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Arcship writes...

Before I go about my questions, I have to say that I am really enjoying Young Justice! It’s been such fun watching it; the animation is gorgeous and the ongoing characterization is interesting. Additionally, I like how minor characters in the DCU are being utilized. It’s nice just seeing them there. I apologize in advance if any of my questions are asking for spoilers. I have no doubt that some are at the very least are treading close, but I thought I might as well ask anyway.
1) I often see people asking questions about Tim Drake appearing in the series. Now, I have nothing against the character (though my preference lies with Dick Grayson), but it does make me wonder, especially because Batman: The Animated Series went straight to Tim. I don’t ask if you’ll have Robin eventually switch, but rather…What’s your opinion on leaving Jason Todd out? It just feels strange for him to be gone because he plays a large part in Bruce’s development. Though he admittedly isn’t the main focus of this series.
2) In A Dark Victory, Dick’s parents were killed in summer, around Father’s Day. What month (or date) were the Flying Graysons murdered in this series?
3) Are you treating Hawkwoman and Hawkgirl as the same character? I know their histories are a bit convoluted as far as differentiating them goes.
4) Decades ago, DC acquired characters from Quality Comics. A few characters like Black Condor still exist within continuity, but several fell into public domain and never returned. (Including my beloved Clock!) I know that because the characters are in PD that they can, theoretically, be used, but are there any contractual obligations to use recognizable DC characters? No one really knows who the Clock or Hugh Hazzard or Wonder Boy are, and there aren’t any comics to support through them. And, if you can use them or any other dropped characters, would you ever? Not as full-fledged characters, of course, but as background cast members or brief allusions? And, if they do exist in the YJ universe, would they act as Justice League members or as lone vigilantes?
5) Which Hawk and Dove pair is your favorite? Also, do they all have the potential to appear in the series, or most probably just the original Hank and Don?
6) Questions about Ace and Krypto are considered spoiler questions, but my question is this: what is your preferred incarnation of Ace (as in, the original German Shepherd, the more modern black dog, etc.)? I honestly miss German Shepherd Ace, probably because I love the breed. Also, does Streaky exist in this universe?
7) Will the pasts of any member of YJ become the subject of later episodes? Or, for the most part, will they be relegated to allusions? (Like Wally referencing the science experiment and the YJ comic being more graphic.)

Greg responds...

1. I don't really want to comment on what other series have chosen to do. Don't want to second guess my peers.

2. April.

3. There is no Hawkgirl on Earth-16. Just Hawkwoman.

4. I'm willing to use (at least in theory) any character that DC says is available to us. HOW we use those characters depends on the character him or herself and on the needs or our story.



7. The past always comes back to haunt.

Response recorded on October 13, 2011

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