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Marjorie writes...

Hi Greg,

just read your response concerning other marvel superheroes in Spectacular Spider-Man. Even if we don't see them in the show, I think it's awesome that you give them a nod here, and let us marvel comic geeks imagine what their places would be in the show if time/situations allowed.

Obviously the center of the show is Peter Parker, and that's as it should be. I was just curious, however, if the Fantastic Four, Hulk, Ant-Man and Professor X are there (unseen) within the Spidey universe you've got going on, what is the general public's knowledge about them? Like, the Fantastic Four weren't underground like the X-men. They were an adventuring team that fought crime and didn't have secret identities, living like celebrities. Is it the same way in your verse? Are there strange news reports and sightings of a green giant springing up around the country? Is there public unease concerning people with strange inborn abilities on the rise?

I ask these questions not because I expect these characters to appear in the show, but out of curiosity for the world you're building up. It would be cool if Sally or Flash or somebody said in passing, "Did you hear what the Fantastic Four did yesterday? It was amazing!," I understand why that probably won't happen. It's just nice to know that the possibility of other heroes out there exists, even if it's never realized. Thanks!

Greg responds...

In my mind in the Spec Spidey universe, no one knows anything mutanty about Charles Xavier. He's simply the headmaster of a private school. The Fantastic Four are indeed celebrity super-heroes, the kind that fight COSMIC menaces, like the Skrull. Ant-Man, I'd think is pretty much operating under the radar (pun intended). Hulk is like a myth. Captain America is a memory.

Response recorded on June 08, 2009