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Jack Johnson writes...

Hi Greg,

I actually have two questions. First, since Wally and Artemis were living together at the start of season 2, can it be implied that they were in a sexual relationship or were they just saving money by doing something that, in the 21st century, makes a fairly good deal of economic sense for two intimate friends to do? Second, when Dick and Zatanna broke up, was it a consensual decision that they just didn't romantically like each other anymore, or was it more serious?

Greg responds...

1. I think it's fair to say... BOTH. But if Cartoon Network asks, it was a two-bedroom apartment.

2. I don't want to go into too much detail, as it amounts to a spoiler. But since it's clear they remained friends, I think it's also clear that it was a more-or-less mutual decision. ("Consensual" seems like an odd choice of words in this context.)

Response recorded on April 30, 2014