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RESPONSES 2001-7 (July)

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Lord Sloth writes...

Would you say that, through Gatherings, fanfic and reruns, gargoyle's popularity has increesed since the time it was canceled? By how much would you say?

Greg responds...

I'm in no position to evaluate that. But I'm gratified that you guys are all still around and that new people do still seem to show periodically.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Sloth writes...

I seem to remember hearing that the Wiverin clan is about 40 or something members(although I could be wrong). If there were 36 eggs, that means there would have to be at least 36 females, who were old enough to lay an egg, and each of them would need a mate (unless they share them). So I guess my question is, how big was the clan?

Greg responds...

Approximately half the clan left to colonize a new location some time before the massacre. There were about 40 or so gargoyles at Wyvern at the time of the massacre.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Were Leo and Una sorta treated as outcasts by the other english Gargoyles when they abandened their duties of protection?

Greg responds...

No. The whole clan had lost "the way".

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

What was the 1000 years of sleep like for the Gargoyles? How consious were they of the passing of time? Did it seem like a 1000 years or was it over in a snap?

Greg responds...

Dreams went on and in and out, etc. Thus on one subconscious level there was an awareness of time.

But on the conscious level, they woke up and the massacre seemed like yesterday.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How the heck did Odin survive the Twilight of the Gods? He got swallowed by the Fenrir wolf who got pulled asunder by Vidar.

Greg responds...

Yes, I know the story. I'm just not going to give you the Garg Universe version of Ragnarok in this format.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg, my question is, by 2198, would the Avalon Clan be still in Avalon, Or would they have gone into diferent clans by that time, to help build up the gargoyle population?

Greg responds...

The Avalon Clan is still in Avalon helping to build the population from there.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Carl Gouveia writes...

I would like to know if Gargoyles has been released on DVD; I loved the show when it first aired and I would love to be able to own the entire series. I'm a begin fan of Shakespeare and I enjoyed how you intergrated many of his characters into to the Gargoyles plot lines. I also enjoyed all the other cultural storys you used in your stories (ie. bushido, lockness, griffins). I hope one day you will be able to create new episodes. Good luck.

Greg responds...

Thanks. At the moment the series is NOT available on DVD. But Jay Fukuto, Disney TV Animation's VP of Creative Affairs is checking into the possibility for us. (I'm glad someone asked him at the Gathering. Sounds a bit self-serving, coming from me.)

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever seen Babylon 5? It's quite good and could give Gargoyles a run for the money.

Greg responds...

I saw the pilot and didn't care for it. Later, people I respected told me the series was great. So I tried a couple more times to watch. But I just couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on.

It's a concern I have for Gargoyles as well. Tried to make each (non-multi-part) episode stand alone. But maybe people had trouble coming into the middle of our stuff too.

All I know is that I had no luck finding an entry point on Babylon Five. And no way to go back and start over. That doesn't mean the series wasn't great. Just that I missed the boat at the beginning and couldn't find my way aboard later.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Did you have Characters for Gargoyles planed to use the the voices of: Patrick Stewert, Lenerad Nemoi, William Shatner or any other characters from star trek?
BTW, Gates McFadden isn't the voice of Fox is she? I don't think so, but I can't find her name on any credits, and that would be a good part for her.
Also, why were so many Star Treak actors used as voices, besides that most of them did great jobs(puck)?

Greg responds...

It doesn't work that way. We create characters first. Then we cast. We did try to get Patrick Stewart for a couple of parts, but he was too expensive for us.

Fox was voiced by Laura San Giacomo, who currently is part of the cast of "Just Shoot Me" on NBC.

And the reason we had so many Trek actors was because:

a) Marina auditioned for us and nailed the part of Demona.

b) Jonathan Frakes auditioned for us, and after us ****ing around for awhile, was cast as Xanatos.

c) After that when we were casting guest rolls, it was only natural to think of Trek actors since we already had two of them sitting in the booth.

d) I was not unaware of the publicity value, but we never cast a Trek actor just for the sake of casting a Trek actor. If they didn't seem right for the roll, we didn't consider them.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You said that Mab the mother of Oberon was connected to Chaos like many of the other first gods in mythology such as Tiamat, Ymir and Gaea who were created from chaos or were chaos incarnate and like many of these gods Mab is overthrown by a younger god who is descended from her and in our case it's Oberon. So did you have Mab be Oberon's mother not his sister or cousin just to fit the myth of older/chaotic god being overthrown by a younger god?

Greg responds...

I'm sure that held influence. (Although I'd argue against Gaea being a chaos figure. I might also argue against Ymir too.)

Also, it just seemed right.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

When the Goliath & co. finished the egypt ep, they just calmly turned to stone in front of the spinx. Since they weren't sure what happend to they pack, weren't they being a bit careless about where they slept, or were they confident that Elisa could protect them from Wolf, Jackel AND Hyena?

Greg responds...

Choose your own interpretation. Just keep in mind... nothing happened.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Apart from world domination, what do the Space spawn aquire from invading earth, by their standerds we would be a pretty primitive world even by 2198, what was so special in earth, or was it more, like just because they could do it?

Greg responds...

It was just more territory, as their empire expanded. We weren't considered special particularly. Leastways not at first.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Do you consider the Gargoyles show to have come to enough of a close to be carried on by Spin offs, or would you want to tie off more lose ends? Basicly I asking if the show came back, would you rap up Gargoyles, or go straight to Timedancer or Pendragon?

Greg responds...

Well, for starters I'd take what I could get. I'd love to do more Gargoyles AND TimeDancer AND Pendragon AND etc.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Why is it that the Magus, whose trained all of his life for using magic, could not cast spells without the grimorim (except for tapping it from Avolon), while Tom (and I assume Goliath to) can easily use the incantation to get to Avolon?

Greg responds...

Memorizing one simple incantation is hard enough. The Magus was certainly capable of that.

But without the Grimorum to harness, focus and inform his efforts, managing much else was impossible.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Just saw and recorded Sentinal, an episiode I origanally didn't like very much, when I thought aliens and Olimpians were too fantastic. But now that I've read the layout for the new spin off, and I can see where all this space spawn stuff is heading, I found it much more intreging!
Some questions though:
1)When Nokar first appeared and toke Elisa away, why did he just knock out Bronx and wait till latter to catch him all over again?
2)Nokar had a bunch of small rat like droids running about his ship, what were their purpose?
3)Why did Elisa chose the name tiny for Goliath?
4)A)When Goliath destroyed the control panal, which in turn destroyed that big central thing, how much did that hurt the space ship? It was still able to rise outa the ground and fire that cannon. B)Will Nokar be able to repair it?
5)A)How is Nokar getting on with his new friends? B)Has he made any more?
Thats all for this fun Ep. Nice work!

Greg responds...

1. His priority was getting Elisa to safety.

2. Multi-fold.

3. She was being sarcastic. (Sloth, why did you think?)

4a. Some.
4b. Yes.

5a. Not saying.
5b. Not saying.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

How did Elisa explaine her jump of the building in "The Silver Falcon" to Matt?

Greg responds...

He didn't see it.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Any plans on retconning parts of Hound of Ulster?

Greg responds...

No. My only regret there is that I didn't put Cu Chullain's armor and skeleton in the Cairn with Goliath, Angela and Elisa.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Jacob writes...

Hi I'm back.

One time I asked you "Are gargoyles at day really heavier than at night? If they are, where does the wheight come from?", and you answered "I never said they were."

Actually, I got this information from a collection-card I found in the internet, and it says, at night he weighs about 130 and at day something about 900 kg.

1. Does it mean that this information is wrong or

2. Don't you want to say it this time?

Greg responds...

1. Doesn't sound right.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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zakhur writes...

How did you come up the idea for Queen Mab, was it before or after Oberon first appered on the show?

Greg responds...

After. But not long after. Mab's in Shakespeare, sort of. In a speech by Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet. So she was a natural addition to our ensemble.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

I was reading your rambles on "OutFoxed", and you mentioned that there was a clue that hinted Fox was Halcyen's daughter by the fact that his last name is Rynard. Could you explane how there is a connection between the words rynard and fox, cause I can't see it. I don't even know what rynard means.

Greg responds...

In French, "renard" means "fox". See, learn something new every day.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Pyro X writes...

The Native Peoples of NA came to NA VIA the Bering Strait some thousands of years ago.

1) When Oberon dispatched his "family" to live among mortals, did Raven make his way imediatly to Q.F.I off Canada?
2)Did Raven "take on" the persona of "The Raven" based on Native legend, or was he always "Raven"?
3) As you have said, you never know if that is Pucks true form (As the in the elvish form). Does this, as well, apply to the Other children? Was that Raven's true form?
4) Does Raven have a true form?
5) Did the "Raven" legend spring from "Raven" himself?
6) What WAS that thing Grandmother turned into??? (the thing with the weird mouth).


Greg responds...


Your initial premise is scientifically accepted. But I think many Native American Tribes disagree. It doesn't fit their legends and holy stories. For the purposes of Gargoyles, I'm not taking sides. All things are true.

1. Keep in mind that what Oberon mainly did was to banish the Children from Avalon and insist that they not interfere with mortal lives. It's not like Raven had never been among mortals up to that point.

2. He's Raven.

3. It applies to ALL the other children. Including Raven.

4. Do any of them?

5. See question 2.

6. I assume you mean Thunderbird. (She says that in the episode.)

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Oberon writes...

In your Gargoyles 2198 (i think that's the date) summary, you said that aliens would attack the earth.
1) If earth was destroyed, wht would happen to Avalon?
2) Doesn't Puck's protection duty allow him to use magic to save Alexander from the Space Spawn?
3) I know Oberon's pompus and all, but would he reall just sit back and watch the entire human race (as well as Puck) be destroyed (Even with Oberon's law, many fay could indirectly help)?

Greg responds...

1. Earth's not destroyed. Leastways not in 2198.
2. It would have. But it happened too fast.
3. I'm not confirming or denying that Oberon's even still alive.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Are you going to explore the stories of Ymir, Tiamat and Gaea?

Greg responds...

Eventually everything.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

If Dark Ages got made, how much would you compressthe time of 23 years? Would it be something like 23 episodes, more or less, or have may events happen each year (with some multi parters to)? Or what?

Greg responds...

I don't have it planned out by episodes at this time. But if it took 23 years, so be it.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Were you ever influenced by the Inhumans of Marvel comics while you were making New Olympians?

Greg responds...

More the Eternals and the New Gods. But I suppose you could throw the Inhumans in there too. It was a very Kirby-inspired concept, and we made no bones about it. Bob Kline, Gargoyles' original Development Art Director and later a Producer/Director on the series' second season, came up with the original idea that developed into New Olympians. This was some time before Gargoyles. We later folded it in.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Laura 'ad astra' Ackerman writes...

I was looking over the [finally] completed description of the future series and after happily ooing and aahing, I had a few questions.

-1- I noticed that Broadway and Angela's biological children had similar sounding names, (arthurian in my mind). Since they were not named specifically by the parents but rather as clan children, (I assume), I was wondering if this was intentional. Are rookeries intentionally named with similar names, like the angel theme with the Avalon eggs? Do near rookeries share somewhat similar names and distant ones more different ones? Am I reading way too much into a statistical sample of three?

[Side question- Broadway, raised by Gargoyles would not care who was his biological child, but Angela was raised by humans, even if they did try to follow the gargoyle mode. Does she care a little, or at least think about it?]

-2- Nicolas Natzilani Maza, (please excuse my spelling, I am composing this offline): From which of the current Maza siblings does he descend?

-3- Alexander Fox Xanatos IV: I have a feeling I am being a bit dense here, but is he the same Alex as Alexander Fox Xanatos I but covering for extreme longevity?

-4- I don't remember any mention of the New Olympians. Do they play a notable role? If not, where are they?

-5- Logistically I am confused about something- In a perfect world all the Gargoyle spin offs would be running at the same time for an indefinate amount of time. More specifically Time Dancer and Gargoyles 2198 would be running at once. [Which leads to another side question: What you call the series after the first year?] As I see it the first year or two wouldn't be a problem- Timedancer Brooklyn would be a couple of years younger than future Brooklyn and we just wont see him describing in detail events that haven't happened yet in Time Dancer to people in 2198.

The problems start when it comes time for Time Dancer Brooklyn to go to 2198. The easiest way I can see it is, we see him leave, we see him return ten years older all in one ep, "wow! I just spent ten years fighting aliens in the future! But I wont say anything more as not to let you know too much about what will be." Then we have a Time Dancer Brooklyn ten or so years older than the Future one and a massive, sustained chuck of time that he can't give away to the audience. It seems like it would be a very awkward.

Thanks... And enjoy the con!! I hope you give a passing thought to those of us stuck on the other side of the continent. (This whole being an adult with a job kinda sucks sometimes.)

Greg responds...

1. You probably are reading a bit too much into a statistical sample of three. Plus, keep in mind that the Manhattan Clan doesn't exactly have deeply held traditions in naming. The whole concept is fairly new to them.

1a. I think Angela does think about it. But keep in mind, she was group raised. This way, as a parent, she has more children to love. That suits her fine.

2. I'm SO not telling.

3. Yes.

4. They will eventually play a roll. Technology-wise, the rest of the world has caught up to them. I wouldn't fully re-intro them right away, although their leader will be kidnapped along with Alex.

5. You worry too much. I should have such worries.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Another one for "Pendragon".... Why does MacBeth show so much contempt for Arther after speaking so grandly of him and Merlin in "lighthouse"? By the end of the episode he sounds more like himself, but durning the race for the sword, I thought he should of treated him as more of a worthey opponent.

Greg responds...

I don't hear contempt there. Just competition for a prize that he felt he had as much a right to as Arthur did. I guess it's a matter of interpretation.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

In Pendragon, Arther gives the order to fire the lightning weapon at the base of the water elemental. Once this is done, the elemental is destroyed. Since I was never good at science, explane how electrisity would destroy the elemental and leave Arther unharmed.

Greg responds...

We never said Arthur'd be unharmed. He wasn't unharmed.

But have you ever heard of the electrolysis of water?

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Another thing I REALLY wish I had seen at the Gathering is Keith David wielding a sword and quoting from Othello.

I heard that Michael Reaves has a brilliant (because it's simple) solution for how Goliath, Hudson and the Trio could speak modern English upon waking at the castle. Demona used a spell from the Grimorum on them the night before they woke up. Perfect. They'd never even have to know that there was a change in the language. I love it. (Wish I had thought of it.)

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Monday, June 25, 2001

Once more, Kathy knocked on my door to wake me for the staff breakfast.
Once more, I ignored the first knock.
Once more, she didn't give up.
Once more, I got up and answered the door, telling Kathy I wouldn't make it to the breakfast.
Once more, I did get down there in time to catch the tail end of the breakfast and get some juice.

I checked out of the hotel and put my stuff in my car.

The first panel of the day was for Roughnecks: The Starship Trooper Chronicles. This was actually the panel I had been most nervous about. The reason? Well, we had gathered an impressive list of guests: David DeLuise, Jamie Haines, Alex Polinsky, Rino Romano, Steve Staley, James Horan, Jason Marsden, Sue Blu, Wayne Boon, Vince Edwards, Russ Isler, Joe Lawson, Dave Hartman, Lydia Marano, Jay Oliva and Tom Pugsley. But the panel was scheduled for 10am on Monday the night after the Masquerade. I was afraid that our panelists would outnumber the attendees. Fortunately, that wasn't the case. I played an episode from the series: "Funeral for a Friend". Mostly because it's my personal favorite. Yes, I wrote it. But I just love how it turned out, particularly the epilogue funeral itself. Then we gathered for the Q&A, which was fun. A lot of these guys hadn't seen each other for awhile. Then a short signing. Finally, I had to clear the room for the next panel.

3x3 Eyes. Guests included Thom, Jonathan Klein, Taliesin Jaffe, Mia Korf and Susan Chesler. This was a nice little panel too.

Then a short break and closing ceremonies. Lots of people getting thanked....

I hung out downstairs for awhile, then Brynne and Russ and I meandered up to the con suite. The Dead Dog Party took a while to get started. But we shared a pizza with the constaff. And then I had to take off. (My family missed me.)

And that, was the con.

But once again, I'd just like to thank everyone involved. Jen and the whole constaff, in particular. But also the guests and supporting members. And especially the fans who shelled out and showed up. It was great meeting you/seeing you again, etc. It makes my year. I'm already psyched about Virinia Beach in August, 2002. And, although, I wouldn't wish the workload on any of my friends on the G2001 staff again, I do hope that sometime we have the chance to do the con in L.A. once more. In terms of Gathering the cast and crew that worked on the show, you just can't beat proximity to where they all live. You guys always treat me wonderfully, but it was also very gratifying to see everyone else on the show get a chance to share in your respect and appreciation. GARGOYLES was never a one man operation, and I'm glad you all got the chance to meet each other.

I'd also like to point out, what I'm sure you're all very aware of -- how feeble my Gathering diary is. I have no defense. Except that I'm a fiction writer not a journalist. I've been lurking around though, and diaries by Christine, Lexy, Aaron, BrooklynX, Greg Bishansky, Shan, etc. have really put mine to shame.

And I'm also sorry that I missed a few things at the con. I was so busy, I didn't ever get to see Crispin's mythology seminar. I spent almost no time in the video room and it would have been fun to watch some of the shows with you guys. And although, I did get to the art room, I never had time to just hang there and really absorb everything (I never had time to vote, for example), and I somehow completely missed seeing the MAP that won the big prize. If it's scanned online and there's a link, I'd sure appreciate someone sending the link my way.

Thanks, gang. You rock. (Pun intended.)


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Todd Jensen writes...

In "Eye of the Storm", Odin is portrayed as a storm-god. This puzzles me a little since, traditionally, in Norse mythology, that was Thor's role. How is it that Odin is now the one among the Aesir who can control the weather? (Of course, you did indicate in past comments that you're leaning towards the possibility of Thor being dead in the Gargoyles Universe).

Greg responds...

Yeah. But I always thought of Odin as a storm god too. All-Father. Cloud-Father, etc. Thor was always the lightning/thunder guy to me.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, obviously Goliath and company don't yet know about the Loch Ness clan (or do they?) but, does the Loch Ness clan know about Goliath and co. and their visit to Loch Ness?

Greg responds...

I don't think so. They weren't there very long.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Anansi>"he came to me storyteller" how did Anansi know Diane Maza was a storyteller?

Greg responds...

He has many ears in the jungle.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Demoness writes...

Oberon and Titania

Yep, more O&T questions. :) I love the characters: ones a schemer and the other one is arrogant and powerful.

1a. Does Oberon realize that Titania manipulates him?

1b. If so, how does he feel knowing his wife does that too him?

2. What color is Titania's (not Anatasia) hair? Pink, Orange, Red? I ask this cause in some scenes/episodes her hair seems to be changing colors.

Greg responds...

1a. To some degree, of course.

1b. She is endlessly fascinatin to him.

2. I'm color blind. You tell me.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi, I was wondering, when the mayan clan was destroyed, Did the polchers know that those were gargoyles, or did the just destroy everything that wasn't what they considered a treasure? Thanks

Greg responds...

Not telling.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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angry Epantiras writes...

What is this "Gargoyles 2198" !? Can someone explain me what is!? I'm going mad!

Greg responds...

Chill. One thing you might do is check out the Gargoyles 2198 Archive here at ASK GREG. You'll get most of your answers there.

In brief, G2198 is a proposed spin-off of the original GARGOYLES series set in the year 2198. Pretty straight forward, huh?

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Scott Iskow writes...

Is Hakon gone for good?

Greg responds...

Except in flashback, yes.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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matt writes...

i was looking at sites on Angels and angel names to try and discover possible Avalon clan names and i found hundreds of angel names, pretty crazy, anyway, i found a quote from St. Thomas Aquinas about angels that i found interesting if put into gargoyles context. afterall, are gargoyles the angels and demons of legend? anyway, heres the quote:

"Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed.
In fact angels have no religion as we know it...
their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth."

St. Thomas Aquinas

Greg responds...

Great quote. Do you have a date attached to it?

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Demoness writes...

What ever happened to the Gargoyle's Helicopter from "Her Brother's Keeper"?

Greg responds...

They turned it into a planter.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Basilisk writes...

Did you know that in Disney's newest Animated Classic ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE, the Atlantean princess Kida is voiced by Cree Summer? She did a great job, but I found this a little disconcerting because I'm used to that voice yelling death threats, laughing psychotically, and hitting on any available machinary. :-)

Greg responds...

Yes, I very much knew that because I'm voice directing Cree as Queen Kida in the spin-off series Team Atlantis. It wasn't quite the shock to me, as Cree has done many, many voices since she was a little kid, including Penny, I believe in Inspector Gadget and Max in Batman Beyond as well as Hyena in Gargoyles.

Anyone who came to the Gathering learned all this first hand from Cree herself, who showed up on the 24th of June, despite feeling under the weather. She's just terrific. She's also a GREAT SINGER. She gave me a copy of her C.D. And she's recording a new one now.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "Eye of the Storm", Erik and Gunther's surname was "Sturluson". Was this an allusion to Snorri Sturluson, the author of the Prose Edda (one of the leading primary sources on Norse mythology)?

Greg responds...

Absolutely, my friend.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Ricky writes...

I wonder if you noticed this, in episode 2 of Max Steel, when Rachal and Max were in the dark alley and they encounter 3 dread minnions and Psycho, one scene Max is wearing a dark shirt and blue jeans, he's having fainting spells in this episode remembering how he got his powers, after he regains consciousness he suddenly is wearing his fighting uniform, he didn't power up or anything, then after defeating dread's minnions and Psycho escaping, he's back to wearing the dark shirt and blue jeans again...Can you explain this? Do you know what I'm talking about?

Greg responds...

Well, first off, it's episode THREE: Shadows. Not episode TWO: Sacrifices.

Second off, however, I don't recall there being a mistake here. Are you sure he didn't power up off screen.

At any rate, I can't confirm or deny anything. It's just been too long since I've seen the eps.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Has the Space-Spawn or the third race involved in the war ever visited Earth before 2001? If so when?

Greg responds...

The Space-Spawn have not. They first arrive in 2198.

I'm not confirming or denying the rest.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Are all three races involved in the galactic war bipeds?

Greg responds...

Not telling.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What attributes does the third race in the war possess?
What do they look like?

Greg responds...

SO not telling.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1.What do the Space-Spawn look like?
2.What special attributes do the Space-Spawn possess? For example gargoyles turn to stone, the fay can use magic without outside help and Nokkar's race has a very long lifespan.

Greg responds...

1. Not telling at this time.

2. They don't eat cheese.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Which star system(s) did Nokkar's people originate? How many sentient races emerged there?

Greg responds...

Sentient races are few and far between in the Gargoyles Universe. Not commonplace. I have a good idea about this. But I'm not going to break it down in specific numbers for you.

As to which star system, I don't pretend that I've bothered to figure that one out yet.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What did you mean when you said "hit the Space-Spawn where they live" in Gargoyles 2198 contest? Are you referring to the Space-Spawn homeworld? If so shouldn't Nokkar's people be doing that already?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to get as specific as to say "homeworld".

As for Nokkar's people, what makes you think they aren't doing just that. Or for that matter, what makes you think any of them are still alive?

My point is that you don't know enough to judge.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Would "Dark Ages" be restricted to the Wiverin area or would it go to places like Kennith's castle, loch ness and edinbrough? How bout England and Irland? Parris? Austrilla? neptune?

Greg responds...

Yeah. Neptune. Planned on spending a lot of time on Neptune.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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matt writes...

before "Awakening" had Elisa had any or many boyfriends or serious relationships? if so, would any of these guys make an appearence later in the series or spin-offs?

Greg responds...

Potentially. I'm sure Elisa had a few serious relationships. But not like MARRIAGE serious. She's not that easy to reach.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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