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Is the Master Matrix sentient?
Not saying.
Is Talos still around in 2198?
Some version of him, yes.
Do you know who Hob Gadling is?
Is that the character from Sandman?
Does Sherlock Holmes exist in the GU since he was mentioned several times in the series?
One way or another, yes.
1.How did the leader of the Avalon clan get to QFL? I mean Avalon takes where you're needed not where you want to go.
2.Can gargoyles on Avalon lay more eggs than the ones in the mortal world?
3.Why is there a gargoyle in Avalon named Azrael? I mean it's the name of the Muslim angel of death hardly Christian.
1. I'm not going to get into logistics at this time. But figure he landed where ever he needed to be, and assuming that wasn't Queen Florence, he took a bus.
2. Potentially.
3. You try naming thirty-six kids in one sitting.
Why are the N'kai losing the war?
In how many words or less?
Were the N'kai the dominant force in the galaxy before the Space-Spawn?
Sort of...
How many sentient races (excluding those native to our Solar System) are there in the galaxy? Hundred? Thousand?
Fewer than 100.
What are Space-Spawn ships made out of? Metal? If so what kind of metal?
Haven't worked this out, in part again, to keep open to what my theoretical collaborators might bring to the design of Space-Spawn technology.
You said Prospero and Sevarius would be interested in creating a kid for Elisha and Goliath so is Prospero a sick and depraved individual like Sevarius?
What exactly is Calaban in the gargoyles universe? Halfling?
Is Miranda still alive in 1996?
What about Prospero? Is he still alive? If so how did he stay alive?
I think, for starters, you're slightly misquoting me, but in any case, your logic is heavily flawed.
Not saying now.
Not saying.
I've already admitted that Prospero is still alive. Probably in the old ASK GREG ARCHIVES.
Were you ever going to introduce the multi-armed gods of Hinduism? What would they be? If they were going to be Children of Oberon how did you plan to stop the Hindus from boycotting Disney like they boycotted Xena (I think for planning to kill the Hindu gods)?
Given enough time and episodes, all things would have been included. But I don't currently pretend to have worked out the answers to any of your specific questions.
You said that you were trying to develop a scarecrow character for the Gargoyles Universe so have you finished developing it? Does it resemble Marvel¡¯s Scarecrow character, which is a demon or does it resemble DC¡¯s Scarecrow?
I'm unfamiliar with Marvel's and I was consciously trying NOT to emulate DC's, a character I'm fond of and have used in a Captain Atom/Batman team-up story.
I have to date, not succeeded in coming up with a satisfactory Scarecrow character for the Gargoyles Universe. Which is a shame, because Gargoyles and scarecrows clearly have a lot in common.
Do the Illuminati know of all immortals(excluding oberon's children) on the Earth? If not do they know over fifty percent of them?
You gotta love questions that call for percentages, right?
Well, no actually, you don't.
Is Renard still alive in 2001?
I'm not 100% sure. Certain events between 1997 and the present are in a bit of flux, given that I haven't had a venue for stories.
Why doesn't Nokkar's people know of magic? I mean humans who are probably a younger race than the N'kai figured it out why can't the N'kai?
Define "know of". Define "figured it out".
The Weird Sisters had Demona and MacBeth steal Coldstone so Goliath wouldn't notice the disappearance of the Eye of Odin, the Phoenix Gate and the Grimorum and so he wouldn't go looking for them, but what I don't understand is why were the Weird Sisters afraid that Goliath would go looking for the talisman? I mean he'd never find them considering that the Sisters would have taken the talismans to the Archmage on Avalon where Goliath could never reach them.
But Goliath did reach them, so the potential was there.
In fact, one could easily argue that the Archmage's greatest mistake was delaying for Goliath's arrival.
What does Katana look like?
I have a vague notion, but I'm consciously trying not to design her in my head, so as to give potential artists the freedom to come up with something, someday.
Did you plan to introduce any other Shakespeare plays into the Gargoyles Universe besides MacBeth, Ill Met by Moonlight and the Tempest? What did Oberon, Titania and Puck think of Ill Met by Moonlight? What did Prospero think of the Tempest?
I assume you mean "A Midsummer Night's Dream"...
Anyway, yes.
I like to think that all were happy enough with Shakespeare's work. But except for Macbeth's reaction, I haven't fully worked out the responses in my mind.
Where is MacBeth in 2198?
On Earth.
1.What does Alexander Fox Xanatos IV look like? Does he look like the one in Future Tense? Is he married?
2.How powerful is he in magic? Why didn't he use his magic to flee the area when the Space-Spawn came?
1. Though I'm determined to keep design issues open for the time being, Alex does, in my mind, look much like his adult persona in Future Tense.
1a. Not telling.
2. Enough.
2a. No warning at all. None. He was transported right into stasis.
Were there any Fay casualties of the Oberon and Mab War? If so care to give a ballpark figure?
As most of you know, I'm not big on quantifying things that haven't been worked out.
But yes, any war has casualties.
Is Osiris dead in 1996? What about Set?
I'm not just tossing this stuff out to you. What would I have to gain?
If the Oberon's Children are called the Oberite what exactly were Mab's children called?
The Children of Oberon were never called the "Oberati". That was a behind the scenes suggestion that I made that some combo of Michael/Brynne/Lydia rejected as sounding too much like an Italian sports car.
What Central American wars did Dingo fight in?
Where did Fox get the tattoo?
1. I'd have to research that.
2. Over her eye.
Will Sphinx and Terry have descendents in 2198?
Not saying one way or another.
(Do you see how if I admitted anything along these lines, it would ruin a great deal of supsense for these characters in the present?)
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