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Zergrinch writes...

Hi Greg:

I have a few questions that pertain particularly to Amazo. As I believe his story is over, I'm hoping none of these questions will run afoul of the spoiler rules.

1. Amazo's powers appear to be based on technology (when he replicated the Canary cry, there was a sonic cannon in his mouth. Given this, would he have been able to replicate powers that are hard to replicate with technology, such as the Green Lantern ring, Martian Manhunter's telepathy (he didn't mind-read Superboy's intentions when he was accessing Martian Manhunter), or Zatarra's incantations?

2. It was never shown on-screen, but does Amazo also have the attendant weaknesses when he is accessing a specific hero (say, Kryptonite to Superman or fire to Martian Manhunter)?

3. Given that Professor Ivo was revealed to be a Light agent, why didn't he build more Amazos to do all that work on Rimbor? Wouldn't it have been easier to do so, than to try to infest the League and the Team?

4. The Amazo display in the Hall of Justice museum (in Alienated) has an intact head. Is this a replica of the original? If it is a benign replica, why is it shown in a disassembled state?


Greg responds...

1. These are fair questions, but I'm not sure I know the answer. But I'm going to say... yes, some powers are more difficult to copy than others. For example, even though he encountered Green Arrow, we didn't show him shooting arrows... because he didn't have access to a bow.

2. I'm going to say no. Unless the weakness is inherent in the power, i.e. density-shifting around an invulnerable solid object.

3. How is that easier let alone convincing?

4. It's the real thing. So obviously, another Amazo was built during the timeskip.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012