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Billy Q writes...

Hi Greg, I just saw the newest episode of Young Justice,of March since comic wise one of Dick Grayson's birthdays is listed as March 21 or the first day of Spring. Was this intentional or not? It's pretty funny since Wally got November 11, and now Conner has March 21. Was this just another coincidence or what?
Thank you a good episode, can't wait for the next one. :)

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you're asking. Was what a coincidence?

Mostly, March 21st was chosen as Conner's 'birthday' because (a) the timing made sense vis-a-vis what we already know, and (b) it's my son Benny's birthday.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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B writes...

Do Miss Martian's Green siblings get looked down on or discriminated against for having a White father even though they aren't White themselves?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Bridge writes...

hi greg,

I would love to say thank you for providing us with shows like young justice and spectacular spiderman with all the twists and turns in the story line.

For spectacular spiderman, i was fooled that harry was the green goblin when it actually norman. Just when i thought i had the Green Goblin so played out (making the harry seem so obvious) and yet so deviated (making it Harry instead of the traditional Norman), I was wrong.

I loved how the show kept with the original story of the Green Goblin AND found a surprising and original way to tell it. That's what i call killing 2 birds with stone.

Same goes for young justice, how Red Arrow accuses Miss martian, Artemis and Superboy of being the mole when it was Roy. I admit myself i thought it would be artemis which roy was suspicious and when i found out he was the mole, i thought to myself hypocrite but when i found out he was a clone and a sleeper agent?! Oh my....

I love surprises like these keep it up!

Greg responds...

We'll try!

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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The Greenman writes...

Yj questions:

1. Has Augustus Freeman ever encounteredand or known of older heroes like the JSA or the Mystery Men?

2. Is Augustus Freeman rich on the level of say Lex Luthor or just wealthy?

Thank you!

Greg responds...


2. Just well-off.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Sean writes...

Hi its good to have young justice back. So my first two questions are directed at the lastest episode or at least ths lastet episode there was when i posted this.
1.Arsenel(the first roy but for simpcity sake) seemed to be able to fight extremely well given his handicap, not to mention the fact that he just got out of the hospital. Could just elaborate a little how he could do this, when he also had to use different tatics compared to his eariler training. Also is red arrow more skilled than aresenl given he had three extra years of training with green arrow?
2. I know you may have said this eariler, but I am curious about how important a character rocket was in the first season. Compared to zatanna who was introduced sooner and was shown working with the team before she actually joined, it felt like rockets entry was rushed. Was that intentional or just part of script changes?
3. Final question is about the finale of season 1. The light put in alot of time and effort into creating starro tech which can subdue any hero, over a period of several months, yet the team was able to create a counter to it in less than a day. It really seems to me that was a bit of a deux ex machina. I guess my question is did you only do that to clear the board for season 2?

Greg responds...

1a. Shrug. He was motivated.

1b. Probably.

2. I don't think her entry was rushed at all. It just came later in the series. And she was set-up by multiple cameo appearances previously.

3. No. We felt we had set up the players who could counter the Starro-Tech, given a sample for reverse-engineering purposes.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

When figuring out a character's birth date, do you ever draw from horoscope personality types? For instance, did you consider whether or not Wally was "a Scorpio" when you chose 11/11 for his birthday?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Eric writes...

You once said this to another person "The irony for me is that Red Arrow didn't understand how the Starro-Tech worked. If Aqualad HAD been possessed, Klarion would have had access to all Aqualad's memories and would still have been able to answer the question."

But couldn't have Red Arrow still know Aqualad was in control based on his emotions, something Klarion wouldn't have probably mastered?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Jordan writes...

1. How many years have Lexcorp been in business for on Earth 16?

2. Did the terror twins parents have superpowers?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't calculated that, but LexCorp predates Superman's debut.


Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Hotchin writes...

Hi Greg! I absolutely love what you and Brandon (not to mention the rest of the cast and crew) are doing with Invasion. I'm really enjoying it, in fact, now that I think about it, there's not an episode in Invasion which I haven't thoroughly enjoyed.

I was just wondering about the origins of the Justice League and its subsequent history. I understand this is spoiler territory, so I'll try to be fairly cautious of asking you for exact information.

1) We know from "Salvage" and "Alienated" that the Justice League came together to fight the Appellaxian invasion, and that the aliens' husks are on display in the Hall of Justice. In the comics, there are seven Appellaxians, however in "Young Justice" we've only ever seen four. Were the other three husks destroyed by the League, or were there only four Appellaxian invaders?
2) Was remaining a secret from the public a conscious decision made by the League, or did it just so happen that the public were oblivious to their operation for three years?
3) It wasn't for another 3 year following the League's formation that it became known the the public. Was this revelation directly linked with the Joker's discovery of the League's secret base in Mount Justice?
4) What was the League's roster at the time of Joker's discovery of the Cave, and the League going public?
5) I find it unlikely that this is a date you've nailed down, but if so, what month did the League form?

Thank again Greg, not just for answering our questions, but for making what I consider to be the best superhero television show since "Batman: The Animated Series". The tone of the series is nailed so perfectly, and there's nothing too far fetched which ever throws me out of the experience. I love the dynamic between all the characters, yes, even Lagoon Boy. :P

Fingers, arms, legs, toes, feet and eyes crossed for season three, and many more to follow!

Greg responds...

1. There were seven. The other husks didn't survive the end of the confrontation.

2. Both.

3. No.

4. The original seven plus Green Arrow, Hawkman and Hawkwoman.

5. February. And no, I haven't nailed down an exact date in February.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Wonder Women decided to, if she did, to join the All-Star Squadron in 1941?

Greg responds...

The short answer is Pearl Harbor. The longer answer involves Steve Trevor. And since, that's already WAY spoilerish, I'm not saying anything more.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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