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Is Odin in any way related by blood to Oberon? In what way? How about the Weird Sister trio and the trickster quartet are they related to him by blood?
I'm not getting into this now.
I was just wondering Who did Xanatos vote for in this last election Bush or Clinton?
Clinton didn't run.
Right heres the deal im not the worlds biggest fan but then if i was the chances of me asking this would be pretty slim. Puck as a kid of Oberon is supseptable to only one materail (or so im lead to believe)i was wondering if you could tell me wat it is or at least if it was ever mentioned. Sorry if i sound pushy but can't think of a better way of putting it. Thanks for your help.
You don't sound pushy -- just a bit portentious.
Puck isn't Oberon's kid literally, you know that right?
Anyway, Puck is vulnerable to iron. Is that what you meant?
When will the episodes after "TURF" be shown on Toon Disney in England? I'm a die hard fan but I need more. I need to see the journey and so on because I love the Goliath/Elisa thing. Hit me back Hun. Thanks for a great show!
I don't have any idea, I'm afraid, when they schedule anything. I don't even get Toon Disney in my neighborhood.
Was there a point To Xanatos finding out that Goliath was missing in "Kingdom" other than to prove that Brooklen is a good desision maker? Xanatos did meet up with Goliath in Arazona, but that seemed to be a coincidence that he turned to his advantage in finding Cyotie (the trickster, not the robot :^). Was this a point you wanted to expand more on?
Yes, it was. Never got to it, unfortunately.
But there's an untold story in there somewhere.
Did you know that the Captain Atom you knew and wrote about has been retconned to a quantum clone of Nathaniel Adams?
Geez, that's original. How Swamp Thing.
No, I didn't know. Feel free to stop telling me things now, Mutai.
Did you have any part in the writing of Armageddon 2001 where Captain Atom was to become the evil dictator Monarch/Extant(that was later given to Hawk once someone leaked it)? If so did it influence your writing of Future Tense where Lexington was to become the dictator of New York?
PS You should see the new General Eiling who is now presently in the body of the Shaggy Man.
No. I had left Captain Atom a few issues before that mess began. My last issue was #50.
And I'd heard that they did that to Eiling. It's a travesty, frankly. I don't know who did it, but it's someone who had no respect for the character that Cary and I created.
did you ever consider involving "The Daily Tattler" in an episode beyond Hyena and Xanatos's brief mentioning of it?
will "The Daily Tattler" play any role in any spin-off?
i'm also really curious where you'll put this question in the archives, it doesn't fit any categories i don't think, oh well... :)
Eventually, it would have had a larger role. Eventually everything does.
And, geez, I have so many categories now, I can't hold them all on one screen. There must be somewhere to put it.
This ones been bugin me for a while!
So if money is not a nessasary evil in the gargoyles universe, how does goliath's clan get their food? Does Elisa not mind providing for them, or do they steal it even though they seem to have some respect for human laws. Or do they get ALL their energy from the sun and eating is just a comfort that they indulge in?
Didn't I just not answer this yesterday?
before the Wyvern Massacre did the Trio have any love interest among their peers? any "girlfriends" or whatever gargoyles have? esspecially Brooklyn, was Maggie his first crush or has we just seen the last two of a series of Brooklyn crushes?
I'm not telling at this time.
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