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VELATIONS 2013-03 (Mar)

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, I previously asked a question about why Barbara Gordon is noticably younger than her traditional comic book incarnation. You answered that it had never made sense to you for her to be older than Robin, since Robin debuted decades before her. I don't really understand your objection. After all, Dick Grayson also debuted decades before Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, John Stewart, Nathaniel Adam, Augustus Freeman, and a lot of other characters that are older than him. Why is it only strange when it's Barbara?
I get that you feel like Dick and Babs should be contemporaries, but that just doesn't feel natural to me. I especially don't get the way that some writers just started forcing them together in the mid-90's, despite the fact that 1)there was a 7-8 year age difference, 2) they had no previous development as a couple, and 3) they were both engaged to marry other people. I just couldn't stand the way that their own relationships were horribly de-railed (to say nothing of what was done and is still being done to Starfire's character) to make way for forcing two characters I saw as surrogate siblings/cousins together. I especially hated the way that the writers felt obliged to "prove" that they were always in love, even when they were actively courting other people, by churning out a seemingly endless series of retcons showing them together in the past, thus creating the "Dick is dog with the ladies" trope that I despise.
An example would be from Nightwing's solo series were, by retcon, we see Dick and Babs "spend the night together," only to have him give her an invitation to his and Kory's wedding the next morning. Did they even care how this was making him look? Then much better (in my opinion, at least) ideas come along, like Oracle's cyber-romance with Ted Kord from Birds of Prey, only to get trashed because it's not Dick and Babs.
I get that there are a lot of fans of pairing off Dick and Babs, even if I can't understand why. I also realize I've kind of exceeded the scope of my inital inquiry, but this is just a subject that kind of bothers me. Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Oh, come on. Because the other characters you mentioned aren't Bat-family characters and were introduced as adults as opposed to sidekicks, proteges, Bruce Wayne's ward or Commissioner Gordon's daughter (i.e. generationally, Dick and Barbara are on the same level from the get go).

Besides, in almost EVERY interpretation of Batgirl I've ever seen, she's usually a contemporary of Dick's, so what exactly are we arguing about? It doesn't feel natural to you to interpret the characters the way they've ALWAYS been interpreted?

You claim it was new to the 90s, but I've been reading comics since the 60s, and that's how I've always seen it interpreted. ALWAYS. And now you're throwing in arguments regarding Starfire and other characters and scenarios that aren't even in or on our series? How is any of that relevant to YJ's interpretation of these two characters?

Look, I'm not denying that here and there it's been interpreted differently, but the vast majority of Dick and Barbara's appearances have them either as contemporaries, near-contemporaries or as Dick being slightly OLDER.

But, okay, fine. If it's not working for you, it's not working for you. Still, what do you expect me to say?

Or maybe I'm over-reacting. You just felt like ranting about Nightwing, so you did. That's cool too, I guess. But by phrasing it as a question to me, you've got me ranting back because it makes me feel like you're trying to get me to admit that we made a mistake, and I just don't feel that way.

I'm very happy with our interpretation of both Dick and Barbara in the show and in it's companion comic. I wasn't even reading comics in the late nineties and have never read the stories you reference above, so you can rest assured that I didn't base our interpretation on those stories, which you don't care for. Rather I based it on how I feel about the two characters myself. We can leave it at that.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate Jade's protective nature over Lian?

Greg responds...

Does this have ANY meaning?

Ten, I guess. But a ten to one person, might be a two to someone else.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, why did Cadmus cut off Roy Harper's arm? I know you've said that they needed a quantity of DNA seperate from his cryonically frozen body. I just don't understand why his being frozen was an issue with availability. They have his whole body. His DNA is in every part of it. They don't need to defrost him in order to get a sample. Even if they did, why not just use his blood? It seems a lot simpler to me, and the first step of cryonic freezing (in the real world, at least) is to remove all of the subjects blood and replace it with a preserving agent.
Was it meant as a reference to the much-maligned Cry For Justice storyline. If so, why do an homage to a storyline that has inspired such wide-spread loathing among everyone who isn't an employee of DC Comics? Hyperbole on my part, perhaps, but I've yet to find a single review of it that was positive, and I've deliberately tried.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure on what level to respond to this.

Obviously, on Earth-16, cryonic's doesn't include full on blood replacement. Obviously, at the time Roy was captured, the good folks at Cadmus felt that in the early stages of their cloning experiments, taking his arm made the most sense.

As for your out of universe comments, I haven't read Cry For Justice, so I have no opinion on its execution. But once we decided that we were going to have both a Red Arrow and an Arsenal on the series - and that both would originate with Speedy, it made sense to us to utilize the amputated arm idea on all sorts of levels. It wasn't an homage. It was utilitarian.

If it didn't work for you, it didn't work for you. But it worked for us, and I think it seems to have worked for a majority of the fans.

WE LIKE OUR SHOW. And, dude, you're just not going to convince me that I don't like the show. Stop trying.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, why did Nightwing perform chest compressions on Artemis when she (seemingly) had a chest wound? First Aid for someone with a chest wound is to apply pressure to the wound (preferably clean dressing, if available), apply pressure to prevent further blood loss, and get them medical care immediately. Performing CPR on a person with an open wound in their chest is just going to force more blood out of their body, thus exacerbating their primary medical problem, a loss of blood. Without blood to circulate, CPR is pointless.

Greg responds...


Seems to me without a hearbeat, ANYTHING else is pointless, so Nightwing was trying to generate a pulse. But I don't pretend to be a medical professional. If we got it wrong, we got it wrong.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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Foxwolf writes...

Hi Greg. I was wondering if you could provide the voice credits for the following minor characters from Season 2 thus far?

S02E01: Happy New Year
- NYC Police Officer (who tries to stop Lobo)

S02E02: Earthlings
- Rannian Science Patroller #1
- Rannian Science Patroller #2

S02E03: Alienated
- Hall Of Justice Tourist
- Manta Sectors 1, 2 and 4

S02E04: Salvage
- Arlington Nuclear Power Plant Security Guard #1 (male)
- Arlington Nuclear Power Plant Security Guard #2 (female)

S02E05: Beneath
- El Paso Bus Depot Clerk

S02E06: Bloodlines
- Central City Police Captain

S02E07: Depths
- Manta Trooper

S02E10: Before The Dawn
- Reach Captive #1 (male with long hair wearing cap and red shirt)
- Reach Captive #2 (blonde male wearing beanie and white shirt)
- Reach Captive #3 (female with a hair bun and yellow shirt)

And are the Kroloteans performed by voice actors or sound effects? If they have voice actors, would you mind sharing who provided the voices?

As always, your time and replies are greatly appreciated. Looking forward to the second half of Season 2!

Greg responds...

The only place I keep that kind of information is on the hard copies of my recording scripts, and unfortunately, at the moment, those are boxed until I can find the time to go buy a new file cabinet for my Beverly Hills office.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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btgr writes...

Do you have a favourite Jesse McCartney song?

Greg responds...

Can't I love them all equally?

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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masterbow writes...

One of my favourite thing you have a tendency to do is have recurring background characters. I really liked the one in spectacular Spider-Man, where Spidey webs up a nerdy guy and a pretty girl to keep them out of the way of a runaway car. A season later, we see them again when she accepts his proposal on Valentine's Day. I was wondering do you have little stories in your head about these types of characters and if you'd be willing to share them with us?

Greg responds...

I do occasionally have stories about these characters, but this isn't the forum for me to tell them.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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WONDERCON ANAHEIM - Who'd like to meet up?

My daughter Erin and I will be attending WonderCon on Friday, March 29th:


I'm not on a panel or anything official. I'm just going to look around, hang out, etc. But ASK GREG moderator Masterdramon is also going, and we thought it might be fun to organize a semi-impromptu ASK GREG LIVE event. I assume most folks would want to talk about Young Justice, which is great. But we can also discuss Gargoyles or the weather or whatever. Chris Jones and I did something similar a few weeks ago at a Doctor Who convention, and we had fun. I think about twenty or so fans showed, which was a nice number. We might wind up with a few more or less. Or, heck, maybe it'll just be me, Erin and Masterdramon, which is okay too. EIther way, we want to try to keep the thing unofficial, informal, casual, etc.

The main question I have is exactly when and where should we meet up? Has to be Friday the 29th, and because (a) I'm driving down there from Los Angeles and (b) it's the first day of the con, it probably shouldn't be too early. Likewise, I'm not staying overnight, and I have the drive home, so not too late either. So an afternoon meet-up, I'm guessing. Or maybe lunch? An early dinner? Linner?

And where do we meet? How do we find each other? (I'm not familiar enough with the Anaheim Convention Center to know exactly where a good spot might be.)

I'm definitely open to suggestions. I'm posting this here at ASK GREG, but also in the Station 8 Comment Room, which I'll be checking periodically between now and the con. If you have any thoughts on where we could meet, please post them there:


It'll also help us gauge interest in how many people might actually be, well... interested in this sort of thing. So even if you have no suggestions but you plan on joining us, post anyway, so that we can begin to approximate a head count. It may influence where we meet up.

The week before the convention, I'll post the final specifics on where and when at ASK GREG and at Station 8.

Hope to see at least a few of you soon.

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Brian writes...

I know you said in a few other questions that Ms. Martian was the only member of her family who had a "white" appearance. She also mentioned that she had 12 sisters, and that Martians stay close in large families through telepathy. So:

A) How close is she with her Martian family, now she's on earth? Does she write/communicate/keep in touch?

B) Was there any difference in her relationship with her father, compared to her siblings, because she faced the same prejudices He did?

C) How well did she get along with her siblings, was she especially close with any of them?

Also, I'm not sure if you plan on answering this in the show, so if it's not a spoiler request, why did Beast Boy develop powers after being bitten by a Green Monkey? Why not right away? And, would a bite from any other animal have done the same thing, or is there something special about green monkeys?

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer this.

Greg responds...

Okay, for starters, I never said that. In fact, I specifically said she had one brother who was a White Martian. Nor did I say that Martians "stay close in large families through telepathy". So...

A. Largely, no.

B. Every relationship is unique.

C. Every relationship is unique, but she was not particularly close to any of them. Sometimes it was her fault, sometimes one of theirs.

As for your Beast Boy question... have you seen the show?

Response recorded on March 13, 2013

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Cadmas was shot down by end of Season 1?

Greg responds...

Do you mean SHUT down? (Because when I first read this, I thought that you thought that "Cadmas" was a person who was shot, like with a gun.)

Anyway, no.

Response recorded on March 13, 2013

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