Todd > Really interesting point. So, in a way, Vinnie is sort of the Ghost of Christmas Past for Goliath. An embodiment of his past mistakes. Which makes the anticlimactic payoff even funnier.
iknoweverythingexceptschoolstuff > Well, the original producers of the show are currently collaborating on a Gargoyles comic book due out later this year, so obviously they'd still be interested in working on the show if the scheduling worked out. I think it's fair to say that all of us here would be very interested in a direct continuation of the show by the original creators...speaking for myself, I'd be less excited about something by other creators (but would still give it a chance). The Animaniacs reboot a few years ago proved that modern animation methods can still roughly approximate an old 1990s favorite and be successful. There was some controversy over how successful the writing on that show was, but I think most agree that at least visually, it was a very successful update that maintained the flavor of the original. I don't think the original Gargoyles looks dated at all, and most of the cast is still with us, so there are really no obstacles to a continuation. The only issue--as has been the case since 1997--is whether Disney thinks there's enough interest. So, as Greg Weisman would say, SPREAD THE WORD. :-) Talk about the show on social media, to your friends-in-real-life, family, etc., and try to keep interest alive! And check out the comics!
posted @ Sat, Feb 8, 2025 8:10:52 pm EST from