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Derek writes...

Hi Greg
I was just wondering why Thailog didn't clone Angela, i know Demona didn't release the bug when she watching her but even still if he could get Eliza's dna without her knowing he could do the same for Angela. If he was expecting Demona to betray him anyway even with Delilah he was at a one "man" disadvantage from a tactical point of view it just would have made more sense for Thailog to clone Angela too.

Greg responds...

When would he have gotten Angela's DNA?

You can pinpoint EXACTLY when he got Elisa's, BTW, if you watch the episode carefully.


Of course, NOW he has everyone's DNA, everyone in the Manhattan Clan, that is.

Response recorded on August 03, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

August 3rd...

Brod attacks Dracon in prison. But, the gargoyles help Elisa take down Brod, Dracon and most of their men. The gargoyles return to the Clock Tower, by which time Goliath, Hudson and Bronx have also returned. The Trio apologizes to Angela for their behavior. She forgives each of them with a peck on the cheek - just before the sun rises. Elisa's operation is a phenomenal success. Jack Dane, Pal Joey, Glasses and many other Brod and Dracon operatives are incarcerated. Dracon and Brod are even forced to share a cell.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

August 2nd...

Hudson destroys the battle-axe that tied Hakon to the Earth plane, permanently banishing the Viking's spirit. Goliath then defeats Wolf but gets hit in the face by a banana cream pie fired by Vinnie. Goliath and Hudson don't make it back to the Clock Tower before sunrise. Neither does Bronx, who's having his own adventure. Meanwhile, Brod attacks Glasses' chop shop with the help of Jack Dane and "Salli". But the raid is aborted when the police show up. Salli is knocked unconscious and witnesses very little that Elisa could testify to later. Angela and the Trio stumble into the situation, but the boys are too busy fighting over Angela to be of any help. After sunrise, Glasses visits Dracon in prison. Dracon orders Glasses to retaliate against Brod. Just before sundown, Matt brings Brod and Salli in for questioning. Salli slips away to the Clock Tower, where she reveals herself as Elisa and enlists the gargoyles' help. Salli then confers with Maria Chavez, and they agree to keep the undercover operation running for a while longer, despite the chop shop debacle. While Brod is at the police station, Dracon's men hit Brod operations all over town and even firebomb his favorite restaurant. Glasses also puts word out on the street that Dracon has a trainload of weapons coming in. Brod decides to steal the weapons. He attacks the train with Salli, but is ambushed by Glasses, Pal Joey and the rest of Dracon's men. The gargoyles intervene, but the Trio's competitiveness nearly gets Lex and Angela killed. Brod escapes again.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

July 15th...

The Manhattan Clan imprisons Demona in the Labyrinth and agrees to help Talon and the Mutates guard her and Fang. Angela takes the first watch. Elisa is bitten by a robotic mosquito that samples her DNA. Demona regains consciousness in her cell. Angela introduces herself.

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Gerin writes...

Hi Greg,

thanks again for taking the time to communicate with the community. Today, I have a few questions about the gargoyle designs:

1) On the show, the further the show progresses, the more varied the gargoyle design becomes. Originally, the gargoyles have a rather human look, but with time some of them cross the border to animalic. I'm thinking about the London Gargoyles in particular. How did these character design decisions, for example for lion-, eagle- and horse-heads and the bird wings, come about? Did you, the production crew, argue about such designs among each other? Or was it something that everybody accepted immediately?

2) I believe I remember a piece of promotional art that features Bronx with very small wings on the back. Why was it decided to remove those wings?

3) For the show, when you came upon a story that involved new gargoyles, what was the design process? Was there a lot of moving-sketches-back-and-forth, approving and rejecting designs, or were you usually contend with the first design you got?

4) Unfortunately, so far I have only seen the covers of the comic. But I wonder: why has the change to a bare-midriff look for Angela been made? Was it just a hunch of the artists, or were there more serious thoughts behind this?

Thanks in advance for answering and all your work.

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember any fighting over the London designs. MANY, many "gargoyles" in England are based on heraldic forms, and that's what we followed. It all fits into our backward extrapolation for why humans started sculpting faux gargoyles to safeguard their buildings.

2. Bronx never had wings. Bronx did have ears that acted as tiny wings and allowed him to hover a few inches off the ground. It was a comedy-development holdover, and Frank Paur jetissoned it when he came aboard.

3. Some of each.

4. It was a discussion between Greg Guler and myself to consciously make her look a bit sexier and more grown up, as she embarked on a more adult relationship with Broadway. And if her new look called up memories of Demona... well, so much the better.

Response recorded on June 01, 2007

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MAY 17

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 17th...

The gargoyles, Mazas and were-panthers converges on the ancient ruins of Kara Digi. There they discover that Fara was largely manipulated by the Spider-Trickster Anansi. All concerned join forces to defeat Anansi. Fara and Tea remain were-panthers but are reconciled and vow to protect the jungle. Just before sunrise, Goliath finally acknowledges Angela as his daughter. After sunrise, Elisa tells her mother everything about her life with the gargoyles. At sunset, Elisa and the gargoyles once more return to Avalon. Diane Maza phones New York, informing her husband of Elisa's situation. Peter Maza contacts Matt Bluestone and Talon. Matt contacts Brooklyn, Lex, Broadway and Hudson.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 7th...

Demona and Thailog return to Manhattan and hire Dr. Sevarius away from Gen-U-Tech. Sevarius reveals that the female gargoyle that Demona saw in Paris is the biological child of her and Goliath.

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Meg writes...

I know you've said that Demona cast a spell on the Manhattan Clan right before they woke up in the 20th century that allowed them to understand modern English. My question is, how does Angela understand modern English? I would assume that she grew up speaking Old English, as she was raised by Tom/the Magus/Katharine.

Greg responds...

Avalon compensates when it sends people to where they need to be...

(How's that?)

Oh, and by the way, Demona casting a spell is just a possible answer to the original modern English question. Not a definitive answer.

Response recorded on April 26, 2007

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Luke writes...

Let me start with I love the newest comic! I'm very excited to see what happens from here on out!

I was noticing something that you had posted on the wall. You said that Demona was Hudson's daughter, I might have miss read that but considering I did not. Wouldn't that make Broadway his sister, then considering that making Angela his niece?

I was also thinking would Sevarius know about the connection between Hudson, Demona, and Broadway?

Greg responds...

Demona is Hudson's ROOKERY DAUGHTER. They're not biologically related (or if they are it's pretty distant). Angela is Hudson's rookery granddaughter. No biological relationship there either. Broadway is both Hudson's rookery son AND his biological son, although the latter relationship is of no import to anyone except gargoyle fans. Therefore no biological relationship between Broadway and Angela.

Response recorded on April 26, 2007

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Liz writes...

Okay, I read Issue #3 the day it came out, and my only complaint is that it's too short! ;) I do have a few questions about Angela, and in part, Broadway.

1. Angela is sort of like a good version of Demona, the two of them occupying opposite ends of the Good/Evil spectrum. She's somewhat naive, where her mother is wise and jaded: she's a sweetheart who can sometimes have a temper, but Demona's bitter and angry. I have noticed that there are some subtle similarities between the two of them, though. In the comic, Angela seems annoyed and insulted that they have to disguise themselves, and like Demona she seems to have a lot of pride in the fact that she's a gargoyle. Demona's younger self wasn't unkind, but she resented the fact that her kind didn't fit in with humans and yet they had to protect them anyway. Angela grew up loving humans, but had a rude awakening when she entered the 'real' world, and was treated like just another monster. What I'm getting at is, what are the odds of Angela becoming bitter towards humans in the future, even if it's the distant future?

2. Did you notice that Angela's lips are red on the cover of the comic, like in the cartoon, but inside they're purple? I was wondering if you knew whether or not this was intentionally done. Personally, I think she looks better with red lips, like Demona, and if they were going by skin color Demona's lips would be blue, hehe...Sorry if it sounds like I'm nitpicking, because I'm not, I was just intrigued.

3. I'll try to keep this as polite as possible, I know this is a touchy subject for here. As of Issue #3, has Angela been intimate with Broadway, other than kissing? I'm not asking for specifics, just a yes or no. :) I just noticed that they were holding hands a lot, and basically seemed to be joined at the hip!

Really enjoying it so far!

Greg responds...

1. I'll let you set the odds.

2. I didn't notice. Being color deficient sucks, I guess.

3. I don't think they've had sex yet, if that's what you're asking.

Response recorded on April 17, 2007

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Zephyranthes writes...

Hi Greg,

This is more of an observation than a question.

In the episode Upgrade, Goliath had to choose a second in command. He stated that he didn't want to choose recklessly because it might put a rift between the trio. And he said that "I see now that nothing can come between you three." I guess he didn't count on the fact that Angela is alive and that she might someday fall in love with one of the trio and that might throw a rift between them.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure Angela does throw a RIFT into things. They argue when she first shows up, and inevitably they are growing up and won't be joined at the hip anymore, but they'll always be the best of friends.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Patrick G writes...

"The Reckoning" is one of my favorite episodes, especially because of all the great stuff involving Demona and her very complex character. I especially love the scene where she frees the clan, imploring Goliath to "save their daughter!" There's one thing that has been confusing me that I was hoping you could clear up. When Demona is trying to stop Thailog from shooting Angela, he said that she knew she was her daughter before they staged her capture, and Angela is outraged because Demona knew the whole time. However, I missed how this could have happened. I have a much easier time believing that Demona was genuinely confused in Paris, and the next time she saw her was in "The Reckoning." It seems to me to be more logical that given the order of events, Demona did indeed find out about Angela being her daughter when she told her in the jail, as opposed to finding out beforehand. How did Demona know before they staged her capture?

Greg responds...

Sevarius knew, remember (from "Monsters")? And Demona, Thailog and Sevarius planned "Reckoning"'s whole cloning thing together. SO... sometime between "Sanctuary" and "The Reckoning", Sevarius filled her in.

Response recorded on February 14, 2007

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Caesu writes...

I've been a fan of Gargoyles since it was first broadcast. And I still enjoy watching it even now years later, and look forward to the long awaited DVD release. The show is very original, and I think it had a lot of life left in it still when it ended. Which brings on my question Ive thought about off and on while watching the show. Do you ever think the relationship between Demona and Angela was given absolution? There was no real closure in The Reckoning, and the episode Generations strung along without adding any development.

Greg responds...

I don't count "Generations" myself one way or another. And I'm not sure exactly what you mean in this context by "absolution," but there was no intent for true closure in "The Reckoning". None. I don't see "closure" happening anytime soon, but keep an eye out in the comic book for the relationship to progress.

Response recorded on September 11, 2006

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Daniel writes...

Who does Angela like more.

Greg responds...

There's a smart-ass response in there somewhere. But I'm too lazy to come up with it right now. So I'll just say Broadway and leave it at that.

Response recorded on February 21, 2006

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Chimaraz writes...

I don't know if this question has been dealt with, but I looked through the archives and didn't see it so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

If one of the other Avalon gargoyles had gone with Goliath and Elisa instead of Angela, would Demona have felt the same way towards that gargoyle as she does towards Angela? I mean, Demona was raised traditionally, so she sould see all of the Eggs as her children, but does the biological aspect factor into why Demona's so fixated on Angela? Would she have reacted in just the same way to Ophelia, Gabriel or any of the others?

Greg responds...

It's a fair question. And I think she would have reacted similarly with any of the "eggs"... but I do think that three factors gave Angela a little extra oomph for Demona.

1) Angela treated Demona as her mother. "I'm told there's a resemblance." The others might not have, without the bio-connection, given Demona's history.

2) Demona has spent a 1000 years around humans. Despite herself, some of it may have rubbed off.

3) Demona was not around to comunally raise the eggs. So she has less emotional connection to the other gargs then she normally would have had.

Ultimately, however, I think it still comes down to the same kind of thing that Diane Maza pointed out to Goliath in "Mark of the Panther": "[Angela] is the only one of your children with you."

Normally, I don't like hypotheticals, but this was a pretty good question.

Response recorded on August 30, 2005

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Angelmoon writes...

I have a question about Angela:) How old was she when she first appeared on the Avalon series? Just curious:) I appreciate you taking time to look over this and answer:) Thanks:)

Greg responds...

I assume you mean "How old was she when she first appeared in 'Avalon, Part One'?"

Angela was biologically 19-years-old.

Although, in fact she was chronologically 917.

Response recorded on June 02, 2005

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matt writes...

Hi Greg. You said in the archives that as of the time you left the show (The Journey, i'm assuming) that Demona didn't know about Broadway and Angela's relationship, and the only other person who knew was Brooklyn.

1. How did Brook find out? Did Broadway and Angela tell him? Was the scene in "The Journey" how Brook find out?

2. When would the rest of the Clan find out about them? Would they try to keep it quiet for awhile or would they even care who knew?

3. Had Angela had any romantic connections with any of her rookery brothers on Avalon?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, the scene in "The Journey".

2. I don't think it was a major secret. But honestly, I haven't given much thought to the order of how and when everyone learned about it.

3. No. Nothing even vaguely serious.

Response recorded on April 07, 2005

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DPH writes...

Since you have updated your timeline since you last answered the question about Angela and Ophelia possibly being "in heat" in 2008 (02-02-00), I thought I would ask that question again since that part of the timeline might have changed.

1)When is the earliest time that Angela and Ophelia could have laid an egg?

2)Will Angela, Ophelia, or both of them be capable of laying an egg in 2008?

Greg responds...

The earliest for either is 2008 and, yes, both are potentially capable of laying eggs in that year.

Response recorded on May 26, 2004

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NiteShayde writes...

It's me again! I was just wondering...was it intentional for Angela and Demona's names to be Angel and Demon with added a's? It's pretty cool since Angela is like an angel and Demona is like a demon. As MacBeth pointed out "You fight like a demon."

Thank you for answering my questions.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

And, yes, it was intentional, the parallelism, all of it.

Response recorded on April 12, 2004

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Lori writes...

Well Demona and Angela ever get along as mother and daughter?

Greg responds...

Not saying.

Response recorded on April 08, 2004

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Siren writes...

1.)Did Magus, Tom, and the Princess know Angela was Goliath and Demona's daughter?
2.)Did they know Gabriel was Desdemona's and Othello's son?
3.) Did we ever meet Ophelia's parents? Besides the Britain Clan and Zafiro, she is one of the most interesting looking.

Greg responds...

1. Given her looks and coloring, it's not a great leap.
2. Ditto.
3. I haven't given it any thought.

Response recorded on December 02, 2003

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Demi writes...

How many of the clan's eggs were Goliath and Demona's??

Greg responds...

I assume you're referring to the 36 eggs that Princess Katharine preserved, in which case the answer is one: Angela.

Gargoyle females only lay one egg at a time, generally.

Response recorded on November 18, 2003

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Lex Cousin writes...

You can explain how is the reproduction of a gargoyle, you can specify times (hatch)?, it dont know if this contradicts the rules of the forum, but
seems me interesting. For example Angela's birthday. When it is when Demona put the egg or when breaks?

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I'm just not clear what you're asking, but I'll do my best.

I've talked about Gargoyle reproduction before; check out the "Gargoyles Biology" Questions answered archive for details. But basically, gargoyles lay a new generation of eggs every twenty years. Those eggs hatch ten years later.

Demona laid the egg containing Angela in the year 988.

However, because time passes differently on Avalon, Angela didn't hatch until 1078.

Response recorded on June 10, 2003

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adam writes...

why was it that all of the 6 original gargoyles in manhattan were male?

Greg responds...

Well, you're not counting Demona, of course.

Originally, we had two females. Dakota and Coco. Dakota evolved into Demona. Coco evolved into Broadway. At which point, to be honest about our cowardice, we didn't feel comfortable making our only positive female character overweight. In addition, there's a conventional wisdom -- which I don't subscribe to, but which influences my choices because so many in the industry DO subscribe to it -- that states that boys don't want female heroines in their boys action shows. Our primary target (not our only target) was boys 6-11 years old. No one wanted a female hero.

Of course, I love writing female heroes. They're easily my favorite. And I think properties like Buffy or Tomb Raider prove that I ain't wrong about the appeal to both gals and guys.

But, I don't always have the courage of my convictions. Introducing Angela was, in part, a way to make up for a clear void in the original show.

Response recorded on May 12, 2003

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Creamy writes...

If Gargoyles had continued, how would you have developed the Angela-Demona relationship?

Would they ever find a medium? Or be at least friends?

Since the last time Coldfire talk to to Demona was back in 994, what does she think of Demona's new way of life in 1996?

How close were Demona and Coldfire back in the "Dark Ages"?

Greg responds...

1. Carefully.

2. I think Michael Reaves came up with a Medium that we never used. I can't remember her name though at the moment.

3. I'm not going to reveal the long-term result of their interaction.

4. Well, at the moment, I doubt she's aware of it. But assuming she found out, I think she'd be very disturbed.

5. Close as sisters who aren't actually as close as they think.

Response recorded on April 21, 2003

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