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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Mal Duncan?
2. How old is Wildcat?
3. How old is Blue Devil?
4. How old is Serling Roquette?
5. How old is Alan Scott?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Season One:

1. Mal is 17.
2. Ted Grant is 92.
3. Blue Devil is 26.
4. Serling is 23.
5. I'm neither confirming nor denying that Alan is still alive.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Garfeild Logan writes...

Why have the color of my eyes changed after I got a blood transfusion?

Greg responds...

Why do you think?

Response recorded on September 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is it me or is Robin getting taller as the series progresses?

Greg responds...

If we're only talking Season One - it's probably you. But of course he DID get much taller as the series progressed into Season Two.

Response recorded on September 07, 2012

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Harmony writes...

I'd like to ask how Robin's signature cackle came about. Was his laugh something that was pre-planned, or did Jesse McCartney just randomly laugh like that one day and you realized you HAD to put it in?

Greg responds...

It was described in the bible, and it was in the audition script.

Response recorded on September 07, 2012

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Badgermushroom writes...

Mr Weisman,

You are a busy man so I will get to the point. Here are a couple of question that as far as I can tell have not been asked yet:
1) Am I correct in thinking that a lot (if not most) of the actions scenes in Young Justice take place in the evening/nightime/otherwise dark places? If so, is this for atmosphere, or just so the kids can be heroes and still go to school?
2) Phil Bourassa's art style is really refreshing, I'm very glad to see it in YJ and also movies like "Justice League: Doom". Is there any particular name for Phil's style (like e.g. Bruce Timm's "dark deco" style used in the old Batman cartoons) or is it just "Phil's style"?

Questions over, sycophancy now, feel free to skip if you are busy.

Thank you and the whole Young Justice team for the excellent work on this show. I've been enjoying very much watching the characters and storylines develop, and I love seeing how all the strands are now coming together (final episode will air tomorrow as I write this). As someone with only a passing knowledge of the superhero genre, I can say that this show really has someone for all viewers, not just the hard-core aficionados. I wish you all continuing success with the show!


Greg responds...

1. A little from column A, a little from column B. But also columns C & D: keep in mind that a lot of nefarious activities take place after dark, and a covert team makes good use of the cover of night.

2. Shrug. I dunno. This is the first time I've heard Timm's style dubbed something specific. I mean the entire Batman series was certainly Dark Deco, I suppose, and certainly Bruce's work fits and inspires that, but there's nothing that screams 'deco' (or even dark) to me about his character designs in a vacuum. But what do I know? Anyway, Phil's stuff is Phil's stuff. His style, as you put it is just "Phil's style". It's more realistic than, say, Cheeks'. But I'm not too big on labels.

3. Thanks!

Response recorded on September 07, 2012

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Shazam writes...

1) Was there a single event that caused the formation of the Justice League in this universe such as the invasion see in the Justice League cartoon show, or did they form just to get more good done?
2)Does the general public know about the sidekicks? Like are "Batman and Robin" known as being the "Dynamic Duo" or are the sidekicks kept more secretive compared to their famous mentors?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, as revealed in Season Two.

2. Five sidekicks were known. In order: Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Rocket. The rest are not known.

Response recorded on September 07, 2012

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Elaine writes...

1. I've noticed that the beginning credits to the show have been replaced with a logo to allow more time for the DCU shorts. If this hadn't been the case, would you guys have incorporated permanent scenes of Zatanna and Rocket in the beginning credits?
2. Being teenage superheros that fight crime mostly during odd hours of the night or going on long undercover missions, how do they continuously come up with excuses for missing school so often or for such long periods of time? It's pretty suspicious.

Greg responds...

1. Hmmm. I like to think so. But it's moot now.

2. If you look at the length of their missions, they're probably missing less school than you think. A lot of them fit into a single weekend. And it's only suspicious because you can make the connection. No one at their various schools is going to see an Wally's occasional absence as proof that he's Kid Flash. Ditto for Dick Grayson - and I'll even stretch that to include Raquel Ervin. And keep in mind, the general public doesn't even know that Superboy, Miss Martian, "Artemis" and "Zatanna" exist. Plus Aqualad and Red Arrow are not in school anymore.

Response recorded on September 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I've read on the internet that Earth-16 was chosen for the setting of Young Justice because, in the eyes of the public, superheroes are considered to be a relatively recent phenomenon. Is the reason they are considered as such is because the long period of time that passed between the retirement of the JSA and the emergence of the JLA caused the public to forget (with the passage of time) what superheroes were like?

Greg responds...

Well, "forget" is a strong word. But they stopped being familiar - even in the media.

Response recorded on September 07, 2012

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kelly k writes...

is robin interested in dating Zatanna or barbara?

Greg responds...

At what point in time are we talking?

Response recorded on September 07, 2012

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J writes...

In Usual Supects when Superboy was dimounting the supercycle on Santa Prisca there was a small thing on his arm that looked like the shield he used against Mammoth was this an error?(assuming i'm correct that is)

Greg responds...

I don't think you are. But I guess I'd have to look again to be positive. However, the shield's were almost always covered by his shirtsleeve, so it seems unlikely.

Response recorded on September 07, 2012

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