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Anonymous writes...

Is it just a councidence that they were turned to stone the same year that Oberon sent his children out? Also, is it just a coincidence that they were freed 1000 years exactly? Thanks for your time

Greg responds...

Actually, our gargoyles were frozen in stone in 994. Oberon banished his children in 995. There is a connection though it's not directly causal.

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Anonymous writes...

I heard somewhere Oberon flinched when he heard Merlin mentioned. Is it true, and if so can you please explain?

Greg responds...

When was Merlin mentioned in Oberon's presence? I don't remember that.

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Anonymous writes...

Why did you decide to make Xanatos, at least for the time being, stray form his scheming and villanious actions. Why did you have him help out the gargoyles. Was it merely him being grateful about their help saving Alex, or is ther some plan he's brewing. If so, what plan would that be exactly (or are you not allowed to talk about that?) Thanks - bye

Greg responds...

I'm allowed to talk about anything I'm in the mood to discuss.

Xanatos went through a protracted, gradual change over the course of 65 episodes. Hopefully, you all thought it was organic and believable. But I never said he had stopped scheming. (Keep in mind, I had nothing to do with how he was portrated in the last twelve episodes of CHRONICLES.) I don't even believe that his goals have changed that much. But his priorities have definitely shifted, plus he gained a great deal of self-knowledge and a clearer view of what matters most in life. First and foremost, his family.
Second, true friends (or at least allies) that you can really count on. He has learned that you have to give if you ever hope to take. (But that doesn't
mean he's done taking.) As to his plans, I still think he wants immortality, so that's not over. And I felt he needed to deal with the Illuminati, who are likely to expect things from him that he's not prepared to deliver. Don't expect his methods to change much.

As to the why, well, frankly, the character demanded it. The relationship with Fox manifested itself to the pleasant surprise of everyone involved. We were all even more surprised (David included) to find out that he actually loved her. Every other step along the way was a natural outgrowth of the revelation that he was capable of love. His father influenced him as well.
Though he'd be loathe to admit it, David cares what his Petros thinks of him. It wasn't an accident that Petros was invited to his wedding.

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Anonymous writes...

In The Gathering I, who was the fey in the suit and cape who was with Oberon right before Odin?

Greg responds...


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Anonymous writes...

Oberon's children are not to interfere with the live's of humans right. So how can the Weird Sisiters give immortality to Demona and MacBeth without violating this law? How is this "bending the law without breaking it?"

Greg responds...

The short answer is that Macbeth & Demona asked for it. The Sisters weren't enforcing their will on the mortals, (well, they were, but Mac & D didn't know it), they were simply granting a request.

Actually, they were aiding Demona & Mac's desire to trade youth for power.
They then slipped the link in by using a specific magic spell for the youth transfer that included the immortality link. Sneaky, huh?

What you need to understand is that Oberon isn't constantly watching. His magical dictate hangs in the air around them. If they can create a justification in their own minds, no matter how superficial, they can magically get away with a hell of a lot. There's a risk involved. What if Oberon found out later? Would he care or regard it as insignificant? Would he buy their justification? Depends on his mood, probably. He's not exactly Mr. Consistent-Letter-Of-My-Law. As it is, I don't think he has found out, at least not so far.

(By the way, the reason that Demona is perpetually 35 years old is because Macbeth was 35 when they made that trade. He couldn't give her youth that he himself no longer possessed.)

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. I have some questions and you are the person to answer them.

1. Would we have seen any more of Gabriel and Ophelia?

2. You said that Coldsteel would remain a threat, but would he be a threat to the Manhattan clan or to just Coldstone and Coldfire?

3. What about Talon and Maggie? What did you have in store for them?(I speak of their relationship.)

4. Would we see more of The Maza family? Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Both.

3. Marriage, etc.

4. Yes.

(That was easy.)

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Anonymous writes...

1. Can you give us what YOU had planned to do for the third season?

2. If Gargoyles has no chance of surviving, can you, legally and willfully, give us the complete plan you had for Gargoyles?

3. In the first 2 seasons time passes at the same speed as our time. would this mean we wouldn't get to 2158(?) until our year of 2158 in the normal series =) (boy you must think I'm stupid =)?

Greg responds...

1. I guess I could.

2. I've no legal roadblocks preventing me from telling you anything and everything. But GARGOYLES does have a chance to come back, and I don't want to give away all my secrets just in case it does.

3. You wouldn't catch up to 2158 until 2158, I guess. But the (rejected) plan was to do a spin-off series set in 2158.

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Anonymous writes...

One Quick question, Mr. Weisman. What is the possibility of a CD soundtrack being released of Carl Johnson's music for the series? I have often been quite impressed by the background music for many of the episodes, particularly the "City of Stone" and "Avalon" stories. I have submitted this question to Walt Disney Records, but that was months ago and they have not replied. I would hate to see such music remain on a recording studio's shelf, never to see the light of day. Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

I love Carl's music, but I wouldn't hold my breath for the CD. You don't see a lot of CD's for animated series scores out there. (SIMPSONS being a notable and hilarious exception.) If enough people send requests to Disney Records, if they believe that they could make money off of Carl's work, then trust me they would release it. But it would take a LOT of letters from a lot of different people from across the country.

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Anonymous writes...

Eep. Sorry, but I don't usually think of all these questions at once.
Ahem, here goes:

1) Have you had any schooling as a writer (or in a literature) field? Just curious.

2) Did you do research for the stories (esp. the ones involving myths and legends such as the Golem, New Olympians, Anubis, etc.)?

3) How did you come to be involved with Disney? (Say aardvark if you've already answered this question.)

4) Will Capt. Chavez have a family as predicted by "Future Tense"?

5) What meanings, if any, are there behind Demona's golden plate, anklet, and shoulder... um, thing. Whew. Hope you can answer all that.

Oh, and one final question, if you can answer it... what exactly are the appearance differences between Owen Burnett and Preston Vogel? I know there are some but I can't notice 'em.

Greg responds...

1. Yes. A lot. I've been writing stories since at least 2nd Grade.
English has always been my favorite subject. I took eight full years worth of English courses during my six years of junior high and High School.
(Including AP English, American Literature, Modern American Literature, Creative Writing and Advanced Creative Writing.) I took a lot of history as well. I also took a Popular American Literature course at UCLA while I was still in high school.

I received a Bachelors Degree in English with an emphasis in Fiction Writing from Stanford University. (Coursework there included: The Short Story, Fiction Writing, Poetry Writing, Detective Fiction, Eighteenth Century Views of Women in Literature, Milton, Conrad & Faulkner, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Western Culture, Reflections on the American Condition, more Fiction Writing and Authorial Voice, among others. I also took courses in acting, dance, economics, physics, calculus and computer science, among others.
Plus I did a ton of theater -- on stage, back stage and behind the scenes.) I was a t.a. for Ron Rebholz's Shakespeare class. And I taught a seminar on the Mythic Hero in Modern Literature. At Stanford's Programme in Oxford, I took courses on the English Novel, Shakespeare and British Architecture.

I later received a Masters Degree from U.S.C.'s school of Professional Writing with an emphasis in playwriting. (Coursework included: Humor, Playwriting, fiction writing, screenwriting, etc.)

And after all that, I took a seminar on Story Structure from Robert McKee.

2. Yes. Although, I know a lot of myths and legends already, I still did research, or the other writers and story editors did. My assistant Monique Beatty did a lot of research for me, as did my good friend Tuppence Macintyre. Frank Paur also contributed a lot of research. The other producers, storyboard artists and designers also did tons of visual research.

3. While I was still at U.S.C. I started interviewing for jobs informally. I wanted to be a writer, but I also wanted to be able to pay my bills. Just before I graduated, Bruce Cranston offered me a job as a "Staff Assistant" in T.V. Animation's development department. One week after I started, Disney sent Bruce to Europe for six months and I was in effect the acting head of the department. It gave me the unique opportunity to show what I could do.
When Bruce got back, I was promoted. I moved slowly but steadily up through the executive ranks, until I developed GARGOYLES, at which point I chose to change careers (or rather to pursue the career I originally set out to get) and became a writer/producer.

4. She has a family now.

5. None that I'm currently aware of, but I reserve the right to discover otherwise later.

6. They wear a different style of glasses. Vogel wears a bowtie, Owen wears a regular one. They have different hair color. There may be subtle differences in their facial structure, but depending on the animation, that tends to be less than consistent. We strived to make them look very reminiscent of each other.

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Anonymous writes...

Here's a question for you: Greg, you mentioned that you made an episode for
Gargoyles that never made it to the TV screens because it was "too risky."
Can you please tell us about it.

Greg responds...

It was a very strange little two-parter.

[You guys should see me now. I keep typing things and erasing them. I'm really not sure I want to reveal this. I guess I still hope to do it someday, and I don't want to blow out the shock value. But another part of me kinda wants to reveal it. But not today. Sorry. Ask me again later.]

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Anonymous writes...

After due thanks you now must be tired of hear us repeating,
I would like - no I have to - ask this. Even though none of us here would
want even to contemplate it, there is still possibility that there will be
no - and I mean no - more seasons of Gargoyles (at least after TGC even
those in charge must have realized there is no point to do the show without
you). In this truly sad and stupid case, would you consider - or have you
already considered - carrying out your plan in a form of books? I mean,
not comics, not "Behind-the-scenes" kind of staff, but the saga going on
in another medium? Of course we would miss the voices of the cast and the
looks of the show, as I believe would you, but Gargoyles, unlike Power
Rangers, is a show where words matter immensely after all...

Greg responds...

I would absolutely LOVE to continue the saga in prose. Any publishers out there listening?

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Greg, as always, thanks for being a part of Gargoyles and being gracious
enough to answer our questions. Anyway... after acting in A Midsummer
Night's Dream and looking at the animation in Gargoyles, I came up with a
question. Shakespear's Puck thinks of Oberon as his idol. He always tries
to imitate Oberon to be "more like him." Owen and Oberon look pretty
similar... is this an accident, following Shakespear's characterization of
Puck or something different? Thanks.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I agree with your assessment of the Oberon/Puck dynamic in Midsummer. Do Owen and Oberon really look alike? I don't really see it.
Although, I think it's funny, because for months (between the first airings of "Awakening, Part Two" and "Avalon, Part Three") all I heard was how much Owen looked like the Magus.

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Anonymous writes...

I have two quick questions:

1. Is Proteus one of Oberon's children?

2. Why is Puck considered Oberon's servent, and not one of his children?

Greg responds...

1. No. He's a New Olympian.

2. The term "Oberon's Children" refers to all the fair folk, including Puck and even Oberon. But Puck was also Oberon's personal servant. Was.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

How does Angela feel about the close relationship between Goliath and Elisa?

Greg responds...

I think she loves it. She wants her father to be happy, and whatever hopes she might have for Demona's redemption, they don't include a reconciliation with dad. And Angela loves and respects Elisa tremendously. Besides, when she first met Goliath and Elisa, they were already a couple, and everyone knew it, except maybe for Goliath and Elisa.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, I've heard from my pal, that there may be a two hour Gargoyle movie
thing made strait to video. Is this true. Plus why did you make Demona
blame all her mis fourtune on Goliath? Can't they be lovers again?

Greg responds...

I don't work at Disney anymore, but I can all but guarantee you that your "pal" is shining you (or at least passing on bad info). There are, as far as I know, no plans to make a direct to video. And I have friends at Disney and a very well-connected agent who would let me know if those plans existed.

Keep in mind that "City of Stone" and "Hunter's Moon" were both originally planned as direct to videos. "City of Stone" was rejected because the powers-that-be felt it focused too much on the series' villains and not enough on the heroes. "Hunter's Moon" was rejected months later because those powers made a strategic decision not to do a direct to video for Gargoyles. They felt it wouldn't sell enough units to justify the cost and/ or opportunity cost. (I'm not saying I agree, but that's what they decided.) So I can't imagine what could have happened between then and now that would change their minds. The ratings failure of GOLIATH CHRONICLES? I don't think that would do it.

Demona doesn't blame all her misfortunes on Goliath. Just some. Mostly she blames humanity. As to Goliath and Demona getting back together... well, I think that ship has sailed. Goliath loves Elisa now. And it's a more honest and mutual love, less naive, if slightly more impossible.

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Anonymous writes...

That was a good story explaining off City of Stone. However you forgot
to consider one point. What if you were out of New York proper, say in
suburban New Jersey or Conneticut. You could see the spell casted by
Demona on television, but not the 'fire in the sky' to counteract it. Or if
a cable system miles away from New York carried a station to show a New York
sporting team. A good example would be that until recently, here near
Washington DC, the cable company carried WWOR of New York City. If someone
watched that station, they would be subject to the same spell. It would be
a little more noticeable since less people would watch NY television. And
they wouldn't be released from the spell by the combustion of the gas.

Greg responds...

NO ONE GOT TO SEE THE "FIRE IN THE SKY". Nobody. They were all frozen in stone. The terminal condition of the spell doesn't require a visual trigger. It just has to happen. So...

You live in Washington D.C. You turn on your cable box and channel surf around the dial. Once, twice. Man, there is NOTHING on. Wait a minute.
What the hell is that? Is that make-up on that woman? Or is that CGI? It looks so real, you really cannot tell. What language is that? Great looking monster, but nothings happening. So you shut off the t.v. You've got a date tonight, so you get in the shower as the sun sets. Suddenly the water is freezing. You leap out of the shower, with shampoo still in your hair.
Great. Just great. You glance at the clock to see if you've got time to run to the gym and shower there. 5:41 AM? WHAT???? You run out of the bathroom. Your answering machine light is flashing. You press the button.
That's your date on the line, pissed off about being stood up. You're freaked to say the least. Eleven hours of your life, just gone.

And so on... Basically, once Xanatos met the terminal condition, the spell is broken. Anyone effected by it is cured, no matter how far away they are.

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Anonymous writes...

How much exactly are you restricted from saying about gargoyles?
Does Disney keep you from revealing your plans to us?
Do you ever talk on the gargoyles chats?
If so, do you use a handle, or just Greg?

Greg responds...

I'm not restricted from saying anything by Disney or anyone -- other than myself. There are two reasons (or three) why I'm not always forthcoming.

(1) I may get to do GARGOYLES again someday. I hope so, anyway. So let me ask you all a question: Do you guys really want me to reveal all the secrets? Would you still be as involved in new episodes if you ABSOLUTELY KNEW that they held no surprises.

(2) If I never get to do GARGOYLES again, I may canabalize some of my Gargoyles ideas and use them in a new project. (I probably shouldn't admit that, but it's true.) I wouldn't want people watching my new stuff and being able to predict outcomes and/or feeling like it was second-hand stuff because I mentioned it in passing on the www.

(3) I'm not in the mood.

I already am quite sure that I've given away more than I practically should have. But truthfully, it's hard to resist. I so want to formulate and tell these stories, I can't resist dropping clues.

I have occasionally stopped by Gore's chatroom. I generally announce it in advance, and I always use my own name.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hello again.

1. Would we again see the world of the episode "Future Tense"?

2. How do you picture New York in 2158?

3. Would any of the original New York clan be alive in 2158?(excluding the time Brooklyn is there during his Timedancer journey.)

4. In what year did Macbeth arrive in america?

5. In what year did Demona arrive in america?

6. Are Alex and Fox immortal?

7. Besides Owen, Alex, Demona, and the inhabitants of Avalon, who from the original series will be around in 2158?(Example: Will Fox still be around?)

8. What is the disease that is killing Renard?

9. In what year did humans and gargoyles happen to become allies in scotland?

10. In "Future Tense", was the part about Lexington becoming a cyborg a dream or part of the furture?

11. Was the part about Lexington become evil in "Future Tense" a dream or part of the future? Thank for answering these questions Mr. Weisman.

Greg responds...


1. No. Not really, though certain elements of it might have leaked into our reality. Like Alex's name and the destruction of the Clock Tower.

2. With my mind.

3. Maybe.

4. Which time?

5. Which time?

6. Depends on how you define "immortal".

7. Nokkar. A few others.

8. Good question. I had a story in mind for the third season where Renard would finally succumb to his illness. I planned on doing research for that story, but since I didn't do the third season, I never got around to doing the research. I was going to start by researching Multiple Sclerosis, but allow me to make this clear: I would not have used that or any disease before making absolutely sure I had my facts straight. Also I would not have made up an illness.

9. Alliances come and go. At Wyvern, Prince Malcolm and Hudson came to their initial arrangement in 971 when Malcolm's half-brother Kenneth II was crowned king of Scotland.

10. Time will tell. Or I will. Someday. Not now.

11. Ditto.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, wouldn't Demona have died if she unleshed her virus in Hunter's
Moon? It would have killed Macbeth. Can you please clear this up for me?

Greg responds...

Good question. Keep in mind that magic isn't an exact science. The Weird Sisters told Macbeth and Demona that "When one lives both live." Demona used the magic Praying Gargoyle statue to insure she would survive the fullfillment spell. So would Macbeth have survived? Probably. She knows about the mortality link. She would not want his death at her hands if that resulted in her own. Towards Macbeth, her impulse should not be murderous by necessity. And mindset has a real effect on magic results. However, Demona isn't the most stable and rational of characters. She certainly has murderous feelings toward Macbeth. And if their linking spell "perceived" the death of all humanity as a successful attempt to kill Macbeth, then it might very well have killed her as well. Did she consider this? Maybe.

Maybe it was a risk she was willing, even eager to take. Maybe somewhere underneath it all, she's a bit suicidal. Could she die with the idea of leaving behind a human-free "paradise" where her daughter could live in safety? Remember, Moses led the Israelites to the Promised Land, but he was not allowed to enter it himself. Maybe that's how Demona felt about it.

Then again, maybe not. Very provocative question.

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Anonymous writes...

1. I know that the Archmadge died in "Avalon", part three episode. He said that the Grimorum was part of him and it went wherever he went. I was wondering would the Archmadge and the Grimorum appear as one again? The Grimorum had powerful magic that was hard to destroy. So, is the Archmadge really dead? 2. How did Princess Elantra and Prince Malcolm die? They were the parents of Princess Catherine. I saw them in "Vows" and "Long Wait to Morning", but I didn't see them in the beginning of the series in the opener of "Awakening". 3. (a) The Canmores hunted Demona for one-thousandth years. In those years, did they kill other gargoyles or clans of them in the process? (b) Are they responsible for why other gargoyles are not around one-thousandth years later? (c) Or did other humans betray andkill other gargoyles around the world in those one-thousandth years? (d) Did Demona herself witness some of this destruction? (e) If she did, is this the main reason she wanted to exterminate all humans? (f) Did she fear that humans will destroy all gargoyles? 4. Will "Gargoyles: The GoliathChronicles" come on synidcation or home video?

Greg responds...

1. The Grimorum burnt up when the Eye of Odin was removed from the Archmage. Since the Grimorum was part of the Archmage at the time, the Archmage burnt up with it. So yes, he's really dead.

2. Princess Elena died before "Long Way To Morning". Malcolm died before "Awakening". I have ideas about their demises, but I don't feel like revealing them yet. Sorry.

3. Whew. A lot of questions for one number. I added letters to make them easier to answer.

(a). They may have killed a gargoyle here and there, but largely they were on a very specific Demon hunt.

(b). Partially, although gargoyles were nearly extinct by the time of "Awakening" let alone "City of Stone".

(c). Yeah, that too.

(d). We know she did.

(e). It's always been "the main reason", but she didn't need the Hunters to start believing that. Remember Hakon?

(f). Remember Hakon?

4. I have no idea -- though I tend to doubt it.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. Does Demona and Goliath have more than one child, besides Angela? 2.
Will Angela fall in love with Gabriel, Angela's rookie brother, instead of Broadway or Brooklyn? 3. Is Gabriel the son of Coldstone and Coldfire? 4.
Does Coldsteel has any children?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No. Angela and Broadway are already a couple. And Gargoyles mate for life. Besides, Angela and Gabriel think of themselves as sister and brother. Ophelia and Gabriel are a couple.

3. Biologically, yes. But to a gargoyle, Gabriel is as much Goliath, Demona and Coldsteel's child as he is Coldstone or Coldfire's.

4. Yes. See the answer to question 3.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hello, again, o great Gargoyles Creator (da Gargfather). Any chance of The trek dudes (Sirtis, Frakes, Spiner, Dorn, etc.) going to be in the movie?
And were you planning to do anything with Patrick Stewart, sort of to complete the equation?

Greg responds...

1. The movie has no script yet. No director attached. No casting done at all. So when you ask if there's a chance, the answer is "Yes". Is there a chance they won't appear in the film? "Yes." Is there any way for me to weigh the odds at this early stage? "No." 2. As for Patrick Stewart, we originally had him in mind for a couple of different parts in the series, but he was too expensive. (He makes a lot of money in commercial voice overs.) His agent didn't want to make an exception that would allow other companies to desire the same exception. It was a wise decision financially, but we felt we really were a special case. So we considered asking Jonathan or Marina to personally ask Patrick if he would do a voice for us. But we decided that that wasn't fair to Jonathan, Marina or Patrick. We didn't want to put any of them in an awkward spot. I'm glad we refrained.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg, There's a white illuminated castle on top of a building in Chicago. I was wondering if the idea of the Aerie Building with Castle Wyvern on top of it came from this. Thanks.

Greg responds...

No. Or at least, not to my knowledge. I've never heard of what you're describing before now. I've been to Chicago twice in my life, and I don't recall ever having seen it.
Bob Kline did the earliest development design of that castle atop the skyscraper, and he never mentioned any Chicago building.
I can't remember who first came up with the notion. It might have been Bob or me or any of a number of people who were working in or around the development department at that time.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Greg! My questions: 1) At the end of "The Gathering," what did Titania whisper to Fox? 2) Are the Children of Oberon his and Titania's biological children, or is it figurative in the sense that he is their ruler and father figure? 3) Does Goliath love Demona at all anymore, or has he gotten over her completely yet? 4) Is there a remote possibility of Gargoyles novels ever being written, similar to the novels based on each of the Star Trek series? 5) If Gargoyles is ever revived, is there any hope of it being targeted at an adult audience (the fans who actually noticed when it died!)? At whom is the movie going to be targeted?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not telling yet.

2. Figurative.

3. "Completely" is a big word. But for all intents and purposes he's over her. But it's a very complex kind of over.

4. I hope so. I'd sure love to write one. But no one's approached me.

5. The movie (and any revived series) will, I assume, be targeted to the same group it's always been targeted to. That is, the widest possible audience. Or to put it another way, we wrote what we liked, and hoped everyone else liked it too.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg... first the general thank you for taking the time to answer these questions... Second. Since a large portion of the show is based upon legends from around the world, were live stone-by-day, warriors-by-night Gargoyles who protected castles a Scotish legend themselves?

Greg responds...

No. I made that up. But it made sense to me. It was an extrapolation backwards from the legends that did surround gargoyles. From the notion that gargoyles and chimeras, etc. were put on castles and churches to scare away evil spirits. Why would people think that a monstrous stone creature would act as a protective talisman? Why wouldn't you assume the opposite? I extrapolated backwards and came up with what you saw. After the fact, my co- workers and I found a number of parallel motifs all over the world, which is one of the factors that inspired us to do the WORLD TOUR episodes. One story that we could never quite crack was a Scarecrow story. Gargoyles and Scarecrows seem to me to have a lot in common. The problem was that Batman has a Scarecrow villain that's been used in 100 ways over the years (heck, I used him in a CAPTAIN ATOM story myself) and we could never quite come up with anything that seemed unique enough to make the grade. But someday, I'll crack it.

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Anonymous writes...

Assuming that the Gargoyles are not revived (Heaven help us), what loose-end would you regret most for not having tied up (character development, planned episodes, new characters, new clans, etc.)? Likewise, if you had the chance to do one final episode or any other indefinite amount of time to finalize the Gargoyles, what would be your personal priority on tying up loose-ends? Please give us your point of view.

Greg responds...

"Hunter's Moon, Part Three" was designed to be a final episode OR a turning point, depending on whether we got a renewal. (The same had been true for "Reawakening" a year earlier.) When I realized that they were going to do 13 more, but that I'd only be involved in one of those 13, I made an effort to create yet a third episode of open-ended closure. A chance to say goodbye to the fans and most of the lead characters, before I journied off to other adventures. So I wrote, "The Journey". Vinnie's voyage to Japan was written to parallel my voyage to DreamWorks (although at the time I didn't know where I'd wind up working). I intentionally created new elements to the series. Mr. Duval. The Quarrymen. Etc. I pushed relationships forward. I wanted to be true to the series even in my final farewell, so I felt it was important to keep it evolving right up through the end. But it was written as a goodbye.

Which doesn't seem like an answer to your question. But it's really the best answer I could give without more information from you. There are tons of loose ends that I wish I were able to tie up or at least continue working on. I've got story ideas into the 22nd century (and back as far as the first century), so I wasn't short on material. But I wouldn't want to rush things unnaturally, just cause I was only going to get one more chance at bat. That's a great way to strike out, I figure. In this hypothetical scenario, how many episodes would I have in my new last chance? If it was only one, I'm not sure what I'd do. There's so much in Goliath Chronicles that I didn't like, I'd have to spend sometime putting band-aids on the series to get it back to a place I was comfortable moving forward from. A lot would also depend on the when. I'd like the series to continue (as it has so far) in more-or-less real time.
If my next shot at writing this was in the year 1999 I'd probably be telling different stories than if my next shot was in 2007.

How's that for a preamble? Basically, I regret not having done the last 12 Goliath Chronicles, not because I missed out telling any one specific story, but because I missed out telling 12 more stories, missed out weaving 12 more naratives into the Gargoyle Tapestry. 66 isn't bad. But 78 would have been better.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Could Demona ever get sick, or does the immortality spell make her immune system invincible? 2. I have a feeling that I'm going to get the generic "I like them all" answer for this, but here it goes anyway. Who is your favorite villian? Thanks.

Greg responds...

1. She could definitely get sick. But the condition wouldn't be fatal. Of course, Gargoyles have a fairly substantial immune system of their own. Most sicknesses don't last past sunrise. A lot of the fun of Demona's present condition (a gargoyle with TWO magical spells that have a physical effect on her) is that these are all unanswered questions UNTIL we do the story that demonstrates the answer. Even Demona doesn't know for sure how her body will react.

2. I like them all. But it's hard to top the top two. Xanatos & Demona. I immodestly believe that in these two we created two of the most original, well-thought out and complex antagonists you'll ever see anywhere. I'm also quite fond of Macbeth and various other antagonists who aren't always villainous. Owen/Puck is a lot of fun. The Archmage was great fun for me.

Sevarius wound up being a hoot, etc. And Thailog, well, what can I say?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Xanatos know that Owen was Puck before the episode the Gathering?
You've said that Demona knew that he was Puck so I'm assuming it was Xanatos who would have told her but its all still a bit unclear as to whether he knew or not. Also I wanted to know if you had plans for the Labyrinth Clan(Delilah, Malibu, Brentwood, etc.)

Greg responds...

Xanatos knew Owen was Puck. Years before, Puck had offered Xanatos a choice, remember? Xanatos did not tell Demona about Puck's secret identity. Yes, I had plans for the Labyrinth Clan.

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Anonymous writes...

I've been mulling over the hints you gave about other clans. You said the rain forest clan was due for a resurgence- do they have a rookery about to hatch or have other members somehow survived and are going to return?
Speaking of returning- did the two that went to plant on Avalon return to South America? -thanks

Greg responds...

By now, Jade and Turquesa have indeed returned to Guatemala. And yes, I was talking about the Mayan Clan's rookery, where their eggs should be hatching sometime next year.

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Anonymous writes...

(1) Why did Xanatos mutate Talon, Maggie, Fang, and Claw? (Hope I got the
names right. :) (2) What is the history of Oberon and Titania? (3) What
were your plans for Matt Bluestone? (4) Are all of the mythological beings
(i.e. all of thegods and magical creatures that all of the races believed in
once) Oberon's children? Or is there a sort of family tree, with the cousins,
aunt,uncles, grandparents, and former roommates of Oberon? (5) How old are
the children of Oberon? (6) Did you ever plan to involve in the series the
characters of Greek mythology? (7) What is the signifigance of Halcyon
Reynard's name? I read that Halcyon means 'forever remembered' or something
like that. Sorry for asking so many q's. I think Gargoyles is da bomb. :)

Greg responds...

Note, as usual, I've added numbers to your questions. GENERAL REQUEST: If you're going to ask multiple questions in one post, please NUMBER THEM for me.

1. Xanatos wanted to create his own brand of Gargoyles.

2. Too long to relate here.

3. What weren't?

4. It depends what you mean. They aren't all literally his biological children. In fact, most of them aren't. They are his children in the sense that he is their lord and protector.

5. Individually?

6. Most of the characters that you know from Greek Mythology were the ancestors of the New Olympians.

7. Significance?

Sorry, if my answers aren't that helpful, but you've asked a unique combo of vague questions (#4, 5, 6, 7) and HUGE questions (#2, 3, 5). If the question is too big, I'm not likely to answer it in this format. If the question is less than clear, then I'm not always sure HOW to answer it.

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Anonymous writes...

(1)How did the gargoyles adapt so well to the twentieth century? (2)Why didn't
the gargoyles go to live in Avalon? Especially after Angela told them about
her 15 rookery sisters? (3)Do any other animation companies have any interest
in the show? I mean Disney did something incredibly unexpected when they
released gargoyles. They did not have the reputation for that kind of thing.
(4)Is Duval the knight that left the round table in the movie First Knight?

Greg responds...

1. They had no choice. Also, the trio were pretty young, making adaptation less difficult.

2. Goliath felt that at least some Gargoyles would have to continue to live in the real world if humans and Gargoyles were ever going to learn to live in peace. The trio could have chosen to leave, especially after hearing about Angela's sisters, but they all three had lives in Manhattan, and weren't that eager to depart, especially so soon after being reunited with Goliath, Elisa and Bronx (and Angela).

3. I doubt any company is entertaining any serious interest in the show, because they KNOW that Disney would never sell it to them.

4. It's been a while since I saw FIRST KNIGHT. I don't remember who you're talking about. Still, the answer's almost definitely no.

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Anonymous writes...

(1) Hey Greg, Do you know what happened to Griff and Arthur after Pendragon
and if they ever find Merlin. (2) Could you also tell me whether there are
anymore Gargoyles in London (besides Leo, Griff and Una.)

Greg responds...

1. Yes, I know.

2. There's a whole clan of Gargoyles living on a secluded country estate just outside of London proper. Leo and Una are the only two that actually live in the city.

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Anonymous writes...

OK, Greg, here's one for you. Before Demona summoned Puck in "The Mirror",
she was immortal but still turned to stone every day, right? So how would
she survive if by day one of the Hunters found where she slept and smashed
her to pieces?

Greg responds...

She wouldn't, I suppose. But that's a HUGE "if". HUGE.

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, I do have one more question: How are any of the Gargoyles being brought
to life in the LA-Movie? Rumor is that a combo of prosthetics/Models are
being considered, but let me ask you this: After what they have done with
"Jurrasic Park" and "DragonHeart", don't you think Computer Generated Image
models would be better? (Personally, if you're just going to have one
Gargoyle - Goliath - I think this would be feasable, both technically and
money-wise.) What is your opinion on this?

Greg responds...

At least some of the effects will be CGI. Other options are being "considered", but no decisions have been made. (The movie doesn't even have a director yet.)

My opinion on what method would be better would be uninformed, particularly with regard to cost.

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Anonymous writes...

Whatever happened to the Mayan Sun Amulet? The last we see of it is when
Broadway is holding it while he's stone in The Green. Did they return it to
the museum or have it stored in the back of the clocktower or what? If the
latter, what happened to it in Hunter's Moon when the clocktower was blown up?

Greg responds...

It was in the Clock Tower, when the Tower was destroyed. In my mind, Broadway or Elisa later went back to successfully retrieve it.

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Anonymous writes...

have the trio reached their full size, or are they destined to get bigger?
(like, brooklyn growing to be the size of Goliath)

Greg responds...

They've grown some since their first appearance in "Awakening, Part One".
They'd continue to grow as they got older.

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Anonymous writes...

Heya Greg. Remember we spoke in the chat room? I have several questions that I thought of after the chat... also a comment about said chat. Be warned... it's a lot of questions.
(1) Do you ever feel like a victim of your own su ccess? Well, with all the legal stuff that binds you and all.
(2) This is about the Pack. They all are legally named Fox, Wolf, Hyena, etc... besides Fox, any plans to reveal their birthnames (i.e. in that BAD GUYS spinoff)? And about Fox, has she completely rejected the name and identity "Janine Renard"? To phrase it better, does she always consider herself Fox and not Janine Renard... hope you understand.
(3) Another Pack question. Matt Frewer had a difference voice in "Thrill of the Hunt" than in other episodes (there was a strange accent I couldn't name in the first ep). Any reason for this?
(4) Have you had any substantial stories planned for Beth Maza? You don't have to go into detail.
(5) Is Nightstone Unlimited still around aft r "Hunter's Moon"? What fields does the company work in?
(6) Does Robyn Canmore get arrested after Hunter's Moon? At the very least, those weapons have to be illegal. :-) (7) Will Brooklyn hate Demona forever? He always has a hard spot for her.
And what was the thought process that brought them together in "Future Tense"?
(8) I didn't see "The Journey", so I'm not completely sure about this. But it seems like after having Alexander, Fox became... well, domesticated. She seemed to get kind of soft. Maybe it's just me. But will she do anything more like the old Fox? I hope you understand this question.
(9) You said before you had lots of plans for the clones. I just want to know if the clones will be anything like their counterparts (besi es the way they look)? Esp. Delilah, and Brentwood.
(10) Is there anything you can tell me about Thom Adcox-Hernandez? I've been hardpressed to find any information on him. All I know is what he looks like and that he was in Under Siege 2. Also what led to the choice of Brigitte Bako as Angela. Also if you can tell me anything about Haunini Minn (Sora)? Thanks.
(11) Here's a comment. Demona and Macbeth are immortal, and the Manhattan clan know it, right? Why is it that they think Demona died in "The Reckoning" and Macbeth died in "The Price"? (I know that it was a robot, but they still thought he died.) Did they forget? An explanation would be nice.
(12) I asked before if Capt. Chavez will have a family, and you said "She has a family now." When did you plan on showing them to us? Just asking.
(13) Everyone knows this already, and probably you've been asked this more than once, but I haven't found it in Ask Greg, so I just want to confirm it... _is_ John Castaway really Jon Canmore?
(14) In a certain episode (I think it was "The Price" but I'm not sure) the Manhattan clan pay a visit to Macbeth's house and are greeted by an automatic defense system. Macbeth was not home. Where was he?
(15) Judging from what I've seen in he show so far, male gargoyles' eyes glow white, while female gargoyles' eyes glow red. Except for Thailog.
Is this a correct deduction?
(16) From what I've seen in the show so far, Demona doesn't like Elisa very much. Except in "Temptation", when Demona says Elisa is "the exception that proves the rule", so now I'm confused. How does Demona feel exactly about Elisa?
(17) A question about Thailog. Did Thailog choose to dress himself up in that techno-gear after his first episode? Or was it creative decision on the part of the staff? Or both? Help me out here.
(18) A question about the titles. The TGC ep title "Dying of the Light" is kinda obvious. What I would like to know is the source of some of the titles in Gargoyles. Specifi ally, "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time", "Ill Met By Moonlight", "Long Way To Morning", "Legion", "Shadows of the Past" and "The Reckoning". I already know some (i.e. Her Brother's Keeper) I know this is a lot of questions, take your time with the a nswers. Or if you don't feel like answering, just say "aardvark". (God, I love that word.) Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

Hey, Ricardo. Unfortunately, I've just received your questions here in August and our chat was obviously sometime in June. So I don't remember the specifics of our previous discussions. Nevertheless, I'll do the best I can with these new answers:

1) No, not in the sense you mean. I keep trying to clarify this. Nothing legally binds me. I'm just taking common sense precautions to protect myself from a potential lawsuit. But the truth is, I don't mind. I have my own ideas about and for the GARGOYLES. They range from silly little things right on through to the pornographic. Reading other peoples takes on them, no matter how well done, would make me feel strange. Like someone's messing with my toys. That's not to say I begrudge people the opportunity to write fanfic based on the show. I'm flattered by it. But I have no burning desire to read it.

2) Fox will still answer to Janine, but she did legally have her name changed to Fox and that's who she considers herself to be. David calls her Fox. As for the other Packers, I never said they legally changed their names to Wolf, etc. I doubt they'd bother, frankly. I haven't bothered to give any thought to Wolf, Jackal or Hyena's real names. Coyote is Coyote of course, plus whatever number incarnation he's on. (That's an Ultron-V inspiration by the way.) Dingo's name is Harry Monmouth, unless I use that name somewhere else first.

3) I've never noticed any difference in his voice for that character from one episode to the next. Certainly, there was no intentional change.

4) I had ideas for Beth.

5) Yes, it's still around. It seems to specialize in bio-engineering, but I'm guessing it'll soon have it's hands in many different pies.

6) Yes, she very much does. We had to cut (for time) a tiny little partial scene near the end of "Hunter's Moon, Part Three". It comes right after Xanatos and the gargoyles fly off from the cathedral in David's helicopter, heading toward the Eyrie. Matt orders the cops to hold their fire. And then we dissolve to...

An exhausted Elisa sits on a bench opposite a guarded hospital room. Robyn, no longer in armor, but handcuffed and under police guard herself exits the room and approaches Elisa. Elisa raises her head. Robyn doesn't look happy.

After that silent exchange, Elisa and Jason have their scene beside his hospital bed. [Note the above scenelet was cut before it was sent overseas for animation. There's no lost footage.]

Of course, if the "BAD GUYS" spin-off had been approved, Hunter/Robyn would soon be out of prison and working for the mysterious Director.

7) Forever's a long time. Brooklyn still has some maturing to do. Plus some Timedancing. The Demona he meets in 2158 isn't going to be the same Demona he knew. As for "Future Tense", Michael, Robert, Marty and myself were simply going for shock value by pairing Demona and Brooklyn. So was Puck.

8) Fox and Xanatos have both "softened" some. That is, their priorities have changed. Love and family mean a lot more to them than either ever thought possible. But that shouldn't change their basic personality types or their M.O.s. The thing I most disliked about the Goliath Chronicles episode "Ransom", was that Fox was acting so wildly out of character. In my mind, Fox is just as tough as she ever was.

9) No. I don't think so. Certainly not Delilah. Brentwood might be good with technology, but don't expect a lot of similarities in personality.

10) I'm not sure what you want to know about Thom. He's a talented guy and extremely nice. He was a regular on one of the night time soaps, (Falcon Crest, I think, but I'm not sure). He's the voice of Snap (as in Crackle and Pop) and he was the voice for Felix the Cat. He's currently doing a voice for DreamWorks "Invasion: America" series which will premiere in January '98.

As for Brigitte, I wasn't familiar with her work until after she was cast as Angela. She auditioned for our voice director Jamie Thomason, as did a lot of talented actresses. Jamie narrowed down his choices to a half dozen great picks. Frank Paur and myself just thought that Brigitte had a certain timeless and placeless quality to her voice appropriate to a character raised on Avalon. She also had a nice range from naive ingenue to fierce gargoyle warrior. Her growling was a bit weak at first, but she caught on fast.
She's also an extremely nice person. But I didn't know that when we cast her.

Jamie cast Haunani Minn as Sora based on his reading of the script and a little bit of verbal descriptions from me. That recording is the one and only time I've worked with Haunani, since that's the only episode that Sora appeared in, but she seemed nice and she did a great job. Hope that helps.

11) All right, first off, the clan didn't know about the link at all until the "Avalon" trilogy. So at the time of "The Price" they had no idea. As for "The Reckoning" you need to keep two things in mind, one is that during the heat of battle and under death-defying and traumatic circumstances, it's hard to remember that a flesh and blood gargoyle has a touch of immortality.
Also, the gargoyles aren't exactly masters at magic. They don't know the extent of the spell or how thoroughly it might or might not work. Angela ASKS if Demona could have survived. She's not sure of the answer. Goliath responds that he doesn't know for sure either. He's not saying she's dead.
He's simply acknowledging that he can't know for sure. If we (the writers) emphasized their lack of expertise for the sake of upping the drama, I make no apologies. I don't see any inconsistencies.

12) When we got around to it. I like her a lot, but she's pretty far down on the screen time food chain. Some people complained that Lex didn't get enough screen time. We had a large cast. Goliath was the lead. Elisa was the second lead. Brooklyn, Lex, Broadway, Angela and Hudson were the main support characters. Next comes Bronx, I suppose. Major players like Xanatos, Demona and Owen/Puck. Fox, Matt and Alexander. Recurring villains like Thailog, Macbeth, Sevarius. Recurring allies like Talon, Maggie, Coldstone and Coldfire. The list is fairly endless. There are a number of characters I'd like to spend more time with: Chavez, Jack Dane, Vinnie, Jeffry Robbins, Morgan, Jason Canmore, Dr. Sato, Brendan & Margot etc. But it's tough to fit them all in.

13) Yes.

14) Under the Weird Sister's spell. Maybe en route to Avalon.

15) Yes.

16) She really, really hates her guts, and did so in "Temptation" as well.
If you listen carefully, you'll hear Demona struggle to make that admission in Elisa's favor. She only says that because she's trying to get Brooklyn on her side, and she knows that Brook likes Elisa. She doesn't share Brooklyn's feelings about the detective.

17) Both, of course.

18) "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time" was, I believe a Brynne Chandler Reaves title (or maybe Lydia Marano). I think Brynne got it as part of a quote from the work of the late Barbara Tuchman, though Brynne's research indicated that the phrase did not originate with Tuchman. The written word is elegantly evoked in the title, which of course, was entirely appropriate to the episode.

"Ill Met by Moonlight" is a Michael Reaves title and a quote from William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Oberon says to Titania: "Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania". He's annoyed with her because she has a young boy, a human changeling, that she won't turn over to him. They're at odds and he isn't pleased to see her. Just as, in our episode, he's not pleased to see the gargoyles and humans when he returns to Avalon. Generally, I tend to favor one word titles (or one word plus the determiner "the"), but I specifically remember Michael saying he had a title he knew I'd like because it came from Shakespeare. (Everyone knows I'm a Shakespeare nut.) The funny thing was that my first reaction wasn't positive. I thought it was kinda hard to read. But it was so perfect, I talked myself out of that objection. However, everytime someone writes it as "I'll Meet by Moonlight", I wonder if my initial reaction wasn't correct.

I'm not 100% positive but I think "Long Way to Morning" was one of mine. I just liked the sound and the exhaustion it evoked. And it seemed perfect (in different ways) for both our main story and our flashback story in that episode. Hudson had to keep Goliath alive until they turned to stone in the morning. And Hudson had to recover the Grimorum before morning or the Prince would die. The resolution of both stories would take the whole episode.

"Legion" was also one of mine. I remember an old t.v. miniseries based on Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN. At one point, the "monster" is put under hypnosis and speaks in the voices of all the various people who made up his bodyparts. That was Coldstone to a tee. The "Legion" name itself is a biblical reference to a demon named Legion or (interpreted another way) a legion of demons who possessed some poor biblical guy.

"Shadows of the Past" was a Michael Reaves title. I was tempted to shorten it to "Shadows", given my above stated preference for one-worders, but Michael's version seemed much more evocative of what was plaguing Goliath in that episode. In this case the word "shadows" does double duty. It represents Goliath's tortured memories, as well as the ghosts or SHADES who are haunting him.

"The Reckoning" was one of mine. Originally, the "Hunter's Moon" trilogy was supposed to be a direct to video movie. Back then, "The Reckoning" was scheduled to be a two-part series finale. A final reckoning, so to speak that would give us some open-ended closure before leading us into the video release of "Hunter's Moon". Long before "The Reckoning" was written, we found out that the "Hunter's Moon" video wasn't going to happen. So we broke it into three episodes and added it to the end of our schedule.
Unfortunately, that meant we had to cut three other stories out of our schedule. First, we cut "Reunion" (the original title of "The Gathering") down from a two-parter to a single episode. Then we combined Vinnie's pie- story with the Wolf/Hakon revenge story. Then we combined Puck's training Alex story with the Coldstone/Robot story. Then we realized that there was no way that the now retitled "The Gathering" was going to fit into one episode. So we brought that back up to two and reduced "The Reckoning" down to one, all before a single word of the latter story had been written.
Through all this, the original title stuck. It's not quite the final reckoning I originally invisioned, but it's still a reckoning for Thailog and Demona's relationship and most particularly for Demona and Angela's relationship. So I felt it still worked.

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Anonymous writes...

Oh, one more question that I forgot to ask. At the time of "The Journey", are Macbeth and Demona still legally married, or did they get a divorce?

Greg responds...

Good question, Todd. I think Macbeth would have quickly had the marriage annulled.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, I have two questios that I would appreciate learning the answers to:
1) You said the Sisters wee able to give immortality to MacBeth and Demona because they both asked the sisters to intervene. What justification did the Sisters use to get around Oberon's Law in "High Noon" and "Avalon" when they magically controlled MacBeth and Demona?
2)How would you have had the Maza family react to the relationship between Elisa and Goliath? Don't get me wrong, I love this part of the series, but I can't help thinking that Peter and Diane would have some trouble accepting a gargoyle as a son-in-law.

Greg responds...

1) The Sisters used the events of "City of Stone" to weaken Macbeth and Demona's wills. They took them at extremely vulnerable moments when they willingly abandoned control of their own destinies out of despair. It's a tiny loophole, but that's all the Sisters needed. As I'm sure you've noticed, Oberon isn't exactly a stickler for the letter of the law.
2) Jeff, I'm not entirely sure. We were a long way from any equivalent to Goliath being an "in-law". Goliath and Elisa had not even discussed their relationship. They'd never even gone out on a date (though they'd certainly had some romantic moments). I don't like to plan characters emotional responses too far in advance, but my gut reaction is that the guy who would have the most trouble with it would be Derek. Beth would get it. Peter would be wary. Diane would want to make sure Elisa fully understood what she was sacrificing. But I think Derek might have a real problem with it.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Exhaulted One. (You don't mine if I call you that, do you? It just seems fitting) Anyway, I just felt like telling you that I just may be the only Gargoyle fan out there that doesn't want you to reveal everything 'bout the series' future. Keep it a secret. If you still have even a shred of hope for someday being able to bring back the show in some form, then that is enough for me to not wanna know all that you have planned. I'd rather learn everything in the form of a next season of Gargoyles then a Q&A webpage (not that I don't find myself glued to my computer screen every time you give us a future revelation). Okay, enough rambling. The long lost point of this letter was to beg the question: If you ever got the chance to continue on with Gargoyles, why would you feel obligated to treat TGC as canon? It was more or less a spin-off "inspired" by the original series.
Third seasons don't have different openings, animation, a new series title, and added opening narration . The way I see it, these factors isolated TGC from the first two seasons. Thanx for yor time!

Greg responds...

You make some good points, Entity, but I'm not sure they're convincing.
Chronicles was hardly a spin-off. It was intended as a third season, until Disney/ABC decided to try and market it differently. So they changed the title (slightly) and the opening "titles" (which isn't that big a deal, series do that all the time, as I'm sure you know, we made some changes to the opening titles between the first and second seasons as well), and they added Goliath's opening narration. But it's still Gargoyles.
Says so in the title. It aired on national network television and may be in rerun syndication some day. It seems to me that it would be a tad confusing to disinclude episodes that some viewers might have seen, or literally might be able to watch on another channel. The excuse that I didn't have anything to do with them might carry some weight with you, me and others like us. But the majority of the audience cares about characters, not creators. The distinction would be lost on them. And I'm still left with the dilemma over "The Journey", an episode I wrote and which I certainly think of as canon.
How do I make the distinction to the average viewer that one episode from chronicles is canon and the other twelve aren't? Plus, I don't really want to be a primadonna about this stuff. A lot of people worked very hard on the Chronicles. If I had a chance to do more episodes, being human (and not a bit exhaulted) I'd certainly weigh my work over theirs, but I think it's cheating and petty to pretend it never happened.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, thank you so much for answering our (often repeated) questions.
You asked for us to, in addition to asking questions, talk about already existing eps. Very well, then. I would like to say that, personally, I liked the Archmage. Sure he was cliched, but he was voiced by David Warner (an actor of whom I take special note), and he was a spell-caster (a cool profession, in my book), so I liked him. I was quite glad you brought him back and made him such a big-wig of a...well...archmage (I do wonder if you'll give us his real name). Furthermore, two of my favorite episodes ("Metamorphosis" and "Kingdom") had, in my opinion, lesser animation but very fine stories. In my book, the story is the primary focus. I hope these comments will give you something to chew on. Now, to the questions (sorry).
1) If you haven't answered this already how was Fang to be redeemed, or whatever.
2) When you answered the question "What is Brooklyn's mate," with "Katana," I wondered if that was her name. Is it?
3) We know why Iago/Coldsteel hates Othello/Coldstone, but why does he bear such animosity towards Goliath. I will understand if you would like to refrain from answering these questions. Thank you again, and have a plesant day (night, whatever).

Greg responds...

Hey, Blaise, thanks for the comments. I agree on the Archmage. And I agree with your assessment of the animation on "Metamorphosis" and "Kingdom". I'm glad you liked them anyway. Story is paramount to me too, but since I basically liked all the stories, I find that my favorites tend toward the better animated episodes. But both of the ones you named have some real nice stuff in them. They also both put a spotlight on Brooklyn. Coincidence?
1) Complete redemption was a long way off, but I did have plans to have him join the "BAD GUYS". Hunter (Robyn Canmore) and the others would have busted him and given him a choice between joining up or doing hard time. He would have chosen to join up.
2) Yes.
3) Coldsteel's contempt for Goliath is a bit more generic, than his personal animus toward Coldstone. Initially, he used Goliath to drive a wedge between Coldstone and Coldfire. After that, he and Goliath weren't exactly buddies. Coldsteel's kind of a hard guy to like.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg!!!! In the series,Angela fall's in love with Broaday. I like this
Idea!!! (I think they are a cute pair!!)But out of all the Gargoyles
(especially Brooklyn)most I talk to ask whay she chose Broaday over Brooklyn.

Greg responds...

I've answered this before. Check the archives for this page for a more complete answer, but the short version is that Brooklyn had a crush on who he wanted Angela to be. Broadway loved Angela for who she was.

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Anonymous writes...

Why was Brooklyn treated with such maturity in the first two seasons, and then have it taken away and handed to Broadway, what was the deal with that?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean. When was his "maturity" handed to Broadway? You mean in Goliath Chronicles? Well, I had nothing to do with those episodes, (except "The Journey"). So if it's those last 12 you're referring to, you'll have to ask Eric Lewald.

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Anonymous writes...

I'm curious about why Demona hired Robyn Canmore in Hunter's Moon. She was planning on destroying humanity in less than a week, so why did she suddenly decide she needed a personal aid. As far as I can see, Demona hired Robyn purely
so that Robyn would have access to that disk that so conveiniently explained all of her plans--in other words, to move the plot along. Was there a reason I missed?

Greg responds...

Fair question. Of course, you're right to a large degree. But Dominique had to behave as if things were business as usual. For example, she didn't want Sevarius to think she was actually going to use his work to wipe out everyone including him. He's a little too self-serving to go for that. My guess is that her previous assistant quit or was fired, leaving an open position. If she didn't fill it, it could look suspicious. Another reason to hire Robyn is that Demona had a lot going on in preparation for her little holocaust. But as head of the company, she'd have a lot of stuff to deal with on a daily basis. A competent assistant helps shield her boss from things that aren't a priority. So I don't think the situation is quite as artificial as you make it out to be.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. (1)I just wanted to know how much the voice actors got into the characters and plot of the show. I mean, for example (an *important* example!), did Salli and Keith have any idea where you were taking the Elisa/Goliath relationship, and were they as enthralled by its development as fans have been? (2) On a more general note, did the actors seem to enjoy the scripts for some episodes more than others? (And if so, can you remember any in particular?) You mentioned that you'd been worried about some scripts not working until they were recorded. (3) Oh, and any amusing anecdotes about recording sessions? I'd love to hear about some outtakes!
I'd love even more to *hear* the outtakes (literally!), but we all have our dreams... ;-) Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Well, some of our actors got more into it than others, but I think most everyone had fun with it. We tried to give just about everyone, some stuff that they could really chew on as actors. Ed Asner and John Rhys-Davies seemed to particularly enjoy the history and myth and Shakespeare we slipped in. Keith was very protective of Goliath's character. Keith and Salli both knew where Goliath and Elisa were ultimately headed. You'd have to ask them if they were as enthralled as we all were.
2. I'm sure actors liked some scripts better than others. Sometimes they'd complain because they didn't have much to do. Other times they'd complain for the exact opposite reason. (Sort of like life.) I do remember that Nichelle Nichols really seemed to enjoy "Mark of the Panther". We saved her narration of the fable until the very end of the recording, so that we could let the rest of the actors go. She was just wonderful. I recall that Brynne Chandler Reaves and Lydia C. Marano (story editor and writer of that episode respectively) asked Nichelle to autograph their copies of the recording script. She complied, but then asked them to autograph her copy.
I thought that was pretty classy.
3. In the very first episode, Elisa has a line that's something like "You want to wind up street pizza." Try saying "Street Pizza" even one time fast. It's not that easy, and Salli kept stumbling over it. From that point on, anytime anyone stumbled over a line, somebody else, usually Salli, would bring up Street Pizza.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Where exactly in Scotland was Castle Wyvern supposed to be located? It's mentioned that it was in 'Ussex' in "Awakening - Part 2", but I can't find such a place on any map. 2. What ever happened to the remains of the rest of Goliath's clan? I find it hard to believe that all that was left were parts of Coldstone, Coldfire, and Coldsteel, and noone else's remains.

Greg responds...

1. I couldn't remember any reference to "Ussex", so I just reread the entire script to "Awakening, Part Two". There is no "Ussex". But Xanatos does have a line where he says "I learned about the castle and you six from an ancient book that recently came into my possession". Could the words "you six" be the "Ussex" you're referring to? Anyway, Wyvern is a fictional location, but in my mind, it was always on the west coast of Scotland. It was loosely modeled on Tintagel, a Cornish stronghold associated with King Arthur, where I've had a couple of near-religious experiences.
2. I don't find it that hard to believe. 1000 years had passed. Frankly, I find it slightly harder to believe that Goliath and our gang survived that long intact. I think we may all owe Hakon and the Captain a favor for that one. I'm sure there were a few more scraps here and there. I'm also sure, Xanatos collected any worthwhile piece he could find. But I don't expect there was much.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, one of fan who prepare summaries for the episodes noted that he had a real problem with Golem. Essentially, it was that if the Golem was supposed to protect the Jewish community, why wasn't it activated during the Nazi Holocaust? Why would fate dictate that the Golem be used to fight the mob and not the Nazi's? How would you answer that charge?

Greg responds...

It's a charge? Strong words. Who said a Golem didn't appear during WWII?
I'm not saying one did, but just because that specific Golem hadn't been used in a few centuries, doesn't mean it's the only one that ever existed. A golem itself is just clay and earth, rocks and stone. In and of itself, it isn't hard to craft. It's bringing it to life that's tough. There may have been a lot of different "models" over the centuries. Also activating any Golem requires someone like Max, who's learnd how to do it in a dream. There are a lot of reasons why another generation's Max might fail in this task.
It's a story for another day. Not a hole in continuity.

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Anonymous writes...

1)Does Xanatos have any siblings? 2)If Owen died, would Puck die? Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. No.
2. Yes, if I get your meaning right.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, Just one simple question that I don't think you've answered thus far: Did you have a clear idea of where the series was going when you first "Awakening," "Deadly Force," "The Edge," and other such early episodes? I mean, I'm sure you didn't know that Owen was going to be Puck from the get-go! =) And what about the archmage? Were you planning on him still being alive? Lastly, the eggs that Princess Katherine brought to her uncle's. Did you have the plan that those eggs were going to survive?
Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

I had a clear idea of where I wanted the first season to go in those early episodes. I also had definite plans for what would later become "Upgrade", "Metamorphosis", "The Cage" and "Kingdom" as early as "Thrill of the Hunt" and "Brother's Keeper". I knew the eggs were going to survive from before the scripts for "Awakening" were completed. I knew we'd bring back the Archmage from the moment I heard David Warner do his voice at the recording session for "Long Way to Morning". I knew that Owen had a story behind his service to Xanatos. I obviously knew that Macbeth and Demona were connected as early as "Enter Macbeth". But many of the BIG PLANS came to us during the break between the first and second season. It all seemed to come together rather quickly though. Like we HAD planned everything from day one. Everything seemed to fit and make sense (to me at least).

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Anonymous writes...

In the Archive you often refer to cut scenes that you believed we relly would have enjoyed.Would it be possible for you give Stn8 any early drafts of scripts(or at least the edited parts)? Disney wouldn't have a problem with that would they? I've been collecting Disney film scripts for some time now.

Greg responds...

Since you asked this question, we've posted a couple of cut scenes from "Hunter's Moon, Part III". As time passes, I'll try to toss in a bit more, but there are probably fewer "scenes" than you think. Mostly when we were too long, we'd cut a line of dialogue here and a line there. Nothing major.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, I was wondering: since the Gargoyles in the Guatamala clan use their amulets to stay awake during the day, do they age at the same rate as humans?or does the magic of the sun amulet compensate and allow them to age at the same rate as other Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Good question. They probably do age faster. By the way, they still need to sleep, so I believe that periodically, they take turns removing their pendents. I'm sure the magic compensates somewhat too.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. I thank you for taking the time to do this. Ok, 1)Is the live action Gargoyles movie going to be produced somewhat or solely by Touchstone Pictures? 2)If the above question is true, doesn't that mean that Disney is cashing in? After all, they do own Touchstone Pictures. 3) Do you feel offended that they are cashing in even though it's not being done by them directly? 4) Was there a purpose for the ep "Metamorphisis"?
I mean what was the meaning to turning Derek into some genetically mutated creature? 6)Any word on the Gargoyles live action movie? Thank you for taking the time to answer.

Greg responds...

1. Touchstone is the production studio.
2. Huh? Yes, Disney owns Touchstone. Disney owns Gargoyles. I'm not sure what the question is.
3. Cashing in? I really don't know what you mean. Why would I be offended that Disney's making money off their own property? I hope they make a lot of money. Enough so that they want to make more episodes of the series.
4. Maybe I'm dense, but I don't really get this question either. We thought it made a good story. We thought it added to the tapestry of the series.
5. There is no number five. You know this is kinda weird. Everytime someone leaves out a number on one of these things, it's always number five.
This is the third time number five has been left out. What gives?
6. I've got no new news at the moment.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Timeline question: In "Enter MacBeth" when we see David in prison, Oct.
31 is circled on his calendar, which I took to mean that was the date of his release. However, in "Double Jeapordy" the date on the videotape footage of Owen gathering Goliath's genetic matieral was in November.
Wasn't David already out of jail and the gargs ensconced safely in the clocktower? Or am I all mixed up? 2. Also, and this sounds silly but I suppose it's a timeline question as well, but was Fox already carrying Alex when she and David became engaged? I don't want to read too much into Oberon's throwaway line about midsummer night dreams in "Gathering".... 3.
Comments that may lead to questions, or may not depending on how you feel... First of all, rewatching the series with a friend, both of us have realised--or in my case remembered--how the show stands out from most of today's animated series (with perhaps a few notable exceptions such as BTAS) in terms of the sophistication of the writing. The concepts addressed in the show, and the sublety with which they were handled are on a par with any live action series I've ever watched, if not better than many. For that, I really want to applaud the entire production, especially the writing staff. We're only up through "The Price" right now, and she has just gone slack-jawed at the storytelling devices employed, especially in "City of Stone" (which is my absolute favourite arc to date, so I'm utterly, utterly biased), not to mention the themes (trust, betrayal, loss, family relationships--both good and bad, genocide, hope, etc.) that ran throughout the series. Howevery, I was one of the people who apparently just didn't "get" the Sisters, and I guess for some reason I feel like I should defend my reasoning here. I remember, the first time I saw "CoS", and the subsequent "High Noon", being so impressed with the way the Sisters were used, and how complex their machinations, and at the time I was on the edge of my seat waiting to learn what their goals were. However, when we next met them in "Avalon" I felt... Somehow let down. They went from enigmatic figures who seemed to be neither "good" nor "bad" but somehow neutral--as if they were above simple concepts of good and bad, in the way of a force of nature, if that makes any kind of sense. Indiscriminate.--to petty, vengeful omnipotent flunkies of the Archmage. I could not imagine the events of "City of Stone"--the manipulation of so many lives, not just Demona's and MacBeth's, but all those *around* them for hundreds of years--as being simply an amusement to arrange "soldiers" for the Archmage's attack on Avalon. I *realise* that the fay are capricious and take great pleasure in their games, but this felt different. I just felt like it cheapened their characters, made them less interesting. And each subsequent appearence--"Ill Met..." and the "Gathering"--seemed to continue support the idea of the Sisters as petty and vengeful, this time as Oberon's flunkies rather than the Archmage. I realise that I only viewed the finished product--the aired episodes--and don't have all the bits that were cut for time constraints, or even all the discussion of the characters that went into the writing of the epidoes, and that *does* give me a different view of how they worked in the later episodes. But I still feel that the changes in their characterisation seemed abrupt and in my opinion anyway, detracted from my enjoyment soemwhat--not tremendously, but enough that I *did* notice it. Perhaps I simply read too much into "CoS." I don't want to whine about it, obviously--but this was always one of the character choices that I never really understood, and I don't want to beat a dead horse--having read the archives... :) But it does feel good to get some of this down in words on paper, or on screen, whatever. Tara O'Shea (uisgejack@aol.com)

Greg responds...

1. You're mixed up.
2. I wouldn't be a gentleman if I answered this question.
3. I've discussed this in detail before. I think you're responses are justified. But in my defense, I always planned the Sisters to be what they were. There was no change in direction. We feignted right and then went left on purpose from day one. We simply did a better job at tricking you into thinking something than we did at revealing something else later. As I've mentioned before, there are still many secrets about the Sisters that haven't been revealed. But the recipe for the Sisters included at least one part the Furies. And vengeance is a part of their collective character. I liked the irony that had them preaching against that in "City of Stone". But I understand if it didn't work for you.

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Anonymous writes...

HI I got some qustions. I haven't seen all the episodes. I got some videos and saw the third season of Gargoyles and that is all I saw. Now for the qustions. 1) I was online in The Gargolyes fan website. They had this picture achive. IN this picture I saw Brooklyn and Demona hugging as if they were in love. Why were they hugging? I thought they were enimies.
2) What inspired you into creating Gargoyles? 3) Is there any videos with episodes from season 2?

Greg responds...

1. It was probably a picture from "Future Tense", which was all a dream.
2. Real gargoyles and the idea that something scary was used to protect a church or castle from evil.
3. Not that I'm aware of.

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Anonymous writes...

I noticed all the episodes "Avalon", Part III through "Turf" that Elisa, Goliath, and Angela were traveling in a boat from Avalon to get back home in Manhattan. The boat that they were in had a man's face carved in the front. I would like to know who this man is. Does he represent something special to Avalon, Titiana, and Oberon and his children for that matter?

Greg responds...

They were traveling from the end of "Avalon, Part III" through the middle of "The Gathering, Part I". By "Turf" they had been back for a few episodes.
As to the face, I'm sure it's significant. Most everything is.

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Anonymous writes...

I know that gargoyles sleep during the day, but I just got to ask this question. Demona is human during the day and a gargoyle at night. When the day comes and Demona is human, does she need any type of sleep like the other gargoyles? Does she take a nap or something? Does she stay up twenty four hours a day, seven days a week? I was just wondering does she ever go to sleep at all. Thank you for your time and please, please answer this question.

Greg responds...

She does require sleep.

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Anonymous writes...

What happen to Princess Katherine's parents? Katherine's parents were Prince Malcolm and Princess Elantra? I only saw them in Vows. I saw Prince Malcolm again in "Long Way To Morning".

Greg responds...

Katharine's parents were Prince Malcolm and Princess Elena. That's all I'm saying now.

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Anonymous writes...

Firstly, THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU Secondly, Malcolm and Elena's fates were never discussed. What happened to them between "Vows" and "Longway to Morning" and "Awakenings"? Thirdly, Do Angela's belt ornament and Puck's brooch have any significance? (I had an old theory that they were the time warped pieces of the Phoenix Gate, but your Timedancer notes put an end to that). Fourthly, Why is the name of Duncan's son Canmore instead of Malcolm?

Greg responds...

1. You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome.
2. I'm saving those stories for if and when I ever do DARK AGES.
3. I don't think so. But I reserve the right to change my mind later.
4. Duncan's son's name was Malcolm Canmore (or Maol Chalvim Ceann Mor). We used the Canmore name to avoid confusing him with Katharine's father and/or her cousin.

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Anonymous writes...

(1) How did Thailog get to Paris for "Santuary"? (2)Of Brooklyn two kids, which is the older, Tachi or Nashville?

Greg responds...

1. Money.
2. Nashville.

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Anonymous writes...

I asked this and you say i was crazy,but in Lighthouse in SEA of TIME, Macbeth says this "The scrolls of Merlin sealed by MY OWN HAND, this second....." what is the history with macbeth and merlin...and is king arthur involved.....they are all immortal...in your show...ohhh in the mirror in the beginning...elisa looks at her beauty in titania's mirror...her reflection doesn't change when she looks behind her....what is the connection

Greg responds...

I said you were crazy? How rude of me. Did I really say that? Anyway, as I've said before, Macbeth was reading when he said those lines. Merlin was saying (in print) that he (Merlin) had sealed the scroll with his (Merlin's) own hand. Macbeth and Merlin have no history. Macbeth first met Arthur in "Avalon, Part III", though he doesn't remember it. He thinks "Pendragon" was their first meeting. Macbeth was centuries away from being born when Arthur and Merlin first created Camelot. Macbeth read about Arthur though.

As to the connection in "The Mirror"? Connection between what and what? I don't understand the question. But I don't think you're crazy.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, I just happened to notice something about the episode Walkabout. The Matrix resembled the Borg from Star Trek. The Matrix said it wanted to make order out of chaos. In Star Trek the Borg have said the same thing. The Matrix was also going to take over the world, like the way the Borg assimilate worlds. And I also figured that since you had so many voices done by actors from Star Trek that maybe the Borg, in a way, were an inspiration for the Matrix.

Greg responds...

Not really, though both the Borg and Matrix come from the same tradition of techno-phobia.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, Well I am not one of those gargoyles lovers that constantly say for Greg's sake instead of for God's sake, but I do watch the show ok now to my question. When the archmage fell in the cave the first time could he have been sustained in the temple, but then when the captain of the gaurds and the barbarien guy were trapped in the cave the archmage then switched places with them like, they tried to do to goliath in shadows of the past. Then some how the arch mage was able to tap the temple to time travel and save himself. Well thankyou for listening to my theory.

Greg responds...


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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I have 4 questions, all about Brooklyn, for you (Hopefuly they won't become more as I write) 1.) What year would Booklyn have traviled to first when he touched the phonix gate in Time Dancer? 2.) What year did he travil to when he meet his mate(whom I hear her name was to be Katana, or am I wrong about that?)? 3.) What color gargoyle did you have in mind for his mate? 4.) What year was his mate born and what year were his hatchlings born? Thanks!

Greg responds...

1. 997.
2. I haven't calculated the exact year yet.
3. Color? You're ahead of me. (I'm somewhat colorblind, so that isn't the first thing I think of.)
4. I haven't calculated that yet. It's particularly complicated with the kids, since Brooklyn and Katana did quite a bit of dancing.

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Anonymous writes...

I love the show, taped almost all the episodes, and just have a couple of questions: 1. Does Disney have any plans to sell any videos, animation cells, or other media of the show? 2. What would have happened if Guardian Tom had continued to ring the iron bell, and he "finished off" Oberon?
Would he become Lord of Avalon, or would there be a fae war? 3. Do Angela's eyes glow red like Demona's because of parental inheritance, or is it a trait of Scottish female gargoyles?

Greg responds...

1. Animation cells are on sale now. So are videos of the first season, though by this time they may be hard to find. There was a computer game and a board game and tons of other products as well, including a children's book and a coloring book.
2. I think it would have been ugly. But Tom definitely would not have been king.
3. Female gargoyle eyes glow red. Males glow white. Scotishness has nothing to do with it.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi! I'd just like to know if Keith David, who breathed life into Goliath so well, is going to be involved in any way, shape or form in the upcoming Gargoyles movie.

Greg responds...

I hope so, but it's too soon to know.

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Anonymous writes...

PLEASE don't tell me that Demona was going to become a good guy! *Shudder* Augh! It's worse than TGC's portrayment of Xanatos! I can understand that she might soften towards a few gargoyles, or one or two humans making relationships wi th Brooklyn or Macbeth remotely possible, though not likely, but if she came to like humans, or lose her generally scummy and betraying parts, you would lose most of Demona. Even as Goliath's mate, she wanted to live separate from the humans or dominate them. Thank you.

Greg responds...

Uh, Jazzie, I guess you must be talking about FUTURE TENSE, which was set in 2158. By that time, Demona would be an ally, but I don't think she'd be any less interesting. She'd have gone through a lot by that time. Learned a lot. She'd have a lot to repent for. Redemption, as you all might have gathered, is a topic that fascinates me. I'm sure I wouldn't have lost Demona in the process of exploring that.

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Anonymous writes...

*big inhale* Hi, it's me again. I have several more questions, these are mostly about the voice actors: 1) Did you know any of the voice actors, personally? 2) I heard that Laura San Giacomo went uncredited because her agent told her that being on a cartoon show would inhibit her chances at better roles. I want to know from you if it's the complete truth. If it is, say "aardvark". 3) Did the voice actors come in contact with each other? (i.e. was the episode recorded sequentially or did the actors come one by one, read their lines, and leave?) 4) What is done when a voice actor suffers from a disease that affects his/her voice? (i.e. laryngitis) 5) On a related note, why was Rachel Ticotin replaced? (If it was only in TGC say "aardvark". If not, then if it was related to the answer to #4, say "tomato backwards".) 6) Have the voice actors ever influenced the story paths of their respective characters, personality, etc.? (I already know about the Arch Mage).' Now for some more streamlined questions... 7) What influenced your naming of the Weird Sisters? I did research and Phoebe, Luna, and Selene were actually moon goddesses. Can't remember the real names of the Weird Sisters off the top of my head. Any answers? 8) his sounds like a stupid question but it's really been bugging me. Does Owen have a different personality than Puck? 9) Titania and Bottom... is there anything about that in your plan for Gargoyles? 10) My final question... Do you watch your own show?
*big exhale* I feel that's all I will have to say... for now. But don't be surprised if you hear from me again. Ciao!

Greg responds...

1. Do you mean before we started or after? I knew Jeff Bennett and Jim Cummings from previous shows I'd worked on. I met Marina Sirtis, Michael Dorn, Bill Fagerbakke, Marabina Jaimes and many others at their auditions.
The rest I met for the first time at their first recording session. The two guys I've kept in (minimal) touch with since the show ended are Ed Asner and Keith David.
2. I don't know if it was her agent or her manager. I don't know what he told Laura. Heck, I don't even know if he was a he or a she. All I know is that her representation told Jamie Thomason that Laura would not be taking the credit. That may mean that if she was credited doing voice work on an animated series (which doesn't pay all that much, relatively) she might have trouble commanding a high fee for commercial voice over work. Or it might mean, that she'd be perceived as desperate for work, any work. I don't know. It doesn't matter. Laura's representation recommended against taking the credit. Right or wrong, we ultimately respected that decision.
3. For the most part we did group recordings, but there were always exceptions, because we had cast a very busy group of people.
4. We struggled through a few colds, but we never had any huge vocal setbacks. At worst, we'd reschedule an actor to record when he or she felt better.
5. I'm not sure what all these codewords are for. Was Rachel replaced in Goliath Chronicles? I saw those episodes and I don't remember that. I do remember that Elisa Pensler Gabrielli (who played Obsidiana) played Chavez in "Revelations", because it was only a few lines and Rachel's schedule just wouldn't allow her to record that week (or the week after or any time that allow us to make our schedule). I think Elisa did o.k., all things considered. We talked about ADR-ing Rachel later, but it didn't seem worth the expense.
6. Yeah, I'm sure they did. As you mentioned, the Archmage is a perfect example of this. Keith's reading of Morgan always made me want to explore a relationship between Morgan and Elisa. Clancy's reading of both Hakon and Wolf suggested the bond between those two characters. I'm confident there are other examples. We also tried (both intentionally, and I'm sure, subconsciously) to write to the strengths of our actors.
7. The triple goddess is a standard in most mythologies, and it's generally related to the moon. The Weird Sisters come from a tradition that includes the Graces, the Fates, the Norns, etc. It seemed natural to go for moon goddess type names. As far as I know, Shakespeare never named them.
8. Sure.
9. Uh huh.
10. Yeah. Way too often.

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Anonymous writes...

(1)\hat are the chances of your Gargoyles Encyclopedia getting published (i.e.
would Disney let you)? (2)You said that there would eventually be some sort of commitment ceremony for Goliath and Elisa (though not exactly what we would call a wedding). What would this ceremony have been like?

Greg responds...

1. It's not so much a Disney issue. I need to get some publisher interested.
2. Let me surprise you.

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Anonymous writes...

Greetings Mr.Weisman First let me say how much I enjoy watching gargoyles.So few television shows out there have the depth and focus that Gargoyles does,that and the positive outlook of its theme is a refreshing break from standard programming. Now if I may ask my questions;I have not seen these asked,but if they have been my apolgies for repeating them,and I did not find them in the archive. Question #1) AS eluded in the episode "Vows" the relationship between Xanatos and his father was not good,my and that was fully illustrated and explained though the particulars might still remail somewhat vague,even after his partial reconciliation later on ,my curiousity was peeked in as to his family background.Does David Xanatos have any siblings of his own or is he an only child? If he does were u ever thinking on introducing them into the storyline at some point? Question#2; I have seen nothing mentioned as to his mother was his father a widower?
If so when did she die,was he an adult at her death,or was he still a child?And if so how did it effect his developement?Was his obsession with control partially to compensate for this event? thankyou in advance DarkChyld

Greg responds...

1. Only child.
2. Petros is a widower. But I'm not prepared to say anything about David's mother at this time. However, I think it goes without saying that her death had an effect on David, on Petros, and on their relationship.

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Anonymous writes...

This is sort of a followup to my previous question about "The Hound Of Ulster," because you did ask.... I don't know Diane Duane personally (*sigh* don't I WISH) but she's written some other stuff with a fairly accurate hand about the Celtic myths, including Cuchullain; I don't know how she could know all that and still get confused about the "hound of Ulster". As for what else was wrong... well, the name "Cuchullain" actually means "Cullain's Hound" (Cullain was a lord of Ulster), and to make a long legend short, Cuchullain was called so because he defended Ulster throughout his life like a protective hound. ...Of course, it wouldn't be hard to fit a gargoyle beast into the original story somewhere.... But I find it hard to believe that anyone currently living in Ireland would consider the Hound of Ulster (a) an actual hound, or (b) a frightening creature. Molly's "ghost story" about the "Great Beast, the Hound of Ulster" bothered me a lot more than the eventual revelation of the "true story" (even though as far as the stories I've read say, Cuchullain never fought a Banshee in his life). I don't mind if the current versions of the legend aren't much like what "really happened," but I would expect modern-day people to know the current version. That said, I suppose I'd better actually _ask_ something, since this isn't the "Tell Greg" page....
You said you had plans for Rory and Molly. Isn't Molly actually the Banshee, and isn't she currently sort of grounded on Avalon? Or is it that the Banshee temporarily took the form of Molly, who is actually an ordinary human Irish girl?

Greg responds...

I know the Cuchullain story now. I didn't then. Diane didn't call me personally to fill me in. Maybe she or Peter told Michael Reaves, but Michael didn't tell me. I think the "answer" is more or less what you said.
The truth and the legend may not match up. We may also have added a legend to the "Gargoyles Universe" that doesn't exist in our universe. I do know that I had the whole thing confused in my head with the Barghest, if that helps. At one point, I suggested titling the whole script "The Barghest" and using Barghest for "Great Beast" occasionally. Diane, Peter and Michael objected to that, so we didn't do it. But no one brought up the rest of it.

I do have plans for Rory and Molly. And the only Molly I know is the Banshee. Heh heh heh.

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Anonymous writes...

I was wondering, in the Movie, thats on its way, is the Clan (Brooklyn, Broadway, Lex ect..) going to be in it?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

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Anonymous writes...

All hail Greg! To the point: how tall and heavy are Angela, Brooklynn, Goliath, Hudson, and Elisa? Will physical characteristics like this appear in your Encyclopedia?

Greg responds...

Numbers aren't my specialty, so no, I don't know the exact answers to those questions, and that kind of stuff isn't currently in the encyclopedia.

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Anonymous writes...

First off, Thanks for taking the time out to read this and second, I loved Gargoyles(so does my mom,my brothers, my fiance, and his Marine Corps buddies. 1.Are you in any way shape or form involved in the developing movie? 2. What is the projected release date? 3. Is Hollywood going to at least follow some of the storyline that the cartoon followed? 4. Even if the movie does get made(I hope!),who would you absolutely love to see portraying Goliath and Elisa? Thanks again for your time!

Greg responds...

1. A bit, but not much.
2. Summer, 1999, but that could change.
3. I don't know yet.
4. I'd love to see Keith and Salli reprise their roles, of course.

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! Gotta few questions>1)If Oberon knew what the weird sisters had done relating to Demona and MacBeth, and the attacks on the Avalon clan, would he punish them for interfering in human affairs? If not, why not???
2)At what age would Brooklyn have met his mate, Katana? 3)What era is she from? 4)What part of the world is she from? 5)Have we met her or seen her on the show before? 6)What species is she? 7)You said awile ago that, in "Grief", Anubis didn't know gargoyles lived twice as long as humans, and therefore he aged them enough to kill them if they were humans. If he did that, then why did they look so old? He'd probably age them maybe 60 years which would make Goliath about 60 years old chronilogically and Angela about 48, making them only middle aged. But, after being aged in "Grief" They both looked positivly ancient! Why was this? Thank you very much for your time! :-)

Greg responds...

1. It depends on how it was presented and when. Oberon's not exactly Mr.
2. I haven't done the math in some time. Not too much older than he is now.
3. Feudal Japan.
4. Feudal Japan.
5. No.
6. Gargoyle.
7. That was Goliath's theory. Jackal was in control. He aged them a ton.
Enough, to kill them, he would have thought. He was wrong. You're doing math; Jackal-Anubis was tossing power around. I don't think he/they bothered with the numbers.

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Anonymous writes...

Thanks for answering my last question. Now I have another one. (1) Was Demona going to be a hero or villain in the Future Tense spin-off? If she is a good guy than what would her three grandchildren actually think of her?
You can proba ly tell that I really like Demona. (2) I mean REALLY How tall is the Eyrie Building? (3) How does your family feel about the show? (4) And I would like to thank you for the hardwork and dedication you put into 66 episodesand creating these wonderful charac ters (like Demona). And for answering our questions.

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this before. She'd be fighting on the side of the angels.
Whether that makes her a hero or not is subject to interpretation.
2. Tall.
3. They tell me they like it. But do you really think they'd say anything else? :)
4. You're welcome.

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Anonymous writes...

greg, i have two waves that sound like goliath and are gargoyle related, the word goddamit is used in this. If these are from an episode that never made air, can you tell me if these are real or not, if you don't know what i am talkin g about, i would be happy to mail you the waves.

Greg responds...

I don't know what you're talking about, but you don't need to bother mailing it to me. We never used that kind of language in any show. NEVER. So I'm sure what you've got is quite phoney. And by the way, there were no episodes that never "made air".

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Anonymous writes...

What is your stand on people using likenesses of your characters? Have you ever considered publishing your stories on the internet? If they can use it to sell useless crap like pornography, why not publish something worth while?

Greg responds...

Disney owns these characters, not me. I can't publish original material for profit, without getting permission from Disney.

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Anonymous writes...

Will Owen ever get a life separate from Xanatos?

Greg responds...

Who says he doesn't have one now?

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, were there any plans to better develop Owen's character in respect to his personal life?

Greg responds...

Sure, eventually.

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Anonymous writes...

A few more questions: 1. If you had done the spin-offs "Future Tense", "The New Olympians", and "Pendragon", how would you have ensured that they would not be confused with the "Gargoyles" episodes that went by those names? 2.
In "Leader of the Pack" and "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time", Owen had a *really* sneaky smile on his face. Was this a little foreshadowing of his true identity? 3. Did you get a lot of letters from people before "The Gathering" who thought that Presto n Vogel was the result of a lazy animator copying Owen?

Greg responds...

1. Confused by who? You mean in a comment room someone might say, I loved FUTURE TENSE; then someone else might say, Oh, I didn't like it when Broadway was killed. And the first person says, not "Future Tense", FUTURE TENSE!!
And everyone says, huh? My point is, the press takes no note of episodic titles. It would seem to me that even the fans would have no real problem distinguishing the difference from the context of whatever comment got posted.
2. I suppose, but Owen is entitled to smile now and then. Owen is Owen.
The fact that he's also Puck, doesn't make Owen a cardboard one-note character.
3. Well, not letters. I certainly heard a bit of that on the Ranger List.
And also from people on the show who weren't in on it. (Jeff Bennett, by the way, didn't know Owen was Puck until he read "The Gathering, Part Two". We intentionally kept it from him. Aren't we stinkers?)

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! I have a question about the gargoyle eggs, (not Angela and her rookery siblings). I have asked this Q before, anf if you have answered it already, sorry, I must have missed it. Anywayz, how many eggs can 1 mother lay at a time? Just 1, then wait another 20 years, or more?

Greg responds...

One every twenty years exactly.

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Anonymous writes...

I remember a "Steve Perry" in the writing credits for several Season One "Gargoyles" eps. Recently I have seen a "Stephen Perry" in the writing credits for "Thundercats" reruns on the Cartoon Network. Is this the same guy? Any chance the Gargoyles will move to the Cartoon Network (pleeeaazzzze not the Disney channel! I don't get that one!)

Greg responds...

I can't be 100% sure, but I'd guess it's the same Steve Perry. Gargoyles is currently running on the USA network.

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Anonymous writes...

What does "deslegrate mori tempte-et intervalia" mean i've tried for a month, looking in latin books, and asking teachers i think intervalia means between walls and mori (if thats how its spelled) means to die.
plese, please transla te. thanks for the time

Greg responds...

Well, it was bad latin to begin with, though we thought it was good at the time. It's not "mori", it's "muri". And it's not "tempte" it's "tempe". It is "deslegrate", but I gather it should have been "deflegrate" or something like that. It's supposed to mean something like "Burn down the walls of time and space." I guess sorcerer's latin is slightly different from the standard brand.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. I just got 3 questions here. 1. When did you actually have the idea to make Owen to be Puck in disguise? Was it actually thought up in the beginning of the 1st season, or did the idea popped up during the creati on of the 2nd season? 2. In the episode "The Mirror", Elisa was dressed up as a security cop at the museum. When she was looking into the mirror, she turned around when she heard Demona attacking the male security guard. The image of Elisa in the mir ror did not move when Elisa turned around. Was that intentional or just a fluke? 3. At the end of "The Reckoning", Demona sacrificed her life to try to kill Thailog. Why did Goliath & Angela thought that Demona died even when they saw Elisa kill Dem ona to save both MacBeth and Demona from eternal demises in the episode "Sanctuary"?

Greg responds...

1. Almost immediately after we conceived the character of Puck, before "The Mirror" was written, probably toward the tail end of season one.
2. Very intentional. A little touch thrown in by the storyboard artist to hint at the mirror's mystic properties.
3. I've answered this before; check the archives for a more detailed response, but the short answer is that they just weren't sure.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman. 1. In your mind, what does New York look like in 2158? 2. In what year did Macbeth arrive in America for the first time?
3. In what year did Demona arrive in America for the first time? 4. You said that Oberon let Pendragon stay on Avalon because he owed someone a favor. Who did he owe the favor to? 5. Did you get the movie script from Dean Devlin? 6. In what year did Demona meet Puck? 7. How old is Puck?
8. When did Puck reveal himself to Xanatos? 9. Did you have any plans for Beth Maza? Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions.

Greg responds...

1. That's a big old design question. More of the same, I guess. I view the show in 2158 as being international (if not intergalactic) in scope, so I haven't given that much thought to the specifics of Manhattan.
2. I don't know yet.
3. I don't know yet.
4. His son.
5. I never saw it. And it's moot now, because Dean's been replaced by another writer, Jim Kouf.
6. I don't know yet.
7. Very old.
8. Shortly after Owen left Cyberbiotics.
9. Yes.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. 1. You said that Coldstone and Coldfire would join a clan. Could you give us an idea where in the world that clan is located?
2. What is the true identity of Mr. Duval? 3. How long would Brooklyn spend in 2158 and in feudal Japan? 4. What does Macbeth do for a living?
5. When the New Olympians reveal themselves, how will the world react?
How will Nokkar react? 6. In 2158, what is the relationship between New Olympus and the human world? 7. How many eggs are ready to hatch in Guatemala? 8. Would we see Odin again? 9. What was Macbeth's reaction to Shakespeares play about him? 10. What was Demona's reaction to Shakespeares play 'Macbeth"? Thanks for answering these questions.

Greg responds...

1. Not right now.
2. The last Fisher King.
3. I actually haven't calculated that yet. I have a rough idea though.
4. Largely he manages his investments. He also works occasionally as a medievalist, and even as a stage actor.
5. With surprise to say the least.
6. Tense but peaceful.
7. I haven't counted recently.
8. Maybe.
9. He was highly amused.
10. Interesting question. Let me think about that. Ask me again later.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. 1. Would Banshee regain her voice? 2. Would we see Cu Cullian again? 3. What happened to the werepanthers? 4. Can you give us some info on Nokkar's galactic war? 5. In 2158, are all the clans in existance k nown to the world? 6. Is Hakon gone for good? 7. Would we see Xanatos' father again? 8. What were the original purposes of the praying gargoyle and the fullfilment spell? 9. What happened to the vial of virus the Demona created? Thanks for answering these questions. I really appreciate it.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Plenty.
4. Not right now.
5. No.
6. Yeah.
7. Sure.
8. There's a story in each of these. I'm not prepared to tell them right now.
9. It was destroyed.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, Hi. I have to say Gargoyles is a great show. And it will be remembered. I only have two short questions. 1). Did you have any further plans for Owen? Maybe a life beyond Xanatos? If so can you please say?
2). What about Matt Bluestone? Did you have any further plans for him beyond The Society and the NYPD? If so can you give me a little hint to what it was? Thanks for the show and it will be remembered by those who take the show seriously.

Greg responds...

1. I did have plans for Owen. I had plans for everyone.
2. Including Matt. No hints right now.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello yet again. What adventures did King Pendragon and Griff plan to go on after they left the last time? I know you said the grail and Merlin, but were they ever to really achieve a goal (such as the "true king" returning..or playing a big role in the story?)

Greg responds...

Arthur hadn't thought past the immediate goal of finding Merlin. In fact, I think he was putting off thinking about it until he had his trusted advisor back by his side. The Grail was NOT one of Arthur's goals. Just Excalibur (which he now has) and Merlin.

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Anonymous writes...

Why do Gargoyles turn to stone? What's the reason behind it?

Greg responds...

Why do you fall asleep? It's a biological function.

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Anonymous writes...

I know you had no say in TGC..but.. in an earlier episode, Hacker called Xanatos "one of the Illuminati's lower members" implying that he was only in it due to his money (and obviously his trip back in time). But on a TGC episode, he h ad one of the chairs in the main council! What level of the society did YOU plan to have him on. Thanks...

Greg responds...

The stated implication is yours and not particularly accurate to my way of thinking. As you said, in my episodes he was a lower echelon member.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman: How did you get Jonothan Frakes and Marina Sirtis to be on the cast of Gargoyles? Do you know what they're opinions of the show and their characters are? If so what are their opinions? Are there any episodes or characters that you regret doing?

Greg responds...

They auditioned, and we cast them. I wouldn't presume to speak for them, but I think they like the show and their characters. And no, I don't have any substantive regrets about anything we did in the first two seasons.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, I have a few straight-forward questions: 1. What other projects, animated or not, have you been involved in in the past, or are currently?
2. I finally found the Gargoyles Movie...took 2 months special order...I noticed, which I think is from The Awakening Part II, when Elisa is in the park with Goliath, a jogger passes by, runs in place, and remarks that he's never seen that statue there before, this seemed to be cut out of the "movie". There was also a part I recall when Elisa distracted the people chasing her, and Goliath, away from Goliath, she took her jacket off and hung it on a branch to knock out one of those people chasing her, was that also cut out, or am I thinking of another ep? 3. This jogger, is there some reason he shows up in quite a few of the episodes? Inside joke, or something like that? 4. I've noticed on the mailing list that there are different endings for some eps, or minor changes...what are these eps?
Thanx in advance for answering my questions :)

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this in detail. Check out the archives for this page. But the short answer is that I worked at Disney in development for @five years.
Starting with Duck Tales, I worked in some capacity on every Disney tv cartoon right through to Mighty Ducks. Before that I worked at DC Comics, primarily on CAPTAIN ATOM. Recently, I wrote a single MiB episode. My newer projects haven't progressed far enough to talk about yet.
2. I've talked about this before. There are two versions of "Awakenings".
The five parter that aired on television, and the "movie" version which was used for the home video. For more details, check the archives for this page.
3. Combination inside joke and the practical necessesity that we don't constantly design brand new characters for the sake of a quick bit. As time progressed, it became fun to see characters (even minor characters) over and over. Fun for us, and I think more fun for you all too.
4. There aren't different endings per se. There are a percentage of episodes that had to air with some mistakes still in them. Sometimes these mistakes were at the end. Sometimes they were in the beginning or middle. I think maybe mistakes at the end are more noticible. We'd always try to minimize any "damage" in post-production, but sometimes they just had to go out with errors. When the corrected footage came in, we'd replace the mistakes with the new footage for subsequent airings.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg if Owen Burnett has a middle name what is it? Just curious.

Greg responds...

I'd guess Alan. But I'd want to check that with Michael Reaves.

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Anonymous writes...

First, I'd like to thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us, as well as answering our questions! =D Now the questions! 1) Does Titania and Oberon have any biological children together? It would seem only.....well, proper to have an heir to the throne of the Fey and Avalon. 2) How did Oberon and Titania come to rule the fey? 3) Was there a leader before them?
4) We know that Titania married at least one human during the banishment, but what about Oberon? Thanx ever so much!

Greg responds...

1. Yes. Although Oberon doesn't acknowledge the need for an heir.
2. Oberon overthrew his predecessor.
3. Yes. Oberon's mommy.
4. He's not the kind to kiss and tell. Well, actually, maybe he is. But I'm not. At least not today.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Why are there so many male gargoyles and so few females? And how can lex wear that loincloth?? His wings go all the way down his legs how does it stay on??? Is it magic?

Greg responds...

Lex's wings are pierced.

Female gargs do seem to be rarer, I must admit. You could either attribute that to us Disney-folk not remembering to balance out the population. Or we could start attributing it to internal "universe" factors. In pre-modern times was egg-laying as dangerous for a female gargoyle as childbirth was for a female human? Is the ratio of male gargoyle births to female gargoyle births more like 3 to 1 as opposed to the nearly even 1 to 1 ratio we humans enjoy? Is there another possible explanation? Those are all real good questions. Let me give them some thought.

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Anonymous writes...

This is another one of those state of mind questions, and probably a little stuoid too. In, Paris just how far would Demona have been willing to go with MacBeth to convince him that she really wanted him? Or is MacBeth the type of noble who waits until his wedding night to consumate his love for someone? I know there is no way you would have gone near this subject for T.V. I was just wondering how low Demona sink to get what she wanted.

Greg responds...

Ever read "The Rules". I haven't, but I think they might apply to someone who's trying to trick someone else into marriage. For his part, Macbeth is an honorable man, but not a saint.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg! Thanks for all the great effort you've put into Gargoyles and answering our questions. Each question has some long and excessive comments with it, but I only need an broad answer for each section. (1) Did the Magus live in the castle with Katherine and Tom? (2)If so, did he isolate himself away from the two and the clan? We saw him in Avalon II eating with them, but he didn't seem very invovled and may have been just visiting. (3) Why didn't Katherine and Tom have any offspring? (4) Did they know how the Magus felt about Katherine and worry about his discomfort, (5) were they genetically incompatible, (6) was having children something they didn't mutually agree upon, or something completely different? Perhaps some sort of mix. Hmm...
(7) One last question, though very odd and may link itself to the previous question. Could Katherine and Tom have children, through science or sorcery someday? I'm not asking if you think it is possible, through magic or genetics, but if it is something that might be considered for Gargoyles in the future (optimistic, I am), not regarding individual beliefs and viewpoints. (If this part seems like an original idea, please dispose of it, Gore, so I can get some answers I'm waiting for. Edit it as you see fit or just pass it to the Master). Thanks a Bundle for your time.

Greg responds...

I added numbers to your questions to make everyone's lives easier. PLEASE EVERYONE, if you're going to ask multiple questions in a single post, do NOT just list the questions as prose. Number them and use your return key between each question. THANKS.
1. I assume we're talking about Oberon's Palace in "Avalon" and not Castle Wyvern in "Awakening". If so, the answer is yes.
2. "Isolate" is too strong a word. He was an active third parent to the gargoyles, but he did give T&K their space, for his own sake more than theirs.
3. There's a story in that.
4. I think deep down Katharine must have known how the Magus felt. I don't think any of the three of them ever acknowledged it out loud. It had no influence on why they didn't have children.
5. No.
6. I'm not prepared to go into this in anymore detail at this time.
7. Gore probably should have kicked this whole post. (He's not allowed to edit questions, just kick posts or forward them.) But he didn't, so I'm stuck with having seen it. Raymond, you knew question 7 was an idea when you posted it. YOU KNEW. You did it anyway. Please don't do that kind of thing again. Fortunately, I have no intention of giving Katharine and Tom any more children. Remember they've already raised thirty-six children. They've earned a bit of rest.

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Anonymous writes...

1.)Is a live action film REALLY going to be out ? and when ? 2.) And who will play the characters ? 3.) Do you think Speigberg might be interested in this movie ?

Greg responds...

1. They ARE really WORKING on the script. No guarantees that the movie will happen though. The "when" is also up in the air, though I think the current target is summer 1999.
2. It's way too early in the process to know anything about casting.
3. No.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg - just another behind the scenes question that occurred to me. You said that Elisa's character design was based on Salli Richardson - did the same go for Xanatos and Jonathan Frakes? When was Jonathan cast, and whose idea was it? (Brilliant piece of casting, whoever's idea it was...) Oh, and a totally unrelated question. You said that a gargoyle's stone skin absorbs solar energy during the day. This gives the gargoyle the strength to fly, etc. Obviously they can go without being in the sun for at least one day without suffering noticeably for it (eg Broadway in 'The Silver Falcon'), so just how long can a gargoyle go without sunlight? And what would the effects of sunlight deprivation be, exactly? Thanks again!

Greg responds...

No. Xanatos was fully designed before Jonathan was cast. Jonathan auditioned for the role. We cast him. It was a mutual decision between myself, Frank Paur, Michael Reaves, Jamie Thomason, Bruce Cranston and Gary Krisel.

I don't know the math on the sun thing. It hasn't been explored yet. Maybe someday.

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