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Jordan writes...

Did Lex Luthor and Vandal Savage knew each before the formation of the Light?

Did Ra's Al Ghul and Lex Luthor knew each other before the formation of the Light?

Did Vandal Savage and Ocean-Master knew each other before the formation of the Light?

How did Vandal Savage knew about Queen Bee was she already activate as a supervillian before the formation of the Light?

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Anonymous writes...

What's the name of Coral's son?
Who is its bio father?

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Serious Star Solstice writes...

I've been watching and LOVING YJ S4, but I do have one question. If Arion, the son of Vandal Savage (not the clone), was truly immortal, then how is it that he was able to be killed when the statue fell on him? I believe that Vandal himself survived a similar crushing when Klarion was killing him for entertainment.

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Artistic Wonder writes...

Hey Greg! I have been typing a series of questions for you to look over when you have the time. It's okay to read all or none of them, but for this one I hope you will take the time answering especially because I don't think anyone has asked you questions about the mental issues on your show Young Justice.

1) What inspired you to give Beast Boy PTSD? As someone who had to suffer anxiety over loss I really appreciate you doing this instead of making BB not have any mental repercussions at all.

2) As a psych major I appreciate the hard work you put into making mental health issues an understandable topic for your audience. I wish more people could have reached out to me the way Beast Boy's family did when I lost my loved ones. I would like to know did you talk to anyone from the APA or other mental health institutions about how to portray mental health treatment in the show?

3) I believe I understand why you killed Superboy in this season and that is because his death was what needs to get all of these characters to deal with their phantoms. But like real people who die they don’t come back, do you believe that bringing Superboy back will undo all the character development these heroes had to go through?

4) What do you hope your audience gets out of YJ Phantoms when they watch these heroes battle with their phantoms?

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Curious Mind writes...

I'm sure there will be plenty of variants of this question, but are polygamous relationships relatively common among Atlanteans or is the relationship between La'gaan Rodunn and Coral atypical? If it's the former, would it have been possible for Kaldur to have had such a relationship with Tula and Garth - or is that something the network would have immediately vetoed?

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Artistic Wonder writes...

Hey Greg!

One of the things I love about your show is how you opened it to having conversations about faith. As a Christian, it is so refreshing to see Zatara practice his beliefs in a positive manner instead of in the stereotypical judgmental way that the media portrays most Christians.

1) In Earth-16 will we see other superheroes' beliefs displayed? I would particularly like to see Jewish characters completing the big three in world religions.

2) If religion exists how are characters able to stay steadfast in their beliefs? If I lived in a world filled with aliens, magic, and immortal beings I would always be questioning my theology.

3) Why does Zatara have so much tolerance for his non-religious teammates? Most of my Christian friends would be trying to convert them to their faith

4) Does Zatanna believe in the same religion as her father or does she have different beliefs from him? I can kind of see her possibly being resentful of God for taking her mom away and maybe disliking the fact she was forced to go to a Catholic girls' school.

5) Why is representing faith in your show important to you? For me, it would be because I can see myself in the characters and learn about someone else's walk of life.

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Artistic Wonder writes...

Hey Greg! Big fan of both YJ and Spectacular Spider-Man. As a gay cisman, I had some questions for you about LGBTQ representation in your Young Justice. I apologize if these are questions that someone already asked and they're buried in your archive and I did not see them, but these are important questions to me.

1) Will you give Kaldur or any of your gay characters a coming-out story? It is great to see Kaldur happy with Wyatt but because I believed he was straight for 2 seasons I felt cheated that I didn’t get to see this character discover this part of himself. A lot of shows have done the coming out story in sci-fi/fantasy animation like with Harley Quinn, but there are not a lot of those stories about gay male characters so it would mean a lot to your fans if we can go back and see how these two meet and fell in love.

2) Does homophobia exist in Earth-16? Everyone seems so nonchalant about all these characters having different sexualities, genders, and even multiple partners. 2b)In a world with different political and religious views are some DC Characters chalant towards the LGBTQ community?

3) After two seasons of not having gay representation why did you decide to include more openly queer characters in your stories? As a center-left person, I love what you have done with Kaldur, Lagann, and Violet, but some of your fans feel like these are just woke points. 3b)How do you justify your political views in the show to people who oppose them?

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walkie writes...

Apologies if this has been asked before, but I searched the archives with a few keywords and couldn't find it.
You've said that YJ season 1 isn't actually set in 2010, instead Team Year Zero just matches the 2010 calendar. I was curious why in issue 10 of the comics, the date 1968 is not only displayed visually but mentioned explicitly by Robin as a year in which things relevant to story took place (And going by other events mentioned in that comic arc 2010 would be the current year).
Was that just for viewer convenience (Team year negative 42 isn't very clean), and can it not be assumed that Robin actually meant team year negative 42 when he referenced it?

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E writes...

I loved the Kaldur arc! I was wondering about the choice to make La'gaan polyamorous (I loved it, no criticisms). Is his life with Coral and Rodunn reflective of a life Kaldur would've liked with Tula and Garth had none of them ever become sidekicks? Or am I reading too much into things?
Thank you!!

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Ian writes...

Hi greg just have a few questions about magic in Atlantis.

1. What is Wyynde's speciality in Atlantean Sorcery?
2. What is Lori Lemaris speciality in Atlantean Sorcery?
3. What is Coral's speciality in Atlantean Sorcery?
4. What is Topo's speciality in Atlantean Sorcery?
5. What is Nanaue Sha'ark speciality in Atlantean Sorcery?

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