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Antiyonder writes...

Anyways, I finally got around to continuing The Spectacular Spider-Man reviews starting with Persona.

- Whether it was the animated series from the 90s or the original comic or the movie I enjoyed The Alien Costume Saga. Whether it's the effect that the costume had on him or the various designs of the costume I haven't decided.

- What I like about this version of the story is the blending of the other versions of the story (Playing his conscience, improving his physical attributes and the control over him as seen in the next episode).

- Between the goop comment (as well as her other wiity dialogue), the kitty sense and the kissing scene at the end, you just can't go with this Black Cat.

- Have to say that the Chameleon's disguises are impressive. His "Spider Sense" and quips are priceless. As for Quentin Beck and Phineas Mason, they're okay, but as for them returning. Well, I don't think they could fight Spidey on their own. Beck for one, would be better off getting a fishbowl (For putting some fish in of course).

Greg responds...

I assume you meant to say "you just can't go [wrong] with this Black Cat." At least I hope that's what you meant to say.

Response recorded on October 21, 2008