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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman. How's it going. My favorite eps are "The Edge", "The Mirror",
"Hunter's Moon", "City of Stone", and "Awakening". I thought they all had
excellant scripts, and great stories. The others were good too, though some
of the World Tour eps bothered me. 1. What are you currently working on
now? 2. Do you watch Seinfeld (the second best entertainor)? 3. What would
have happened with Demona and Angela's relationship? 4. My friend wants to
know if you watch and what you think of Babylon Five. Sorry. 5. Please
don't ever reveal the true identity of Duval here. I would rather find out
in an episode if you ever make more. 6. Are there any other groups of fay
besides Oberon's Children? 7. What led you to decide to bring the fay into
the series. 8. You said that Demona would have had two more great loves.
Can you tell us about them? Would they have both been gargoyles? Thanks for
taking the time to answer my questions, and some of the one's my friend
sitting next to me asked me to put in. See ya around.

Greg responds...

1. Nothing I'm ready to talk about yet. Nothing that will definitely happen.
2. Yeah, I watch Seinfeld.
3. A lot.
4. You don't have to apologize. No, I don't watch B5. I did see the pilot,
and it didn't grab me. Later, a number of people recommended it to me, but
by the time I tuned in, I couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on.
Frankly, it made me nervous that GARGOYLES would have the same effect on a
new viewer.
5. I think I've pretty much given his identity away already, but I won't
give any clues in this post, I promise.
6. No. But there are a lot of subsets within Oberon's Children.
7. I wanted to open things up, bring more magic and mystery into things.
Create the opportunities for more stories, and more myths and legends to
8. You don't want to hear about Duval, but you don't mind me revealing the
identities of Demona's last two great loves? That's too selective for one
post. :) (GDW/12-8-97)

Response recorded on December 08, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

Hello once again, Greg! Thanx for answering all of our questions. I've
gotta couple more for you: 1) How did you decide on what Puck was going to
look? (the white hair, his clothes, etc.) 2) Or how any of the other
tricksters for that matter? (i.e., Coyote, Anansai, etc.) 3) Didja have
any more plans for Anubis? What were they? 4) You gave a response to a
question a long time ago that said to the effect that you would probably
not write the Encyclopedia because there would most likely not be a
publisher. In the latest response section you said that you would determine
the timeline for the series when you wrote the rest of the Encyclopedia.
Did you find a publisher?! Thanx again for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I had some imput, but the real credit should go to my partner Frank Paur
who oversaw design for the series. (And of course to whoever designed the
character for "The Mirror". I'd guess that was Greg Guler, but I'm honestly
not sure anymore.)
2. I knew I wanted Coyote to be reminiscent of both James Dean and a young
Peter Maza. Anansi was going to be a giant spider, so that was easy. Raven
had many forms, dictated by the script. Credit for how they actually looked
should go to Frank (and producer Dennis Woodyard and our designers).
3. Sure. But I'm not telling now.
4. I never said I wouldn't write it. In fact, I've almost finished writing
it, but I doubt I'll be able to find a publisher, which is what I said.
(GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman. I am a sophmore in the most boring high school in the
most boring city in the world. I recently got into film making, directing,
and screen play writing. Anyways, I've heard that you are co-producer do?
do you get to direct at all? choose how things are going?? Um thanks. OH
yeah, where did you find out about all the myths and legends??? Oh yeah, I
think that as far as character development went, through out the show...the
trio and Demona evolved perfectly, but in my opinion, Goliath didn't really
change too much. did you have any ideas on developing him? oh yeah, have
you seen Clerks? or any other Kevin Smith movies? If not...check them out,
you deserve some humor on your hands. -the film making guy.

Greg responds...

The best description of my job is Writer-Producer. I'm responsible for story
and script. But I also oversee voice and play a major role in watching
over the entire production. In other words, I produce. I don't direct.
Although you should keep in mind that directing in Animation is very
different from directing in live-action. The end result (and much of the
brainwork) is the same, but the process is very different. (I did voice
direct one episode, but that's not the same as directing.)
I did a lot of reading on myths and legends, cuz the topic fascinates me.
Much of this began in school. I was rarely bored in my English and History
classes in school. I was lucky. I had great teachers almost without
exception in those two subjects. But I also WANTED to learn, even on those
rare occasions when my teachers weren't that great. I don't mean to
lecture, but if you're bored in school, fix it by finding
something you'd like to learn about and pursuing it in a serious and
passionate fashion. Myths and legends are as good a place to start as any.
I think Goliath went through some changes, but they were subtler than the big
obvious changes that, say, Brooklyn or Xanatos went through. But I will
admit that Goliath acted as an anchor for the series. He was a strong,
basically optimistic and capable leader. He didn't require as much change
as some of the others did. Still, I had plenty of plans to continue to
evolve the character. The changes might still have been subtle, but taken
over the run of the series, I think you would have seen a substantial
I haven't seen Clerks, and I'm not sure I know who Kevin Smith is... did he
direct Clerks? (I have two very young children. My wife and I don't get
out to movies very often. Am I boring or what?) (GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

OW!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY HAND HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DO YOU KNOW A GOOD

Greg responds...

Nope. Sorry. (GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

Thanks for answering some of my questions earlier! (And you're right about
me mistaking "you six" for "Ussex".) Here are a few more: 1) Okay, we know
Oberon has a son, a wife, and a mother. Obviously he had to have had a
father. So is Oberon's father around, and if so, who was he? 2) For that
matter, does Oberon have any siblings? 3) Is Oberon the most powerful fay,
or is there any fay more powerful than even him? (I'm talking about just
plain, brute magical strength here.) 4) You said that there were three
races in Nokkar's intergalactic war. The Space-spawn are one. What were
the other two (if Nokkar's race wasn't one of those other two)? 5) This
one has to do with Demona (again): I was thinking about her, and about
her genocidal plans, when I realized something. The Wyvern Massacre,
brutal and devastating as it was, wasn't enough to push Demona to the point
of exterminating humans. In fact, she actually _allied_ with a human
(Macbeth) about 45 years later. And I doubt her second clan meant as much
to her as her own. So this leads me to think that there was _some other_
event in her life, something that you haven't shown us yet, that really
made Demona not just hate humanity, but hate humanity _so much_ that she
wanted to destroy each and every last one of them. Am I right? 6) In the
proposed "Future Tense" cycle, about how old was Samson supposed to be,
anyway? I'm not asking for an _exact_ age, just an approximate idea of how
old he is. Is he a child? A teenager? An old man? Thanks for
answering these questions.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not saying right now. I didn't plan on revealing Mab right away
either. You're just getting ahead of me.
2. Yes.
3. Mab is more powerful. No one else.
4. Nokkar's race IS one of the other two. (And keep in mind, I said
three races were the main players in the conflict. I never said
there were the only players.)
5. No. There were other events, but they were more cummulative than
defining. Wyvern is still the defining moment. She wasn't genocidal
immediately after Wyvern, because I don't think genocide occured to her. She
was alone (largely) and hunted. I don't think she felt that powerful. Her
brief alliance with Macbeth only confirmed her feelings about humanity. But
it also gave her immortality. The ability to start making some long term
plans. As I said, other things happened. But nothing as devastating as
6. Samson will be born in 2058. The inciting incident of that
proposed spin-off series was to take place in 2158. I'm sure you can do
the math. (GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

This question is from the Gargoyle shows. In Future tense why do you kill
everybody in Goliath dream and when Angela died why didn`t Golaith react
well its just that I know that the gargoyle were frozen in stone but

Greg responds...

Puck wanted to devastate Goliath enough that he would be willing to turn over
the Phoenix Gate. Death makes for great devastation (which is why we
included it in the story). Goliath didn't immediately react to Angela's
death, because (frankly) he didn't know he could at first. (GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg. I have another question for you. Thanks for your time :)
**Owen can become Puck only when Alex is in trouble or is being taught. In
all other times, is Owen physically unable to become Puck, or is it just a
law he must follow?

Greg responds...

It's a law he must follow which makes him physically unable to become Puck...
unless he can think of a loophole. (GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

Hi! I really loved the show. One question. 1. Why did Puck choose to help
Xanatos fight against Oberon to keep Alexander?Thank you.

Greg responds...

When push came to shove, Puck/Owen cared about Xanatos, Fox and Alex.

Thanks for numbering your questions, although when you only have one, it
isn't that necessary. (GDW/12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

Here are some questions greg how did princess Elena(katherine's mom and
wife to prince malcom,,excuse spelling) get the pheonix gate....who owned
it before her.....who made the pheonix gate.... When exactly does the clan
know of demona's link with macbeth.......in "The Price".....everyone thinks
macbeth is dead,,,,and yet he tells Xanatos "Most of my clan is gone and I
am a stranger in a strange land--DEMONA AND MACBETH ARE IMMORTAL..HAS IT
BROUGHT THEM HAPPINESS?" how does hudson know this.......what does this old
guy know...does he know the futre of brooklyn....does he know that brooklyn
will go into timedancing stuff..... Please...what did Titania whisper
into fox's ear? Who is merlin's dad.....is Oberon related to
merlin........Waht is the name of Oberon's kid.

Greg responds...

Elena got the Gate from her father. The Gate exists, like the protagonist of
Robert Heinlein's "All You Zombies". Goliath, Elisa and the Avalon clan
learned of the link after the death of the Magus and before the good-bye
scene at the beach. The rest of the Manhattan Clan learned of the link when
Goliath and Angela returned to the Tower, sometime after saving Alex from
Oberon. As I've said before, Hudson knew Demona and Macbeth were immortal.
That's obvious. They're not dead. They're really old. He didn't know any
details about the how or why. He didn't know about the link, though their
behavior did suggest a connection of some sort. Why would Hudson know
Brooklyn's future? I'm skipping the Titania question on purpose. Oberon is
Merlin's dad.
In the future, please number your questions. (GDW/12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

hi all powerful and exulted creator!!! i would like to have your opionon on
elisa and goliath's relationship and how you feel they would have children,
seening as half of the fanfic authors are going in that direction,just
basically how long would she be pregnant, what sort of problems you could
see happening, i f it would even happen,etc?(one thing though she would not
lay and egg, right,cause humans don't) also would it be possible for bronx
and boudicca to have puppies, because your explanation as to how the dogs
come about would seems to say no. just one more thing, do the hatchilings
turn to stone during the day? i don't remember for sure, but it seemed that
during the flashback in avalon show that tom and katherine were playing
with the young hatchlings during the day. thanks so much for the best
cartoon on ever!!!!!!!!

Greg responds...

Eventually, way, way down the line, I see Elisa and Goliath addressing the
issue of children. All sorts of options are available, except natural
procreation between two widely and wildly divergent species. Elisa could
never be pregnant with Goliath's child without assistance from science or
magic. I've already stated that I don't see them going that way. But I do
see them raising a child together. But not without serendipity (and
some tragedy) playing a role. I don't want to say anymore right now.
As to Bronx and Boudicca, of course they could have offspring. One every
twenty years if they saw each other at the right times. I'm not sure what
"explanation" you're referring to that would lead you to believe otherwise.
And yes, hatchlings do turn to stone during the day. The lighting in the
scene you're referring to is misleading. It's night time.
In the future, please number your questions. (GDW/12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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