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Is Fiona named after a relative of yours?
Hey there Mr. Wiseman uh I mean Mr. Weisman,
One question, what are you currently working on as of July 8, 2001? Thank you very much for answering my question and why didn't you answer my last one?
I don't know why I didn't answer it. Is it possible Todd disqualified it? You might want to review the guidelines for submitting.
As of this moment, 8-15-01, I am unemployed. I have one more Team Atlantis recording for a Direct to Video that they are doing that salvages a fraction of the work we did on the cancelled series.
I recently finished writing a screenplay with my brother and a novel on my own. But my main project these days is looking for work.
Regarding Team Atlantis: I don't quite understand how that universe and the Gargoyles universe can overlap in Paris 1920 and be separate otherwise. Could you explain that a bit more precisely? (I know you probably won't, but I wanted to try.)
The two universes have some things in common. Some not. (Though this is all largely moot since Team Atlantis will never truly see the light of day.)
For example, they have their own Puck. (Though I suppose one might argue it's our Puck wearing a different body and using a different voice (Neil "Griff" Dickson's to be precise)).
They also have a different explanation for the Loch Ness Monster.
But they have certain things in common. And without a doubt the events that took place in Paris in 1920 took place in both universes.
Does that make it at all clearer?
On Friday the 13th, July 2001, the staff and etc. of Disney's Team Atlantis was informed that the series was being scrapped. Being a freelance Voice Director, I wasn't at the meeting, but I've been told that the company is disappointed with the box office of the Atlantis film and have decided not to spend additional monies on a series.
(There may still be a direct to video sequel. That had not been decided as of Friday.)
So basically we're all unemployed and all the work that we did up to this point just gets tossed into a file cabinet. WHOOPIE!
On the plus side, as long as I continue to be involved with killed projects we will never lack for Radio Play materials at future Gatherings.
so you've confirmed that Atlantis definitly existed or exists in the Gargoyles Universe. are the Gargoyles Universe and the "Atlantis"/Team:Atlantis Universe compatible or the same universe?
I'm not gonna go into detail, but Atlantis did exist in the Gargoyles Universe. The Garg Universe and the Team Atlantis Universe overlap in Paris in 1920. (Didn't I answer this already?)
You said somewhere that you had a gargs story for the sinking of Atlantis so would that make this gargs atlantis crossover episode not canon?
The episode is canon. But that doesn't mean that every other Team Atlantis episode, including the feature film is canon.
Hi Greg. CrzyDemona revealed what she'd discovered when you invited her to the recording of one of the "Team Atlantis" episodes. So Fiona is a Canmore, and she'll have some kind of encounter/involvement with Demona in Paris? I'm wondering....
1a) Since Jon, Jason and Robyn's father died hunting Demona at Notre Dame, and Fiona was born in 1888, is Fiona a part of their branch of the Canmore family? b) What is her relation to the Canmore trio we know (I'm assuming the obvious, but I'd like confirmation).
2) Does this mean that the "Gargoyles" and "Atlantis" universes are one and the same?
Let's start with the fact that Crzy got in a bit of trouble for revealing what she did. She's lucky I love her so dearly.
The reason she got in a bit of trouble, is because I GOT IN A BIT OF TROUBLE. Team Atlantis is coming out in the fall of 2002. We are way jumping the gun by talking about it now.
Having said that, both Tad Stones (the Executive Producer of Team Atlantis) and Greg Guler (the character designer of Team Atlantis) kind of went on about the show at the Gathering. So now I'm in less trouble. But I'm reluctant to reveal very much more before G2002, when Tad has agreed to throw all of us a rather large bone.
But for now, I'm not going to reveal anything else that's in the episode.
Fortunately for you Vash, you've asked questions that aren't answered in the episode.
1. Fiona is the twin sister of Jason, Robyn and Jon's grandfather. That is, she's their great aunt. Is that the obvious answer you were assuming?
2. No. But they overlap in Paris in 1920.
By the way, Vash, it was fun seeing you at the Gathering. :)
Just in case you haven't revealed who she is yet:
1) Is Fiona a blood relative to one or more "known" characters in the Gargoyles universe? ["known" being defined as a character(s) who was/were either shown in the show or who you have previously identified and discussed having plans for]
2) In which spinoffs do you have plans for her to appear in?
3) To which of the three surviving Earth races does she belong?
1. Yes.
2. Gargoyles. Bad Guys. Maybe TimeDancer. Maybe Pendragon. Maybe New Olympians. Maybe Gargoyles 2198 in a flashback. Not Dark Ages.
3. Human.
When will TEAM ATLANTIS likely premiere, and what more can you tell us about it?
Fall of 2002. And not much now. Too soon.
But I talked to Executive Producer Tad Stones about doing some revealing at next years Gathering in Virginia Beach. He's definitley open to the idea.
With the different series you have done, like Starship Troopers, Max Steel, and MIB, have you ever thought of bringing Gargoyles in?...sneaking it I mean. As you did with the JLA comic. It might have worked especially in MIB, alien race of gargoyles ;)
I've snuck garg references into almost EVERYTHING I've done. It's kinda pathetic in a way. 3x3 Eyes. Buzz Lightyear. Team Atlantis, etc.
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