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RESPONSES 2001-9 (Sept)

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Todd Jensen writes...

Do you imagine New Camelot being anything like the Savage Land in Marvel Comics (though taking its "echoes of the past" element from the mythical Arthurian Age of Chivalry than from the Mesozoic, obviously)?

Greg responds...

New Camelot? No.

Response recorded on September 03, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

by 1996, what are the ages of:

1)Beth Maza
2)Derik Maza
4)Maria Chavez
5)Tony Dracon
6)Elisa Maza

Greg responds...

I do not have my timeline with me here at home. I'm afraid you'll have to ask me again. But I will tell you now that I don't know or at least haven't decided on Nokkar's age. So you can leave him out.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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The Anonymous One writes...

Greg, you said that you felt old because you can remember the "The World May Never Know" Tootsie Pop commercials, but if it helps, I'm 17 and I remember them too. Also, you said you felt old because you were one of the only people who understood your description to Brooklyn/Katana's relationship as Sam/Diane-esque, but I also know what you mean by that, so don't feel old. Cheers was a good show.

Anyway, my question is: Why does it seem like people are always misspelling Brooklyn lately? I mean, I can understand if a person can't spell Titania or Shakespeare or even Oberon, but Brooklyn just seems like a really easy one to me (too easy, anyway, for people to misspell it so often). It's not as though the character/borough was named 'Killishimanabebleck' or some other complicated thing.

Greg responds...

The theme tonight is spelling.

I have no idea, o Anonymous one.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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matt writes...

in 1996, is Lex and his clone the only gargoyles in the world with their particular wing structure?

if not, what other clans have members with wings like that? Avalon?

Greg responds...


Again, I'm not going to answer this so as not to some day limit the artists I work with.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Saber writes...

Are humans and gargoyles genetically compatable as far as having children?

Greg responds...

Not without help from science or sorcery.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

1. Is Atrus, or any of the children from any of the Trio alive in 2198? If yes, then be specific as to which ones.

2. And how old would those survivors be at that point?

Greg responds...

1. Is that a command?

2. It depends which generation of eggs they were born with.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Demoness writes...

Today I watched the "Avalon" episodes and somehow it got me thinking about what we saw in "Long Way Till Morning" and "Shadows of the Past". *cracks knuckles* Okay here goes...

In "Long Way Till Morning" during one of the flashback scenes; Demona, Goliath, and Hudson enter the Archmage's cave and pass this wall with a bunch of carvings on it. From what I could tell, these carvings looked ancient and I began to wonder the following questions:

1: Did the Archmage somehow create these?

2: If no, who did then?

Now, there is this one carving we get a close up of that shows what looks like the Archmage standing over some gargoyles. So heres my next question:

3: What was the significance of that carving?

Now in "Shadows of the Past" we see this huge structure underneath the Archmage's cave. It looks like it has runes etched into it or some strange ancient writing. We know that it has a magical property because Hakon tells us when he is explaining how their ghostly forms could exist. At first I thought of the Archmage some how building it, but then again that leaves me with a bunch of questions. Anyway here is a question pertaining to that:

4: If not the Archmage, which is obvious by now, then who built that structure?

Also, I read the Lost Race archive and you stated that there were some artificats of the Lost Race left behind. So....

5: Is question (1) a Lost Race artifact?

6: Is question (4) a Lost Race artifact?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. I'm not telling right now.

3. That's subject to interpretation.

4. See answer to question 2.

5. I'm neither confirming or denying this.

6. Ditto.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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matt writes...

does the Phoinex Gate have limits on how far in time and space it can take you? i'm pretty sure you've said its limited to Earth, but how far back and forward can it go? can it take me to the time of the Dinosaurs or before that or to the time when the Earth is swallowed by our aging and expanding Sun? what are its limits if any?

Greg responds...

There are no time limits.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Greg responds...

The world may never know.

(That smart-ass response was a reference to an old tootsie-pop commercial. Anyone old enough to remember it has my sympathy.)

If it makes you feel any better, I'm going to be 20 in August, and I remember it.

Greg responds...

That's nice.

Although, I just saw that commercial (from the dark ages) redone with monsters in CGI. It was freaky and weird and vaguely distasteful.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

When Puck was offering Xanatos 1 wish or life service, wouln't that be breaking Oberon's law if David chose the wish?

Greg responds...

No. Just bending it.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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