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Nick writes...

Since you were willing to clear up by earlier confusion about the G-series of designations (https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=24794), I was wondering if you could find it in your heart to help me with the Z-series, considering it is also seemingly defunct after the events of “Nevermore.”

In the Season 3 premiere, Batman exits the League along with Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Katana, Hardware, and Batwoman, as well as some Team members (Robin, Arrowette, and Spoiler). We also later see that Orphan and Metamorpho are members of this team.

Thanks to promotional materials, our current understanding of the Z-series is as follows:

Z-01: Batman
Z-02: Green Arrow
Z-05: Katana
Z-07: Robin
Z-08: Arrowette
Z-09: Spoiler
Z-10: Orphan

This leaves three spots open for some of the aforementioned Justice Leaguers. There is also the additional inclusion of Metamorpho, which means Batman Inc. had at least eleven members unless some of the Leaguers who quit with him did not end up joining his team. My real confusion lies in the exact designation ordering. My previous understanding has been that designations are distributed in the order that characters begin their heroic careers when there are multiple heroes joining at the same time. But if this was the same for Batman’s team -- who were seemingly all recruited at the same time -- then why is Katana Z-05? Based on the debut info you have recently revealed for some of the newer Leaguers, we know that Katana began her heroic career in Japan in Team Year Three, prior to Hardware (Team Year Five), Batwoman (Team Year Six), and Metamorpho (Team Year Seven). But since there are two slots prior to Katana (one of which is presumably Plastic Man) and only one after before getting into the younger heroes, I was wondering if a) these promotional materials were a mistake or if b) any of the debut info was incorrect or c) if Batman assembled his team in different designation batches despite them all ultimately walking away from the League at the same time.

If you’d be willing to clear up the confusion, I would sincerely appreciate it. Hope production on the last few PHANTOMS episodes is going smoothly!

Greg responds...

Okay, to be clear, I'm spelling out the Z-Designations BECAUSE they are defunct. I will not be doing this for non-lettered designations (Justice League), A-Designation (guests), B-Designations (Team), C-Designations (pets) or D-Designations (Outsiders).

Z-01: Batman
Z-02: Green Arrow
Z-03: Plastic Man
Z-04: Hardware
Z-05: Katana
Z-06: Batwoman
Z-07: Robin
Z-08: Arrowette
Z-09: Spoiler
Z-10: Orphan
Z-11: Metamorpho

Response recorded on October 29, 2021