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Real Roy writes...

Who are Garth's parents?

Greg responds...

If memory serves, their names are Thar and Berra. But that's canon-in-training, at best.

Response recorded on August 14, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. Is Vandal Savage a Cro-Magnon on Earth 16?
2. Are the sound effects for Doctor Fate based on the Dream Time in Gargoyles?
3. What field of science does the Atom specialize in on Earth 16?
4. Why does Artemis use a compound bow instead of a recurve bow?
5. Do Nabu and Klarion live in the same dimension when they are not in the physical world or did they live in separate dimensions?

Greg responds...

1. Neanderthal, I think. But I'd have to do some research to confirm that.

2. I don't think so. Totally different sound house.

3. Molecular physics.

4. That's what she was trained on.

5. They're both extra-dimensional.

Response recorded on August 14, 2012

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The Batfan writes...

This series just keeps getting better and better. "Misplaced" finally gave us another episode where Klarion is the main villain, and brought back Doctor Fate for good - two things I'd certainly been waiting for. It also gave us a hint that each of the members of the Light has his own "crew", as it were - and that, as befits a lord of chaos, Klarion's bosts elemental power. The other side of this was really showing off Zatanna, and finally inducting her onto the team, albeit under circumstances no one would have guessed. All in all, one of my favorite episodes so far.
But even "Misplaced", with all its titanic magic - and I love that stuff, I'm a fantasy buff - can't beat the simple, paradoxically heart-warming beauty that was "Coldhearted". I know the crew was especially proud with this one; they have every reason to be.
It was great to get some more insight into the unfolding mystery that is M'gann, and "Image" really showed us some more of who M'gann really is - and I'm not talking about her "true" form. I had already suspected the White Martian bit, as had many; I am referring to the twist, that she actually hates her "true" form, and has adopted a new identity because that's who she wants to be. As she says to Superboy, "I do it for me." So the M'gann we've seen so far - in terms of personality - actually *is* the real M'gann. And I think that's great.
"Agendas" - well, this one was puzzling. The bit about the human DNA was a nice twist, which I did not foresee, even though others did (I honestly thought his Kryptonian powers were simply still developing). From there, the fact that Luther was the donor was foreseeable - and that he would try to butt-in as Superboy's father-figure, in Kal-El's absence, was the logical and expedient route for taking back Cadmus's super-weapon.
Those "shields" intrigue me, though. How is it possible that an electrical pulse or chemical mixture (I'm assuming it's not magic, since Lex said he developed them, and since magic generally does nothing good to Kryptonians) could "suppress" a good chunk of Superboy's genetic makeup - the delicate code that makes him look the way he does and forms part of the basis for who he is? I know, I'm supposed to suspend disbelief here - but this came so suddenly, so out of the blue, that I'm having trouble with that.
I know you don't really like this kind of question, and I'm sorry to bug you with it, but I really didn't get this and I would really like to. Where did the idea of the shields originate, and how do they work?
Thank you for your patience, and your amazing creativity that makes us love this series.

Greg responds...

The idea originated in the writer's room from myself, Brandon Vietti and Kevin Hopps.

But I won't really be able to add anything to the pseudo-science stated on the show. The shields suppress the human DNA that's interfering (watering down) his Kryptonian powers. Not sure what else to say.

Response recorded on August 14, 2012

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Superboy & Miss Martian Action Figures Special Pre-Order Extended

The Superboy & Miss Martian Action Figures Special Pre-Order has been EXTENDED until the end of August!

Again, check out:


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Superboy & Miss Martian Action Figures Special Pre-Order

Superboy & Miss Martian Action Figures Special Pre-Order

Sorry about the VERY short notice, but this was only brought to my attention today.

As many of you know, Mattel has discontinued the Young Justice toy line, but there's an opportunity to complete your set of Season One Six Inch Figures.

Brandon talks about it on his blog: http://brandonvietti.blogspot.com/

And Mattel has a YouTube video about it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9bjRp0DVog&feature=player_embedded

But the key is to PRE-ORDER within the next 24 hours here:

I've ordered two sets myself. But I can't get 'em unless enough people join me in this obsession. So, uh... please?

(As a bonus, Miss Martian comes with an extra head, so that she can be Season One Miss Martian with longer hair, or Season Two Miss Martian with short hair.)

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Anon writes...

Is it bad that I think that Miss Martian's true form is actually adorable? Creepy, but adorable. (Yeah, I didn't quite get that either. XD )

Greg responds...

Hey, whatever works for you.

Response recorded on July 27, 2012

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Kwesi Brako writes...

Your (the creative team's) choices for voice actors and the direction each actor took has been a vital part of establishing that this show is an entity of its own; its identity is separate from anything prior. It irks me how people get bent out of shape about the voice actors.

1. Seriously though, how does it make you feel when fans second guess you?
2. The design for the Watchtower was original and very cool. Whose idea was it to have it embedded into an asteroid?
3. Not asking if he will, but I'd love it if Superboy gets his tactile telekinesis powers from the comics, I feel its underused. And how did Conner feel when he was told he's part human? It was a bit difficult to tell
4. What's your opinion on child sidekicks for villains?
5. What's Wolf and the Super-Cycle's relationship like if they have one?

Thanks for your time

Greg responds...

1. It's not fun, I guess, but it comes with the territory. As long as people aren't rude about it, I can deal.

2. Brandon's.

3. No. No tactile telekinesis on Earth-16.

3a. I'll leave that to each viewer's interpretation.

4. I'm all for them (as a storyteller). In real life, I think I'd be against them. ;)

5. They're comfortable around each other.

Response recorded on July 27, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Maggie Q as Wonder Woman was awesome. It was the first time seeing her speak but I got the sense of a strong woman who can command attention and calls it as she sees it but who has a compassionate side especially in her dealings with Superman and the whole issue with Conner. Are they together? It feels like they have something going on there deeper than just colleagues. I could be misreading the glances and body language. And to be honest, they feel a natural fit. I know you said you will not focus much on the adults on the show but would have been awesome to see her speak to Superman about the boy. It would have been a good contrast to see something else than Batman trying to make Superman do something he was not ready for. Will we see any behind the scene stuff in the comics, seeing you do show Batman and his relationships. Anyway hope one day Superman and Conner can at least have some meaningful dialogue/interaction.

Greg responds...

I'm not going to reveal who's with who here. But given enough episodes and/or issues, we'll get to everything eventually.

Response recorded on July 27, 2012

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J writes...

I have a few questions about the transport system
1.If Martian Manhunter was brought to Earth by the league's first transport test,how was he present at the fight they teamed up on BEFORE the league was formed?
2.since they use zeta-beams does that mean they know about the planet Rann?
3.If Roy refuses to be part of the team why is his designation B instead of A?
4.now that Zatanna has technically joined the team does it change her designation code?
5.in 119 was Billy not able to use the teleporter because he had'nt told the league who he really was and the designation was for Captian Marvel NOT Billy Batson?

Greg responds...

1. I never said it was the LEAGUE'S first transport test. It wasn't. It was a Zeta-Beam accident that took place during an experiment conducted by Dr. Erdel (the namesake of the Erdel Initiative where Adam Strange and Eduardo Dorado, Sr. work). This was in 1955, i.e. almost half a century before the founding of the Justice League in 2003.

2. By now, you know the answer to that question.

3. Wishful thinking.

4. Yes. In fact, her designation has changed twice: once after she joined the Team and then again when she joined the League.

5. Exactly.

Response recorded on July 27, 2012

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J the Drafter writes...

Male and female shapes are only vaguely similar to M'Gann's white martian form, so why are girl bodies easier for M'Gann to accurately mimic with her shapesifting?

Greg responds...

She's studied human female anatomy and not male. Also, Martian genitals are different for the two genders even if they're not immediately visible in public.

Response recorded on July 27, 2012

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