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Gargoyles DVD

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Dorkus McGee writes...

Hey, Greg.

Lately, I've been going a little crazy because my old homemade VHS tapes of Gargoyles got eaten by my VCR, so I can't get my fix and as we all know Disney's not released the full series because they don't feel that the prior DVD sets have sold well enough to warrant a full-series release. With the cost of manufacturing DVDs becoming cheaper and Disney having now bought Marvel Comics (who once published a Gargoyles magazine for a while back in the mid-'90s), do you think we're any closer to getting the full series on DVD? I've signed a number of on-line petitions and even requested that Amazon.com reviewers do the same, but all to no avail. In your mind, other than a miraculous sale of all existing copies of the first two DVD sets, what would get Disney to change their minds and release the rest of the series?

Dorkus McGee
A die-hard Gargoyles fan

Greg responds...

I don't know. Honestly.

Response recorded on March 05, 2010

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Shawntae Howard writes...

Now that Marvel Comics, a company that once published a Gargoyles comic series, and Disney have now merged into one, would there be any chance that Marvel/Disney could bring back Gargoyles in some fashion? Since one of the reasons for Disney to aquire Marvel was to gain access to a market that catered more towards teenage boys, it seems that one of the only action series it produced on it's own could find a new home under this merger.

Also, has there been any update on the release of Season 2 vol.2, perhaps the best string of Gargolye episodes made, again, particularly now that Disney is one with Marvel it could be labeled under a Marvel logo (since again at one time an actual Marvel comic) and gain more fan/dollar support that way.

Greg responds...

I have no news.

Response recorded on February 17, 2010

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Is Disney going to release Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two on DVD? Did you mention the next Gargoyles DVD of Season Two, Volume Two during the opening and closing ceremonies at the Gathering of The Gargoyles 2009 and were sales good for the first two sets of Gargoyles Season One and Season Two, Volume One? Can you contact Disney and ask them to release Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two on DVD?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Check the archives.

Response recorded on January 13, 2010

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Desiree writes...

Hey Greg how are you? Anyway I think if there is a petition started that maybe Disney will consider releasing the rest of the Gargoyle Series.http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/gargoylesseason2volume2todvd/
This is the website I found on line that already has 315 signatures. The goal is 100,000. Do you think if that goal is meant that Disney would consider releaseing it?

Greg responds...

Can't hurt.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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Desiree Perry writes...

Hello Greg how are you? Good I hope. Well I'll just get to the point. I'm a huge Gargoyles fan and I just recently decided to buy the DVDs but I found out that they're not releasing anymore of the volumes after Season 2 Volume 1. Can you please explain if they'll be coming out anytime soon? Thanks

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

I've already answered this one. Please check the archives.

Response recorded on November 19, 2009

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Jacqueline King writes...

Why hasn't the second half of season 2 of the Gargoyles been released on dvd?

Greg responds...

Check the archives.

Response recorded on November 04, 2009

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Clayton writes...

Did you know there's actually an online petition to release the rest of the Gargoyles series on DVD? And the comments on Youtube seem to support it. Would you please consider it?

Greg responds...

Don't you think I want them released? It's not up to me.

Response recorded on October 05, 2009

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David writes...

when do you think the will put the second part of season two on dvd & will they be puting the goliath chronicles on dvd too? also do you think you will be making more episodes os spin off of the series?

Greg responds...

The "more episodes" exist in comic book form. Check 'em out. And Disney currently has no plans to put out more DVDs. See the archives for more info.

Response recorded on September 17, 2009

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F.Z. writes...

Hi Greg, first time that I make a question here Xp, that thing is I am from Mexico and i really wish to buy the comics and the DvDs and apparently neither of them where imported, so the question is if I am gona need to buy them in english because they are never gona be translated or i can wait for them to been Translated?
i ask that because the shipment is expensive Xp, But i really want the comics
P.S. Sorry the bad english, and congratulations fot TSSP the series is awesome

Greg responds...

I don't remember off the top of my head whether the DVDs have a spanish language track or not. The comics probably won't be translated.

Response recorded on August 13, 2009

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Nelio Belmont writes...

Hi Greg, this time I have a production question about Gargoyles. Given that Youtube has started putting commercial products such as old TV shows and what not, do you think there is a chance that Gargoyles will be put up on it as well? More specifically, do you think the second half of Season 2 may be put up there? And finally, if those episodes gets lots and lots of views, do you think Disney would consider a DVD release of Vol 2?

Greg responds...

I think it's (illegally) on YouTube already. I have no idea if Disney intends to put it up legit. Or how that would effect their DVD plans.

Response recorded on July 07, 2009

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