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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg!
About the League's leadership:
1) When Canary becomes leader, was it because Captain Atom's lenght was over or because he stepped down?
2) Can a member be leader two years in a row if he is elected?
3) In Legacy, Batman was acting as Team supervisor (or liason with the League), which is a duty of the League's leader. Almost at the end, he says "I've sent the League out to help quell the panic". So during early 2015, was he the leader?
4) If so, when did Batman's lenght as leader (during 2015) start and finish? And during 2010?
5) After Aqualad leaves, the task of recruiting new members falls into Nightwing. Does that mean he always recruits the freshmen or, like in season 1, the mentors bring them into the Cave?


Greg responds...

1. The former. In my head, I had a vague notion that it had been up for some weeks, but Cap stayed on to finish out the Reach crisis. But that's just a notion.

2. Yes.

3. Team liaison is not by definition a duty of the League leader. The leader can delegate that to someone else if he or she choses. But, it does seem that he's the leader from that quotation. On the other hand, he may simply have had monitor duty and was being a bit loose (and paternalistic) in his word choice.

4. It's a one-year term. I'm not going to be any more specific than that, at this time.

5. A little from column A; a little from column B.

Response recorded on July 27, 2016