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Marvelman writes...

Greg, I'm really sorry about how some of the fans have been talking to you on this web-site. I think that world of comics and animation and sci-fi fandom is populated by a lot of misfits who don't seem to fit in anywhere else. For these people, Young Justice is their happy place, and when you mess with their happy place, they get mad. This is especially true of the "shipping" fans. Mess with Wally and Artemis and they'll bite. I'm not excusing it; I've just been pondering the vociferous reaction of some fans to the changes in Young Justice cast. And I have come to the conclusion that these kinds of fans are not going to go away. This psychological make-up is what makes them fans in the first place. If it is any consolation, you and Brandon have managed to create something that people obviously care about.

2) Paula, Artemis' mom, was once a super-villain. Did she fight any current Leaguers? If so, which ones?

3) M'Gann's brain blast which we saw her use in "Image" is a formidable power - especially since most super-villains (or heroes) don't have a defense against that kind of power. Why doesn't she use it more often? Wouldn't it solve a lot of problems?

4) This is a spoiler request, but it's soooo benign... One of your designers drew this great picture of Wally and his mom at his kindergarden graduation but it was not ready in time to be included in "Coldhearted." I wonder if it still might appear on the show at some point?

Greg responds...

1. Thanks. There hasn't been a lot of vitriol - so I'm assuming that the moderators dinged the rude questions/posts as per the guidelines. It's fine to post here with negative feedback if one can do it respectfully.

2a. Yes.


3. It's pretty violent and not reliable.

4. It may have. I can't remember.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012