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Geri Szabo writes...

Hello Greg!
I recently watched the first two season of YJ and purchased the first 2 collections of the YJ comics. I really loved them, good luck on season 3, and if the sales are good enough on the continuation of YJ comic series.
But I have some questions too:
1.) One of my friends told me that he once read an issue called "Face your Fears". But I'm unable to find it anywhere, and it's not part of the collections. Is it still available somewhere? Is that a canon issue too?
2.) We know that both Jay and KF were slower than Barry.. but who is the faster one between Jay and KF? (Jay'speed in his prime, and Wally's speed as of Season 2)

Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. That was a giveaway. I think it was written to be canon, but I don't have a copy of it either, which makes it tough for me to include it as canon sometimes... mostly because I keep forgetting that it existed.

2. They were close to even, but I'd tend to give Wally the edge because of modern training methods.

Response recorded on April 12, 2017

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg,

Thanks for answering my Dracula and Malefic questions.

You've often talked about incorporating various characters and concepts from mythology, folklore or the public domain into the Gargoyles Universe. E.G. Dracula, Prospero & Jean Valjean.

But are there any characters or concepts from the PD that you'd legally be allowed use in the GU, but would rule out for thematic or aesthetic reason?

Greg responds...

Probably. But nothing comes to mind.

Response recorded on April 12, 2017

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cristian writes...


in spectacular spider-man tv series. did norman knows peter is spider-man like the comics?

Greg responds...

He said he didn't. Do you believe him?

Response recorded on April 12, 2017

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LogicMeister writes...

I'm asking this due to the fact that you're no longer working on Star Wars Rebels.

Where should fans of Star Wars Rebels go to ask questions about thing post season 1?

Personally I want to ask about The Bendu

Greg responds...

Don't know. Sorry. Check with Lucasfilm, I guess.

Response recorded on April 11, 2017

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M writes...

Hi !
I want to know, when did Artemis knew she had a niece?

Greg responds...

After Roy found out.

Response recorded on April 11, 2017

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Jazzy0w02 writes...

I've been wondering for a while now; do you have full creative freedom over Young Justice season 3 or is there some restrictions and/or lines that you can't explicitly cross?

Greg responds...

Yes. And yes.

Response recorded on April 11, 2017

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Karends writes...

Hey greg,Just a few questions.
1: What character in Young Justice do you think you're most like?
2: What is your 2 favorite episodes out of the first two seasons of YJ?(one from each)
3: What's your favorite part of being in charge/creator of the show?

Greg responds...

1. Lucas Carr. He sounds like me.

2. Misplaced. Maybe Summit. But I like 'em all.

3. CO-in charge. CO-creator. Couldn't do it without Brandon Vietti, and my favorite part is collaborating with him and the rest of our amazing cast and crew. (My favorite part of the process is the sound mix.)

Response recorded on April 11, 2017

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Emeka Uzoh writes...


rephrasing the question, How did you manage to relate to Spider-Man/Peter Parker? that I asked you earlier. I actually wanted to ask you what traits of Spider-Man/Peter Parker's character do you find that you have within yourself?

Greg responds...

He worries about money.

He worries about girls. (I don't do that anymore. Happily married for over twenty years, but I haven't forgotten what that was like.)

He worries about letting down the people in his life.

He worries about stopping super-villains. (Um... well, actually, I do worry about that. Though maybe that's not time well spent.)

Response recorded on April 11, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the "Young Justice" why was the name "Justice League" chosen for the team of heroes, as opposed to naming themselves the "Justice League of America"?

Greg responds...

Because not all the heroes were American, and because it was an international organization with a United Nations Charter.

Response recorded on April 10, 2017

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Emyy250 writes...

What's Owen's middle name?

Greg responds...

What makes you think he has one?

But probably Robin. Maybe. Or maybe not.

Response recorded on April 10, 2017

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