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YJ Fan For Life! writes...

Wow...talk about kicking things up a notch! "Satisfaction" and "Darkest" have been stellar...just when I thought the show couldn't get more twisted, the knife cuts a little deeper. It hurts -- but in a good way!

Anyway, question about the way in which episodes have been organized in Season 2. Unless, I'm reading too much into it, the first 10 episodes feel very clearly divided into 3 arcs.

Ep. 1-3 - The Krolotean threat, the 5-day timespan, the mystery of the 16 hours culminating in the League leaving for Rimbor. That last one especially felt like a dramatic endpoint.

Ep. 4-6 - Red Arrow's recovery, the re-introduction of Wally, Blue Beetle's spotlight. And the ending of "Bloodlines" being a super-dramatic endpoint.

Ep. 7-10 - The short timespan, the Aqualad/Artemis undercover plot.

If this was intentional, would you mind elaborating on your thought process behind this method of organization?

Also, if there was a similar organizational method in Season 1, I'd love to hear about that as well!

Greg responds...

201-203 definitely and intentionally portrayed the Krolotean threat, but I'm not sure it was us creating a "clearly divided arc". And after that I think you're off target. Ending your second section at episode 206 seems a bit arbitrary. You could just as easily end at 207, where things REALLY changed. Or create four "arcs" or whatever suits you.

So, basically, no. We broke Season Two down into two sections: 201-210 and 211-220. Anything else is just, well, the ebb and flow of events. Some episodes flow more directly into others, but I'm not sure I'd use the term "arc" to define that.

As for Season One, you could break it down as follows:
101-102 - Pilot.
103-108 - Intentionally designed to feature one character per episode (without losing complete track of the rest of the Team in the process).
109-113 - Finishing out the first half of the season.
114-126 - The second half of the season.

I think that's as intentional as we got.

Response recorded on December 01, 2012

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Divine writes...

I am doing a college project and wanted to know your own opinion on Young Justice becoming its own live action movie. Do you think it would be a success and if you have any comments or suggestions I will be glad. Also is it aimed at young children or teenagers? Thank you

Greg responds...

What class is THIS project for?

Anyway, I'd love for YJ to be remade as a live-action movie. I'd hope it would be successful. And, like the show, I assume it would be aimed at ALL ages.

But I'm not sure what comments or suggestions you're looking for. How can I comment on something that doesn't exist?

Response recorded on December 01, 2012

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Tupka writes...

I have a couple of questions about the Cave.
1. To what extent did the League use the Cave? Was it just a base and meeting room, or did people live there? Or were the living quarters and gym added when the Team moved in?
2. Did you (or rather, someone on the design crew) map out the Cave, or are storyboard artists given free reign? For example, in Homefront, they follow a specific path. To what degree was their route mapped out?
3. Also in Homefront, they run past what appears to be old generators (that promptly overload). What are those?

Greg responds...

1. No one lived there back when the League used the Cave as their full-time headquarters, but it was built with enough forethought to include living quarters and various amenities.

2. Brandon has the basics of the Cave mapped out (at least in his head). I'll admit, I at times get confused, and he's had to - more than once - sketch it out on a napkin for me (or somesuch).

3. I'm not sure which scene you're referring to. Was it the Boiler Room scene?

Response recorded on December 01, 2012

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Jon writes...

1) Okay, so the League definitely knows that Lex Luthor is a member of the Light at this point. So how's he getting away with openly running a major corporation?

2) Was Project Cadmus a US government program in this continuity? Or a privately-run corporation?

Greg responds...

1. How do they stop him?

2. Privately run.

Response recorded on November 30, 2012

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Roy writes...

If you were given the opportunity to write a comic based on one of the young heroes that you have used, who would it be?

Greg responds...

I'm writing a comic. It's called Young Justice. Check it our.

Response recorded on November 30, 2012

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Teukros writes...

To start, I want to let you know that YJ is currently my favorite show, and I can't wait to see it each week.

My question is about Kyle Rayner. I remember hearing that in the past on multiple DC shows, certain characters (notably Nightwing in JLU and Donna Troy/Wonder Girl in almost ANYTHING) were off limits due to licensing issues (or something to that effect, I was never great at the legalese). I also noted that Kyle Rayner's only appearances as a Green Lantern were in Superman: TAS (where they made him into Hal Jordan with a different name) and briefly in JLU (where he had very little characterization). In many other shows and movies based off DC lore, when Kyle is supposed to be the Green Lantern in question (Justice League: Doom), or at the very least, could exist as one, he is passed over, more frequently than any of the other Lanterns in 2814. Is this a licensing issue, or is it something else entirely? From what I've read, Kyle isn't an unpopular character.

Greg responds...

It is not - as far as I know - a legal issue. No one has told me he's off limits. But I can't speak for what the situation was on past series.

Response recorded on November 30, 2012

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Luna writes...

I have some questios regarding Lex Luthor.

Do you think he would get along with Xanatos?
Is He as smart as Xanatos?
Would David Xanatos be a member of the light if he lived in earth 16?

I know it is never going happen becuase one is from DC and one is from Disney/Marvel. But I would love to see the two of them interacting.

How would you do an episode with Lex and Xanatos?.(I don't consider this one a spoiler or an original idea becuase copyright will never allow this to ever happen).

thank you!

Greg responds...

1. Sure.

2. See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.

3. I'm not interested in those kind of hypotheticals.

4. I wouldn't.

Response recorded on November 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Aside from Batman, does Dick Grayson idolize a particular hero?

Greg responds...

I think he likes them all, but might be particularly impressed with Superman and Black Canary.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

On another post you said that the pentagram's symbols in "Misplaced" had been inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Was that a joke or were you being serious? None of the cuttie marks resemble any of those symbols.

If you were kidding, then where did you base those symbols on?

Greg responds...

I was kidding.

And I have no idea what - if ANYTHING - the symbols were based on.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Batman the only one who cares so strongly about his and Robin's secret identities? I mean, why were Kid Flash and Speedy allowed to tell everyone their names but not Dick?

Greg responds...

Flash doesn't feel as strongly about it.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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