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RESPONSES 2001-7 (July)

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Sloth writes...

Would "Dark Ages" be restricted to the Wiverin area or would it go to places like Kennith's castle, loch ness and edinbrough? How bout England and Irland? Parris? Austrilla? neptune?

Greg responds...

Yeah. Neptune. Planned on spending a lot of time on Neptune.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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matt writes...

before "Awakening" had Elisa had any or many boyfriends or serious relationships? if so, would any of these guys make an appearence later in the series or spin-offs?

Greg responds...

Potentially. I'm sure Elisa had a few serious relationships. But not like MARRIAGE serious. She's not that easy to reach.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Sloth writes...

The Gargoyles were asleep for exactly 1000 years, was this 1000 years to the month? week? day?

Greg responds...

The Magus cast his spell putting the gargoyles to sleep on October 1st, 994.

The clan awakens again on Tuesday, October 4th, 1994.

So it was just over a thousand years.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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LSZ writes...

Since you said you had plans for something as religious as Faust in the Gargoyles universe, did you have any actual solid plans for the Spear of Longinus/Destiny?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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matt writes...

1. maybe it was hard to see on the show, but in "The Green" are the magic pendants themselves made out of the different stones (Sapphire, Obsidian, etc.) or are they all made out of something else? if they are made of something else, what is it?

2. you've said that the pendants will be passed down along with the name of the garg who wears it, but does the actual color of the garg matter? for instance, can only a red gargoyle wear and use Zafiro's pendant? i know it sounds stupid that the magic would only work with skin color, but i don't see any evidence why it wouldn't... afterall, Bronx is blue like Obsidiana and he was ok using the her pendant, but if he had picked up a pendant of a different color than he, would it have still worked?

3. when Jackal knocked that tree on Obsidiana and her wing was all twisted and wounded looking until she turned to stone, had he actually broken the bone in her wing? i'm aking this cuz i think its one of the only times that stone sleep cures a major physical injury in the series...

Greg responds...

1. The former. One is Sapphire. One is Jade. One is Obsidian. And one is Turquoise.

2. No, the color of the garg doesn't matter. Zafiro in the twentieth century is red. The Zafiro of the twenty-second century is blue. (At least in my head.)

3. I'd have to see it again.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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matt writes...

in "The Mirror" when Puck transformed the New York citizens into gargoyles why did he make them Scottish gargoyles?

Greg responds...

He didn't. He made them Manhattan gargoyles.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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matt writes...

any ideas yet why the English gargs have evolved to look like they do and so different from other garg clans?

btw, if you don't have an idea yet, i do! i really have a plausible and good idea why they look like that, but if you don't want to hear it...

Greg responds...

I don't want to hear it. Sorry. Breaks the rules.

My idea hasn't changed much. I think that gargates have what I've dubbed a "chameleon mutation gene".

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...


I have seen many episodes of TV shows that use language and action from various literary sources. They use the TV shows characters to act out the literary source (Like Romeo and Juliet with Leo DiCaprio [same words, different setting]).

1) Did you ever want to try this style with Gargoyles using Shakespear or some other author, like Kipling? I mean, not useing your own written dialogue?

2) Would this infringe on copy writes or something, if you wanted to do it?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, I did.

2. Not if it was someone in the public domain like Shakespeare.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

In the original 2158/Future Tense Spinoff which characters in 2198 were present? Which characters in Future Tense/2158 weren't present in 2198?

Greg responds...

Samson, Delilah, Demona, Owen, LXM, Brooklyn.

I can't remember if Zafiro was in there or not. I'm not sure I had all the characters firmly nailed down back in '96. I'm confident that the Guardian was NOT there. At least not in this form.

I can't remember if Fu-Dog was there either.

Have you checked the 2158 archive?

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Was the first hound of Ulster a gar-beast?

Has the Banshee/Molly seen the Wizard of Oz and did she like it?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. Unless you mean Cu Chullain himself.

2. Who wouldn't?

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Scott Iskow writes...

How did Thailog get that armor? Was it tailor made?

Greg responds...

He spent money. The logistics don't interest me too much. I'm sure it was made to his precise specifications, however.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Pyro X writes...


1) Approximatly how many drafts of a script were made for each episode?

2) Who wrote most of the episodes?

3) who approved the episodes? Was it you, or you and Michael?

Greg responds...

1. Usually, two real drafts. Exceptions abounded I believe.

2. Lots o' folk. I don't have the list with me. But take a look at the credits.

3. Well, Michael was our only story editor the first season. And one of four the second. He approved all his episodes from his writers. I approved his work. Frank and Dennis and Bob looked on too. And one or more Disney execs had to give the final go ahead. But if you're asking who was ultimately responsible for the writing side of things, that would be me. Blame me for what you don't like, cuz nothing went through without my approval.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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matt writes...

Demoness> Greg said that they turned it into a planter. LOL one of my favirote smart-ass responses!

a better question would be:

where did Jackal and Hyena get a laser-proof, missile equipped helicopter in the first place?

Greg responds...

From Xanatos. Although they didn't know that he provided it.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Sloth writes...

The New Olipians said Elisa was the first human to visit in 2000 years, does that mean another human has visited, or is that when the built the city?

Greg responds...

Others have been there. Just not recently. Also the island wasn't quite as isolated at first.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Do the New Olimpians worship the old greek gods (Zues, Hera, Aires)?

Greg responds...

Worship, no. Honor, some.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

In Greek mythology, the original Boreas had a pair of sons, named Calais and Zetes, who were portrayed as having wings. Was this what inspired the notion of the New Olympian Boreas having wings?

Greg responds...

Yes. Also, we'd be meeting his sons eventually.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

At the end of "The New Olympians", Taurus, after discovering how Elisa had risked herself to stop Proteus from destroying New Olympus, comments that she is not like the "humans of legend". Was this particular phrase intended as a sort of "double-meaning one"? While the obvious and immediate meaning is the humans of the New Olympians' legends, the evidence presented in the episode is that the same humans who mistreated them and drove them into hiding in their tales were, or included, the heroes of Greek legend such as Theseus, so that "humans of legend" could mean as much the humans of our legends as the New Olympians'. Was this intended as being the case?

Greg responds...

Yeah. Plus the on-going reversal in this episode. Like Gargoyles of legend or Olympians of legend. Here we were taking the point of view of these mythical creatures, to whom humans were the legendary "Other" that we've been talking about recently. Just part of the on-going exploration of the shows core themes, seen from the other side.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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LSZ writes...

Do any of the New Olympians look as human in their natural forms as Alex?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Demoness writes...


Oh my god, I'm not asking a Oberon and Titania question! Its a miracle! :)

I know this has been answered before and I have read your response to the question, but I am a little bit confused still.

You said that any fatal injury Macbeth & Demona sustain, the magical spell that keeps them alive would immediately heal them, and rapidly depending on how serious the fatal injury is.

So, if either were beheaded, would their head fall off and reattach itself or would the spell immediately begin to heal the severed area before it had a chance to fall off?

The same with a severed limb?

Greg responds...

Look at what you wrote: "...if either were beheaded, would their head fall off and reattach itself or would the spell immediately begin to heal the severed area before it had a chance to fall off?"

It's a hypothetical. What's the point? Neither one has had their head chopped off. Despite nearly 1000 years of adventuring times the two of them, I will personally guarantee that neither has been beheaded. This isn't Highlander. There's no rule about this. What there is is the statement of the Weird Sisters, who said that neither would die until one kills the other -- when both would die. Whether you choose to believe them or not is up to you.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Wierd sisters>"the cause is worth every sacrifice untill her own life is threatend, still, its good that you saved her" "we were not talking about this terrerist" I take it they were talking about Demona, but I don't see how their first statement applys to her. When did Goliath save her life, and when did she put her life above the "cause"?

Greg responds...

Goliath has saved her life many times. And her his, but that doesn't seem particularly relevant.

As to the second question, in that very episode, she flees Wyvern and hides on the beach below instead of warning Desdemona and Othello. Demona is many things -- but not suicidal.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who has more magic? Merlin or Morgana?

Greg responds...

I know I've answered this before, but here goes.

I think the Thing is on an average day, stronger than the Hulk. But the madder Hulk gets the stronger he gets. So ultimately the Hulk is stronger. But that doesn't mean the Thing can't take him. Ben Grimm knows his stuff.

There. I hope we've finally put that question to rest.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Demoness writes...

Garg 2198

1. Will the Fae ever get involved in the resistance? (Other then Puck)

2a. What would the Fae's opinions be on Earth being conquered?

2b. Oberon's and Titania's opinions?

3. Would Titania be extremly upset, angry, 'beyond the no return type angry', or unconcerned that Alex has been...'kidnapped' by the Space-Spawn?

As you probably noticed with my previous questions, I like Oberon and Titania. :)

Greg responds...

1. Not initially, for a good reason. Everyone gets involved one way or another eventually.

2. Whaddaya think?

3. I'm not confirming or denying Titania's continued existence in 2198.

I like 'em too.

Response recorded on July 08, 2001

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Well, again, I've completely mixed things up. I'm too lazy to start over so I'll just keep correcting myself after the fact.

Saturday night, after the dinner at CityWalk and a little con suite fun, we all headed up to check out the Rooftop Garden Ballroom. This is the room where the "Better than Barney" story actually took place all those years ago. But I'd never been up there at night before. It was gorgeous. I pointed out all sorts of random stuff. Where 3x3 Eyes was recorded. Where Disney TV Animation used to be housed. Where we used to sneak into the Texaco Commissary. Where Gargoyles was On-Lined. Etc. Then we just hung out for awhile. Talking quietly. It was calm and nice. This kind of stuff is actually my favorite part of the con.

SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2001
Kathy knocked on my door to see if I was coming to breakfast. I said no, though I managed to get down there for the tail end and grab a glass of juice.

Then it was time for my mug-a-guest. Got some interesting questions. Hope I gave interesting answers.

It ended in time for me to participate in the tail end of the Design and Direction panel with Bob Kline, Doug Murphy, Frank Paur, Dennis Woodyard and Bob Schaefer. Frank (or someone) had brought a ton of development and pre-production and production art and spread it out on the long table. My sister Robyn arrived. And then my folks. And then my wife and kids. It was kinda cool.

That panel segued right into the massive Series Production panel. All of the above were there, plus Bob Birchard, Denise Byrne, Craig Kemplin, Brynne Chandler, Ray Leonard, Marc Perlman, Laurel Whitcomb, Paca Thomas, Jamie Thomason, Mark Von der Heide and Thom Adcox (and again I apologize if here or anywhere I've left someone out). It was great to see such a big turn out both on the panel and in the audience. Jay Fukuto, one of my old bosses on Gargoyles and currently Vice President of Creative Affairs at Disney TV Animation, came in just a bit late. I think Jay was really impressed with the con. He's currently talking to people around the company about exploiting the property a bit. Specifically, he's asking about DVD production, so the Convention's Job One was a success.

My family took off. And the actors began to arrive. Thom Adcox and Crispin Freeman, of course. But we also had Jeff Bennett, Neil Dickson, Elisa Gabrielli, Gregg Rainwater, Cree Summer and Keith David. Cree came despite the fact that she had a sinus infection. Keith brought his son Owen, who was also feeling under the weather. It was really gratifying that they all came.

The Q&A was terrific. I tried to moderate and otherwise keep my mouth shut as much as possible so that you guys could here them talk. Then there was the cast autograph session... the line was literally out the door. Way out the door. Cree was feeling awful and had to take off. And Keith too eventually. I'm sorry if anyone missed them, but it was great that they came at all.

The auction started, while the crew guests signed stuff. I think I signed fewer autographs this year than at any previous con. Finally, you guys are getting your fill of me.

My shrinky-dink Brooklyn necklace sold to Aaron for $65. Beth and I were arguing what it would go for. I guessed twenty. She guessed forty. Greg Bishansky bought the signed copy of "The Journey." Though I'm not sure what he paid. I don't know what the Roswell script went for or who it went to. But I gather the auction was a success. Major kudos to Kathy, Patrick, Myhrr and Draconis.

We had some time off before the Banquet up in the Rooftop Garden. Beth came back to join me for dinner. We wound up sitting with Todd Jensen, Tigris, Kelly and her fiance, and a couple more people that I'm blanking on, unfortunately (sorry). Beth did most of the talking. It may come as a surprise, since I seem to be such a big mouth, but in our house, Beth is the talker.

After dinner came the Masquerade. We had about a million judges, which was unwieldy but fun. There were, as usual, some great costumes and some fun Cosplay. Slash came out and played his guitar. It was fun, but at the end of the night it started to go on a touch too long. People wanted to get to the awards and Dreamie and Demona May came out to hook him. We gave a joke award to the ladies for that, and I'm afraid that Slash might have misinterpreted that. Slash, it was great of you to get up there. Sorry if there were any hurt feelings.

As usual, we gave out the Gorebash Memorial Award. Of course, Gorebash isn't actually dead. He's just been seemingly M.I.A. for a bit. He's firmly back now. Just check out his comment room. Anyway, that award went to Mara and Aaron for their cross-dressing Xanatoses. Thom got to drop his pants. Thom and Crisping made out repeatedly. Myhr was his usual amazing self. It was a blast.

The hotel shut down the DJ a touch early. But frankly that worked for me fine. Again, I got to spend time in the dark and quiet rooftop garden with a bunch of you guys. Including people who have become good friends. Jennifer, Steph, Seth, Patrick, Kathy, etc. I'd have probably stayed there all night, but I started on a coughing jag -- left over from my pneumonia, and I just couldn't stop it. So I called it a night, went downstairs and took some cough medicine.

One day left...

Stay tuned.

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Epantiras writes...

How can Lexington wear clothes? He must pierce his wings?
(exuse my english, I'm Italian...)

Greg responds...

Yes. I've mentioned that before.

Response recorded on July 06, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman

1)By 2198 in the gargoyles universe would there ever be any gargoyles going into the professions like medicine, engineering and so forth?

2)Would it ever be possible for example for a gargoyle docter treating human patients?

Greg responds...

1. & 2. Anything's possible.

Response recorded on July 06, 2001

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