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REVELATIONS 2012-11 (Nov)

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B writes...

Did Miss Martian try to make Superboy forget the fact that she had used her telepathic powers violently on enemies or just make him forget that he disapproved of it? (assuming this isn't going to be clarified on the show)

Greg responds...

Probably a little of each.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg,

I'd like to make an observation about "Salvage."

It's that moment where the creature says (through Blue):

Where is the stillness of wood, of stone, of crystal, of metal? All this noise, all this life is pain. We sense the power in this place - power enough to destroy us, to end the pain, to be still again.

And Superboy says, "I can identify."

And then it hit me…

Oh that this too too solid flesh would melt…

the thousand shocks that flesh is heir to…

I wondered if we were intended to hear an echo of Hamlet in Connor and the… whatever it was. One of the reasons that Hamlet is so despondent is that he believes the girl he loves has betrayed him. Then, I remembered that the girl Connor loved and probably still does betrayed him.

So, my question is: am I reading too much in to this? Or, did you intend for there to be deliberate overtures of Hamlet in this scene and in Connor's character in general?

Greg responds...

I'd love to say otherwise, but it wasn't in my conscious mind. But you know, it's all rattling around in my brain, so...

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Nicole writes...

Hi Greg,
This more of a comment, or a praise post. I just wanted to say that Young Justice is an AMAZING SHOW. From the story to the animation! It is AMAZING. Every single show leaves me speechless! I've been a fan of a lot of the shows you've produced and/or written, such as Gargoyles. Young Justice is incredible for both me and my dad! I live in California and my dad and I would actually get up at 6:00AM just to get ready to watch Young Justice(and the rest of the DC Nation Block) from the east coast time! My mom thinks we're crazy, but what can I say? WE LOVE THIS SHOW! I really just wanted to say congratulations for both you and your team! I haven't seen a superhero show this great in a long time(and I'm only 15 xD)! My birthday was on the 29th of September, so having to see Young Justice early in the morning made my whole day! You all are amazing, talented people and uou guys are awesome! Thank you for taking your time to read this :)

[P.S. I read on Wikipedia that your birthday was on the 28th. Whether it's true or not(I don't really trust Wikipedia xD), HAPPY late BIRTHDAY! I hope your day was just as great as mine! :D ]

Greg responds...

Yep, September 28th is my birthday. Happy birthday to you too.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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SuperMartian89 writes...

This show is something that me, my mother and two sisters wake up and watch together. We try to get everything out of the way in the morning so we can watch it at our leisure. We haven't had show that we can sit down, watch and discuss among ourselves for a while. My sisters all agree that Young Justice remains us of the cartoon shows of the 90s where it had more darker and some mature themes and tones. Where the creators didn't treat kids like idiots. One show we made example of that was Gargoyles so imagine our surprise and delight that the same people who created that epic created this. We were like "No wonder! That explains so much!" Thanks for creating this great show.

My least favorite thing is Superboy and Martian current relationship with each other and the issues between them. But that's mainly because I love those two together. I haven't been disappointed by you and Brandon in the show overall so I am keeping faithful that you two know what you are doing. My younger sister says to get over it but I am not giving up until the show ends which I hope isn't for a LONG while.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinnhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Took me a day to catch the new episode of YJ, and I gotta say that was good! First off, I loved the interaction between Red Arrow & Roy/Arsenal. It felt natural, very cool. Second, I like how he got the arm and the Arsenal name, it's very clea he's not RA. And I gotta say, I loved Captain Cold crashing the bachelorette party of supergirls. That was hilarious. And finally, it's creepy, I was just thinking about whether or not Jason existed in YJ's world and ,without checking the site beforehand, you decide to answer it like that? AWESOME! Also, loved Impulse and Jaime's interaction, very cool. My only concern is, I'm starting to worry for Garth. I hope he survives everyone finding out he's a mole. Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

Garth's a mold?!

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

Today's posting is in regards to the closing moments of the episode "Alienated." The episode had shown us just exactly what the missing six members of the Justice League did on the Planet Rimbor. On January 26, 2016, these six members intended to go to Rimbor to stand trial for their actions while under The Light's control. Accompanying them are Icon, who is knowledgeable in intergalactic trial law (as stated by Wonder Woman), and Hawkman, who wants to accompany Hawkwoman for obvious personal reasons.

I'm sure you understand that the decision for these eight Justice League members to leave for Rimbor was probably not without causing complications. While it is shown that some heroes like Miss Martian and Superboy are covering for members like Superman and Martian Manhunter as best as possible, there is also another problem. I'm sure you know that we, the fans of the show and comic, understand that most, if not all, of the eight Justice League members have secret identities. The problem with these eight members is that with them leaving for another world, and given enough time, the public would probably ask questions like "Where is Clark Kent?" or "Where is Bruce Wayne?"

While I'm sure that each of the eight Justice League members probably DID have a plan to handle this unique situation before they left for Rimbor, can you please tell us in some detail just what EXACTLY each Justice League member (the ones who left for Rimbor) did to cover for the "disappearances" of their secret identities/alter egos so that the public would not become suspicious enough to believe that they vanished off the face of the Earth? I'm hoping my question doesn't confuse you. Your response might shed some light as how the eight Justice League members resolved this problem before leaving off-world.


PS. I did two postings on 9/29/12. One was about Darkseid, and the other was about Jason Todd. That night, I noticed both postings were approved, but on this day, they appeared to have been removed. What happened? Did I do something wrong or something else?

Greg responds...

You basically answered your own question. They each had time to prepare and did there best to cover. I'm not going to go into any further detail: at best it's a spoiler request.

As for why your questions were deleted, I have no idea. I never saw them. But you could ask the moderators at the Station 8 Comment Room.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Mercy Graves.... a cyborg. Why did she ever allow herself, if she ever did, to become one in the first place?

Greg responds...

I don't tell stories in this forum.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Illyana writes...

Brandon recently posted on his Twitter (https://twitter.com/BrandonVietti) that Red Hood would not be appearing in season 2 of YJ. Obviously, you've got a bunch of other amazing stories to tell, which I'm most assuredly looking forward to.

My question is this: I know Jason Todd is a bit of a polarizing character; is his story one you'd ever be interested in exploring? Not trying to get spoilers for the potential season 3 - I'm just curious as to where you stand on the Jason Todd debate. Some people wouldn't want to touch that story with a ten foot pole. I'd just like to know if his tale is one you'd consider telling in any medium, YJ or otherwise. Or do you find yourself in the 'not a fan' group?

Please pass along my heartfelt gratitude to Brandon and the rest of the team. You folks have done a truly phenomenal job with the show and re-imagining much beloved characters. YJ is simultaneously nostalgic and a breath of fresh air; the perfect Saturday morning cartoon, in my opinion. Can't wait to watch more of the journey unfold.

Greg responds...

I'd be happy to take a pass at Jason.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is Arsenal's new arm more powerful than Luther's body guard's arm?
Also does it have new or different features compared to Luther's body guard's arm?

Greg responds...

Yes and yes.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Arlo writes...

Hi Greg. Thanks for giving us this great series, and for all you do to help keep it alive. Here's my question:

I've always felt that "Hunter's Moon" was a much darker storyline than any of the other Gargoyles episodes we've seen. I don't know if it's the way all three episodes open with a flashback that involves someone seeking vengeance, or the fact that this is the first time we actually see Goliath wanting to commit premeditated murder (not just "murder in the heat of battle" like before), or the fact that we almost lose two regular cast members (Angela and then Elisa), or the theme of hatred being passed on from parent to child for a thousand years. Maybe it's just that there's hardly any comic relief in these episodes, as almost every scene seems to involve one of our regular cast members going through emotional turmoil in some way.

Anyway, I was just wondering if you were deliberately trying to set a darker tone for these episodes, or if this is just how I perceived them myself. And if it was deliberate on your part, just wondering what your motivation was for that, because these episodes really do stand out to me as the darkest episodes in the series. And if it wasn't deliberate, then is there anything which in hindsight might have contributed to these stories coming out this way?

Also, why is it that you chose for the series finale to be so dark? I'm not criticizing, because I love these episodes and I love Gargoyles, but it just seems unusual (not in a bad way) that in a show where you've said yourself that you wanted Goliath's basic optimism to shine through, the way you chose to write the finale was by telling a story where we see his most vengeful side coming out. Just interested in understanding what your motivation for that was, story-wise.

Thanks for taking the time to read this question, and for all you do.

Greg responds...

It was a BIG story. But to me it seems of a piece with what came before (and even what came after in the comic). I'm not sure - though it was long ago - that we set out to make it darker, though we did set out for it to culminate much of what came before and to resonate with much of what came before too.

In any case, I think the ending of the thing is VERY optimistic. The fact that we put Goliath through the mill - and had him react realistically to that mill - during the three-parter doesn't change that. By the end, Goliath reaffirms his principles.

Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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