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REPLIES 2003-12 (Dec)

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demona writes...

I was wondering how exactly does a gargoyle breed??

Greg responds...

More or less like a human does, but they lay eggs which take ten years to hatch.

Response recorded on December 03, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

Besides Sampson, Gwenyvere, Artus, Nashville, Taichi, and Katana, would there be any new members to the New York clan in your Gargoyles spin off, Gargoyles 2158?

Greg responds...

First off, some time ago, I abandoned 2158 in favor of 2198. For more info, check the archives.

Second of all, you're mixing up multiple eras. Katana and Nashville join the clan around 1997. Tachi hatches in '98. Artus hatches in 2018. Gwenyvere in 2038. Samson doesn't hatch until 2158.

Yes, there are others who join the clan, but I'm not going to discuss them at this time.

Response recorded on December 03, 2003

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Siren writes...

I was wondering with Gargoyles' names. Now, according to the show to date, in 994 A.D., it was still the habit, at least of the Wyvern Clan, not to name gargoyles. Save Goliath. And even after then, to my knowledge, Demona's small clan of gargoyles did not have names.
Come present day, the Manhattan Clan all adopt names, even more traditionalists like Hudson. When the Avalon Tour came around, we come to find all the clans give names to the gaargoyles. (Of course, the Avalon Clan has names because they were raised by humans.) So through the centuries, has all the gargoyles changed their minds about naming eachother? Did the gargoyles name themselves or do the humans normally name them?

Greg responds...

Naming is, as I believe I've said before, addictive.

Once the custom is introduced it takes hold rather firmly. I honestly haven't decided for sure whether all of the existing clans use names, but most do.

Sometimes these names come from humans. Sometimes they evolve within gargoyle communitities over time.

I feel that in Guatemala, only four gargoyles traditionally had names, i.e. the four gargs who wore the pendants: Zafiro, Turquesa, Jade and Obsidiana (though at other points in history they might have been Zafira, Turqueso, Jada and Obsidiano). But now that all but those four are dead, now that all the surviving Mayan gargs have names, it will be interesting to see whether or not the hatchlings that hatched there in 1998 were given names or not.

Response recorded on December 02, 2003

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Siren writes...

1.)Did Magus, Tom, and the Princess know Angela was Goliath and Demona's daughter?
2.)Did they know Gabriel was Desdemona's and Othello's son?
3.) Did we ever meet Ophelia's parents? Besides the Britain Clan and Zafiro, she is one of the most interesting looking.

Greg responds...

1. Given her looks and coloring, it's not a great leap.
2. Ditto.
3. I haven't given it any thought.

Response recorded on December 02, 2003

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