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So as an intellectual exercise (and I promise that is all this is), I tried to calculate what would happen if TPTB asked me to adapt every Gargoyles comic I've written (for both SLG & Dynamite) into 22-minute television episodes. And through the end of Gargoyles Quest #5 (even though I've actually only written the script through Quest #4 at the time I'm typing this up), I came up with 22 episodes:
01. SLG Gargoyles #1-2
02. SLG Gargoyles #3-5
03. SLG Gargoyles #6
04. SLG Gargoyles #7-9
05. SLG Gargoyles Bad Guys #1
06. SLG Gargoyles Bad Guys #2
07. SLG Gargoyles Bad Guys #3-4
08. SLG Gargoyles Bad Guys #5-6
09. SLG Gargoyles #10-12
10. Dynamite Gargoyles #1-3
11. Dynamite Gargoyles #4
12. Dynamite Gargoyles #5-6
13. Dynamite Gargoyles Dark Ages #1-2
14. Dynamite Gargoyles Dark Ages #3
15. Dynamite Gargoyles Dark Ages #4-6
16. Dynamite Gargoyles #7-8
17. Dynamite Gargoyles #9-10
18. Dynamite Gargoyles #11-12
19. Dynamite Gargoyles Quest #1-3
20. Dynamite Gargoyles Halloween Special #1
21. Dynamite Gargoyles Quest #4
22. Dynamite Gargoyles Quest #5
Now, some of the above 22 "episodes" would need their stories expanded to fit 22 minutes. (Others would be hard put to stuff all their content into 22 minutes.) And the truth is, if someone said, each and every issue needed to be expanded to fit 22 minutes, I still think I could do it, in which case 22 episodes suddenly and happily expand to 42 episodes.
And this is all SO hypothetical, it truly borders on pointless.
But this is what I thought about during a very long shower this morning. And I thought I'd share.
How many seasons would you have planned for Gargoyles and its Spin-offs to realize your own vision?
1. Gargoyles
2. Bad Guys
3. Time Dancer
4. Dark Ages
5. Gargoyles 2198
6. Heroes of Ulster
7. New Olympians
8. Pendragon
1. As many as possible until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
2. As many as possible until the premise resolved or the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198, whichever came first.
3. As many as possible until Brooklyn's journey catches up to his return with his family to Gargoyles.
4. As many as possible until we catch up to the Wyvern Massacre in Gargoyles.
5. As many as possible.
6. As many as possible until the premise is resolved or until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
7. As many as possible until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
8. As many as possible until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
I'm not certain if this has been asked.
What are the "cursing" equivalents from Macbeth and King Arthur's times compared to modern day "cursing"(sh*t, F**k, B*tch, etc.)?
I imagine the "olden times" curse words/expletives and similar expressions would be considered quite "tame" and even silly compared to modern stuff. Though I suppose they could potentially be taken up as "alternative curses" by modern day generations.
It's something that's made me wonder.
I'd have to research that. I may have known the answer at some point, but it's just been too long.
Rewatched "Pendragon" on DVD yesterday. A few observations from this time around.
Hudson recognizes the wind that heralds the arrival of King Arthur and Griff; I suspected that there's an interesting story behind that and how he came to know it. Most likely something that would be told in "Dark Ages".
Griff refers to Westminster Abbey as "my abbey" when initially confronting King Arthur - for me, it evoked Goliath speaking of "my castle" when confronting Elisa back in "Awakening Part Three". Evidently part of the gargoyles' territorial nature manifesting itself.
Macbeth immediately recognizes Griff as a gargoyle, though all his on-stage encounters with gargoyles up till then were with the Scottish variety. (Of course, most of the things that went on during those nine hundred years of wandering in his life, we don't know about - only his fighting at Bannockburn on the Scottish side, and taking part in the 1950 removal of the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey.)
I really like the term "rookery poem" as a gargoyle counterpart to "nursery rhyme".
Someone should write a book of rookery poems...
Hi greg i have two questions.
1.If you were to bring back Gargoyles on Disney plus,how many seasons would it have?
2. Would you also attempt to do Gargoyles Dark Ages and Gargoyles 2198,and have them on Disney plus if you ever get the chance?
1. How do I answer something so incredibly hypothetical? If it were up to me, it would never end. But that kind of thing is NEVER up to me.
2. Given the chance, I'd do all of it.
Hello Mr. Weisman,
You've shared some of the pitches for Gargoyles spin offs such as Dark Ages and 2198 without potentially spoiling anything if they ever get a shot at being made. Would you ever do the same with the bibles for Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice? That would make for fun reading, but if they contain anything you wouldn't want judged out of context it's understandable why not.
I'm not ruling out the possibility.
Hi Greg -- thanks so much for taking time to answer fan questions like this! I have been a fan of your work since the 90s and Ask Greg is an amazing resource.
My question is: Back in the 10th century, did Brooklyn have a girlfriend or female clan mate he was close to romantically?
Not a question, but a comment. I was watching "Temptation" again, and when Demona first approaches Brooklyn she has this line "wasn't this like old times, fighting together side by side, comrades in arms..." and I have to say, kudos. Thanks to "Tyrants" and "The Gate" there so many more layers upon layers to that line especially. I could be wrong, but I never got the impression that they knew each other all that well prior to the massacre, so I used to wonder if the reference was generic or if she was just trying to make an appeal. Now, well... now the context of the line has changed, and for the better.
I don't know if the idea for their team up against Constantine existed in your head way back when "Temptation" was written, but I love moments of creative serendipity.
It didn't way back when, but I ALSO think they fought side-by-side in the past from Brooklyn's POV. Keep in mind there's YEARS of adventures in GARGOYLES: DARK AGES.
Will you make a Dark Ages comic books spin off??? I would like to know more about the lives of the Gargoyle characters. And by the way, I watched young justice and I enjoyed it! I can't wait till the series comes out in January!
I"d love to do a Dark Ages comic book spin off. But right now we don't have a publisher.
This discussion has been had in Station Eight a few times, and I thought I would bring it up here. It seems to me like one could make a case that Demona is the lead character in the greater story of the GARGOYLES UNIVERSE.
If one looks at "Dark Ages," "Gargoyles," and "Gargoyles 2198" as a three act story, Demona's story is the one story arc that really plays out through the entire timeline. She is there for all three acts.
Yes, Goliath is the lead in "Gargoyles" and Samson is the lead in "Gargoyles 2198." I think Hudson is the lead in "Dark Ages," but I might be wrong. And they all play huge roles, crucial roles. But Goliath and Hudson are not in Act Three, and Samson is not in the first two acts.
Demona, without being the lead in any of the acts, is the constant presence. Sure, she may not appear in "Pendragon," "New Olympians," Heroes of Ulster," and may only have a small role in "TimeDancer" and "Bad Guys." But if "Gargoyles" is the center of the universe here, and "Dark Ages" and "2198" are both acts in that story, it almost makes me wonder if this is really her story. You've got her youth, her fall from grace, her time as the main antagonist (or one of them), and then her eventual redemption.
Not to take anything away from Goliath, because I definitely agree that "Gargoyles" is his story and that he is the most pivotal character in that series. But is his story a large piece of her story?
I'm not saying it's all about her, because it's not. I don't think that or feel that, because this is all one huge ensemble piece made up of many stories, but like I said, she seems to be the most constant character out of all of them in the Big Picture. And all without ever being THE LEAD in any of the "three acts."
It's definitely an interesting theory.
Of course, I don't actually view the Gargoyles' Universe as any one character's story, including Goliath. To me it's a tapestry with many threads...
But I'm not disagreeing per se.
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