous artist said something similar about Psycho Pirate?).

Sorry for all the questions, and I hope you and the others keep up the great work!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Well, Dr. Cross came outside - but it was cold, and he went back into the lobby. For the rest, I'll leave it to your imagination.

3. At least one of the characters first designed by Chris for the comic will be appearing in the show. Phil did his own version of it, but kept it consistent with Chris' take - keeping in mind that five years have passed. Phil and Chris are both fans of each other's work.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Artemis writes...

Sorry, forgot to include these questions in my previous post...

1. How old is Pieter Cross?
2. How old is Mattie Harcourt?


Greg responds...

1. Peter Cross is 28.

2. Mattie Harcourt is 32.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Artemis writes...

Loved 'Coldhearted'!

1. How old is Perdita?

Thanks so much!

Greg responds...

Perdita is ten in "Coldhearted".

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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NewFan writes...

Just getting into YJ. I love the romantic aspects of the show so don't ever feel you have to apologize for it to anyone. Like the Robin and Zatanna thing. Miss Martian and Superboy are okay. She's just a little too sugary for my linking and she was crushing from day one. Oh well they are kids so, understandable but I have a soft spot for Wally. I am really hoping if Donna Troy comes into this show she and Wally hook up. If it is Cassie...drama!lol.

Is Selina Kyle in this verse? I would so love to see her or Talia. I like when Batman falls for women he can't control or run from. Is he as bad as he generally is at relationships as he is in he comics and the other cartoon on this earth? He seems not too bad. Seems much lighter here.

Are Superman and Wonder Woman together? They seem to have a little something going on when I watched the pilot. It was very subtle but you could not miss it and must admit I liked it. Poor Superman, getting so much condemnation and I am sure he needs someone who understands the situation to give him a hug. Anyway thanks for the good job.

Greg responds...

Talia al Ghul has appeared in the companion comic.

As for your other questions, they're all SPOILERS REQUESTS or ASKED AND ANSWERED.

But I'm glad you're liking the show!

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Uncle D, writes...

* How old is Dudley?
* Is he Billy's uncle, or his guardian (or both?)
* What does/did he do for a living? I noticed a poster in Misplaced, he looks like some circus magician.
* Why didn't he have any lines in Misplaced? You had Corey Burton in the cast, after all

Greg responds...

1. Dudley is 65 at the end of Season One.

2. He is Billy's legal guardian. They're not actually related by blood, but Billy calls him "Uncle Dudley". And Dudley certainly is avuncular.

3. He's had many jobs over the years. Now, he's eligible for Social Security. Plus he takes odd jobs, and is something of a scammer.

4. Well, we didn't think he NEEDED any lines, but this is a good question generally, and provides me the opportunity to explain how the system works - at least on our series.

All our actors - Corey included, of course - share a similar contract, with a favored nation clause. That means whatever deal one actor gets, if it's superior to what the other actors have, they ALL get it. That sounds great, but it has the reverse effect. It means the studio is NEVER willing to pay extra for anything or anyone, because if they do - then they have to match it for EVERY actor in the series, and that's just not budget-friendly.

So that means every actor - whether they're famous or a first-timer - gets the exact same deal.

And, per SAG (i.e. the Screen Actor's Guild), here's the deal:

*For a specific amount of money (that, NO, I will not state - so don't ask), we get an actor to play ONE character per episode.
*For no additional money, we can ask that actor to play a SECOND character in the same episode.
*For a SMALL additional fee, we can ask that actor to play a THIRD character in the same episode. (The budget allows for this small additional fee, so you'll often see us use one actor for three voices in a given episode.)
*But if we want a FOURTH character, we have to pay the actor from scratch. A full second payment.

So, it costs us no more or no less to hire ANOTHER actor to play that fourth character as it would to ask an actor already in the cast to play that fourth. And if we hire that other actor, we can get him or her to play a FIFTH character for free, and a SIXTH for that small additional fee. So there's no economic insentive to give one actor more than three roles.

Now, we're not above doing it when it's warranted. For example, if we needed Superboy, Superman, Zatara and Marvin White in one episode, I wouldn't hesitate to pay Nolan North two full payments to get them. BUT - and here's where your original Corey question comes in - if we could get away with Marvin appearing WITHOUT speaking, then that would save us some money, and it's a path we might take.

SO, with Corey, we NEEDED him to play Brain, James Gordon and Wizard. That's three voices. We didn't need Dudley to speak, so we saved some money there.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Point writes...

I love Young Justice. Though I always seem to miss the new episodes. It just about ruins my day when that happens. Just being able to watch it on T.V. makes me jittery with joy. Can't believe I'm gonna miss "Coldhearted". Maybe I'll catch it on Sunday. You've done good with The Universe. I can't wait for more!

Greg responds...

Thanks! Hope you got to see it!

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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J writes...

If Queen Bee is in the light is that how Sportsmaster knew about the Bialya mission?, if so why would they tell one of their servants?

Greg responds...

1. Pretty much.

2. They wanted him to know.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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J writes...

Now does the team understand why Captain Marvel always hangs out at the cave? and please at least consider subtitles for when they cast spells?.

Greg responds...

1. I suppose they do.

2. Why would we do that?

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Artemis play any sports? And if so which ones?

Greg responds...

She's really good at archery.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Batgirl writes...

1. Does Batman have a love interest in Earth-16? (Not asking who 'cause that is probably a spoiler request...)

Just wanted to say that I love your show! Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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J writes...

Two things i'd like to know
1. Since homefront have the others learned that Artemis shot that arrow at Amazo? and
2. Now that the team knows who Billy really is do any of them feel bad about tricking him in humanity?

Greg responds...

1. I think at this point, pretty much everyone knows.

2. I suppose. It's kinda water under the bridge.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

hey man the shows awesome got a couple of questions
1. are Wally and Artemis gonna hook up
2. are you gonna introduce original characters
3. how long did it take to come up with an acronym for Monki
cheers man looking forward to watching more episodes

Greg responds...

1. By now you've seen them get together at the end of Season One.

2. On rare occassions.

3. MONQI - and it took Nicole Dubuc and I a couple of attempts.

Response recorded on May 08, 2012

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