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Queen of Night writes...

Okay, you've said that Angela and Broadway will raise their children the Gargoyle way. But all three are named after the Arthurian tales, not assuming that they named them themselves, but wouldn't that be a bit coincidental? I mean I could understand if all the clutch was named after the Arthurian but there are only so many names in the Arthurian tales, and three full clutches at that. With that said the three are named after the main characters (Merlin aside). So how can you explain that?

Also with Angela's parental issues. Being raised with Tom as her adopted father and Kathrine as her adpotive mother she would seem to prefer raising her children as she was raised. I do realize that part of it would be because Kathrine, Tom, and Magus were the only adults she could identify with but when she found out Goliath was her father she was extremely insistant that she be recognized by him. Angela also wanted a relationship with Demona despite her past. Not only that she wanted to help Demona specifically because she was her mother. So how would she cope with not recognizing her children or her children not recognizing her? Seems to me that she would want the close relationship with her kids as she had (or attempted to have) with her parents.

Greg responds...

There are HUNDREDS of names in Arthurian legend. HUNDREDS. And I COULD explain it a hundred ways. But I choose not to at this time.

What makes you think that Angela won't have a close relationship with her kids, however they're raised?

Response recorded on November 15, 2007