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REVELATIONS 2012-11 (Nov)

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YJ Fan writes...

Why do you guys just love to kill Artemis and bring her back?

Greg responds...

You make it sound like she's the only one we've done that to.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Wendy writes...

Weird question but:
Did Artemis lose her "abs" over the 5 year time-skip? Her original character design had two lines on her abdomen to indicate abs, but they weren't present in Depths. Was this intentional?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask character designer Phil Bourassa.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Black Manta have any feelings about Kaldur being named after his stepfather?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1.Near the end of Depths we see the current team and Zatanna and Rocket at the cave grieving over the death of Artemis. Can you tell us who on the current team knew Artemis?
2. What are Wally and Artemis studying at college?
3. Was Artemis a known sidekick during the 5 year time gap to the public? I'm just wondering because Superboy didn't appear to be in Salvage to the guard.

Greg responds...

1. They all did. Not necessarily as Teammates, but they've ALL socialized.

2. I think Wally's double majoring in Physics and Chemistry (or something like that). I like to think Artemis is majoring in Comparative Literature. But Brandon and I have not discussed any of this, and I wouldn't want to commit without conferring with him.

3. No, to your question, but I really don't understand your "because..." statement at all.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Did you have Beatrice and Benedict in mind when you created the Wally-Artemis dynamic?

Greg responds...

Shrug. I suppose it'd be cool to answer yes, but the truth is - and I'm not pretending otherwise - it's a pretty common trope, and mostly what we had in mind was Wally and Artemis and tracking how they'd react as individuals.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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JustAFan writes...

I'm a huge fan of Young Justice, and the last episode, Depths, is definnitely my favorite episode this season, and possibly my favorite overall. However, there were a few things that weren't quite clear to me.

1. When Artemis "dies", Superboy says he can't hear her heart beating. Artemis' heart was obviously still beating though, so how was it that Superboy couldn't hear it?

2. Why does Wally know all the details of Nightwing, Kaldur, and Artemis' undercover mission? I know he's one of Nightwing and Kaldur's oldest friends and Artemis' boyfriend, but it doesn't really seem necessary for him to know everything, especially with the rest of the Team and the League still in the dark.

Greg responds...

1. Her heart was greatly slowed by the Juliet pill she munched down on.


Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Nightwing preform CPR on Artemis when she appeared to have a stab wound? Superboy, Miss Martian, and even the Black Manta Soldiers didn't seem to think it strange.

Greg responds...

Her heart had stopped.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Marie writes...

I want to ask something and it's really random, but stil:
I was watching Homefront and I saw that there are no individual showers, I mean one in one cabin. There are just many in one room. Why? XD

Greg responds...

It's a locker room shower. Most that I've been in don't have 'cabins'. There's a girls' locker room and a boys' locker room, though I forget which was in Homefront. Of course, each bedroom has it's own private bathroom too.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Gotham enthusiast writes...

Something just hit me. If the featured team was Gamma squad, then what were the other team(s) [members] doing during the mission? [ep. 207 "Depths"]

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Hammer writes...

First off, GW, I have to applaud you for such a well crafted series. I can't applaud your team enough for this series. Here's hoping we get favorable news on Season 3 soon!

As for questions:

#1.) We know Wonder Woman and Red Tornado were part of the All Star Squad. Were any other members of today's Justice League in the All Star Squad (such as Captain Atom) ?

#2.) In regards to the countdown:
#2A.) To the best of your knowledge has there ever been any characters you counted on your countdown that didn't show up in the series due to time constraints?
#2B.) Are characters from your countdown counted if they are mentioned or are they required to show up in an episode to be counted? (IE In the episode Terrors, Headmaster is mentioned but doesn't show up. Is he counted?)
#2C.) Are characters counted even if we don't know we've seen them yet or are they only counted once we (generally) know who they are (IE Were both Speedy and Red Arrow counted in episode 1 even though we met "Clone Speedy" in episode 1 and didn't see the real Speedy until episode 26?).
#2D.) In the countdown, are you currently (up until episode 26) counting Guardian and Clone Guardian as two characters or one?

Greg responds...

1. Doctor Fate.

2. What countdown? I'm going to assume you mean my list of characters, cuz I can't figure out what else you might be referring to. (But how is that a countdown?)


2b. No, a mention doesn't count.

2c. These seem like two separate questions. Characters are counted if they've appeared, whether or not you recognize them as such and/or they are named. Characters do NOT count until they appear. So Clone-Roy was counted from episode 101, but Original-Roy wasn't counted until episode 126.

2d. When has the Golden Age Guardian appeared?

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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