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Anonymous writes...

I have a few questions I would like to ask:

1) We know that Demona and the Captain of the Guard worked together to
betray the Castle to the Vikings, but who came up with the idea in the
first place?

2) On a related note, we saw in City of Stone that Demona had the
opportunity to warn some of the clan about the Vikings- so why didn't
she? Surely she didn't really believe that one person (the Captain) would
be able to stop the entire Viking horde from destroying the clan. It seems to
me that she could have made up some story about overhearing the Captain
conspiring with another guard, adn warned the others to leave. After
all, gargoyles may protect, but I would think the gargoyles would have
realized that, with the Vikings attacking at dawn, there would be nothing the
clan could do to help and that it was necessary for them to flee.

3)We know that gargoyles do not formally acknowledge individual
parentage, but do they have some informal methods of keeping track of these
things? I ask this because it seems to me that, depending on the number of times
a female becomes fertile in her lifetime and the approximate age at
which the cycle begins, there could be the possibility of inbreeding among
gargoyles(I worked it out assuming that the cycle starts at the biological age of
20 and lasted for three breeding cycles, and found that there appeared to be
the possibility of uncles/aunts mating with their nieces/nephews, as well
as the chance for 1st cousins to breed).

Greg responds...

1. The captain.

2. She was a coward. Emotionally, she still is.

3. It's possible, but unlikely. It's also possible that
pheremones and a gargoyle sense of smell would reduce the likelihood of
biological incest.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Is there any computer game of the Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I think so.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. There are somethings I need to know about your great cartoon.
Also these questions I had to ask are things I have noticed that the Disney
people didn't exactly tell about.

1) Even though Puck was training Alex, was Puck sapossed to train Fox
also or not?

2) After the episode, "Hunter's Moon" was concluded, the Disney
people didn't make a new season to show that Jason's little brother, Jon was
wanting some new revenge on the gargoyles. Also, Jon was going to
still hunt down Demona. Why is it that these two things never showed up on a
new season or on the last season?

3) After Titania said her good-byes to Fox and Alex, Titania wispered
something in Fox's ear. What was it and what did Titania say to Fox
that no one could understand?

4) Will there be anymore Gargoyle comic books and Gargoyle trading
cards? These two things I never know where around,plus they never avetized
them on tv.Why? And I sure would like to have some of the comic books and
trading cards. Please answer these to your best ability. May Gargoyles live

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. I had nothing to do with the GOLIATH CHRONICLES after "The
Journey". I can't tell you why they did and didn't chose to pursue
various threads after that episode.

3. See the archives for one of my many clever non-answers to
this question.

4. Not to my knowledge.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I have read somewhere that there is a live-action Gargoyles movie in
production. It was supposed to be out in early '99. Is this true? If
not, such a movie would be great!

Greg responds...

There is, or at least there was, a live-action movie in
development at Touchstone. My liason at Touchstone is currently not
returning my phonecalls, so I have no new information on it. Believe
me, I'll let everyone know as soon as I know anything.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman.

First off, thank you soooooo much for that magnificent series of
yours, Gargoyles. (Ho-kay, that's out of my system.) :)
Only two questions for you, sir. I am a newbie at this (using
substandard equipment that crashes when it tries to process anything from the Web
larger than 150k), so if these have been asked before, I apologize for being

1) A lot of people have asked about breaking into animation as an
artist/animator. How would one go about breaking in as a writer (the
more important part of the equation, if you ask me.)?

2) I don't mean to get you into any trouble with this question, but
here goes: Looking back on what's happened with your creation, do you
think it would have had a longer/shorter life had it been done with a different
studio (i.e. Warner Brothers, who seems to do superheroics much better
than Disney)?

3) Do you have any current *live action* writings in development
(movies, TV series, music videos)?

Greg responds...

1. I don't think one is more important than the other. I have
answered this in more detail in the archive. Read and Write. Get good.
Write spec scripts. Read. Proofread. Read Aloud. Write. Write.
Write. Make phone calls. Network.

2. This has been asked before too. It's SO HYPOTHETICAL as to
border on the incomprehensible, like asking me whether the series would
have lasted longer if I were over six feet tall. I don't know how to
speculate on this. So let me just reiterate that Disney created the
environment that allowed me to create this show. I don't think that
environment would have existed ANYWHERE else. Disney's far from
perfect, but I get a little tired of people implying that they suck. I
worked there for almost seven years. I was an executive for five of
those years. Part (a small part) of the Disney establishment, even. I
saw a lot of goofy decisions get made, but I saw a lot of good stuff get
made too. How would being at Warners have helped? I doubt we'd ever
even have developed the show. Sorry for the tirade, but I think
occasionally we all need to take a reality check and put things in

3. No.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

If Goliath knew that no one had the power to change time with the
Phoenix Gate, then why didn't he just let Puck give it to Oberon, surely even
Oberon doesn't have the power to change history?

Greg responds...

As you may have seen, the Gate has much potential for mischief
without changing history. Besides, would you have given it to Puck
after "Future Tense"?

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! Thanks in advance:

1) Do gargoyle beasts give birth in litters or singly?

2) Are all the female gargoyles in a clan on the same 20 year
fertility cycle? It was implied that all the eggs on Avalon hatched around the
same time.

3) Are the males also only fertile every 20 years?

4) How many gargoyle beasts were there in the Wyvern clan before the

5) I realize you didn't write that episode, but could you please
explain why the clones turned to stone when they died?
6) Is Demona's 2nd clan (the one supposedly killed by Canmore's men)
really dead?

Greg responds...

1. Singly.

2. Yes and Yes.

3. Fertile? Is that the right word? I think male and female
gargoyles have sex more often than once every twenty years, if that's
what you're trying to get at in a round about way.

4. I don't know the exact number. A handful.

5. No, because I not only didn't write the episode, I was more
or less appalled by it. Why would you ask me that?

6. Yep.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg! Just wanted to ask you a question.

1) In "Double Jeopardy" I saw that Thailog had red eyes. Since you
have said earlier that only female gargoyles have red eyes, does he have them
because of the pigment mix-up thing?

Greg responds...


(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Greg Hi again. I came up with a few more for you.

1. In which spinoff did you plan for Demona to see the light? I'm
really wondering if this would occur in Goliath or Angela's life times or
after they are both dead. Whatever brings her to her senses must have been
something else. A pity I can't think of a simple way to ask what it

2. Gargoyles lay only one egg at a time. There were 36 eggs in the
rookery. Therefore you had to have at least 72 gargoyles in the clan
at Castle Wyvern. Throw in the single gargs, those that were to young or
too old to mate, and that number might even be over a hundred. Yet in the
past you mentioned that their were only about 30 to 40 gargs in the Wyvern
clan. Am I missing something?

3. You mentioned before that Coldsteel would still be a threat to the
clan. Considering that Demona shares responsiblity for his first death,
you'd think he'd want revenge on her as well. So why was he so cooperative
during High Noon, and would he be inclined to go after her now. (Not that
this would necessarily accomplish anything for him)

Greg responds...

1. Not going to reveal that here.

2. Over 20 years, a lot of death can take place.

3. I'm not sure how aware he is of Demona's guilt.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I am not sure if anyone has asked this already or not, but I noticed
that there seem to have been two versions of the episode "Vows" released.
This is the episode where Goliath, Demona, Xanatos and Fox use the Phoenix
Gate to go back in time (on the occasion of Xanatos' and Fox's marriage. I
noticed that the first time I saw the episode, in the opening scene
Goliath and Xanatos are duking it out (fighting). At one point Xanatos
backhands Goliath and as Goliath staggers back a stream of blood can be seen
flying from his mouth. In the same episode, at a later time, Demona (the
younger version) runs up to Goliath (also the younger version) and embraces
him, as she does so she runs the inside of her thigh up along his
suggestively. These two scenes shocked me at the time. (It was the first time I had
saw such things on the show). But, the next time I saw the episode on TV,
(about three months later) these two scenes had been altered. There
was no blood to be seen, and Demona just hugged Goliath (minus the thigh).
My question is this...Were you aware of these changes? And why were
they made? Did some parent complain?

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember if I was aware of them, but I'm not aware
of any parental complaint.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

1. How old would Xanatos have been when Brooklyn visits him in
Timedancer? What year would it have been? If you don't know exactly how old he
would have been, what about a general idea: Child, preteen, teen, young
adult, adult?

2. Patrick Stewart>Anubis, Oberon, Arthur? Any of those?

3. Number three is going to come as a seperate post just in case it
gets cut.

4. Are gargoyles and dragons related? Other than the statue in
Pendragon, would there have been any more dragons in gagoyles? Any details?

5. Pterasaurs have wings much like gargoyle wings, and they glided
too. Paleantologists believe they may have been resonably intelligent,
considering the intelligence of other creatures in those times
(dinosaurs) Any relation to gargoyles?

Greg responds...

1. Younger adult.

2. Your answer is wrong. No other hints. Although Todd has
already answered correctly. Check the archives for his answer.

3. O.K. That's probably smart.

4. Maybe. Yep. Nope.

5. Maybe.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

In The Mirror, Elisa asks the clan what Demona would want with a
mirror, and Hudson answers that it's Titania's Mirror. My question is how did he
know it was Titania's Mirror? Was this a subtle forshadowing of a as of
yet untold story?

Greg responds...

It was advertised as Titania's Mirror. There was a big sign
outside the Museum.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

In Possession, when Iago is moved from Brooklyn's body to the
Coldsteel shell, his soul merged with the robot. But when Othello and Desdemona
were moved into Coldstone and Coldfire, their souls entered the shells
throught the mouths, unlike what had just happened to Coldsteel. Was this an
animation error or was this intentional? And if it was intentional,
then can you give me just a small clue as to what you had planned?

Greg responds...

Not an error. Two ways of visualizing the same basic event.
Neither are wrong, but don't read too much significance into it. "A
petty consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" -- Ralph Waldo
Emerson ;)

Someday someone should ask me about the "HOBGOBLIN OF LITTLE
MINDS" episode that I never got around to doing.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi again Greg!

Gosh! I just keep finding more little curiosities I can't resist
asking! How very!

Okay, here's my pondering for the week! We all have heard how all the
Trekkers got on the cast! But, being a huge fan of Broadway musicals,
I am curious as to how Terrence Mann (one of my absoulute fav Broadway
actors) got cast as Oberon! Any interesting tales to it? Or any interesting
tales of his work on the set? Frairly broad I knpw, but hey!

Thank you again Mr Weisman for taking a look at this once more! May
luck be with you in the future!

Greg responds...

Our voice and casting director Jamie Thomason cast Terrance. He
was great. Had real fun with the part. But no great anecdotes, I'm

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey a quick question:

When did you do the last show of Gargoyles??
Is the show,,Angel of night,, the last show???
Please answer me quick!

Greg responds...

Well, I doubt this qualifies as quick. I did my last Gargoyles
"THE JOURNEY" in 1996. It originally aired in the fall of that year as
part of THE GOLIATH CHRONICLES. Angels of the Night was the last
episode of the Goliath Chronicles. It originally aired in 1997. But I
had nothing to do with it. The last episode of the original Gargoyles
series was "HUNTER'S MOON, Part Three" which aired in spring 1996.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg. Yes, it's me again.
A little question on the reproductive nature of gargoyles...curiosity
got the better of me...is inbreeding possible with gargoyles? *Grumbles as
someone from the chatroom makes a remark aobut her being the expert on
that one considering she's a redneck.*
Oh...and is Fang a cougar? I see a lot of similarities...

Greg responds...

1. It's possible, but the odds are against it.

2. Something like that.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1) Patrick StewartMacbeth and the Archmage from the first season,
and Oberon from the second season.

2) Since the full story about Katana's name would probably take 42
pages, I'm just going to ask if it was a name she had before she met Brooklyn
(i.e., from her clan or through human contact), or after (i.e., in the
context of their meeting, falling in love, adventuring together
through time).

3) Gargoyle eggs take ten years to hatch, unless I've forgotten my
canon. How would Brooklyn and Katana have cared for their eggs while voyaging
through time?

4) Related to the above question, how long was the average Brooklyn
stay in a given time period? i.e., Did he run the risk of appearing for a few
seconds before the Phoenix Gate snatches him again?

5) I don't think this is in the archives, so I have to ask: Why does
the Phoenix Gate continue to travel with Brooklyn, snatching him from time
to time and from place to place, and why does it cease after he's
returned to Castle Wyvern of the 20th century?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. No comment.

3. With difficulty. Though I never said how long they were in
each place.

4. There aren't any rules as to length of stay. It's possible
that he might have danced in and out in a few seconds on occasion, but
it makes for lousy stories, so I wouldn't have done that often.

5. The Phoenix Gate is lossed in time. Brooklyn takes
advantage of it's comings and goings in the hopes that it will
eventually take him home. Once he gets home, he avoids it like the

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

If you don't want to answer this, that's fine. I understand.
Celebrities are always getting these requests. But is there anyway I can get a Gargs
pic signed by you?

Greg responds...

Come to the Gathering in NYC this summer. I'm hoping to be
there if the details can be worked out.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg:

1. Who created the Phoenix Gate? ONe of Oberon's Children?

2. Would Patrick Stewart have played King Arthur? Macbeth? Oberon?

3. Would you ever have done a Romeo & Juliet type of episode?
Between what two charecters (ie who would be Romeo and who would be Juliet?)

4. Do you know who Tod mcFarlane is? If not he is the creator
if Spawn and Image comics. The reason I brought him up is that Marvel Comics, for
which he used to work, wanted to buy the rights to Spawn, but Tod wouldn't
let them because he knew they'd eventually mess it up. He was, at the
time. working on Venom and Marvel wanted to turn Venom into a good guy. So
between Marvel wanting to change Venom and rather than allow them to do the
same with Spawn Todd left Marvel and started Image, which is now far more
succesful than marvel (who is going bankrupt). I realize it is to
late now but you really should have tried something like this with Garoyles. I
also brought it up to say that if you want a comic company that might do a
great job with Gargoyles, that is if Disney gives them a chance, Image is a
good place to start. Todd would sympathise with your problem. would you
consider it?

Greg responds...

1. Not who.

2. No.

3. There was a definite Romeo and Juliet theme planned for New

4. I've met Tod, and I'm familiar with what you're describing,
but the situations are not parallel. You're comparing Gargoyles with
Spawn, but it would be more accurate to compare Gargoyles with Venom.
That is, Gargoyles are and always were owned by Disney. There was never
a moment when I could have gone off and done it on my own, because I
NEVER owned the property. Also, you should remember that for Tod (who
had some substantial money and reputation from his Marvel work) to go
off and publish his own comic was a very doable thing. He was a fan
favorite. And producing a comic book is a RELATIVELY inexpensive
proposition that requires a relatively small staff of people. By
comparison, no one had ever heard of me BEFORE Gargoyles, and still, few
know who I am now. In addition, producing an animated series is a
RELATIVELY costly proposition. Exponentially more expensive than
publishing a comic book. And the required staff is huge. And they'd
all need to be paid in advance to put food on their tables. The whole
thing is WAY beyond my resources, even today. Now I know, you think Tod
has done it with the SPAWN animated series. But that was AFTER Spawn
was already a huge success that made him a millionaire many times over.
I'm not saying he spent his own money on the show, but that money and
the prestige of the property gave him a lot of clout. Frankly, that's
clout I don't have.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, thanks for answering my questions:

1)I know you were planning to do some spin-offs, but how many and what
were they going to be called??

2)If Disney ever got it through their thick skulls that GARGOYLES is a
great show and decided to bring it back, they'd have to hire you and get you
to approve it or something like that, right??

3)Why didn't you work on any of the GOLIATH CHRONICLES episodes except

4)What projects are you working on now??

5)If someone wanted to pick up one of you spin-off shows(like
TIMEDANCER, that's the only one I know you wanted to do), would you want them (who
ever they may be, Disney or not) to pick GARGOYLES as well??

Greg responds...


2) They wouldn't "have" to do anything, but I like to think
they'd come to me first.

3) I made a mistake. I felt I wasn't appreciated, and I felt I
wouldn't have been able to maintain the show's quality level. But I
still should have done it. I made a mistake.

4) It's too soon to talk about any of them.

5) Only Disney could do a gargoyles-related spin-off. They own
all the characters and concepts. They wouldn't have to do both. Any
one would be fun.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I have another question, sorry: I keep hearing people talk about
someone called Katana, who is she??

Greg responds...

In my head, she's Brooklyn's mate.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

How long had Goliath been leader when the BIG event happened(you know,
1000 years ago)?? How long had Goliath be second-in-command when Hudson
appointed him leader??

Greg responds...

I haven't worked the Math in a long time. But Goliath had been
leader for ten years, since the events depicted in LONG WAY TO MORNING.
He became second in command during the run of DARK AGES.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Aren't they going to air the Goliath Chronicles in USA network?I'm
dying to see them.Or at least read the synopses in some page.

Greg responds...

I don't know.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Since when Goliath and Demona were in love?

Greg responds...

Since they were young, if I understand the question.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Why Hudson has only one eye?

Greg responds...

He has two eyes. One was blinded in battle against the

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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