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Marvelman writes...

What will the run time of Outsiders be? Will it be longer than Invasion?

Greg responds...

I assume you mean per episode.

We no longer have a set time constraint for lenth of episodes, as we did back on our cable days. Of course, we have budgetary constraints, so the episodes are still approximately the same length. But some ran a litttle longer than others, as we can now edit each episode to its ideal length and not to some arbitrary fixed length.

Response recorded on October 29, 2019

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Kayra Youvmir writes...

Is Talia al'Ghul on Earth-16 multiracial (Arabic/Chinese on both her parents' sides) like in the comics (at least pre-Flashpoint)?

Greg responds...

Talia is biracial or multi-ethnic or something. (I'm not trying to be dismissive, but I'm honestly not sure of the appropriate term these days.)

Ra's is Arabic. Melisande is European.

But where are you getting Chinese? (And, no, Sensei is NOT Ra's father on Earth-16.) There's a SPOILER, I guess.

Response recorded on October 29, 2019

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Kayra Youvmir writes...

1. What is the name of Barbara Gordon's mother on Earth-16?
2. Is she still married to Jim Gordon?

Greg responds...

1 & 2. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 22, 2019

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Marvelman writes...

A thought occurred to me about Captain Marvel.

First, let me say, I'm not trying to get you into trouble. I'm really not. But I was wondering...

When ten-year-old Billy transforms into Captain Marvel does he gain an adult libido?

(I'll understand if you want to steer clear of this question.)

Greg responds...

I'm gonna say yes. But its not uncontrollable. In any case, as of Season Three, Billy is 18-years-old, so his libido is already "adult" enough.

Response recorded on October 22, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

In the DC Comics storyline, "Brightest Day," Black Manta's real name is David (last name unknown; presumed to be Hyde). Does his "Young Justice" animated counterpart share the same name as well...?

Greg responds...

#NoSpoilers here either.

Response recorded on October 18, 2019

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Marvelman writes...

This question goes back to the age old question: why does Superman need the Justice League? Or, why does Thor need the Avengers?

Have you ever decided against using a DC character as a team member because he or she was too powerful? If so, can you tell us which heroes you nixed?

Greg responds...

Nope. Quite the reverse. We began YJ with a Justice League that include 16 members including two Green Lanterns, two Hawks, Captains Atom and Marvel, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Zatara, Red Tornado, Green Arrow and Black Canary, so that when they arrived on the scene it would truly feel like the gods coming down from Olympus.

And the League only expanded and got more powerful from there, adding Doctor Fate, Icon and others of tremendous power.

Response recorded on October 18, 2019

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X-Aviery writes...

Why does the YJ WIKI look so much better than the Gargoyles WIKI? Don't you have the same people working on it?

Greg responds...

I don't have ANY "people working on it." Fans are in charge of both sites. I like both wikis for different reasons. I refer to both often.

Response recorded on October 16, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

How does Jade feel about her sister date Kid Flash (Wally)?

Greg responds...

I guess it depends on which season we're talking about. I'd say initially, she saw him as just another dumb hero dragging Artemis toward a mundane life. Later, of course, she would have seen how devastated Artemis was by Wally's death.

Response recorded on October 16, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

You once said you held auditions for Impulse, Blue Beetle, Tim and another. Was that Static?

Greg responds...

Yes, at the beginning of S2, we held auditions for Impulse/Bart Allen (Jason Marsden), Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes & Scarab (Eric Lopez), Robin/Tim Drake (Cameron Bowen) and Static/Virgil Hawkins (Bryton James). We already knew we wanted Mae Whitman to play Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandsmark. And we already had Crispin Freeman for Arsenal, Logan Grove for Beast Boy, Yuri Lowenthal for Lagoon Boy, Alyson Stoner as Batgirl, Kevin Michael Richardson for Guardian, and Masasa Moyo as Bumblebee.

Note that for extra security/secrecy, we created a completely non-existent series for Jason, Eric, Cameron, Bryton and others to audition for. They had no idea they were auditioning for Young Justice.

Response recorded on October 15, 2019

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Liv writes...

I want to repost this question like you suggested:

I'm interested in your thoughts (and possibly Brandon Vietti's and Jamie Thomason's as well, if possible) on the casting process for the voices of the main characters of Young Justice. What was/is it that the main cast - Jesse McCartney, Khary Payton, Nolan North, Stephanie Lemelin, Danica McKeller, and Jason Spisak - bring to their respective characters that you, Vietti, and Thomason were looking for? In another question, you answered that the members of Young Justice were chosen based on a variety of factors (i.e. personality, dynamics, etc.). How did that play out in the casting process?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to attempt to speak for Brandon or Jamie, though I'd lay odds our thoughts on this subject are at least similar. But I'll take the original six leads and - one by one - give a little bit about what I remember from ... nearly a decade ago.

B-01 Jesse McCartney as Robin - Jesse was one of the last actors cast, mostly because we were having trouble finding a Robin, and Jesse was part of a second (or third?) round of auditions that we went through in our search. We were looking for someone who could bring the fun of our thirteen-year-old kid. Who could do that gleeful laugh and pull off words like "whelmed" ... and still bring the serious when we needed it. Jesse could do all that. Was that because he himself had been a pro since he was a kid? I don't know. All I can tell you is he brought all those qualities.

B-02 Khary Payton as Aqualad - Khary actually had a strike against him, going in, because he played Cyborg on Teen Titans. As we wanted to distinguish ourselves from that series and Justice League Unlimited, we weren't too inclined to use regulars from those series as regulars in ours. But Khary's audition just nailed it, leaving us no choice. (Thank God.) He instantly "got" the character and instantly mastered that combination of wistful steadfastness, maturity and leadership we were looking for, without making the character suddenly older than his sixteen years. Plus he really nailed that feeling of English-as-a-second-language that we wanted our Atlantean to have.

B-03 Jason Spisak as Kid Flash - As Jamie often said, no one was better than Jason at bringing out his inner douche. Wally had to be both obnoxious and lovable. He had to be smart and a dope. He had to be Robin's best friend and a bit of a pain. Enthusiastic and insecure. Blustering and vulnerable. Jason was able to bring all those contradictions to life.

B-04 Nolan North as Superboy and Superman - This was tricky, too, as we needed someone who could play both Superman (age 33) and his clone Superboy (age 16). Nolan does an amazing job at playing both characters, making them sound distinct and yet genetically the same. Conner had to start out angry but have somewhere to go. There had to be heart and depth beneath his hardened exterior. Nolan did all that.

B-05 Danica McKellar as Miss Martian - We were actually looking for someone who had a bit of experience as a sitcom actress to play M'gann (and eventually Megan Wheeler and Marie Logan). Someone who understood those rhythms but could transcend them, as well. Someone who could play the insecurity that comes with hiding big secrets from the people she's closest to, but also be a bad ass when necessary. Someone who would be unafraid to be soft and (traditionally) feminine and not be hamstrung by that.

B-07 Stephanie Lemelin as Artemis - Artemis needed edge. She was the tough girl, particularly in contrast to Miss Martian. But underneath it, she - like most of the other characters - had some vulnerability and a lot of insecurity because of the secrets she too was hiding. Stephanie brought that edge.

And, of course, all six brought - in addition to their acting skills and intuitive understanding of the character - certain vocal qualities that just felt like they fit the designs of the characters.

Response recorded on October 15, 2019

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