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New Olympians, The

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Anonymous writes...

Why does Boreas resemble Highfather?

Greg responds...


There's no doubt that Kirby strongly influenced the entire NEW OLYMPIAN concept.

Having admitted that gladly, I don't think they look that much alike. Boreas is long and lean, with strange eyes and wings. Highfather is big and bulky, with a completely different attire.

The only thing they really have in common is a white beard.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Elisa Maza for a human is extremely beautiful and attractive. Do you think that the New Olympians when they first saw her saw her as a very beautiful organism since some of the New Olympians looked extremly ugly.

Greg responds...

Eye of the beholder, my friend.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

1a) How are the majority of New Olympians educated? Are they forced to have an education? Up to what level (relative to our own system) have most of them been to? (highschool? college? post-grad?) Do they all understand advanced calculus, for example? b) Are any (if not all) NO gargoyles similarly educated?

2a) Is the majority of the NO population educated well enough to understand their island's technology? b) Roughly how many people are in charge of research and development and maintaining this technology? (tens? hundreds? thousands?). c) Would this group include any gargoyles?

3a) While I'm at it, roughly how many people live on NO? (hundreds? thousands? millions?) b) Roughly how many full-blooded NO gargates are there? c) Roughly how many NO are of gargoyle descent?

4) How will the NO clan be discovered by the outside world?

Greg responds...

1a. Forced? In the sense that kids have to go to school? I guess. But they aren't conscribed into education. Most want a good education. Most get it.

1b. Some are, yes.

2a. A good chunk.

2b. I don't know.

2c. Potentially.

3a. The low thousands.

3b. About 100 or so.

3c. Huh?

4. They will reveal themselves in front of the United Nations Building.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

In the proposed spin off series The new Olympians you said something about David Xanatos trying to take advantage of the New Olympians. Can you give some details on how he might take advantage of them?

Greg responds...

It's complicated.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Yttrium writes...

Taurus said his ancestor was the Minotaur. Assuming that this Minotaur was the same one of the Labyrinth that Theseus slew, this is kind of odd to me. If the Minotaur has descendants, he must have had children. Who would the mother of these children be, and how would he have come in contact with this female?


Greg responds...

Not like the guy spent his entire life in the Labyrinth. Just the last few years.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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LSZ writes...

What species were Zeus, Hades and Poseidon in the Gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...

Which ones?

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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matt writes...

in "The New Olympians" Taurus refers to his ancestor, the Minotaur. was the Minotaur an early New Olympian or the Child of Oberon that gave rise to the minotaur-like New Olympians? having the word "the" in front of Minotaur makes him sound like one of Oberon's Children (as in The Banshe, The Puck, or The Coyote) but the comment's about the Minotaur by Taurus seem to hint that he was not as immortal or magical as one of the Children (being starved and killed).

Greg responds...

He was a New Olympian before the term existed. I.e., he was a half-breed. The "the" is probably a reference to his mythic, legendary status.

Response recorded on February 08, 2001

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Camcuru writes...

Are the inhabitants of New Olympus, besides the gargoyles themselves, related to gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Most are not.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Wait a minute, Greg. In my first question you told me humans have had more setbacks in our progression than the New Olympians especailly in the 'Dark Ages' (~500-800 CE). Tell me, just about when was it that the New Olympians started despising humans and moved to their secret island? I mean didn't disease or plague ever affect the New Olympians also?

Greg responds...

Maybe here and there. But largely, no. Better sanitation probably helped.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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matt writes...

when Elisa, Goliath, and co. arrived at New Olympus many Olympians were very shocked to see a human and i guess that is because they didn't think a human would ever end up on New Olympus, at least for a long time, but were some of the Olympians shocked because they didn't even believe humans existed? almost no humans in 1996 believed in gargoyles, Olympians or the third race because of the long seperation from each other for millenia. the New Olympians also had this seperation, why are the tales of human cruelty not considered myths and legends?

Greg responds...

They were in hiding. They monitored human transmissions. They knew.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Justin writes...

Dear Greg,
When do suppose the New Olympian clan will make there presence known? You have mentioned that they are somewhat isolationist even with the New Olympians, so it seems unlikely that they would willingly venture into the outside world.

Greg responds...

It'll be a while.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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matt writes...

where is New Olympus located? somewhere in the Mediterranean? the Atlantic?

Greg responds...

not saying...

Response recorded on January 02, 2001

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LSZ writes...

If humans make too much 'noise' by changing their environment to suit them instead of adapting to it, are the New Olympians the same when it comes to being in tune with Earth cycles?

Greg responds...

Largely no.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Jim R. writes...

In the episode, "The New Olympians", the inhabitants live on an island that has remained hidden from human exploration by a sort of cloaking field, I guess that is what I heard. My question is, how has their technology advanced so quickly than that of the human-colonized world, when they have existed just as long as humans? I hope this has nothing to do with human wars or slow intellectual progression among our race over the centuries.

Greg responds...

We humans have had setbacks, certainly, scientifically. Does the term "The Dark Ages" ring a bell.

They made steady progress and had a few breakthroughs that we still haven't had.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

1)Are there female minotaurs on the island of New Olympus?

Oh I forgot to to tell you this before. Gargoyles is one of the best aminated television shows ever made. You did a pretty good job of creating a world filled with Gothic fantasy and adventure.

Greg responds...

1. Potentially.

And thanks.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Phil writes...

Clan questions:

1) In the Egyptian episode, "Grief," Angela suggests that the sphinx looks like giant gargoyle. We know from the clans contest that there is not currently a clan in Egypt. Was there at one time an Egyptian clan that died out or was destroyed?

2) On a related note, you said that the New Olympus gargoyles left Greece with the New Olympians. Again from the clan contest we know that there is not currently a Greek clan. Assuming there was once a Greek clan, did they all go to New Olympus, or did some stay behind to die out or be destroyed?

3) I'm not asking you to tell the stories now, but do you have them planned out for use perhaps in Timedancer?

(Note: I'm thinking about gathering a list of "untold stories" you've hinted at. [Greg replies: "I know, but I'm not telling now."] The more unanswered questions I come up with, the more eager and impatient I am for the return of Gargoyles.)

Greg responds...

1. Possibly.

2. The latter. Though not all the New Olympian gargs came from Greece. Some came from other mediterranean locations.

3. Which stories?

Response recorded on December 07, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

When the New Olympians arrive in New York in the future would Taurus try to seek out Elisa Maza and her Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

You can be sure they'd meet up eventually.

Response recorded on November 17, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

Will any New Olympians in the future ever leave New Olympus to live among the humans?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

Would any humans worship the new olympians when they reviel themselves to the world?

Greg responds...

Any? Maybe a few.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

Have any of the New Olympians seen the movie Aliens? and what do they think about it? I am asking these two questions because the New Olympians have ancestors like Medusa and the Minotaur that were slain by a human hero and the movie Aliens has a human hero called Riply who battles and slays the Alien Queen in a power loader suit.

Greg responds...

I doubt they've seen the movie.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Yadira writes...

Hi Greg, this is regarding the New Olympians.

In "The Mirror", Broadway says there are three races...humans, gargoyles, and Oberon's children. But what about the New Olympians? The New Olympians are secluded from the world for centuries, hiding on an island surrounded by a cloaking field. I don't think they are Oberon's children...otherwise they would have been at the Gathering....so can we say that there is a fourth race indeed called The New Olympians. And if we say that, can we assume that there might be other races as well? Thanks! :-)

Greg responds...

Well, you CAN assume that Broadway was only talking from his experience and education, not from any kind of omniscience. Which doesn't mean he was wrong.

Did you look at the New Olympian archive? Cuz, I've answered this many times before.

The New Olympians are hybrids. If you want to think of them as a fourth race, you can. But they are (mostly) mixed blood descendents of members of the three races.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Was the original Minotaur slain by Theseus the only minotaur?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) Do the New Olympians know about Oberon?
2) Do they know the Greek gods were really fae?
3) Did any fae visit New Olympus after Oberon banished them from Avalon?

Greg responds...

1. Maybe.

2. Maybe.

3. Probably.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Did New Olympian scientists ever try to explain the workings of magic scientifically, seeing how it's a tech-driven society but has knowledge of magic?

Greg responds...

To some extent.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Faieq writes...

When you said that the gargoyles on New Olympus were never converted to NO religions and the fact that we never saw any gargoyles (except Goliath, Bronx and Angela) in the episode 'The New Olympians', and that you also said that the gargoyles on New Olympus wouldn't reveal themselves to the world immediately after the New Olympians do, does that mean that the gargoyles on New Olympus live away from the bulk of the New Olympian population?

Greg responds...

They are somewhat isolationist, yes. But I hesitate to make generalizations about any group.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Do any of the gargoyles of New Olympus practice any of the New Olympian religions?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Todd> Such scenarios have their root in reality - whereever a minority is oppressed by a majority, you'll get the individuals who'll fight back hatefully and the individuals who'll want to live in harmony.

In my opinion it's *extremely* silly to think that Gargoyles could be copying the X-men when both were obviously copying the real world...

Now X-Men and the *New Olympians*... well that's a whole other story. :-)

Greg responds...

New Olympians is influenced by Jack Kirby's Eternals or New Gods much more than X-Men.

But I think you're missing Todd's point. I don't think we were ever really a Batman rip-off any more than we were an X-Men rip-off. His question was about our concerns. And we were concerned that we'd be PERCEIVED as a Batman rip-off. We weren't concerned about being PERCEIVED as an X-Men rip-off. But frankly, I can't remember why. Because one concern is just as legitimate (or illegitimate) as the other.

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

What are Taurus's five favorite movies?

Greg responds...

I doubt Taurus has seen all of five movies.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

1a) Would there be any point in the future when the practice of mortal magic becomes more common than it is at the time of "The Journey"?

b) If so, roughly how long would it take for such a revival to come to pass? (decades, years, centuries?)

2a) Why is it so dangerous to mix fae and mortal magic? Energy is energy, right? And both fae and mortal magic are presumably of earthly origin. So what makes them so incompatible? b) What are the actual consequences of mixing the two?

3) The Archmage was able to bring the Grimorum to Avalon by "bending the rules", and so bypassed Oberon's Law. But in the end, he was still using the Eye to control the Grimorum, and hence, was "mixing magics". Why didn't this have any (visible) consequences?

4a) You've mentioned "ghost magic" before. Would it fall under the "mortal magic" category, or is it a completely different form of magic? b) If it's different, is it safe to mix with mortal or fae magic?

5) Which is the Megalith Dance powered by--fae or mortal magic?

6a) Do any New Olympians possess (or are capable of practicing) "fae" magic? b) Do any New Olympians practice "mortal" magic?

Greg responds...

1a. Maybe a tiny bit -- but not until WAY beyond 2198.

b. Centuries.

2a. Different frequencies maybe. Feedback. I don't know exactly. Just is.

b. BOOM. Usually. Or some other backfiring.

3. The Eye is a bit more flexible. It WANTS to "help".

4a. Another category, I think, maybe, sorta.

b. Not recommended, but less dangerous.

5. Not telling its origin right now.

6a. Maybe, but it's more internalized as "powers" generally.

b. Maybe, but not many. They're a technology driven society.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

After the events in "Hunter's Moon", the Manhattan gang are the first gargoyle clan to be revealed to the general public.

1a) Which clan will be revealed next? b) Will it willingly reveal itself, or will it be discovered?

2a) When the New Olympians reveal themselves to the human world, will they also reveal that there are gargoyles living among them? b) Will the majority of the New Olympian gargoyles be open to starting relations with humans themselves?

Greg responds...

1a. Don't know.

1b. Don't know.

2a. Not right away.

2b. No.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

More qustions on New Olympus

1) You said that New Olympus picks up radio and television shows from the outside, what do they think of shows like Friends, the Simpsons, the David Letterman show, and Star trek?

2) When the New Olympians learn more about human religions will any of them convert to Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, or Sikhism?

Greg responds...

1. I think Taurus likes Worf.

2. Anything's possible, but I wouldn't expect mass conversions to anything.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) Are the new Olympians themselves aware of their fae origins?
2) Re: population of New Olympus thing. What's wrong with quantifying that? I don't want an exact number, I just want a rough guess. A million? More? Half a million? A hundred thousand or thereabouts?
3) If the answer to 1 is yes, do the humans of 2198 know of this? If they do, how do they interprete it without knowing the existence of the fae?

Greg responds...

1. Maybe.

2. I'm not good with numbers. I don't want to put something down here and have to live with it. So I'd rather not answer at all and leave it vague until or unless I have some need to define it.

3. Not answering 2198 questions until the contest is over.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

what kinds of problems will the illuminati society create for the New Olympians when they reveal themselves to the world?

Greg responds...

That's too complex a question to answer in this format.

Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A question about the New Olympians question. It's obvious enough why the ones that were viewed as monsters by humans and consequently hunted by them (such as Taurus's minotaur ancestors) would want to flee to New Olympus and shut themselves off from the outside world. But why did the ones who were worshipped as gods decide to withdraw themselves to New Olympus? After all, if they were being worshipped, that would be more of an incentive to remain in the outside world rather than to leave it.

Greg responds...

They weren't actually immortal. Humanity was catching up. And nothing gets tired faster with the masses than a "fallen idol".

All this is to say, that there was no ONE reason. But there were many factors.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Ithica writes...

NO questions:

1. I'm quite interested in the Romeo-Juliet relationship in NO. (Maybe I'm just a romantic) I take it the two involved in it are called Sphinx and Terry Chung?
2. Obviously, Sphinx is a NO. Is Terry a human?
3. Is Terry male or female?
4. What, as vaguely or roughly as you'd like, does Sphinx look like?

Note: I have never seen your NO pitch. *Sob* I've never been to a Gathering!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Male.

4. Come to the next Gathering and see for yourself. L.A. 2001. Fourteen announced special guests already (and it's only September). You really don't want to miss this one.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

When did the New Olympians flee to New Olympus?

Greg responds...

Sometime ago.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Jackal's Love writes...

G'day Greg

Would any of the spinoffs featured the Pack (or at least members of the Pack) as villains?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Sure. Most. Let's see...

Bad Guys
Gargoyles 2158 (revised)

for sure...

And I wouldn't be surprised if we also saw them in

New Olympians

But I would be surprised if they showed up in

Dark Ages

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Leon writes...

How did the new Olympians get so advanced in their technology? I mean they were completely Isolated from the rest of the world. Where did they get the reasorces? did they get any ouside help? the fae maybe?

Greg responds...

Why would they need outside help or resources? They were already VERY advanced by human standards when they first went into hiding.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In your plans for the Gargoyles Universe, the New Olympians were a hybrid race descended from the offspring of human/fay matings back in the period of Greek mythology. However, you mentioned that the notion of the New Olympians pre-dated the making of "Gargoyles", as a separate series originally developed by Bob Kline.

Obviously, in the original notion of "New Olympians" that Kline developed, Oberon's Children wouldn't have been in it. So what was the origin for the New Olympians in the pre-Gargoyles version?

Greg responds...

It was even simpler. There were a variety of MORTAL creatures that existed back then. They were worshipped, hunted, etc., etc., etc. Eventually, they joined up and fled to New Olympus. Hid there for centuries.

They no more had an "origin" than the Gargoyles themselves do, as a species.

There was, at one point, a very complex notion that involved them time traveling back at some point and being their own originators, but we dropped it.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Tljack2001@aol.com writes...

I'm doing a report in class and I'm having a hard time I'm compering your cartoon "Gargoyles" to Edith Hamilton"s book Mythology could you tell me how you originated the characters in comparison to characters in Mythology, and why you changed the way Gargoyles live compared to Gorgons you know blah blah blah. It's a comparison and contrast report and i'm having a very hard time with it I know I'm on to something please help! Compare and contrast how you used stuff from "mythology" I have to have a source from you and this is all i found please help!! Plus I'm a girl so I have to do well on this because everyone says I don't know what I'm talking about and this is a "boy's" cartoon. Thankyou sooo much

Greg responds...

There was never any particular connection in my mind between Gargoyles and Gorgons. Sorry. I did have a Medusa character in mind for New Olympians. She was largely supplanted by Sphinx. But I was going to use Medusa in a different way if we had done that spin-off.

Gargoyles isn't a boy's cartoon. It's for anyone who likes it, obviously. Don't let anyone tell you different.

But I'm not sure how I can help you. I'm not going to sit here and either (a) write your paper for you or (b) write a paper of my own for you to cite.

In a nutshell, we looked for ways we could adapt mythology that intrigued us into the universe that we had created. We looked for ways to unify and simplify a diverse global mythology, without over-simplifying the characters of that mythology itself. We tried to be respectful and faithful to the ideas the characters and stories suggested to us. But we also tried to make it fit into a dramatic episodic context.

Does that help? It's quotable, I think.

Let me know how it turned out. Post it here when you're done.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Sixshot writes...

How does Hydras, Dragons, Harpies, Cerberus and all other mythological animals/creatures fit in the three races?

Greg responds...

Some may have been Children of Oberon (or Mab). Others may have been New Olympians or the like. That is half-breeds. Some may have been exagerations of something else all together.

Response recorded on September 06, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) In response to the 'which Coyote' thing in being compared to intelligence with Talos, I mean Coyote 6.0 and 7.0
2) What is it that makes Talos so smart? Extremely advanced AI? Remaining sorcery from Daidolos/a Cyclops' manufacture? All or none of the above?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. I think probably Talos. The Coyote Robot, no matter how smart it gets, will always have a bit of Wile E. Coyote in its make-up.

2. Advanced A.I. mostly. (Keep in mind he's been rebuilt and upgraded many times. Both in hardware and software. Only his basic design style and memory files have remained consistent.)

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) How do the NO gargs look like, considering how vastly different each Gargoyle clan looks from one another..compare the Mayan to the London to the Ishimuran..
2) Since the NOs in NEW OLYMPIANS seem to be divided into these main factions, the peace-with-humanity, the worship-us-you-lousy-humans and the isolationist policy..which side would the majority of the NO gargoyles side with?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not gonna commit til I've worked it out with Guler or someone.
2. All three. Sometimes all at once. Hey, it's an election year!

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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LSZ writes...

More NO questions, specifically on the characters we saw
1) Is Proteus related to the mythological Proteus?
2) Was that Proteus fae?
3) Would there have been any main NO Gargoyle character in NEW OLYMPIANS?
4) Is Boreas' cool lightning-burst-from-staff thingy a special fae-descended power of his or is that just part of the staff's technological gadgetry?

Greg responds...

1. Probably a descendent.
2. Maybe.
3. Main? No. Recurring, eventually.
4. That's his.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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LSZ writes...

New Olympus questions:

1) In which ocean is New Olympus in?
2) How large is it, roughly? The size of Madagascar?
3) How long has its cloaking shield been in use?
4) What prevented humans from finding it in the times before the shield was in use?
5) Talos spoke of the increasing level of human tech; thisi mplies the NO's have been monitoring humanity. For how long have they done so?
5a) And how do they do it?
5b) And what do they specifically look for to monitor?
6) Do the NO's have nuclear tech?
7) What is the population of New Olympus?
8) How many of that population are gargoyles?

Greg responds...

1. It's a secret.
2. Big enough for now.
3. Years and years.
4. Currents.
5. Years and years.
5a. Carefully.
5b. Reruns.
6. Better.
7. An exact number? Come on LSZ don't you know me better by now?
8. A percentage.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Which is more intelligent, roughly: Talos, Coyote or the Golem?

Greg responds...


Wait, which Coyote?

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Is Proteus the only shapeshifter on New Olympus?

Greg responds...

Probably not.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Jeff N. writes...

Hey there Mr. Weisman,

In an answer to an earlier question about the origins of the New Olympians, you said that the first New Olympians were the result of various fae-mortal unions, and I was just wondering if, in the Gargoyles Universe, all of the original 12 Olympians from Greek mythology would be classified as full-fledged members of the Third Race (i.e. Oberon's Children)?

Thank you and good luck on resurrecting Gargoyles.

Greg responds...

Not necessarily.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Would any of the major characters in NEW OLYMPIANS be one of the NO Gargoyles?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) Do fae grow weaker magically as they grow older?
2) Is there any limit to how powerful a fae can grow unaided by any magical artefacts?
3) How seriously can fae be hurt by human magic?
4) If gargoyles could develop their own sorcery, would the magic they utilise be identical to human magic?
5) Did the Zeroth/Lost Race use magic?
6) Do the New Olympians use magic these days?

Greg responds...

1. Generally, no.

2. Probably.

3. Seriously.

4. Identical? Garg sorcery + human sorcery = mortal sorcery.

5. Zeroth? Who's that?

6. Rarely.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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