A Station Eight Fan Web Site


The Phoenix Gate

Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending April 22, 2012

Index : Show Images

Just watched "Auld Acquaintance." I just have to say how impressed I am. With their "New 52," DC is trying to lure a new generation of comics readers while keeping the adult readers like me. You're succeeding where they failed. The entire show has been so good to the mythos while adding plot, character development and great storytelling. I'm incredibly impressed and, I'll say it, a huge fan. Good job.
Paul D.

Oh, but Bronx is the perfect example of identical body structure but color swapped for the color of the opposite-sex parent.

And think about Hudson, Broadway, and 'True'. If we're going on the 'canon in training' on GargWiki that says Hudson is Broadway and True's biological father.

Besides being heavy-set and their wing structure, I don't see many similarities between Broadway and Hudson. True, on the other hand, has the skin coloring, hair coloring, and ears of her father. Neither of Hudson's children are copies with just a color swap.


Patrick: Well, there's also that ill-defined "chameleon gene" in the mix.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]

Wow, what a concept. A mix of the features of both parents plus a few traits of NEITHER parent that originated further back down the line is exactly how genetics works in the real world, too!
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Darn, I forgot to mention Angela's brow horns. Still, Nashville's design definitely qualifies as a patchwork design of obvious features taken from both parents without adding anything obviously new into the mix.

It seems like it was Greg's idea for a while: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=3689 , which means if we ever get to see Tachi, she will likely look the same.


-- This is a slightly different fan interpretation of Nashville that mixes up his features a little more.

Pterobat - [incisivis@gmail.com]

The thing is, it's not as simple as the body of one parent and the coloring of another.

Look at Angela's brow ridges. Those come from neither Goliath nor Demona. Gabriel favors his father, but has his mother's horns and hair color... while his brow ridge and chin spikes are present on neither.

It seems to be the case only in fanfic and fanart to have one a child be a carbon copy of the parent with the other's coloring. I must admit, it's bugged me for a long time.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

Tachi> I found that drawing on Bri-Chan's Tumblr account. I have no idea why it was not on her DeviantART


I think Greg at some point has said he thought of both Nashville and Tachi as having the features of their same-sex parent, and the colouring of their opposite-sex parent, though he was open to change. This is probably close to what Tachi might look like, if we ever get a canon depiction of her.

I would have preferred a slightly more complex mixture of features, myself. Angela and Lunette pulled off a similar kind of look well, but I don't want all gargoyle children to be designed based around those parameters. Gabriel was a more interesting design, for example, because he had some unique features.

Pterobat - [incisivis@gmail.com]

The site has been shut down many times to allow me to catch up. That didn't begin with Young Justice.

I also don't attribute the difficulties we've been having to DC fans in particular. The problem has been growing, frankly, as more and more folks LEARN communication FROM the internet, its lack of social rules, its anonymity, its expectation of entitlement, its lack of attention to detail - let alone courtesy - etc. Spider-Man was a bit worse than W.I.T.C.H., which was a bit worse than Gargoyles. Things have been problematic on YJ, but I truly believe that's because folks either don't know better or have forgotten, because the internet encourages bad behavior. And if this makes me sound like a luddite and/or a curmudgeon, well, that's only because I am - at heart - both.

And FYI, there's no way in heck I'm going to disallow YJ communication. That's what I'm working on now. That's kinda what I want to hear.

Finally, let's all just chill. Things are NOT as bad as they were a year ago, when the rudeness level was infuriating me. The whole situation is cumulative, and I do think I'm less patient than I used to be because of it. But when I step back, perhaps things aren't as grim as I've felt they are.

Greg Weisman

Station 8...it is a capricious soul indeed.

I'm back in, it appears...but for how long, I have no idea. I suppose we'll see...

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]

Supermorff> Oh, of course xD I just forgot to mention that.
I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!

Greg Bishansky > Response to your Korra post: I also thought Koh might be Amon's patron. Although admittedly, he's the only "evil" spirit we know (unless Wan Shi Tong has gone off the deep end with his anti-war stance).

KIT WALKER - Your proposed solution is tempting, but I hope people will still be allowed to post their reviews of episodes.
Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!

An Open Letter:

I've never been ashamed of being a comic book fan, not even when I got picked on in school for it. Following this site for the past year or two has managed to make me ashamed of being a DC Comics fan, because its the DC Comics fans that are crapping in the pool here. The Mighty Marvelite Marching Society didn't come in and wreck up the place when The Spectacular Spider-Man (the most accurately named cartoon in history) was airing. It's been my fellow DC Nationals that deluged this place with questions that break every single one of the common sense rules that this place had, forced the creation of more and more new rules, caused temporary closings of the question queue, and have just generally ruined things for everyone else. When called on this, entitlement ensues as though Greg owes them because they like his work.

I would humbly recommend just disallowing questions on Young Justice until the show has gone off the air for good (whether that's at the end of season two or three years from now). It would suck for people who've been rule abiding, but it would solve the problem at hand rather decisively. Just my 2 cents.

Oh, assuming Mr. Weisman is reading this, the two issues of the YJ comic where team investigated Captain Atom's origin story got me to check out the actual Captain Atom series. I've tracked down up through issue 25, read up to 19, and it is excellent.

Kit Walker - [walkechr@mail.gvsu.edu]
A fan disgruntled with his fellow fans.

Comet> And the colour of their eyes.

Well, we've seen Nashville, and he looks more like Brooklyn. Around the upper face, that is. Brooklyn and Katana both have beaks.

Why shouldn't Tachi look more like her father? I think we learned that the only real difference between male and female Gargoyles are the genitals.
Actually Nashville could(!) look more like Katana and Tachi more like Brooklyn... nothing indicates that would be wrong... but I take whatever the canon says.

I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!

One thing fan-artists should try to remember, is that Katana, and by extension Tachi, has a different look. (Smaller beak, larger eyes - though not quite "anime-esque" - and curved horns) That way she doesn't just look like a female, palette-swapped Brooklyn.

Also, who wouldn't want to see the gargs rendered by a guest "celeb-artist", that is, an actual established animator, like say Lauren Faust? (Bet she could make a quite "kawaii" Tachi!)


Greg Bishansky, for some reason I can't post on your blog with my livejournal profile, so I'll put my comments here:

[SPOILER] "It's a small moment, but I loved it when Zatanna tried, but failed to remove the helmet of Fate from her father."

Me too. Another show would have skipped over that.

"In under a day the Team managed to pull all their scientist/sorcerers together and come up with, and produce, a vaccine for a mix of alien/magic/tech that took months to make?"

They did have the advantage of having the Light's Starro tech to work off of. [/SPOILER]


Definitely hope Tachi gets Brooklyn's white hair rather than Katana's black. Nothing wrong with black hair of course, but I like the red/white combo so much more than a hypothetical red/black combo.

Love that find, Greg. That's not on Bri-chan's DeviantArt page, is it? I follow her DA page and haven't seen it on there.

I searched DeviantArt for 'gargoyles tachi' and, ignoring the fan designs from ages ago, these were the only two I could find.




Wow, awesome. <3
I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!

Yeah! That is fantastic!
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"...nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Ripley, "Aliens"

Matt> You like this one by Bri-Chan?


Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

Yeah, I looked there. I only found one and it was pretty much a drawing of Katana that was given Brook's coloring... which is what I was looking for, I guess, but the quality wasn't great.

Oh well, just wondering.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"...nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Ripley, "Aliens"

I've never seen any fanart of Tachi that wasn't one of these annoying doll-face Gar-Girls. Sad. But now I think I'll check DA for it...
I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!

Random question: Has anyone done any fanart of Tachi given that Katana's appearance is now known? I imagine that she'll probably most closely resemble Katana with Brook's coloring, but I was wondering if anyone had done a depiction of that or something similiar?
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"...nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Ripley, "Aliens"

B> ORIGINAL ideas are forbidden. The tactile telekinesis is based in the original comic depiction, so it doesn't hit the legal problem.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Why was the comment with this approved? :

"3) Not a question, but I think it would be cool if Conner developed telekinetic powers like he has in the comics. It's a cool way for him to have his own identity. "

I thought suggesting ideas was off limits.


Oh cool, a new face :D
Hi, Melissa!

I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!

PHOENICIAN - Yep, I got sorted into Hufflepuff, which surprised me, since I'd assumed from my fondness for books and reading that I'd be placed in Ravenclaw. But I'm also fond of the comforts of home, which fits Hufflepuff's image, and that's probably why I was placed there.
Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!

Welcome to the CR, Melissa! As someone who also didn't discover AskGreg until much, much later, I have to agree that reading the Archives (even those of the Comment Room) can be very addicting, lol. Once I got a taste of Greg's Master Plan, I knew I wasn't going to leaving S8 anytime soon, hehe.

(while I'm reminiscing, I do want to say that my first questions to Greg -- which in hindsight were definitely *not* "high quality" -- were definitely in that two-year-deep queue. I also remember when Greg finally caught up from that backlog in 2007 . . . just weeks from the third issue of the Gargoyles comic, which contained the first new canonical story :D)

In more recent years, occasionally helping out at the GargWiki has been perhaps the greatest incentive to diving back into the Archives in the hopes of finding the occasional forgotten AskGreg reveal, so I do hope you're able to find yourself on the GargWiki soon!

(Speaking of inability to access stuff, fingers crossed you're able to figure that out Masterdramon!)

"And now for something completely different . . . "

Todd: I was wondering if you're signature was Pottermore related -- As a Gryffindor from the Beta, I'm jealous that you got sorted in my prefered House d:

Young Justice: Well, I'm definitely looking forward to the season one finale, and will definitely be ready to use [SPOILER] the Spoiler Tags [/SPOILER] ;)

And I have to say, though I know I tried to have an open mind back when the "Independence Day" pilot aired back in 2010, I was not expecting to get hooked to this series to the extent that I actually have. Kudos to everyone working on the show.

"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts," -- Willy Wonka

Thank you! Unfortunately, going to that GarkWiki link has been causing my computer to freeze up, so until I figure out what the heck's going on with that, I won't be able to see everything there. That's all right, though, there seems to be plenty to occupy myself with here. The ASK GREG archives alone look like enough to suck me in for hours at a time! :)

Hi, Melissa. Feel free to check out GargWiki! Everything you could ever want to know about Gargoyles and then some.


Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

Hello, all! I'm a GARGOYLES fan from way back and just came across this site today (ah, the joys of random Googling). I wanted to introduce myself and say how excited I am to find this site before diving in and exploring. Thank you to everyone involved and hello!

I still suspect that a lot of the problem with the "Young Justice" questions stems from the series being based on a pre-existing (and well-known) property. If the characters, setting, etc. in the cartoon were the production team's invention rather than based on characters in DC Comics, would we have had the sheer volume of questions we've seen at "Ask Greg"? I doubt it.

(Though, as I've said before, that doesn't explain why we didn't get this kind of flood with "The Spectacular Spider-Man" - other than the suggestion that "Young Justice" has the old DC Animated Universe to compete with.

But I'm glad that the most recent piece of discord has been resolved harmoniously.

Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!

Glad you're Gruntled. ;)
Greg Weisman

Greg Weisman> Wow. I didn't expect you to give my post this attention. Your willingness to respond and to give me a chance to reply is pretty decent of you (not that I thought otherwise, anyway).

OK, when I posted my rant it was before the mistake was acknowledged, which was also pretty magnanimous of you. I re-posted it here because it did feel like I was being muzzled - I wasn't trying to "add more drama".

Like I said before, I understand you feel the need to take measures to get the queue to run faster and more smoothly. An unfortunate mistake was made, but since deleted posts can't be recovered, bitching more about it won't change anything. And now I also feel bad because I'm guilty of some things I complained about: big rambles taking up the time you could be using to answer questions.

I definitely did not mean, nor do, to drive you over the edge and shut down the site (entirely or temporarily). That would be one more thing for the fandom to be ripped on. (I didn't realize until reading some comments below that we had such a bad name. I guess the level of 'craziness' going around is only proportionate to the level of the show's awesomeness.)

I AM a fan of your work and of you as well. Like it was pointed out here, there aren't many creators who give fans the time of day like you do. I admit there was a lot of emotion in my response and if it were today I would probably express it differently. I also admit I was needlessly mean and I apologize for that. You are a fantastic writer/producer and deserve all the success that comes your way.

If "dislike" is the opposite of "like", is "disgruntled" the opposite of "gruntled"?

Matt speaks so much for me in his last post, I think I should have given him power of attorney before he posted.

Greg, you know I've been reading since 1997. I'm glad you're going to try to keep it going, and like Matt I hope you keep doing it for as long you enjoy it. If the day does come when it's time to shut it down, I'll be sad of course but, in the end, the work itself is what is important. "Gargoyles," "W.I.T.C.H.", "Spectacular Spider-Man," "Young Justice," and whatever comes next are going to outlive us all.

Keep up the amazing work.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

Md - We're all human. And, as I've recently demonstrated to MANY folks consternation - we're all capable of mistakes. First and foremost, I appreciate all your efforts. (And those of Todd and Gorebash.) And now that we're clear, I don't anticipate any problems. But I also don't ever anticipate perfection. Stuff happens. Stuff always will. And Thanks.
Greg Weisman

I sent this off to Greg W. just now, and I felt it best to share it here as well:

"Hey Greg,

My apologies. This one was entirely on me.

I'll readily admit that I make so many judgment calls on these questions lately - and because of my access issue, not always in the optimal environment - that there are a couple occasions where I'm probably a little too trigger-happy with that deletion button. I try to walk a fine line and exercise as much caution as possible, but I am only human, and some of this does get to me. At the very least, I do want to acknowledge that.

So my bad, and lesson learned."

That being said, I'm not taking back the general tenor of my response to "Disgruntled;" only apologizing for letting that tenor convince me to delete the question.

Censorship is not my intent. My only goal here is trying to maintain as welcoming and informative an environment as possible, for both the questioners and Greg.

Whether or not I succeed at that is up to you. But I expect Gore and Todd feel the same way.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]


Yes, you can repost your questions (five per post max).

No, they can't be slotted back into the queue where they were. That's options not compatible with the way the site works technically.

No, I won't be answering any questions here, except - if I'm in the mood - answers to questions about ASK GREG itself.

Again, I messed up. Me. Greg Weisman. And I apologize. But the damage is done. And it's a BUMMER. But it's NOT a tragedy. So move on. If you still want your questions answered, repost. If not, I understand and respect your decision.

Greg Weisman

Thanks, Matt.
Greg Weisman

I have a question since our posts can't be restored could we re-submit them and cut them in half and just have them back where they where in the queue because I posted on March fourth and my questions were very close to being answered? Or could Mr.Weissman answer some of the question in the comment room?
Jordan Wade - [jorrdanmichaelwade72@gmail.com]

Greg> I'm glad to hear that, for now at least, you are going to keep the site going. And I'm glad you still get some enjoyment out of it. I'm sure I speak for most of the fans of you, your work and this site when I say that we get some enjoyment out of it too and are grateful to you and Gorebash, Masterdramon and Todd.

And I have to admit that when you mentioned being TWO YEARS behind at one point, I had to chuckle. Ah, memories. Really puts things in perspective too.

Keep up the good (and hard and oftentimes thankless) work.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"...nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Ripley, "Aliens"

I just posted the following for all to see at ASK GREG.

TODAY, a disgruntled fan posted at the Station 8 Comment room:


Here's the post in full, and my response will be below it:

I posted this message on AskGreg but it was censored. I guess only sucking-up messages are allowed. Here it is:

Dear Greg Weisman,

I would just like to express my deepest outrage for what happened today (April 17). I'm talking about, off course, the new 5-questions-per-post limit you've pulled out of thin air with complete disregard for your most loyal followers. Yes, I realize AskGreg is not a right, but a privilege, like Greg Bishansky so well put it on the comments room (though he goes out of his way to kiss your ass on every turn), but WE are fans. YOURS, no less.
Basically, up until today the rule regarding the quantity of questions per post one could ask was TEN (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=925). Changing it after one month worth of answers seems like foul play. And this new limit comes off as a rather draconian and disproportionate edict, because there's no direct correlation between the number of questions and the required time to answer them. Say there is a post with 30 yes-or-no questions and another with only one that demands a more in-depth response. The former doesn't comply with the 5-questions limit, whilst the latter does. However, would the former really take up the same time to answer as the latter? How do reviews and rambles (that sometimes only prompt a three or five worded answer from you) get precluded from this? Don't they consume more of your time than answering 10, or even 20 short questions?

Also, it seems that forcing posters to spread their questions won't solve the problem, but only add to it, because instead of making one big post with 30 questions, they will make six. This will simply increase the influx of posts.
While I believe this to be illogical, logistically speaking, I understand it may seem like a good solution in theory (though I think I've just disproved it) and you feel the need to try something out. But what's really unfair is to enforce this rule as a blanket for all the approved 10-questions-posts that predate it. Those actually complied with your initially established 10 questions limit. How is this fair or even rational? Some posters ask stupid, shallow questions, but others actually take their time to think and write insightful queries, and, not unlike essays, those take time, and throwing them with such careless disregard is very disrespectful. Particularly so when those conformed to the policy, have been stewing for ONE MONTH and now have to be distributed into different posts and take the back seat at the end of a two months' waiting (or longer) queue. Wouldn't it be more logical to close the queue as you've done before so that you can clear it?

I do realize that this very post can be axed under the auspices of some new made up rule to cut down the number of questions, even after and if it gets approved. In case this does get through, I'm sure you won't see it until the next couple of months, and when you do, I'm sure you'll write some well composed answer making me come off as an ungrateful and obnoxious douche, and you'll have the last word, because I won't have a chance for a timely reply. But I felt like I needed to share my disenchantment for what seems to be a gross disrespect of your FANS. You know, the people who watch your shows, buy your merchandise and keep you on a payroll.

A disgruntled (former) fan.
posted @ Fri, Apr 20, 2012 12:46:02 pm EDT



Dear disgruntled (former) fan,

I agree with some of what you've written. Among other things, this post should NOT have been deleted by the moderators. And I'll make sure they know it. Comments, positive or negative, are fair game here. Always were and always will be.

And it's true, of course, that sometimes a post with many questions can be answered more quickly than a post with a single in-depth question, but I have NEVER wanted the moderators to judge or try to guess in advance the length of my response to anything, let alone gauge the time it takes me. Setting a question limit seems like a reasonable way to make things manageable.

I also, as I've stated before, see the unfairness in me reducing the limit from ten to five without warning and applying the rule retroactively to posts that contained 6-10 questions. As I've admitted, I screwed up there. I thought I had said five in the past, and instructed the moderators to erase all posts with more than five. By the time it was pointed out to me that I had said ten in the past, it was too late to recover those questions. TOO LATE. We don't keep a record of disallowed questions, so that's it. I screwed up and admitted it, but it's done. So from here on out, the max is five. And some posts were lost unfairly. And that does suck. And I do sincerely sympathize with your frustrations and disgruntlement, up to a point.

But here's that point: you don't seem to get or acknowledge (or perhaps care) that I'm currently on the verge of shutting down the site entirely. ENTIRELY. You don't have to praise me, my work or Ask Greg, but I'm trying to take measures to make me want to keep doing this AT ALL. Some of these measures, are indeed, as you've noted, 'draconian', forcing you to - horrors - repost your questions and wait even longer for the answers you do seem to feel entitled to. But again, the alternative is you NEVER get your answers. EVER. Now if this response, makes you "come off as an ungrateful and obnoxious douche" - well, I don't know how else you would expect me to respond. But this doesn't have to be the "last word". Normally, I only occasionally stop by the S8 comment room, but I promise for the next week or so, I'll stop by there every weekday and at least once on the weekend, which should give you "a chance for a timely reply". Any post there (like this one) that seems relevant to the current conversation will get pushed right to the front of the line and be published here at ASK GREG in a ramble (like this one).

That's my compromise. It's probably less-than-satisfactory, but it's the best I can offer at this time.
[I also want to state, that you've NOT been privy to the discussions between myself, Gorebash, Masterdramon and Todd. I have RESISTED taking even more draconian measures suggested by them and/or by others at Station 8, because as much as possible, I'd like ASK GREG to remain the open free-flowing forum it has been for like a decade or more now. The measures we are taking, draconian as they may seem, are still less draconian than they might be. But if I am forced to truly make the site rigid, then the fun will go out of it for me in the other direction, and I'll still wind up shutting it down anyway.]

Obviously, I'm not in the business of taking fans and making them "disgruntled (former) fan[s]", but I'm hoping you're a fan of THE WORK I do, more than a fan of me anyway. I mean, face it, you don't know me. I could be an axe-murderer. But if you like Gargoyles or W.I.T.C.H. or Spectacular Spider-Man or Young Justice (or whatever), then the work is the work is the work, and I'd hope you'd remain a fan of that work whether I'm a big of a jerk or not, whether Ask Greg existed or not and certainly whether or not I get to the answers to your questions in one month or six. I mean there have been times when I've been TWO YEARS (or more) behind in answering questions. This lag is nothing in comparison to that. But somehow the discourse associated with the whole thing seems... meaner. And I'm really, truly trying to keep my desire to maintain this site below the boil-over point.

Greg Weisman

Alright, let me preface this by noting that I apparently jumped the gun with my earlier announcement of having regained home access. While I did for about four hours, when I attempted to approve questions later Tuesday night I was met with yet another blackout, which is still ongoing. Since the three times I've experienced blackouts all occurred while I was approving questions, I have a feeling there's a connection there...but not being at all computer-savvy, I have no idea what it is. So I'm posting this from work, again.

Anyway, time for an omnibus line of responses as I play catch-up...

Jordan: As Anthony indicated, I couldn't restore your questions even if I wanted to. They're gone. And for the record, I don't want to, because they now break the rules. Sorry, but it's as simple as that.

Ask Greg Reader: Thank you for the kind words. In any event, I assure you that I exercise the utmost scrutiny when deciding what questions I can answer myself. If there's even the slightest doubt that I cannot cover the entirety of the post with a quoted response(s) or an automatic "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." response then I will err on the side of caution and send it along to Greg.

Nonetheless, Greg has specifically refused to answer that particular question in the past, for the reasons included in the quoted response. Sorry that we don't agree in this particular case, but this one seemed pretty clear-cut to me.

Greg Weisman: Thanks for your comment in support. It means a lot.

Disgruntled: I deleted your question because it was rendered irrelevant by Greg's apology, both here and on AskGreg. Not because I only allow "sucking-up messages."

And frankly, if you want your concerns to be taken seriously, try to express them without wild hyperbole and baseless accusations. For the record, I do sympathize with the concerns of people whose questions were retroactively deleted. But such questions were already fairly shaky by at least the spirit of the guidelines at the time of their posting, if not actually the letter (hence my previous comment about "quibbling") so that sympathy is limited.

And when you engage in such a childish, self-absorbed, and utterly ungrateful rant as this, it pretty much wanes completely.

Matt: The issue at hand, for both great good and great ill, is that "Young Justice" is by far the most visible of series Greg's been involved with in the internet age. I have no doubt that is there was an AskMike/AskBrian, AskBruce, AskLauren, etc. then they would be inundated with quite the same general flood...which is probably a great contributer to why they don't.

As I noted above, this has both its negative and its positive qualities. I'll admit that it's sometimes hard to see the latter through the cloud of the former, especially lately...but it does exist. Never before have I seen such a long and wide-range of compliments and praise pouring into AskGreg. For all the complainers, there's always five people who are actually incredibly grateful for the show and for the fact that Greg makes himself so open to his fans. Not to mention the numerous posts I've seen regarding people discovering or rediscovering "Gargoyles" through doing so, which I think speaks for itself.

I'm resentful of a lot of the "Young Justice" fanbase, indeed...but that's not that uncommon. I'm resentful for a lot of the "Harry Potter" fanbase as well, and I love that series to pieces. Ultimately, as it did there, my love for this show and respect for Greg Weisman trumps that resentment.

Which doesn't mean I'm not in favor of rules that minimize the amount of bad we have to take in with the good.

This is probably my last word on this until Monday, so I hope I've made it a good one...and given you an idea what goes through my head when I do my work for this site.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]

MATT> If anything, I think this illuminates why most fandoms can't have nice things.

Do you see an Ask Bruce Timm? No.
Do you see an Ask Paul Dini? No.
Do you see an Ask Joss Whedon? No.
Do you see an Ask Mike & Bryan? No.
Do you see an Ask J. Michael Straczynski? No.

Not that these people don't have fandom interaction, because they do. But I have never seen a creator put himself out there the way Greg does. Ever. I was unprecedented in 1997, and in some ways still is.

And for very, very good reason. Like you said, look at what the "Young Justice" fans did to it. The level of abuse is unprecedented in the entire history of the site. I'm not saying there has never been abuse, because there has. But the scale... the sheer scope of it now. You didn't see this with "W.I.T.C.H." or "Spectacular Spider-Man."

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

...and discuss other topics worth discussing.
Anthony Tini

I don't want to add more work for anyone, but one possible solution I would suggest is for Gorebash to create http://s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/unanswered_gargoyles.php

Then Greg can decide which questions he feels like answering at any given time. If he answers other questions before the young justice questions that are bogging things down, then that may cut down on his stress. With the "Ask Greg helpers" answering a good chunk of the young justice questions already, it frees up Greg to answer the more thought out questions, comment and answer questions on people's well written reviews, and discuss other topics would discussing.

Anthony Tini

To be entirely fair, Disgruntled makes some rational and logical points. But the fact is that Greg has already addressed these issues and made his decisions. Love it or leave it. It wouldn't surprise me if Greg was faced with that choice himself.

I know that this will only add to the drama this week, but I can't help but feel bitter towards the Young Justice fans. Young Justice is great and so is (was?) Spectacular Spider-Man. And Greg allows questions about any of his work on this site, but still... AskGreg has always had backlogs and various issues and dilemmas, but it has only seemed to REALLY become awful in the past year or so. Greg has already become very frustrated more times then we probably know, we've had numerous lengthy shutdowns, people outright ignoring or defying the stated rules and disregarding the FAQs, Wikis and forums where their questions can often be answered, we've had to add a moderator just to keep up and we still come away with a massive backlog and disgruntled fans. Not to mention the fact that people are putting Greg on the spot in a manner I can't have imagined in the past. What a shame. What a waste.

I'm not offering a solution this time. I don't even know if there is one. I'm just venting. I'm just frustrated. I wouldn't blame Greg if he ended AskGreg or went on a long hiatus. But I can't help feel sad that all good things come to an end. A fantastic Gargoyles site might just fall because of an unrelated property. Sound familiar? That's what makes me displeased with Young Justice fans, or a good number of them anyway.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"...nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Ripley, "Aliens"

I feel the burning sting of entitlement.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

Some people should just shut up, seriously.

I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!

DISGRUNTLED> You know what? After reading that, I'd totally understand it if Greg did shut down Ask Greg. God knows I sure as hell wouldn't want to spend my free time dealing with this crap.

I posted this message on AskGreg but it was censored. I guess only sucking-up messages are allowed. Here it is:

Dear Greg Weisman,

I would just like to express my deepest outrage for what happened today (April 17). I'm talking about, off course, the new 5-questions-per-post limit you've pulled out of thin air with complete disregard for your most loyal followers. Yes, I realize AskGreg is not a right, but a privilege, like Greg Bishansky so well put it on the comments room (though he goes out of his way to kiss your ass on every turn), but WE are fans. YOURS, no less.

Basically, up until today the rule regarding the quantity of questions per post one could ask was TEN (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=925). Changing it after one month worth of answers seems like foul play. And this new limit comes off as a rather draconian and disproportionate edict, because there's no direct correlation between the number of questions and the required time to answer them. Say there is a post with 30 yes-or-no questions and another with only one that demands a more in-depth response. The former doesn't comply with the 5-questions limit, whilst the latter does. However, would the former really take up the same time to answer as the latter? How do reviews and rambles (that sometimes only prompt a three or five worded answer from you) get precluded from this? Don't they consume more of your time than answering 10, or even 20 short questions?

Also, it seems that forcing posters to spread their questions won't solve the problem, but only add to it, because instead of making one big post with 30 questions, they will make six. This will simply increase the influx of posts.

While I believe this to be illogical, logistically speaking, I understand it may seem like a good solution in theory (though I think I've just disproved it) and you feel the need to try something out. But what's really unfair is to enforce this rule as a blanket for all the approved 10-questions-posts that predate it. Those actually complied with your initially established 10 questions limit. How is this fair or even rational? Some posters ask stupid, shallow questions, but others actually take their time to think and write insightful queries, and, not unlike essays, those take time, and throwing them with such careless disregard is very disrespectful. Particularly so when those conformed to the policy, have been stewing for ONE MONTH and now have to be distributed into different posts and take the back seat at the end of a two months' waiting (or longer) queue. Wouldn't it be more logical to close the queue as you've done before so that you can clear it?

I do realize that this very post can be axed under the auspices of some new made up rule to cut down the number of questions, even after and if it gets approved. In case this does get through, I'm sure you won't see it until the next couple of months, and when you do, I'm sure you'll write some well composed answer making me come off as an ungrateful and obnoxious douche, and you'll have the last word, because I won't have a chance for a timely reply. But I felt like I needed to share my disenchantment for what seems to be a gross disrespect of your FANS. You know, the people who watch your shows, buy your merchandise and keep you on a payroll.


A disgruntled (former) fan.

@Jordan Wade It's my understanding that questions that have been deleted are not recoverable.
Anthony Tini

Dear Ask Greg Reader - I disagree. That's a perfect response to that question.
Greg Weisman

First of all, thank you very much to all the moderaters who have been working on Ask Greg to keep it spoiler free, and also for answering already asked questions. You're doing a great job.

I do however, have one question, that being what is the "protocol" for answering a question for Greg? Because although most of the Ask Greg helpers answer questions that should be answered, there are a few, such as the one linked below, that really shouldn't be answered by you.


Ask Greg reader

I had a few of my posts that were deleted the questions were posted on march 4th and each of the post had 10 question in each of them and they were about the light, belle reeve, biayla, iciclce, and the super registration act. The names I posted them under the names of warrior93, drew s, mary f, chase b, and anyomus. Could you please restore my questions cause I think it's unfair my questions were deleted when I followed the current question per a post limit.
Jordan Wade - [jorrdanmichaelwade72@gmail.com]

http://openvaultdisney.wordpress.com/2012/04/16/its-time-for-the-april-ovd-writing-event/ to write a letter to Disney Home Entertainment about wanting to see Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 get released on DVD to complete the canon series written by Greg Weisman and part of a Disney Afternoon TV show and we waited for a long time and been very patiently, plans to become definitive from tentative, Gargoyles has a big huge strong fan base and it needs to be completed for season 2 of 52 episodes in best picture quality. say thank you and sign your name and mail it to open vault disney p.o. box 12 richland, wa 99352 for them to make copies and send to disney home entertainment regarding gargoyles season 2, volume 2 and also for them to open the Disney Vault for gargoyles season 2, volume 2 to be released on dvd
Jonny Modlin - [jmodlin210@gmail.com]
Jonny Modlin

"Transform and roll out!" Became "Download."

And, in honor of seeing A Midsummer Night's Dream last night:

Captain of our fairy band,
Helena is here ar hand,
and the youth, mistook by me,
pleading for a lover's fee;
Will we their fond pageant see?
Lord, what fool these mortals be!

Becomes: (8): "Our fairy band, Elena · · Master of life, please share a lover, confusing. We want to see amateur Show? What cheat mortal ruler, who they are!"

(18): "Contes, Elena, sharing roots, such as the possibility of confusion. Show amateur? This is the Eluohtlikes structure, if driving."

(27): "Share: Costume, Elena roots and confusion. Amateur opinion? It is the same as the Eluohtlik structure."

(35): "Share: Princess Helen costumes and ideas stem from the same structure Eluohtlik fan."

(35): "Helen t Coordinator and think the project report on this fan at the same Eluohtlik ciltlerle PAT Lee."

Battle Beast - [Canada]

Original text:


...35 translations later, Bing gives us:

"Ben day"

Anthony Tini

Someone (I forget who) once said that all translation is a betrayal. The last few posts have shown that he knew what he was talking about.
Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!

Totally non-Gargs, but running the lyrics to "Memory" from the musical "Cats" gives us, after 35 translations through Bing:

"Good children Inc. all actions taken in the early summer, not including Minuit and Jon Lord, collection 4 years ago during the holiday, happy sembl Oriya flagand store attached complaint of the Lantern Jack the pumpkin King or anything long life and quiet residential area and a good morninglanterneseachmore joy, very viegliLightshould and Daoxing account path, you can enter new data in the cloud, Henry whitedeep, Morningth, avenemen, cold, dark, ThinkH, Pierre Zadimenit on Eurojust, Henri Understandwh edsa Foundation, on the other hand, such as the last two nights Journ. Note salt."

Yeah, really catchy tune there.


Original text:

"Dude, that's your sister!"

...35 translations later, Bing gives us:

"This is my brother."

Greg Weisman

I decided to try two of my favorite lines from Kid Flash. The first was: "You are a real archer." After 18 translations, Bing yielded: "The fact that may occur."

The next line I tried was "I swear I was kidding." After 27 translations, it gave me, "I swear that I will tell you a joke." Not much of a change.


I just had to try this out. David Xanatos always has some great quotes.

"We're genetically compatible, highly intelligent, and both have the same goals. It makes perfect sense to get married."


"Genetic compatibility, smart haotimint, we have a common goal. It is important for a wedding."


"Pay a man enough, and he'll walk barefoot into hell." - "Pay him, he went to hell and enough, and barefoot."

Those were both done through Bing. Dipping into the Young Justice series, I ran M'gann's catch phrase ("Hell-o, Megan!") through Babelfish. Don't ask me why this came out: "[S] inside by this, this cancer or by the injector!" And here's what Bing gave me: "Megan Aitken · Aitken · world Fox talk show".

Honestly, if one of those were Miss Martian's catch phrase, I'd find her less annoying.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"We're going to return for you, this means better and more" -What I got when I fed Bing the Doctor Who quote I typically use. ("You are superior to us in only one respect: you are better at dying!")

I like that "We work in the stone age" part xD

Another one:

"Humans love a battle hearty. So does Puck! Come on, let's party!"
...35 translations later Bing gives us:
"Welcome to the U.s. Army. Permission to add. very good, very good!"

I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!

Comet> Thanks for that link! Let's try this...

More than 1000 years ago, superstition and the sword ruled. This is the time of darkness. It was a world of fear. This is the era of the Gorgon.
We work in the stone age, he betrayed his oath war tonight, to protect the peoples for thousands of years in the frozen stone.
Now in Manhattan, the spell is broken, and we live again!
We are in favour of the night!
We are gargoyles!

Hmm, that was only 8... let's try all 35:

In addition to the 1000 1000 to prevent war. Grass at night. Peace in the world. However, with the exception of
During the cold war, working in the Office of a scam called carbon now.
Life is a great Manhattan now the spell broken.
Into the night
We have (HD).


Anthony Tini> Well, if Greg ever called him, I'm sure he'd be game. I remember when South Park did a parody of Michael Dorn and I read that he said he would have been more than happy to do it himself if they had called him.
Richard Jackson

Ever tried out putting Gargoyles stuff in the Bad translator?


...12 translations later, Babelfish gives us:
"He is enormous"

"Sacrifice died from arrows"
...35 translations later, Bing gives us:
"They feel. They are also good."

I could do this for hours, but I would die from laughter if I did it for too long. xD

I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!

Randomly, I was thinking about Coldstone today and how badass of a character he was. I googled and read that Michael Dorn was the voice actor. It appears that Mr. Dorn is doing or going to be doing some voice work on Transformers Prime so he seems to still be an active voice actor. I wonder if Greg's team has reached out to him to do any work on Young Justice. I would love to hear his voice again!
Anthony Tini

I've certainly seen enough tickets and membership forms with the "right to change the terms" but I think it's also an issue of effiency here. I would imagine your questions wouldn't go through as fast if they agreed to a cutoff date
Draego-Man (figure customizers here might wanna click here)
the lost gargoyle

Masterdramon > "Ganapiel, let's be frank: quibbling over the precise number completely misses the point of that guideline. The point is to avoid being greedy. Whether you're asking 5 or 10 or 20 questions, they should be something you truly think is worthwhile knowledge...not just a question asked for the sake of asking a question."

I don't think anyone is really quibbling over the precise number. What we're "quibbling" about is the fact that the rule was changed and then applied to questions that had already been approved--questions which were following the rules to a tee at the time they were posted.

In any case, I'm not worried about it anymore. I just hope something like this doesn't happen again in the future.


I sometimes wonder if the people who ask all these questions about minute detail really want, not an animated series, but a traveler's guide to Earth-16.

Though I admit it's tempting to want to know more about the background of a story you like. (J. K. Rowling recently opened a new Harry Potter-based site called "Pottermore", which has included some delightful details about the background of the first Harry Potter book, including a sad backstory for Professor McGonagall.)

Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!

Thanks, Richard. Well, I Googled "Selena Gonzalez young justice" and got this: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Selena_Gonzalez. It says she's 38... so another answered question... And there's a link to this: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_characters_by_age that has every character's age!

Ganapiel> Selena Gonzalez was a character who appeared in the canonical Young Justice comic book in issues 3 and 4.
Richard Jackson

I'd like to make a small request towards the moderators. On March 6th, a little after 11PM, I entered two posts into the queue. While they were both approved, I don't believe they should have been. The first one clearly bends the multiple topics rule, and while the second one isn't in violation of any rules, it did come off as far more obnoxious than I intended, and I'd just as soon not have it cluttering up the queue. So if both of those could be removed, I'd appreciate it.

Masterdramon, you make a good point. And speaking of the "how old is" craze, can't the moderators do something about it? I see that there are at least two questions about Perdita and Garfield Logan. Their ages are TOLD in the EPISODES!!! And who is Selene Gonsalez anyway??

Anthony> Well, there is one week. Heh.

Personally, I look forward to the appearance of The Main Man in the Invasion premiere. If I'm not laughing my head off for at least the majority of the episode, I shall be disappointed.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

I don't know about you guys, but I'm excited that there is no wait time between the end of Season 1 and the beginning of Season 2. Woot!
Anthony Tini

First, I'm going to preface this by picking my jaw off the floor that Station 8 finally picked tonight, of all nights, to let me back in from home.

Ganapiel, let's be frank: quibbling over the precise number completely misses the point of that guideline. The point is to avoid being greedy. Whether you're asking 5 or 10 or 20 questions, they should be something you truly think is worthwhile knowledge...not just a question asked for the sake of asking a question.

I see this all the time with the age questions. Yeah, knowing what age Zatanna is (ONCE!) is rather useful in judging her interpersonal dynamics with the rest of the Team, particularly Robin. Conversely, the age of Pieter Cross is not. It was asked because the information isn't known, not because the information is in any way important or even desired.

That's frivolous, and while cutting down on post-lengths doesn't eliminate the problem completely, it certainly makes it a lot more manageable.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]

Okay, I clearly messed up. I did say ten in the past, and in my mind I changed it to five - and guilty of what I accuse others of - I did not check to confirm. So I'm here to (a) admit my mistake and (b) live with it - as we all will have to from here on out.

If in my head, the number shrank from ten to five, it's most likely because my patience has ebbed since I posted the ten question limit. Ten seems like a huge amount now - though lower than the twenty-questions-in-one-post that triggered the current guideline change. Frankly, FIVE seems like more than plenty per post, but I realize it's silly to require multiple posts on the same topic when questions are closely related, and five (or thereabouts) seems like a reasonable number.

So I do apologize for the error. But I'm not changing the new policy.

I will talk to Gorebash about updating the rules on the front page.

Greg Weisman

That's because there was none. The limit was 10.

Okay. I apologize to Masterdramon, Todd, and anyone else that moderates. I know you are just doing what you are supposed to do. And I apologize to Greg W for being ungrateful.

I hope the 5 question limit rule (and any other rules that aren't there yet) can be added to the front page. It would help to have all the rules in one place. I definitely would have seen it if it had been there, because I read those rules before I made my post. I actually did check the archives before posting...I did a search for specific character names to see what questions had been asked about them so that I wouldn't be asking repeat questions, then ctrl+f'd those names and skimmed down the page. In the course of these searches I did not notice the guideline about not asking more than 5 questions, but I guess that's my own fault for not being more thorough.


Greg, I came here to post the following when I saw your post, so in case you happen to peek, this is for you too: someone just pointed out on the queue that you did set a limit when you reopened the queue, and it was 10 questions per post: www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=925

Just to be clear, there's NO point in being angry with the ASK GREG moderators. They are simply doing what I asked them to do. So be mad at me, not them. And, frankly, please don't be mad at me either. Try to remember that I'm doing the best I can dealing with an increasingly difficult situation.

And by the way, I have said MULTIPLE TIMES, including RIGHT BEFORE we reopened the queue to new questions, that I didn't want more than five questions per post. There's simply no way anyone could have posted any questions in the current queue before I stated this guideline. I'll admit that this is not listed on the rules on the front page - and we should probably update that when Gorebash has the time - but it has been stated by me over and over again. And I have asked people to check the archives before posting, so it seems to me, that this guideline was available. So maybe I should feel more sympathy, but I just don't.

I'll admit one reason I'm getting harsher on this - and feel less sympathetic towards even folks who are attempting (but failing) to obey the rules and guidelines - is as an alternative to something worse. Yes, all this is due to the abuse of the system by some people, and, yes, there's no doubt that all are suffering for the abuse of some. But there are worse alternatives, I would think. As I find myself getting more and more frustrated and more inclined to shut ASK GREG down entirely, I feel like being a bit more draconian about the rules and guidelines is the lesser of two evils.

And I have NOT outlawed the age questions. But I don't want lists of them. It's EXTREMELY time consuming, because I have to look it up, since I don't keep that information in my head. I can't just answer off the cuff in my free time. I get the value of the question, and I've tried to answer them. But someone posting a list of TWENTY characters and asking for ALL their ages is abusing the system, in my opinion. And ultimately, on ASK GREG, everyone needs to get used to the idea that my opinion matters. I don't have to do this. I used to enjoy doing it, and at times I still do. But the whole thing feels like it's gotten out of control, and I begrudge it more and more these days. So unless the goal is to TRY to push me over the edge, i.e. to try to exercise the power of the internet to force me to SHUT the site down, then everyone needs to live with the ups and downs of the thing, even as I am struggling to do the same.

To be clear, I AM not looking for feedback on this post - even positive feedback. Churlish as it may sound, I'm not looking for a bunch of cheerleaders to say "YOU TELL 'EM, GREG!" Because I'm not taking any pleasure in taking this site into an area of more and more rules. I LIKED that we used to have a few simple guidelines, and that otherwise the thing was more free form. It kills me EVERY TIME I have to add to the restrictions. That's not what I ever wanted Ask Greg to be. But I suppose times have changed, and the site has to change with them.

Finaly, I have NO interest in having a "PREVIOUSLY DELETED QUESTIONS" page. Feels like a legal problem just waiting to happen.

But back to the start, please do not take out your ire on the moderators. They're simply doing what I've asked.

Greg Weisman

Algernon > I think Matt clearly outlined the benefits of it. It would provide a place where questions are saved so that the poster can modify their question and re-submit it, and it would also provide a place where people could see examples of questions that break the rules and will not make it to Greg.

"Follow the rules" is an easy thing to say, but at the time my question was posted, I WAS following the rules, so it didn't occur to me that I should save it on my own computer because it might be deleted from the queue (especially since it had already been approved for a while). Lesson learned, I suppose, I'll be saving a copy of my questions in the future, but this might not be the last time that a rule is made and then retroactively applied and questions get lost. Most people who are following the rules aren't going to save a copy of their question because they aren't going to expect it to get deleted.


I'd be more in favor of a Recently Deleted queue if someone explained the tangible benefits of such a thing. Right now, I'd be more inclined to agree with Greg B that it simply creates unnecessary work for the mods.

One concern I would have with this idea is that one of the points of the moderation system is deleting...problematic questions as soon as possible. Spoilers, advertising, illegal file-sharing (yes, I've deleted all of the above at least once).

In those cases, immediate and permanent deletion is rather preferable.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]

Per Matt, who said exactly what I was going to, but much better than I could have said it.

Uh... which Greg are you talking about? : )

Seriously though, I'm not sure it'd add much of any work for the mods. Gorebash would have to set it up, of course, but if done a certain way it shouldn't require mods to... modify their current way of doing things at all. They delete a question, it automatically goes to the new queue and ten days later it is automatically and permanently deleted. Aside from the work on Gore's end at the beginning of things, it would be easy and would solve a few problems and (hopefully) prevent some others. While it is wise to keep track of your questions, saving them from permenant deletion is only part of the reason for the creation of the new queue. It would provide a ready stock of examples of what you shouldn't do.

Obviously, aside from Greg B, there is a lot of support for this. I would like to hear from Todd and Masterdramon before approaching Gorebash about it though. And if Greg (Weisman) wants to put in his two cents on the idea as well, that'd be helpful.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"...nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Ripley, "Aliens"

I think that the mods work hard enough already. I always keep my own log of questions just in case they get deleted, so I can edit them. But I hardly ever get deleted because I follow the rules.

This is where personal responsibility comes in, once again. I'm responsible for my own questions that get posted, no one else is. It's not a democracy, it's not even a right. And placing all these new demands on the ASK GREG mods, for a job they're doing for free, just smacks of entitlement issues.

Follow the rules, keep track of your own questions, and remember that ASK GREG is not a right, it's a privilege. It's Greg's house, and he can do whatever he wants there.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

Even though I've never asked Greg a question, I agree that the Recently Deleted questions is a good idea. They don't even need to be up very long.

I'm just sad. I would have complied with the rule if I'd have known it would have been in effect before my post made it to Greg. And now I can't remember all my questions and I don't even know if I want to bother re-submitting them because how do I know some other rule won't be made that will be retro-actively applied to my post and result in its deletion. *sigh*

Anyway I really like the "recently deleted questions" idea. That would certainly be helpful.


http://openvaultdisney.wordpress.com/2012/04/16/its-time-for-the-april-ovd-writing-event/ to write about the rest of the Gargoyles series being released on DVD for the Disney Vault to open.
Jonny Modlin - [jmodlin210@gmail.com]
Jonny Modlin

And Matt's idea for a recently removed/deleted question section... Seconded.
the lost gargoyle

Todd, unfortunately it's all too common with online ads. My little sister once showed me a slash site that had a banner ad for Prop 8, lol
the lost gargoyle

For the record, it's presently impossible to "restore" someone's place in the queue, even if I wanted to. Once they're deleted, they're gone.

I sympathize with all of you whose posts I deleted last night, but don't get mad at me for doing my job. I specifically asked Greg W. if the rule applied retroactively, and he said yes.

So I deleted posts that violate what are now the rules. Simple as that. Sorry, but that's how the cookie crumbles.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]

Rebel. I understand your feelings. It isn't fair that people who care and appreciate this site the most are often those who have to feel the full brunt of the consequences of the actions of those who don't care, listen, appreciate, respect or deserve to use the site. But life isn't fair. And this isn't a democracy, its a Greg-ocracy. He made the call and you'll just have to accept it. As others have pointed out, your questions seem unlikely to have been answered anyway, but I can understand the desire to have a record of the questions for editing and possible re-submittal.

In fact, it makes me wonder if it might be a good idea to have a queue of "Recently Deleted Questions". It could be used as a reference for people in Rebel's position, but I think its greatest purpose would be as a reference to people submitting of what NOT to post. Maybe it could keep questions deleted in the past ten days or so before they are permenantly gone. Thoughts?

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"...nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Ripley, "Aliens"

Rebel, I feel your plight. It's totally unfair to impose new rules AFTER the questions have been approved. Lots of "how old" questions were tossed away after ONE month of being approved. Not the mention the obvious double standard at play here. Answering on someone's age is basically a 2-digit answer, which takes considerably less time than giving full answers. Heck, Greg invests more time READING long rambles and reviews than answering those short questions. I don't see the difference in answering 10 (ok, 20 can be excessive) questions in one post, than answering 5 in TEN separate posts. But whatever.

Rebel> Even before his post reasserting the limit, he did mention he would not give partial credit.


Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

I just think that if you're going to put a new rule in place, it would be fairer to have the new rule apply only to questions submitted AFTER the new rule was made. I don't think I'm special and this should only apply to my questions. I think this should be the case for everyone. Even when we were talking a few weeks ago about new rules that might help clear up the queue, I suggested a few of them myself, but even if the rules I suggested ever get used, I wouldn't expect them to be applied to questions that were asked before the rule was made.

If another user happens to come by and notices their question was removed as well and asks for it to be restored (if that's even possible), then I don't think it would be a problem to restore it. Even if my question had reached Greg he might not have answered it but I would have liked to have taken the chance that MAYBE he would have seen that I put a lot of thought into those questions (unlike that guy who just asked how old all the characters were) and he might have answered them anyway. He probably wouldn't have, but at least if he didn't the question would still be there in Ask Greg where I could copy and paste parts of it into a new question. I didn't save those questions anywhere and although I can remember some of them, I can't remember all of them although I remember them being good questions.

It's just...I don't mind rules, but it's frustrating to have a new rule thrown down when my question was almost at the top. If I'd known at the time I submitted my question that I wouldn't be allowed to ask more than 5 questions in one post, then I would have separated it into more than one post. I never had a chance to comply with this one.


I visited Comics Continuum this morning and watched a "preview clip" (by now, of course, it would be a "postview clip") of "The Usual Suspects" episode of "Young Justice ([SPOILER] which showed Superman holding a press conference outside the Hall of Justice [/SPOILER]). Before the clip itself began, it ran an ad for "The Avengers". Does anyone else find it bizarre that they'd preface a clip from a DC-based series with a commercial for a Marvel property?
Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!

Rebel> "I would really like to have my post restored. I feel like I've been cheated. If my post wasn't going to reach Greg it should have been removed a long time ago, not approved and then left to sit and then removed at the last minute."

Maybe not, Rebel, but if that's how Greg wants to do it, why would you expect him to answer even if the question were left in the queue as it was? He's made his position known and, as you said, we're not entitled to anything. He's still feeling out how much moderation is needed to keep things manageable with all the YJ questions; there are going to be some unfortunate losses.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Okay Rebel, you can have your questions restored if you're never allowed to complain about what goes on in this room ever again, be it other people airing grievances or discussing Formspring. After all, you're not entitled to do that either, so I think that's only fair.

Hmm, think it will open the floodgates for other questioners demanding their old posts be allowed to be re-edited and put back where they once were because they posted before Greg made this new rule? Or are you special and get special treatment?

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

There's not a single thing on either of these pages about there being a 5 question limit, and these are the pages I looked at before asking my question:

I realize the post had more than one topic in it, but the the "only one topic" rule doesn't seem to have been enforced with Young Justice questions, since YJ questions don't get archived and categorized like Gargoyles questions.

I know "Ask Greg" is not something that we are ENTITLED to and that Greg doesn't have to answer *any* of our questions, but I would really like if my post could be restored, or if I could at least have the chance to edit it and get my old place in the queue back.


I believe a post of mine was removed from the queue even though it was really close to being answered (and had already been approved quite a while back). I asked questions about the relationship between Dr. Fate and Kent Nelson and also some questions about Miss Martian and white/green martians.

I'm not trying to be a bother, but I think it's a little unfair that my question was removed after it had already been approved and was so close to being answered. If it was a problem, I think it should have been removed WAY earlier and I would have noticed and re-submitted it a long time ago (now if I re-submit it, it will be back at the bottom of the queue and I'll have to wait even longer than if it had been removed sooner and I re-submitted it in separate posts). Plus, a lot of those questions were related to each other and some of those questions could have feasibly been lumped together.

I would really like to have my post restored. I feel like I've been cheated. If my post wasn't going to reach Greg it should have been removed a long time ago, not approved and then left to sit and then removed at the last minute. Plus, I wasn't aware that there was a 5-question limit at the time I posted the question, so I think it's a little unfair to impose this rule on questions that have already been asked and approved.

I'm really not trying to be a pain and I appreciate what the helpers are doing...this just seems wrong.


Thanks, Richard. That means a lot.

It'd be a lot more tolerable - not to mention manageable - if I was still able to do this from the comfort of my own home. This irritating and rather mystifying blackout couldn't have come at a worse time.

But in any event, I've cleared all the posts containing 6+ questions out of the next batch of 250 and it's nearly 10:30 here at the office, so time to grab some dinner somewhere and Metro home... XP

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]

I appreciate how you work to keep it down for Greg, Masterdramon. I was going to ask a long time ago the reason for Captain Marvel's recasting but I assumed it would be asked and it has...three times.
Richard Jackson

Good LORD that was an excruciating queue session. At least Greg W.'s finally started pulling some amount of rank, though. T'is welcome.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]

Behold! The season finale of Young Justice!


Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

Tenth! (a little late in the day.)
Phil - [p1anderson@yahoo.com]


Could've had fourth... but all the math scared me away at the time...

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"...nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Ripley, "Aliens"

Eighth in the name of this accessibility issue becoming really bloody annoying. XP

To the weekend queue...

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
Officially abdicating a signature until I can access Station 8 from home again...

Anthony Tini

Colin Baker!

I'm with Chip here. So I'll just say fifth.

Ah Math...My ancient enemy rears it's ugly head once again.

A curse upon you!! A curse!!!

I'm just gonna say 4th, because I don't feel like being that mathematically clever.

Sorry guys.

I knew. Hey, I'm a Detective. But it never mattered. You aren't your family. You're one of us~~Robin

*Slaps forehead* Sorry, my brain's not working right now. Need sleep.

Though, at one point, people did consider 1 a prime number, but that's pretty much fallen out of fashion.

Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]

Jurgan> Which would make you "third if you want to be picky."

Get it now?

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

No, you have the first prime, the oddest one of them all. So, um... fourth Fibonacci number!
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]

First prime!

Second if you want to be picky.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts," -- Willy Wonka